We have room for captains to return again now. We're going to need captains for the big ambassador wave, and we don't have a backlog of promissing EC captains sitting around like we did earlier in the quest. (Captain T'Rinta comes to mind.) Most importantly, at one point we started getting EC captiains that had smaller mechanical bonuses than we used to. At one point we had shrunk the list so much that we got a message saying that the panel was opening up some. After that it became rare to find a potential EC captain with as impactful stats or re-rolls. I'd do an analysis and find the posts but my comupter's borked. >_< Point is, we've got good reason to send good captains out for a second five-year mission now. I don't know if it'll work out with when the missions end and when our new Ambassadors are launching though... If we were in charge of personel, it might be possible to not promote someone up-and-out so they could get anither EC captainship in a couple years.
Also, with the exception of that Betazoid guy with re-rolls on hard DC events, Zhang is in a heavier weight class than the other EC panel captains in recent years. Anyone who says she shouldn't get the Enterprise will be viciously attacked by words.