This was built using the techs that we just researched.
Apparently our Miranda Rollbar got upgraded to L3, saving... 2 kt.
Reusing the Miranda just drains reliability.
Light Cruiser Team (Currently missing, after UP reclassification)
Starbase Design
ONA team (Depends on specialties)
Actually, if you click the accordian the UP team still says cruisers. After all, that was their original specailtiy, and there's Zero sense in it going away. @OneirosTheWriter probably made an accidental deletion
Actually, if you click the accordian the UP team still says cruisers. After all, that was their original specailtiy, and there's Zero sense in it going away. @OneirosTheWriter probably made an accidental deletion
True, but I also think starbases could play a role in more events than those in the immediate vicinity of the starbase. The starbase does have very capable detection abilities and also serves as a coordination hub, so it could provide bonuses to defense rolls for certain events.
That "ship's speed, operational endurance, and other traits" has to translate into some game mechanic for FYMs. It could be that some event success rolls are against defense (and it'll add up with how many events FYMs get into), or it could simply be a minimum requirement (just so it can last 5 years).
Straak, never change.
I do wonder what the penalty is for not meeting garrison requirements right after they're increased. Given how the last time garrison requirements were revised and we had to shift ships around (I think back in 2304), I think we had at least until the end of the year.
there a reason I named it what I did. The federation works in ways that just don't click to romulans, but some kind of runaway memetic social engineering project? that's something they can understand.
It also helps that you can do a disturbingly good job modeling the federation as an aggressive memetic weapon.
Um, I get that you're using the jokey smiley, but I'm really bad at sarcasm, so could you just straight-up tell me if you're accusing me of saying refitting the Mirandas is more important than the Rennies?
no need to apologize. I am fully aware that my spelling is terrible. If you see any other mistakes I missed feel free to point them out so I can correct them.
Um, I get that you're using the jokey smiley, but I'm really bad at sarcasm, so could you just straight-up tell me if you're accusing me of saying refitting the Mirandas is more important than the Rennies?
Honestly, if we're not short on resources, I don't think the Miranda refits really even compete with the Rennies. We need a bit of political will up front to start the project, and a few open million-ton berths to work on it, but we have those or soon will, courtesy of our new Federation member worlds.
Honestly, if we're not short on resources, I don't think the Miranda refits really even compete with the Rennies. We need a bit of political will up front to start the project, and a few open million-ton berths to work on it, but we have those or soon will, courtesy of our new Federation member worlds.
We actually don't get ship berths from new member worlds. Those belong to the member worlds and are used to build and repair their home fleets. Even the Amarki only said we could use theirs for repair when they don't happen to be building something for themselves.
Of course, if we get this Member World Coordination Office we were offered in the last Snakepit that might change. But if you're looking at those "Key Systems" listings on the front page, you really shouldn't assume that listed ship berths are going to be transferred over to Starfleet. It isn't so.
We actually don't get ship berths from new member worlds. Those belong to the member worlds and are used to build and repair their home fleets. Even the Amarki only said we could use theirs for repair when they don't happen to be building something for themselves.
Of course, if we get this Member World Coordination Office we were offered in the last Snakepit that might change. But if you're looking at those "Key Systems" listings on the front page, you really shouldn't assume that listed ship berths are going to be transferred over to Starfleet. It isn't so.
Speaking of, even if we can't get the Arsenal through any means, we could always build a Starfleet shipyard at Amarkia. In fact this is something I'd rate at a medium priority since a forward shipyard on the Cardassian frontier is all kinds of useful
@OneirosTheWriter: I have been struggling a bit with how to draw the borders of the Caitian sector. Before I just drew a straight line about half way between the respective sector key systems (initially I wanted them to be squares/cubes but that didn't work with only having 4 home sectors, their orientation vs the RBZ and wanting to have a reasonable looking Klingon border, or with wanting the home worlds to be relatively close together without the overall territory being tiny), but in this case that would mean quite a lot of territory changing sectors. This seems like a plot relevant issue so I have three proposals:
I like the look of the moderate version best, but both of the latter versions imply politicking in the background, while the aggressive version could be following objective criteria.
xenopsychology report. Classification Omega Black, speaker is S'Tarleya Khev.
Play recording.
"for centuries the federation has remained perhaps the least understood threat to our people. With what little information we could glem from them seeming nonsensical, and wildly contradictory. The prevailing theory is that they are masters of deception, going to great lengths to obscure there motives and methods of control. However, close analysis of the federations recent expansions reveals that there mind set is both more straight forward, and far far more alien than we had expected. Most reveling was the assimilation of the Amarki."
"The common wisdom is that the ideals the federation espouses are merely a lure, pretty lies to win allies and pacify there populations, and there is likely a degree of truth in that belief. They are too well crafted, to appealing, and naive to be anything but an exercise in social engineering, a memetic tool of conquest and control. However I believe at some point in the last few centuries the federation underwent the social equivalent of a containment failure, as those who had come to genuinely believe in the ideals began rising to positions of power, displacing or converting the more pragmatic individuals who had created those ideals."
"The result of this is perhaps the most breathtaking act of social engineering in the alpha quadrant. Within a handful of generations the 4 founding members each considered themselves members of the federation first and foremost, retaining only what portions of there original culture that where compatible with the federations emerging cultural hegemony, and I do mean the federations hegemony. Despite what many think the humans where not the primary benefactor of this process, due to having little institutional inertia thanks to recent devastating internal wars there native culture was almost entirely subsumed by the federation as a whole."
"Many would find it hard to believe the federation had truly been consumed by it's own tools of social control, however the recent elation of the Amarki from affiliates to full members strongly argues that this is the case. From a purely pragmatic view point elevating a freshly assimilated vassal to a full member makes little sense. They hold no strong loyalty to any one race who could be acting as a patron, and there was no overwhelming need or benefit to elevate them. The tal shiar has spent a great deal of effort eliminating every possible pragmatic motive, they were elevated to a full member because not doing so would be a violation of the ideals that form the foundation of the federation, and a possible invalidation of the right to rule of any who opposed it."
"The practical implications of this are that we have gravely misjudged the nature of the threat the federation poses for centuries. While I suspect there is a significant undercurrent of pragmatism within the federations rulers, few of them would be willing to act against there stated ideals, and none of them would be able to do without being removed. This means that even were we to redeploy the vast majority of the federation border fleet to other borders we would have little to fear from a federation attack, to strike first is truly unthinkable to them. Whats more I believe we have in recent decades crossed a critical threshold in size and population that would make us an unappealing target for assimilation. Fully assimilating the single world of the Amarki appears to have had a non trivial affects of the federations culture as a whole, while the extent of the effect is not yet known it does imply a degree of contamination from assimilated species. That a species that inhabit a single world would have any visible affect implies that there methods would be unsuitable for assimilating a peer civilization such as us or the Klingons. In effect I believe the threat posed by the federation has largely passed, and will likely remain subdued so long as we maintain at least rough numerical parity with there core members."
"I suspect that instead of outright assimilation they will instead attempt neutralize the military threat we pose to them via heavy trade, the ideal of peace though shared prosperity as applied to star empires rather than individual worlds. The ultimate outcome of such an attempt should the senate allow it to succeed would be an effective treaty of non aggression, backed by the economic damage the sudden lose of a major trading partner. While this is largely conjecture, it does fit there observed pattern of behavior."
end recording.
further material is classified as Omega White. please present authorization code for further information.
This is...awesome for us, actually. This is probably the most positive and least threatening view of an alien power that the Tal'Shiar has ever pushed.
Lets just hope we dont have both the betazoids and caitians join, theres no way we'll have enough D for that. Especially if the cardassians decide they should attack around that time.
Plan Ambassadors, Spies and Escorts
- Daystorm Institute: Early 24th Century Computing Installations
- Utopia Planitia Design Group: Turn of the Century Explorer design
- San Francisco Fleet Yards: Turn of the Century Starship Frames
- 40 Eridani A Shipyards: Turn of the Century Escort
- Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems: Early 24th Century Warp Cores
- Tiger Team: Foreign Analysis - Cardassian Research
- Admiral Lathriss: Lone Ranger Doctrine
- Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science: ToC Mineral Technology
- Spock: 2300s Xenopsychology
- Starfleet Medical: Basic Turn of the Century Equipment
- Starfleet Science Academy: Early 24th Century Message Security
- Andorian Academy: Early 24th Century Deflector Shields
- Vulcan Science Academy: Early 24th Century Long-Range Sensors
123 / 9 = 13 rem 6
6rp carries over, 117 used
- Daystorm Institute: Early 24th Century Computing Installations
30 / 30 Type-12 Duotronic Mainframe (Data Analysis Center II) (-1 RP required to activate Tech Team (8))
1 / 60 Type-14 Duotronic Mainframe (Data Analysis Center III) (-0.5 RP required to activate Taech (7.5)) 30 / 30 Wolff-T'Par Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Centers) (+2 rp annually from research colonies)
3 / 60 Wolff-T'Par B-Type Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Center II) (+1 rp annually from research colonies)
13 / 20 Pattern 3 SCF (Supercomputer Facility I) (Increases Comms Encryption, -1 to attempts to opposing SigInt attempts)
[Have researched Type-12 Duotronic Mainframe, Wolff-T'Par Portable Mainframe]
[-1 RP required, +2rp annually from research colonies]
[Unlock - 2320s Research Centers]
[Reveal - Primitive Positronic Computing]
- Utopia Planitia Design Group: Turn of the Century Explorer design
19 / 20 Early Comprehensive Space Lab (Explorer Science Design) I (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
19 / 20 Lwaxana Design Protocol '05 (Explorer Presence Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights) 20 / 20 Excelsior-B Pattern Nacelle (Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements I) (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Explorers)
4 / 40 Ambassador-A Pattern Nacelle (Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements II) (-2% Nacelle Penalty on Explorers)
19 / 20 Type-4 Heavy Phaser Bank (Explorer Combat Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
19 / 20 Volsk-Cheg Plasma Tap (Explorer Defence Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
19 / 20 th'Parshaan Hull Composite (Explorer Hull Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights) 20 / 20 Type-VI-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
4 / 20 Type-VII-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design II) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
[Have researched Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements, Type-VI-X SH-Duty Deflector Array]
[-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Explorers, -1% o Explorer Shield Weight]
- San Francisco Fleet Yards: Turn of the Century Starship Frames
8 / 20 Tritanium-90 Alloy Pattern (Hull Armour Material Science I) (-2% to Hull Weight)
8 / 20 SDB-4 SIF System (Hull Integrity Grids I) (-1% to Hull Power Cost)
13 / 20 Twin-Fixed Pylon Meld (Frame Weight Improvements I) (-2% to Frame Weight)
- 40 Eridani A Shipyards: Turn of the Century Escort
10 / 10 Centaur-A Nacelle Mount (Escort Nacelle Design Improvements) (-5% to Nacelle Penalty on Escorts)
10 / 10 Light-Weight Torpedo Feed (Escort Combat Design I) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
10 / 10 Model 43 Streamline Anti-Matter Pod (Escort Reaction Design I) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
10 / 10 Escort Miranda Torpedo Roll Bar Design I (Free +1 Lvl to Reused Module Scale 0.5 Frame Weight, -2% Combat Power Req and -2% to Weight when a Module is present)
10 / 10 ONA Costs Directive 2307 (Escort Design Efficiency I) (-2% to SR Costs)
10 / 10 SRSM Array Type-3 (Escort Science Design I) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
10 / 10 Lwaxana Design Protocol '04 (Escort Presence Design I) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
10 / 10 Xurth-Pattern Armour Scheme (Escort Hull Design I) (-1% to Escort hull weight)
10 / 10 Type-VI-E Deflector Array (Escort Shield Design I) (-1% to Escort shield weight)
7 / 20 New Orleans-A Pattern Nacelle (Escort Nacelle Design Improvements II) (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Escorts)
2 / 20 Type II Phaser Bank (Escort Combat Design II) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
2 / 20 Improved Type-S EPS Magnetic Constrictor (Escort Reaction Design II) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
2 / 20 Escort Miranda Torpedo Roll Bar Design II (Free +1 Lvl to Reused Module Scale 0.5 Frame Weight, -2% Combat Power Req and -2% to Weight when a Module is present)
7 / 20 Improved Sensor Cupola Design (Escort Science Design II) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
2 / 20 Lwaxana Design Protocol '0x (Escort Presence Design II) (-1% to Escort Presence weight)
2 / 20 Early Light-Weight Duranimum Alloy(Escort Hull Design II) (-1% to Escort hull weight)
2 / 20 ONA Costs Directive 230x (Escort Design Efficiency II) (-2% to SR Costs)
[Category Completed]
[Have researched - All]
[Gain -1% Stat weights, -5% Nacelle Penalty, +1 Free Lvl to Reused 0.5 Module Frame Weight, (-2% Combat Power Req, -2% to Weight if module present)]
[Unlock - Early 24th Century Escort categories]
- Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems: Early 24th Century Warp Cores
16 / 40 Chelok-Am Dilithium Treatment (Dilithium Efficency II) (Warp Core Weight:SR ratio reduced by 0.1)
29 / 40 Improved Thermal Shroud (Warp Core Construction II) (Warp Core Weight reduced by 2%)
16 / 60 Improved Injector Throttling (Warp Core Scaling II) (Warp Core Min Multiplier reduced by .5/1/2)
16 / 40 K19 Main Engineering System Module (Warp Core Damage Failsafe Design II) (Reduced chance of Warp Core Breach and reduce crew loss in the event of ship destroyed)
16 / 40 Light-Weight Coolant Redundancy (Warp Core Operation Safety Design II) (Improved reliability by 2%) 20 / 20 Mars-1 Deuterium Pre-Burner (Warp Core Power Generation I) (+2% to Warp Core output)
[Have completed Mars-1 Deuterium Pre-Burner]
[+2% to Warp Core Power Output]
- Tiger Team: Foreign Analysis - Cardassian Research
14 / 30 Tactical Analysis I (+1% Fed Combat Power v Cardassians)
14 / 30 Doctrinal Analysis I (-1% CardassiansCombat Power)
14 / 30 Attack Pattern Analysis I (+2% chance of dodging a hit)
19 / 30 Intelligence Analysis I (Improved counter intel)
- Admiral Lathriss: Lone Ranger Doctrine
50 / 50 Lone Ranger Doctrine
[Have completed Tier 1 Lone Ranger Research]
[Unlocked - Way of the Anchor, the Elephant, the Giant]
- Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science: ToC Mineral Technology
20 / 20 Bulk Resource Extraction II (+5br on Resource Extraction missions)
16 / 20 Bulk Resource Identification II (+ 1 to Rolls on Resource Extraction missions)
16 / 20 Bulk Refining Techniques I (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
16 / 20 Special Resource Extraction II (+5sr on Resource Extraction missions) 20 / 20 Special Refining Techniques I (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
[Have completed Bulk Resource Extraction II, Special Refining Techniques I]
[+5 br on Resource Extraction missions, +5 to annual Mining Colony SR production]
- Spock: 2300s Xenopsychology
35 / 40 Xeno Architecture II (2% weight/power savings for Presence)
30 / 40 Recruiting Campaign II (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.1 each)
35 / 40 Diplomatic Analysis II (Improve the Annual Diplomacy Rolls) 30 / 30 Universal Translator III (+1 to Presence tests for non-Explorer Corps ships when in First Contact)
40 / 40 First Contact Protocols II (+1 to attempts by non-Explorer Corps ships at First Contact encounters)
18 / 20 Presence Reliability Research I (Presence Reliability improved by 2%)
[Complete: First Contact Protocols II]
[+1 to attempts by non-Explorer Corps ships at First Contact encounters]
- Starfleet Medical: Basic Turn of the Century Equipment
11 / 20 Away Team Standard Equipment I (reduce crew losses on away missions)
6 / 20 Personal Phasers I (reduced crew casualties to events involving alien boarding/away team combat)
6 / 20 Type-1 Tricorder (Science Tricorder I) (Nothing yet)
- Starfleet Science Academy: Early 24th Century Message Security
10 / 40 Centi-Cochrane Band Antenna (Subspace Communications Intercepts II) (Allow deployment of Improved Listening Posts)
6 / 20 Subspace Communications Encryption I (Improve Information Security)
11 / 20 Subspace Communications Decryption I (Improve Intelligence Phase Information)
- Andorian Academy: Early 24th Century Deflector Shields
15 / 40 Core Shields II (reduce Shield power requirements by 2%) 20 / 20 Emitter Designs I (-2% to Shield Weight)
19 / 20 Emitter Simplification I (improve Weight:SR ratio of Shield) 20 / 20 Shield Geometry I (+1 to Damage Evasion Attempts)
10 / 20 Shield Regeneration II (No effect yet)
10 / 20 Shield Reliability I (+1% reliability for shields)
5 / 40 Emitter Designs II (-2% to Shield Weight)
5 / 40 Shield Geometry I (+1 to Damage Evasion Attempts)
- Vulcan Science Academy: Early 24th Century Long-Range Sensors
40 / 40 Enhanced Sensors II - (2% weight savings for Science)
9 / 20 Light-Weight Sensor Redundancy I (Increases Science Reliability by +1)
36 / 40 Long Range Sensors II - (gain +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions)
9 / 100 Large-Scale Sensor Array I (Starbases Gain +1 Defence)
1 / 40 Enhanced Sensors III - (2% weight savings for Science)
[Complete Enhanced Sensors II]
[Gain -2% weight savings for Science]
Research Team Advancement
Skill increase for:
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science
Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems
40 Eridani A Shipyards
Speaking of, even if we can't get the Arsenal through any means, we could always build a Starfleet shipyard at Amarkia. In fact this is something I'd rate at a medium priority since a forward shipyard on the Cardassian frontier is all kinds of useful
But pretty much only to tow ships back to for repairs, and the Amarki Arsenal already works for that. You want the shipyards where you actually build new ships to be as far away from the enemy as possible.
xenopsychology report. Classification Omega Black, speaker is S'Tarleya Khev.
Play recording.
"for centuries the federation has remained perhaps the least understood threat to our people. With what little information we could glem from them seeming nonsensical, and wildly contradictory. The prevailing theory is that they are masters of deception, going to great lengths to obscure there motives and methods of control. However, close analysis of the federations recent expansions reveals that there mind set is both more straight forward, and far far more alien than we had expected. Most reveling was the assimilation of the Amarki."
"The common wisdom is that the ideals the federation espouses are merely a lure, pretty lies to win allies and pacify there populations, and there is likely a degree of truth in that belief. They are too well crafted, to appealing, and naive to be anything but an exercise in social engineering, a memetic tool of conquest and control. However I believe at some point in the last few centuries the federation underwent the social equivalent of a containment failure, as those who had come to genuinely believe in the ideals began rising to positions of power, displacing or converting the more pragmatic individuals who had created those ideals."
"The result of this is perhaps the most breathtaking act of social engineering in the alpha quadrant. Within a handful of generations the 4 founding members each considered themselves members of the federation first and foremost, retaining only what portions of there original culture that where compatible with the federations emerging cultural hegemony, and I do mean the federations hegemony. Despite what many think the humans where not the primary benefactor of this process, due to having little institutional inertia thanks to recent devastating internal wars there native culture was almost entirely subsumed by the federation as a whole."
"Many would find it hard to believe the federation had truly been consumed by it's own tools of social control, however the recent elation of the Amarki from affiliates to full members strongly argues that this is the case. From a purely pragmatic view point elevating a freshly assimilated vassal to a full member makes little sense. They hold no strong loyalty to any one race who could be acting as a patron, and there was no overwhelming need or benefit to elevate them. The tal shiar has spent a great deal of effort eliminating every possible pragmatic motive, they were elevated to a full member because not doing so would be a violation of the ideals that form the foundation of the federation, and a possible invalidation of the right to rule of any who opposed it."
"The practical implications of this are that we have gravely misjudged the nature of the threat the federation poses for centuries. While I suspect there is a significant undercurrent of pragmatism within the federations rulers, few of them would be willing to act against there stated ideals, and none of them would be able to do without being removed. This means that even were we to redeploy the vast majority of the federation border fleet to other borders we would have little to fear from a federation attack, to strike first is truly unthinkable to them. Whats more I believe we have in recent decades crossed a critical threshold in size and population that would make us an unappealing target for assimilation. Fully assimilating the single world of the Amarki appears to have had a non trivial affects of the federations culture as a whole, while the extent of the effect is not yet known it does imply a degree of contamination from assimilated species. That a species that inhabit a single world would have any visible affect implies that there methods would be unsuitable for assimilating a peer civilization such as us or the Klingons. In effect I believe the threat posed by the federation has largely passed, and will likely remain subdued so long as we maintain at least rough numerical parity with there core members."
"I suspect that instead of outright assimilation they will instead attempt neutralize the military threat we pose to them via heavy trade, the ideal of peace though shared prosperity as applied to star empires rather than individual worlds. The ultimate outcome of such an attempt should the senate allow it to succeed would be an effective treaty of non aggression, backed by the economic damage the sudden lose of a major trading partner. While this is largely conjecture, it does fit there observed pattern of behavior."
end recording.
further material is classified as Omega White. please present authorization code for further information.
In my new habit of trying to throw arbitrary rewards at things as they pop up in a vain effort to keep pace, have +5 progress to the next tier of Romulan Analysis research
@OneirosTheWriter: I have been struggling a bit with how to draw the borders of the Caitian sector. Before I just drew a straight line about half way between the respective sector key systems (initially I wanted them to be squares/cubes but that didn't work with only having 4 home sectors, their orientation vs the RBZ and wanting to have a reasonable looking Klingon border, or with wanting the home worlds to be relatively close together without the overall territory being tiny), but in this case that would mean quite a lot of territory changing sectors. This seems like a plot relevant issue so I have three proposals:
I like the look of the moderate version best, but both of the latter versions imply politicking in the background, while the aggressive version could be following objective criteria.