Very very sexy.

A wild Data has appeared on long range chronometric sensors.
Also extremely expensive. We'd want a level 5 team at least, and it'll still take 11 or so years.

I'm more interested in the three trees lone ranger opened, especially way of the giant. It boosts our research AND reduces the pp costs of our big ships. Nice!
This is...awesome for us, actually. This is probably the most positive and least threatening view of an alien power that the Tal'Shiar has ever pushed.

Its also underestimating the federation amusingly enough. In cannon they were starting to slowly erode the romulans cultural unity, entirely with soft power and checking there advance. I stand by the fact that the central thrust of there conclusion that the federation will assimilate almost any minor power it meets as basically correct.

serously, in terms of realpolitik the feds are the worst neighbors. They chip away at your legitimacy just be existing and being annoyingly Utopian while at the same time being able to hold there own against empires who devote everything to war, and every few years they polity ask you if you want to join forcing you to burn political capitol convincing your people that they don't want to join either.
Also extremely expensive. We'd want a level 5 team at least, and it'll still take 11 or so years.

I'm more interested in the three trees lone ranger opened, especially way of the giant. It boosts our research AND reduces the pp costs of our big ships. Nice!
Yes, get Tiger Team and Lathriss on that and way of the elephant next year, let the Games & Theory team continue Cardassian research.

Not sure what to do about computing/comms/shields and how to assign Daystrom, AA and SFSA, there are lots of possible variations there.
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Its also underestimating the federation amusingly enough. In cannon they were starting to slowly erode the romulans cultural unity, entirely with soft power and checking there advance. I stand by the fact that the central thrust of there conclusion that the federation will assimilate almost any minor power it meets as basically correct.

serously, in terms of realpolitik the feds are the worst neighbors. They chip away at your legitimacy just be existing and being annoyingly Utopian while at the same time being able to hold there own against empires who devote everything to war, and every few years they polity ask you if you want to join forcing you to burn political capitol convincing your people that they don't want to join either.

Yup. That's part of what made the borg such a great enemy; they're basically the Silent Hill nightmare version of the Federation.
Heh, actually, I'm feeling frisky and wanting to research all three foundation techs on fleet doctrine, since it appears we don't actually get any benefits until we research one of the trees under them. I'd actually like to see what all the bonuses are and figure out which doctrine we'd want the most.

Important since @OneirosTheWriter has stated that we can't switch easily between the three, and switching has us loosing all the bonuses for a while leading to potential issues
Heh, actually, I'm feeling frisky and wanting to research all three foundation techs on fleet doctrine, since it appears we don't actually get any benefits until we research one of the trees under them. I'd actually like to see what all the bonuses are and figure out which doctrine we'd want the most.

Important since @OneirosTheWriter has stated that we can't switch easily between the three, and switching has us loosing all the bonuses for a while leading to potential issues
That would delay actually getting any benefits for 4 years or so, and Lone Ranger seems very well suited to the current skirmishing. If we go for way of the giant now we get the benefits in time to discount the Ambassador and accelerate its development.
Heads up that over the next in-game year I'm going to be reassessing how the tech tree is looking. Partly that's putting flavour names on individual techs, but a big part will be giving all the doctrines a solid once-over.

By the way, the flavour names, yes/no/like but probably not worth the effort?
Heads up that over the next in-game year I'm going to be reassessing how the tech tree is looking. Partly that's putting flavour names on individual techs, but a big part will be giving all the doctrines a solid once-over.

By the way, the flavour names, yes/no/like but probably not worth the effort?
Flavor names are very nice but not essential, go for it if you have fun with it but don't force yourself if you don't.
Early 24th Century Computing Installations
All manner of computer technologies come under this banner.

30 / 30 Type-12 Duotronic Mainframe (Data Analysis Center II) (-1 RP required to activate Tech Team (8))
30 / 30 Wolff-T'Par Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Centers) (+2 rp annually from research colonies)

13 / 20 Pattern 3 SCF (Supercomputer Facility I) (Increases Comms Encryption, -1 to attempts to opposing SigInt attempts)

Okay, question: What happens if we continue to research Early 24th Century Computing Installations? Besides "Pattern 3 SCF (Supercomputer Facility I)", will research go into the next tier "Type-14 Duotronic Mainframe (Data Analysis Center III)" and "Wolff-T'Par B-Type Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Center II)"?

2320s Research Centers
All manner of computer technologies come under this banner.

1 / 60 Type-14 Duotronic Mainframe (Data Analysis Center III) (-0.5 RP required to activate Taech (7.5))
30 / 30 Wolff-T'Par Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Centers) (+2 rp annually from research colonies)
3 / 60 Wolff-T'Par B-Type Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Center II) (+1 rp annually from research colonies)

Wolff-T'Par Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Centers) is duplicated here.

Primitive Positronic Computing
Duotronic computing has stood the Federation in good stead for decades, but it is reaching the limits of what it can achieve. A new paradigm is required.

0 / 150 Prototype Positronic Computer (Positronic Computing I) (Required to progress computing to Positronic-Era)

While this obviously leads to Data, I'm pretty sure this will also lead to other next tier techs.

Turn of Century Explorer
This represents the technology package of your typical 2300s Explorer.

19 / 20 Early Comprehensive Space Lab (Explorer Science Design) I (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
19 / 20 Lwaxana Design Protocol '05 (Explorer Presence Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
20 / 20 Excelsior-B Pattern Nacelle (Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements I) (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Explorers)
19 / 20 Type-4 Heavy Phaser Bank (Explorer Combat Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
19 / 20 Volsk-Cheg Plasma Tap (Explorer Defence Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
19 / 20 th'Parshaan Hull Composite (Explorer Hull Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
20 / 20 Type-VI-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)

Same problem here as with Early 24th Century Computing Installations: If we research Turn of Century Explorer, will the next tier "Ambassador-A Pattern Nacelle (Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements II)" and "Type-VII-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design II)" also get researched?

Another question: If Turn of Century Explorer is fully researched, could we research it again, to effectively get research into multiple Early 24th Century Explorer categories: all the "Explorer <stat> Design II" techs? That sounds like it's ripe for abuse.

Early 24th Century Explorer Combat Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Combat side of the design.

4 / 40 Ambassador-A Pattern Nacelle (Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements II) (-2% Nacelle Penalty on Explorers)
0 / 20 Explorer Combat Design I (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
0 / 20 Explorer Defence Design I (-1% to Explorer stat weights)

0 / 20 Phaser Bank Power Feeds I (-1% to Explorer Power Use)

Shouldn't those highlighted techs be Explorer Combat Design II and Explorer Defense Design II with cost 40?

Way of the Anchor

You rely on your large ships to carry out the heavy lifting of the fleet.

0 / 25 Anchor Ship I (Explorers gain +2 to Response rolls, Cruisers gain +1)
0 / 25 Explorer Ethos I (All Explorers count for -1 Combat with the Council)

Definitely prefer this one over Way of the Elephant and Way of the Giant.

[Unlock - Early 24th Century Escort categories]

The Early 24th Century Escort categories actually are still noted as "Not Open".

Heads up that over the next in-game year I'm going to be reassessing how the tech tree is looking. Partly that's putting flavour names on individual techs, but a big part will be giving all the doctrines a solid once-over.

By the way, the flavour names, yes/no/like but probably not worth the effort?

First off, I like the flavor names, but you don't need to push yourself to come up with names for everything.

Second, can you make it clear (in the research megapost) that main doctrines in the same category are mutually exclusive? In fact, it's not even clear to me whether Way of the Anchor, Way of the Elephant, and Way of the Giant are mutually exclusive or not.

I have been struggling a bit with how to draw the borders of the Caitian sector. Before I just drew a straight line about half way between the respective sector key systems (initially I wanted them to be squares/cubes but that didn't work with only having 4 home sectors, their orientation vs the RBZ and wanting to have a reasonable looking Klingon border, or with wanting the home worlds to be relatively close together without the overall territory being tiny), but in this case that would mean quite a lot of territory changing sectors. This seems like a plot relevant issue so I have three proposals:

I don't get why are you labeling these as "aggressive" vs "moderate" vs "minimal", but Oneiros already chose.

I do think you need to start shifting the map to the west though to start including more of Cardassian territory.
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I do think you need to start shifting the map to the west though to start including more of Cardassian territory.
Sure, but that's easy, just need to enlarge the black rectangle on the background layer, will take a few seconds at most. Of course that will make the exported png wider or the details smaller so I won't do it until it's needed, for now Cardassian territory being mostly "off the map" seems to describe the current uncertainty quite well.
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there a reason I named it what I did. The federation works in ways that just don't click to romulans, but some kind of runaway memetic social engineering project? that's something they can understand.

It also helps that you can do a disturbingly good job modeling the federation as an aggressive memetic weapon.

This sort of confused "It's probablyyyyyy??????? Asocial engineering approachhhhhh?????" is pretty much my headcanon for "This is what the Romulans actually believe" too. It comes up in my fic, the Protagonist is a bit put out when she realizes that the Cadets around her /actually/ believe.

I do like your thing, though it really does need a polishing pass. Capitalization, some problems with getting there/their (My rule of thumb that helps me: There is the counterpart to Where and Here, indicating location; They're is just a contraction for 'they are' and by process of elimination their is the last one). Some formatting stuff. Otherwise p legit Romulwerk.
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Sure, but that's easy, just need to enlarge the black rectangle on the background layer, will take a few seconds at most. Of course that will make the exported png wider or the details smaller so I won't do it until it's needed, for now Cardassian territory being mostly "off the map" seems to describe the current uncertainty quite well.

You could probably start cropping off Romulan and Klingon territory, since they're becoming less relevant for the time being. In fact, it kind makes sense that we don't necessarily know the full extent of Romulan and Klingon territory, especially the former.
How does this look?

I like it. Only critique is that I think the Cardassian territory should extend only to around their colony and north/south/west of it that fades away rapidly to indicate uncertainty. It's premature for Starfleet Intelligence to think that their claimed territory extends all the way to Indoria and Aelin and Seyek.

edit: Also the symbols around Romulus all the Romulan symbols look really faded. Dunno if you actually faded them out, or if it's an artifact of the darker green shading.
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So, I was writing a thing, and it occurred to me that we have no idea what Admiral Kahurangi looks like.

I'm tempted to just arbitrarily assign visual details. But well you know this is the current main Player avatar for the quest; not one of many secondary characters (You know the ones I made up or narrativly kidnapped > : P )
Wasn't the name supposed to be Maori or such? Might want to take visual cues from that, though 200 years of unified society means she could very well have any of a large assortment of features too...
I like it. Only critique is that I think the Cardassian territory should extend only to around their colony and north/south/west of it that fades away rapidly to indicate uncertainty. It's premature for Starfleet Intelligence to think that their claimed territory extends all the way to Indoria and Aelin and Seyek.
The fade out it just supposed to suggest we think they might, not that we think it's likely. I'll try fiddling with it some more so the furthest extent is even more faded, though.
edit: Also the symbols around Romulus all the Romulan symbols look really faded. Dunno if you actually faded them out, or if it's an artifact of the darker green shading.
I think what happened was that I noticed that the writing wasn't legible and changed it to a darker green, apparently I didn't get around to changing the symbols as well. I'll do that now.
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Wasn't the name supposed to be Maori or such? Might want to take visual cues from that, though 200 years of unified society means she could very well have any of a large assortment of features too...

A lot of Sci-fi I've seen when faced with that goes "Everyone is generically brown. Unless they're augments"
2307.Q4 - Well, They Try
Starfleet Intelligence Report

Report of Rear Admiral Nash zh'Rhashaan

Good morning, Admiral.

As was the case last year, we have spent most of the last year with our focus squarely on the Caradassian frontier. During the last few months we have successfully located a Cardassian major colony at Trangot. Beyond that, we have had some successes, though failing to prevent the attempted assassination of our dignatries at Amarkia, though we will note that the Diplomatic Service's insistence on Enterprise came at our quiet suggestion.

The T'Mir's efforts have proven extremely fruitful, allowing us to ferret out the Trangot colony, a forward base, and generally keep our heads at least somewhat above water with the Cardassian subterfuge.

End Report

Suspected Force on Romulan Border:
1 Heavy Warbird
3 Birds of Prey
0 D7s

Initial rough intelligence leads us to believe the planned crusier will fit within a 1m-ton berth. It will be considerably more durable than a Constellation, while still retaining a cloaking device.

Beyond that, levels held steady on this border. We have intercepted some signals indicating an event incurring damaged ships and casualties ocurred during the year. Both sides are being tight-lipped.

Suspected Force on Klingon Border:
2 K'tinga
6 Klingon Bird of Prey

A new generation of the Bird of Prey is in development. It is expected that the K'tinga will continue to give reliable service into the future, and the next project will be a battleship-type explorer, to be operated centrally.

Suspected Force on Cardassian Frontier:

3 Jaldun-class destroyers operating within the frontier unit on a regular basis.
CDF Trager
CDF Ronagot
CDF Karnack

1 Science Escort is also operating within the frontier.
CDF Parnok

We are no closer to identifying any of the larger supporting ships.

Forces that lie behind that are difficult to ascertain.
The number of additional subspace transmitters we are tracking within the frontier has risen to twelve, including at least six Jaldun-class destroyers, giving us a minimum of nine Jaldun-class. This excludes the destroyer that was lost during the year.

Estimates of Cardassian Fleet Units

The Apiata have shared with us intelligence about a further general-purpose escort used by the Cardassians.

Takaaki ???-??? [285m 700kt]
C3 S2 H3 L3 P1 D2

We can confirm at least 9 Jaldun-class units are active, and possibly as many as twenty-four. We have still to learn the extent of Cardassian borders, or their neighbours on the other side of the Federation.

Discussions with our new affiliates on the Cardassian frontier have revealed a few estimates.

The Indorians believe that there are ten cruisers, one larger ship, and a dozen escorts.

The Apiata are more considerably more pessimisstic, citing a believed total of twenty-five cruisers and twenty escorts.

Opinion on Romulan Diplomatic Posture

The accession to the United Federation of Planets of the Amarki after a few short years has thrown the Tal Shiar into a panic. Sufficiently, it appears, to have let their normally impeccable information security slip a little. It appears that the Romulans are trying to assess if the idea that we are true to our stated beliefs makes us less dangerous or more dangerous to the Romulan Star Empire.

Opinion on Klingon Diplomatic Posture

Federation-Klingon diplomacy is continuing to grow, nurtured by the Diplomatic Service.

It is important to remember that peace with the Klingons is probably always a somewhat tenuous matter. However, as long as a nation is not conquered by war with the Klingons, we find that they tend to be very leniant about grudges and, indeed, normalise relations with surprising ease. A better state of diplomatic affairs at this point bodes well for the future, even if it does not clear us from all prospects of war.

Opinion on Cardassian Diplomatic Posture

The extent of the possible threat posed by Cardassia is now clear to the Council. They continue to work to open diplomatic channels, and are currently floating the possibility of using Apiata and the Sydraxite Hierarchy to act as go-betweens for our people. However, we do not believe that at this stage the Cardassian Union truly wants a war. Rather, they feel that their ruthless attitude makes them more suited to this low-level brush campaign than the Federation is. They, perhaps, do not know of our early history with the Romulans and Klingons.

The upper possibilities of the Cardassian fleet would be sufficient to inflict substantial losses on the Federation in open war. Their lower possibilities Starfleet Intelligence is confident that the fleet can handle.

We may be in the uncomfortable position of choosing between eventually chosing between open war and extending the hand of friendship to third-party species.

Opinion on Sydraxite-Miracht Incident of Stardate 22706

Evidence is mounting that the Cardassian diplomatic efforts with the Sydraxian is, or worse, has, succeeded. The subspace bandwidth between the two neighbours has increased.

It appears that the effort to hunt down the USS Miracht is tied to "finishing the job" after the ship got away from the earlier incident of Stardate 22339 at the Kar Akar colony world. From what we have been able to deduce, the Cardassians successfully framed one of our officers for the desecration of what is best described as a holy shrine, though it is not truly religious in nature. We are, unfortunately, unable to generate proof beyond a general suspicion that the Cardassians were involved, however, as access is extremely limited. In any event, it may no longer matter.

Currently we would suggest that the Miracht shift to exploring the core-ward border. Its absence may calm inflamed passions, or it may simply cause the Sydraxians to lash out, but in either instance, having an explorer with a special target on its back is adverse to operational succcess.


Starfleet Shipyard Operations Command Report

From: Captain Rivonn, Superintendent, 40 Eridani A Shipyards, Berth A
To: Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Sirvk, Director, 40 Eridani A Shipyards; Vice Admiral Valentina Sousa
Subject: Certificate of Completion

To Whom It May Concern,

As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a), as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the USS Endurance (Excelsior-class explorer, Fleet Order NCC-2007) is complete, assessed, and ready to be added to the Fleet Register.

Captain Rivonn
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I like it. Only critique is that I think the Cardassian territory should extend only to around their colony and north/south/west of it that fades away rapidly to indicate uncertainty. It's premature for Starfleet Intelligence to think that their claimed territory extends all the way to Indoria and Aelin and Seyek.
Is this better?

I still need to add that new mining location and the major Caitian colony from last quarter.