Because Super Freighters, Freighters, and Cargo ships all carry different ratios and amounts of Bk and Sm goods, it is often most efficient to mix'n'match them. Bear in mind Starbases are part of your logistics net and require Bk goods, never mind the fact your various loops generate them and they need to be moved around.
So, depending on the situation in the Romulan Empire next year, we may want to send some diplomats to the Sotaw. If we need to push sophontitarian aid to the Romulans, it's going to be through Sotaw space.

Also, crazy thought, but did we run into the Hirogen this quarter?
So, depending on the situation in the Romulan Empire next year, we may want to send some diplomats to the Sotaw. If we need to push sophontitarian aid to the Romulans, it's going to be through Sotaw space.

Also, crazy thought, but did we run into the Hirogen this quarter?

Pretty sure the Hirogen are literally on the other side of the galaxy.
My take from that is, stop building Cargo Ships. Start mass producing Freighters.
Bluntly: You're wrong.
In more detail:
Cargo ships mainly move small cargo. That includes SR, RP and support for ships. They also have a limited capacity for bulk cargo, which is BR and parts for starbases and repair docks.
Freighter move mainly bulk cargo and a limited amount of small.
A super freighter moves twice as much bulk as a freighter, but slightly less than twice as much small.
We need more of all of them, and even if we didn't get any new members (ha!) or new mining colonies (double ha!) with the ship building schedules for the non-support fleet alone, more cargo ships just to maintain our far flung forces are required.

More of everything and delivered as close to yesterday as won't require monitoring or intervention by Intel Office 0.
TF "Doing Stuff #3 = 2/8 points
USS Docana (Starfleet Lead Vessel)
4 member Frigates

TF "Doing Stuff #4 = 2/8 points
USS Enlightenment (Starfleet Lead Vessel)
1 Member Cruiser
2 Member Frigates

4 Task Forces for a cost of 40pp plus any special detachments we want to order, and tying up four Starfleet vessels.
I'd go for something like this

1st task force
USS Spirit + Riala (2/8 points) for dangerous missions that have a good chance to roll combat.

2nd task force
Cheron + T'mir + 2 member cruisers + 2 member frigates (3/8 points) for missions may benefit from many vessels. Also, I want to have two legendary vessels in a spotlight

3rd task force
Blooded constellation + member cruiser + member frigate (1.5/8) budget option for less important missions and way to get veteran constellations

4th task force
Blooded constellation + member cruiser + member frigate (1.5/8) budget option for less important missions and way to get veteran constellations
Once we have sufficient Centaur-B, Kepler and Fast Response Frigates deployed, serving as Task Force leaders may well be the optimal usage for our Constellations.

The majority of non war time Task Forces will be S and/or P focused and we need a Starfleet capital or cruiser platform to command from.

I suppose the question will be if they have sufficient D...
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2320.Q4 - Rat Race
Starfleet Personnel - Promotions Board

Highlighted Officer's Summary
Promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer

Kerala Wenaya - Assigned to Senior Enlisted, USS Winterwind

Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Alemi - Assigned to Junior navigator, USS Odyssey
Norriatta - Assigned to Engineer, USS Discovery

Promoted to Lieutenant
Imelda Delorme - Assigned to Torpedo Control Supervisor, USS Emancipation
Solla Payat - Assigned to USS Sarek

Promoted to Lieutenant-Commander
Jacqueline Appel - Assigned to Operations Officer, USS Atuin
Tezkan - Assigned to Deputy Assistant Judge Advocate General for Federation Law, Starfleet

Promoted to Commander
Ixazza - Assigned to Chief Engineer, USS Discovery
Rana Kader - Assigned to XO, USS Typhoon
Pem - Assigned to XO, USS Vigour
T'Bon - Assigned to Chief Engineer, USS Lakota
T'Toia - Assigned to XO, USS Endurance

Promoted to Captain
Camille Alexander - Assigned to Lecturer, Starfleet Tactical School, Starfleet Academy
Nora Chandrasekhar - Assigned to CO, USS Pathfinder
Mark Jameson - Assigned to CO, USS Kearsage
Lin Kuahuula - Assigned to CO, USS Vigour
Iltoor Paralan - Assigned to Chief, Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction Security, Starfleet Security Command
Amai Spentoor - Assigned to CO, USS Shield
Kaylee Straite - Assigned to CO, USS Discovery
Onyeka Sun - Assigned to Chief, Field Intel Department, Starfleet Intelligence

Promoted to Commodore
Reginald Berthold - Assigned to Chief, Weapon Systems Fabrication, Shipyard Industrial Command
Tama Foa'i - Assigned to Director, Personnel Division, Starfleet Explorer Corps
Shurg kap Klasch - Assigned to Chief of Staff, Starfleet Medical
Sabek - Assigned to Diplomatic School, Starfleet Academy
Anne Usha - Assigned to Director, Office of Naval Architecture
Rebecca St James - posthumous

Promoted to Rear Admiral
Vaon Blethu - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Intelligence Operations Command
Saavik - posthumous

Promoted to Admiral
Pathe Lathriss - BLOCKED by President Okaar.

Hikaru Sulu

Key Reassignments
Petty Officer Reng Yanag - Assigned to USS Lightning from Specialist, Experimental Computing Group, Ship Design Bureau
Lieutenant Commander Sharizz - Assigned to Tactical Officer, USS Courageous from Underway Intelligence Officer, USS Courageous
Lieutenant Commander Mohammed Nejem - Assigned to Operations Officer, USS Odyssey from Officer, Communications, USS Odyssey
Commander Khiwuolo - Assigned to XO, USS Sarek from Chief Tactical Officer, USS Atuin
Commander Rekha Landry - Assigned to XO, USS Discovery from Security Officer, USS Kearsage
Commander William Solberg - Assigned to Assistant Director, Office of Naval Architecture
Captain Hassan Aharani - Assigned to CO, USS Atuin from CO, USS Avandar
Captain Zara ka'Athnon - Assigned to CO, USS Courageous from CO, USS Pathfinder
Eratan Lebit - Assigned to CO, USS Zarayet from CO, USS Shield
Captain Stol - Assigned to CO, USS Lakota from CO, USS Agile
Captain Demora Sulu - Assigned to CO, USS S'Harien from CO, USS Voshov
Commodore Yamada Ichigo - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Criminal Investigation Command, Starfleet Security Command from CO, Sol Sector Task Force
Commodore Tomiq zh'Pohren - Assigned to CO, Andor Sector Task Force
Rear Admiral Syzi ch'Zelil - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Security Command, Starfleet Tactical Command from CO, Klingon Border Zone

Changes to Explorer Panel of Captains
Out: Sabek (promotion), Shurg kap Klasch (promotion)
In: T'Arvit, Nalae Veraniss, Iliae Rurliss, Zolani Volanen

On Sabbatical
Rear Admiral Kimberley Pragur
Admiral Patricia Chen


Diplomatic Push

Sydraxians: 124/300
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]
-[Society and Government In Flux: 0/500]

124/300 + 32 + 37 = 193/300
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..That's interesting timing for Chen to go on Sabbitical and... Pathe Lathriss getting blocked is also intriguing.
Does Chen know something about our newish President, and is going quiet to wait out the term?

((Or maybe that long ago omake that Chen is an augment and the Romulans know about it, mean that the Romulans are pulling her strings?))
I just had a thought about that shipyard that the Indorians found and claimed. Since one of the berths is a 3MT berth I think we can forgo buying more berths or shipyards this year and spend the PP on other things we might need come the next snakepit. that is if we don't need to spend the PP on repairing the Berths at the Orion Shipyard.