
Did we see the qloathi, seyek, or fiiral in TNG/DS9? No. Where could they possibly have gone?

Its show canon. Nothing either of us can do about it.
Why not the Honiani Alliance though? If Chen wants to declare herself God-Empress, why not do so with the guys who already had a God-Emperor in their past?
Kaylee Straite - Assigned to CO, USS Discovery
Aww... I was actually hoping she'd get the Kepler. I mean, she was a sensor wiz that was metaphorically raised by The Rock Whisperer from a fresh junior officer all the way to XO, and then learned at the feet of The Destroyer of Betazoid. There's no way she doesn't give some kind of Science or Intel bonus.

Should Yanag be on this list for the reassignment to the Lightning in Q2?
..That's interesting timing for Chen to go on Sabbitical and... Pathe Lathriss getting blocked is also intriguing.

Maybe the parasites form TNG appeared early?

It's a JOKE people god. Maybe Patricia is just taking a break from her 20 years of blistering work to cultivate a zen garden and work on her inner peace before taking a swing at the big seat?

Of course it was a joke, after all she isn't a God-Empress she is Empress-Goddess!!!! be grateful that it is not the time to quell the unbelivers :p
So if Chen was off the table, what's everyone's next choice for new Starfleet Commander?

Harriman 4 Life.
Well, there's also Uhura for the name recognition. =P

Eaton, maybe? I dunno if anyone has been pushing her.

If we want to pick a non-human, there's much less options available... I think you mentioned Shey ch'Tharvasse in your omake. And there's also Sotak from the Central Theater command. Others like T'Faer or Sirvk don't seem to be good fits for CO Starfleet.
Unless I'm thinking of someone else, I thought we were going to make her captain of the new enterprise.

You are. The upcoming captain is a female human, still on the young-ish side. She went on that exchange with the Honiani. Lathriss is a rather older male senior officer, who came to us from the Amarki navy, and has spearheaded our tactical department ever since.
I am puzzled, can the President BLock a promotion? I could see the president capable of vetoing a CNO candidate, but promotions are mostly an internal Starfleet administrative thing
I am puzzled, can the President BLock a promotion? I could see the president capable of vetoing a CNO candidate, but promotions are mostly an internal Starfleet administrative thing
This is a promotion to Admiral, which at least in the US is the sort of thing that requires legislative approval. It also cost pp to reorganize Starfleet Tactical, which is what's specifically being blocked, meaning that it's a political matter, not only an internal administrative matter.
This is a promotion to Admiral, which at least in the US is the sort of thing that requires legislative approval. It also cost pp to reorganize Starfleet Tactical, which is what's specifically being blocked, meaning that it's a political matter, not only an internal administrative matter.

Ah, so we flat out can't make Starfleet Tactical an Admiral role while the Pacifists are in power, not without cost. Curse you Madame President, can't you see our promotion pathways are horrifically clogged and we need more high-rank positions for all the talented people who can't be promoted?
This is a promotion to Admiral, which at least in the US is the sort of thing that requires legislative approval. It also cost pp to reorganize Starfleet Tactical, which is what's specifically being blocked, meaning that it's a political matter, not only an internal administrative matter.

Then we should be able to go straight to the legislative and have the option of fighting that there? because as it stood, it seemed the president blocking it directly, instead of some legislative issue being spearheaded by the president