Suggested Priorities Vote
[X][PRIORITY] Berths, Refits, Kepler, and Techs
-Tellarites should build 3mt berth to be able to repair/repair their capital ships
-Rigellians should look into refit for Oda-Gach cutters using latest technology.
-Risa should build a Kepler.
-Indorians should increase Tech recruitment
So my reasoning. The Tellarites are going to have both an Excelsior-A and an Ambassador. That's two capital ships they can't service in their own yards, which seem to me to be one too many. The Rigellians have 10 Oda-Gach Cutters where are completely outperformed by Centaur-Bs for only a little more cost and much less crew. It seems like there should be room for a refit to improve performance. As for Risa, look at their crew income. It would take them literally a decade to gather enough trained personnel to crew an Ambassador. A Kepler, though, that they could do in a reasonable period of time and it would have a lot of utility for them. Finally, when I look at Indorian crew income, it's a shortage of Techs that is going to hold them back when building more modern frigates.
Have come up with some priority votes and edited into my vote. Please consider and vote if you agree.