It's Starfleet doing the actual Diplo, but any ship can run supplies to a planet, or do a deep space patrol (as happened this very TF report), or in general, act as the neighborhood goody two-shoes. "Other members will come help you out" is in and of itself a powerful statement.
I think one additional rule for TF is necessary:

Task force should have no more than 50%(33%? 25%?) of non-starfleet vessel in points ( capital=2, cruiser=1, escort=0.5)

This will ensure that member fleets will be used as an addition to task force(s), not as a cheap way of making some.
I don't disagree with that point. I think for most purposes, using member world ships for diplomacy as such would be a bad idea.

On the other hand, it depends on what we're trying to do. If we encounter a member world with an obstacle tag like "We're Not Sure You're Badass Enough," or "Can't Count On You To Help Us With Our Pirate Problem," whistling up a few heavily armed member world ships might actually be just what the doctor ordered. Remember, a lot of our bonus to relations events involve diplomatic summits, but a lot involve things like rescuing endangered ships and colonies, or bringing criminals to justice.
I think one additional rule for TF is necessary:

Task force should have no more than 50%(33%? 25%?) of non-starfleet vessel in points ( capital=2, cruiser=1, escort=0.5)

This will ensure that member fleets will be used as an addition to task force(s), not as a cheap way of making some.

I would strongly oppose this rule as a blanket ban. If we had to call up a murderball for some reason (Cardassians getting problematic in the GBZ again) that rule would make it difficult to get all the reinforcements we might need because 24 points of Starfleet is a major chunk of our available ships.

If we did follow that rule, we'd need a lot more variation in what sizes of TFs we could call up. 8pts of ships requires a lot of Starfleet capability to match at peacetime expenditure, let alone 16 or 24. For reference, our current GBZ fleet is 13 points.

That all being said, TF Jade is 2pts of member world, 2pts of Starfleet, so it fits the 50% rule and is certainly an appropriate size. I'd be happy to standardize Diplo TFs at that size and composition.
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It depends on the mission.

For a hypothetical pirate problem tag I can totally see a 100% member TF, because the Amarki among others are going to be all over whacking pirates with their shiny BBs.
I would strongly oppose this rule as a blanket ban. If we had to call up a murderball for some reason (Cardassians getting problematic in the GBZ again) that rule would make it difficult to get all the reinforcements we might need because 24 points of Starfleet is a major chunk of our available ships.

There are Theater Fleets for emergencies of this kind. My proposal doesn't touch this.
Using diplomacy as an example of how member fleet ships could be cost effective has, for me, the additional problem that that task should be handled by the supranational force, not conscripts.
Doing diplomacy should be the shtick of either the diplomatic service, or the super-trained and gifted specialists of Starfleet, not some member fleet border patrol captain.
Point of order here man-who in the Federation uses conscripts? Hell, are the Member Fleets standards much lower than Starfleet's?
Point of order here man-who in the Federation uses conscripts? Hell, are the Member Fleets standards much lower than Starfleet's?
I don't think ANYONE in the federation uses conscripts.

Member fleet standards are probably a good chunk lower than Starfleet's ... but Starfleet's standards are frankly bonkers. I mean, seriously, they seem to manage to crew training AND a Phd equivalent into four years, which means they're skimming off the absolute freak prodigies.
I don't think ANYONE in the federation uses conscripts.

Member fleet standards are probably a good chunk lower than Starfleet's ... but Starfleet's standards are frankly bonkers. I mean, seriously, they seem to manage to crew training AND a Phd equivalent into four years, which means they're skimming off the absolute freak prodigies.
Picking the best pedagogical methods available for how to teach different topics, in different learning styles, to different species is something I assure you that Starfleet Academy, the Vulcan Science Academy and, indeed, everyone else in the Federation, has sat down and thought hard about.
If there is one true, admitted scarcity in the Federation, it is meaningful sophont attention. Attention from someone with focus, applicable knowledge, and skill. That's a big part of what makes Starfleet and especially the EC such a powerful tool. Whole crews of meaningful attention get pointed at a problem and then (with occasional bouts of exotics physics or weapons fire) the problems go away.
Member fleets too, of course, though because they aren't pulling from a Federation wide pool for their recruits, somewhat less so.
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You should maybe wait for more datapoints.

Except we do have additional datapoints, the Task Forces' actions against Hayant.

Task Forces Aqua and Jade split up into their component ships to cover more ground and individual missions. Which leads into my theory that the GMs rolled for each ship individually, meaning that each of them racked up 2-3 points towards Unreliable Ally or one ship carried after the rest botched their rolls.
Except we do have additional datapoints, the Task Forces' actions against Hayant.

Task Forces Aqua and Jade split up into their component ships to cover more ground and individual missions. Which leads into my theory that the GMs rolled for each ship individually, meaning that each of them racked up 2-3 points towards Unreliable Ally or one ship carried after the rest botched their rolls.
Or the missions haven't happened yet and that +10 is just for the fact that dedicating a task force to them is an action which helps with being seen as unreliable.
Except we do have additional datapoints, the Task Forces' actions against Hayant.

Task Forces Aqua and Jade split up into their component ships to cover more ground and individual missions. Which leads into my theory that the GMs rolled for each ship individually, meaning that each of them racked up 2-3 points towards Unreliable Ally or one ship carried after the rest botched their rolls.
Have you considered the theory that while the task force may be narratively split up into individual missions, the task force may collectively only get one or two event rolls per quarter?
2320.Q3 - Ex Astris, Scientia

Shipyard Operations Report

The following ships have completed refit:


The following ships have commenced refits:


The following ships have commenced construction:


The following ships have drawn crews:

Renaissance-class Cruiser (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2627) at Oreasa Starfleet Yards Berth 1
- Crewed from Standard, 3 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 3 Technician


Director's Log, Ship Design Bureau, Vice Admiral Victoria Eaton

The passing of one of the distinguished alumni of the Explorer Corps, a sister-in-arms, has shaken me. Many of us have commanded ships or fleets in engagements large and small. What happened to Captain Saavik, well... An unwelcome reminder that we send out little habitable bubbles with a core of antimatter. It is a risky business, going out to poke the universe, and that's before you have to make decisions of life or death. Alas, though Saavik vanished in an instant, decades of experiences, training, and memories in a nanosecond of antimatter, the rest of us remain. I have no interest in comparing fates, and it would be foolish to try. Her race is run, her curtain called. But our course lies yet before us.

Stiff upper lip, then.

Seyek and Qloathi representatives have joined us, enlivening the meeting room. I look forward to working with members of the Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory and Arqueniou SBS. In addition, a new weapons team, organised under the Vulcan whose cradle was accidentally swapped with a torpedo at birth, T'Rinta, joins the bureau. I will endeavour to do my best to keep mum with Paris over the fact we have not one but two weapons teams joining!


Current RP Pool = 537pt

7.5pts are required to activate a Tech Team
537 / 7.5 = a lot

a lot of Tech Teams may be activated. Unused rp will carry forward to next year

The following Tech Teams require assignments:

Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory (Sk 3, Weapons)
Arqueniou System Broadcast Service (Sk 3, Communications)
Experimental Computing Group :
Advanced Sensor Concepts Group :
Andorian Academy :
T'Rinta : (Sk 3, Weapons)

The following Tech Team assignments are carrying over:

Intazzi Team : Generalist Frigate Project
Daystrom Institute : 2320s Ship Computer Cores
Yoyodyne : 2320s Core Efficiency
Ana Font Design Group : 2320s Warp Core Safety
Office of Naval Architecture : 2320s Lightweight Frames
San Francisco Fleetyards : 2330s Construction Techniques
Generic Team 1 : 2330s Industrial Replicators
Caitian Frontier Police R&D : Primitive Integration
Aerocommandos Research Corps : 2320s Equipment
Inid Uttar Institute : 2330s Anti-Cloaking Sensors
Herelund Tomographics Division : 2330s Phaser Tracking Sensors
Generic Team 2: 2320s Torpedo Tracking
Oreasa Yards Design Group : 2320s Deflector Shields
Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau : Primitive Phaser Arrays
Starfleet Intelligence Office 44 (Diplomatic Analysis) : 2320s Signal Intercepts
Starfleet Science Academy : 2320s Colony Datanets
Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s Encryption
All Pyllix Geological Institute : 2320s Special Surveying
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science : 2330s Special Refining
University of Betazed : 2320s Affiliates Research
Spock : 2320s Diplomacy
Vulcan Science Academy : 2310s Xenopsychology
Starfleet Medical Research Command : 2320s Multi-Species Care
Generic Team 3: 2320s Radiation Therapy
Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Sublight Motion
Generic Team 4 : 1mt Escort Design
40 Eridani A : 2320s Escort - Engineering
Lasieth Craft Yards Design Bureau : 2310s Cruiser - Combat
Generic Team 5 : 2320s Explorer - Combat
Utopia Planitia : 2320s Explorer - Engineering
Taves Nar Orbital Engineering : 2310s Starbase Design - Repair
Henn-Makad Engineering Institute : 2310s Starbase Design - Combat
Apinae Protective Engineering Bureau : Frontier Service Training
Admiral Lathriss : Frontline Infrastructure
Games & Theory Division : United Starfleet
Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team : Sensor Pickets
Technocracy Interstellar Ministry : Cardassian Research
Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Horizon Research


[ ][PLAN] Submit a Research Plan (Only changing teams need to be listed)

For an additional +10rp each, an extra Inspiration roll will be applied to a team. Up to five teams may be boosted.
[ ][BOOST] List teams to Boost

For list of tech areas and teams, please see: The State of Play - Research Megapost


Member World Coordination Office

Ships Commissioned

UESPA - 1 Super-Freighter
Amarkia - CAS Valaia (Riala-A, NCC-2204, Pennant R4), 1 Anacail (NCC-3808), 1 Mielab (NCC-3807)
Betazoids - 2 Cargo Ships
Apiata - 1 Dorsata, Expand Grand Hive of the Apiata @ Apinae [1 x 2500kt]
Orion - 1 Cargo Ship, Repair [OUS Gessir]
STO - 1 Cargo Ship
Licori Nobles - 1 Civilian Freighter

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  • Daystrom Institute [Skill 6 Computing/Shields]: 2320s Ship Computer Cores [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Amash Hagan Research Office [Skill 4 Computing/Personal]: 2330s Mobile Computing [unchanged] [ETC 2323-24]
  • Experimental Computing Group [Skill 2 Computing/Sensors]: Primitive Isolinear Computers [complete] -> Production Isolinear Computers [ETC 2325-27]
Warp Tech:
  • Yoyodyne [Skill 5 Warp Tech/Starship Construction] : 2320s Core Efficiency [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Ana Font Design Group [Skill 2 Warp Tech/ Cruiser Design] 2320s Warp Core Safety [unchanged] [ETC 2324]
Starship Construction:
  • Office of Naval Architecture [Skill 4 Fleet Design/Starship Construction]: 2320s Lightweight Frames [unchanged] [ETC 2324-25]
  • San Francisco Fleetyards [Skill 5 Capital Design/Starship Construction]: 2330s Construction Techniques [unchanged] [ETC 2324]
  • Generic Team 1 : 2330s Industrial Replicators [unchanged] [ETC 2326-31]
  • Caitian Frontier Police R&D [Skill 4 Personal/Communications] : Primitive Integration [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Aerocommandos Research Corps [Skill 3 Personal] : 2320s Equipment [ETC 2323-25]
  • Advanced Sensor Concepts Group [Skill 2 Sensors/Computing]: 2310s Long -Range Sensors [complete] -> TASK SENSORS
  • Inid Uttar Institute [Skill 3 Sensors / Propulsion] : 2330s Anti-Cloaking Sensors [unchanged] [ETC 2321-22]
  • Herelund Tomographics Division [Skill 3 Sensors] : 2330s Phaser Tracking Sensors [unchanged] [ETC 2322-23]
  • Weapons Fabrication Division [Skill 4 Weapons/Starship Design]: 2320s Phaser Efficiency [unchanged] [ETC 2321-22]
  • Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau [Skill 2 Weapons/Capital Design] : Primitive Phaser Arrays [unchanged] [ETC 2320]
  • Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory [Skill 3 Weapons] : [new] -> 2320s Phaser Development [ETC 2325-26]
  • T'Rinta's Tactical Research Team [Skill 3 Weapons] : [new] -> 2320s Torpedo Development [ETC 2325-26]
  • Generic Team 2: 2320s Torpedo Tracking [unchanged] [ETC 2326-31]
  • Andorian Academy [Skill 5 Shields/Communication]: 2320s Deflector Emitters [complete] -> 2320s Navigational Deflectors [ETC 2323-24]
  • Oreasa Yards Design Group [Skill 2 Shields / Frigate Design] : 2320s Deflector Shields [unchanged] [ETC 2322-23]
  • Starfleet Science Academy [Skill 5 Computing/Communciation]: 2320s Colony Datanets [unchanged] [ETC 2322-23]
  • Federation Broadcast Service [Skill 4 Communication/Xenopsychology]: 2320s Encryption [unchanged] [ETC 2322-23]
  • Starfleet Intelligence Office 44 (Diplomatic Analysis) [Skill 2 Communication/Foreign Analysis] : 2320s Signal Intercepts [unchanged]
  • Arqueniou System Broadcast Service [Skill 3 Communication] : [new] -> TASK COMMS
  • Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science [Skill 5 Minerals/Personal]: 2330s Special Refining[unchanged] [ETC 2325]
  • All Pyllix Geological Institute [Skill 3 Minerals/Sensors]: 2320s Special Surveying[unchanged] [ETC 2325]
  • Vulcan Science Academy [Skill 6 Xenopsychology/Sensors] : 2310s Xenopsychology [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Spock [Skill 6 Xenopsychology/Sensors]: 2320s Diplomacy [unchanged][ETC 2320]
  • University of Betazed [Skill 5 Xenopsychology/Personal]: 2320s Affiliates Research [unchanged] [ETC 2320]
  • Starfleet Medical Research Command [Skill 5 Medical/Personal]: 2320s Multi-Species Care [unchanged] [ETC 2322-23]
  • Starfleet Infectious Diseases Institute [Skill 4 Medical] : 2330s Trauma Medicine [unchanged] [ETC 2323-26]
  • Generic Team 3: 2320s Radiation Therapy [unchanged] [ETC 2323-27]
  • Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau [Skill 2 Propulsion / Capital Design] : 2320s Sublight Motion [unchanged] [ETC 2323-24]
Ship Design:
  • Intazzi Team - Grand Hive R&D [Skill 4 Propulsion/Frigate Design]: Generalist Frigate Project [unchanged] [ETC 2321]
Frigate Design:
  • 40 Eridani A [Skill 5 Frigate Design/Warp Tech] : 2320s Escort - Engineering [unchanged] [ETC 2320]
  • Generic Team 4 : 1mt Escort Design [unchanged] [ETC 2323-2325]
Cruiser Design:
  • Lasieth Craft Yards Design Bureau [Skill 2 Frigate Design / Cruiser Design]: 2310s Cruiser - Combat [unchanged] [ETC 2321-22]
Capital Design:
  • Utopia Planitia [Skill 6 Cruiser/Capital Design]: 2320s Explorer - Engineering [unchanged] [ETC 2320]
  • Generic Team 5 : 2320s Explorer - Combat [unchanged]
Starbase Design:
  • Taves Nar Orbital Engineering [Skill 4 Starbase Design/Starship Construction] : 2310s Starbase Design - Repair [unchanged] [ETC 2324]
  • Henn-Makad Engineering Institute [Skill 3 Starbase Design / Minerals] : 2310s Starbase Design - Combat [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Admiral Lathriss [Skill 5 Fleet Design/Defensive] : Frontline Infrastructure [unchanged] [ETC 2320]
  • Apinae Protective Engineering Bureau [Skill 3 Starbase/Defensive Doctrine] : Frontier Service Training [unchanged] [ETC 2321]
  • Games & Theory Division [Skill 4 Foreign Analysis/Offensive] : United Starfleet [unchanged] [ETC 2320]
  • Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team [Skill 3 Weapons/Offensive Doctrine] : Sensor Pickets [unchanged] [ETC 2320]
Foreign Analysis:
  • Kuznetsova's Tiger Team [Skill 5 Fleet Design/Foreign Analysis] : Horizon Research [unchanged] [ETC 2320]
  • Technocracy Interstellar Ministry [Skill 3 Xenopsychology / Foreign Analysis] : Cardassian Research [unchanged] [ETC 2327-28]

[] [PLAN] Base Plan Respecting Narrative Expertise
-[] Experimental Computing Group : Production Isolinear Computers
-[] Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory : 2320s Phaser Development
-[] T'Rinta : 2320s Torpedo Development
-[] Andorian Academy : 2320s Navigational Deflectors

[] [SENSORS] Advanced Sensor Concepts Group : 2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays
[] [SENSORS] Advanced Sensor Concepts Group : 2320s Sensor Installations
[] [SENSORS] Advanced Sensor Concepts Group : 2320s Long Range Sensors

One consideration is that Spock will be available next year and could be used to catch up on the long delayed 2320s Long Range Sensors if we so choose, which could be a reason for picking another project now (even starting a year later Spock would finish the project three years earlier).
High-Powered Sensor Arrays currently has no listed effect, but is probably supposed to have one (otherwise it should say "nothing yet" or something similar like other precursor techs do, and it did have effects under the old design spreadsheet). I would suggest improving the range (but not the chance) of detection of enemy fleets. In any case it has important successor techs (among other things the +1S science ship refit) so we will want to research it eventually anyway even if it turns out to actually have no effect.

[] [COMMS] Arqueniou System Broadcast Service : 2320s Fleet Comms
[] [COMMS] Arqueniou System Broadcast Service : 2320s Federation Datanet
[] [COMMS] Arqueniou System Broadcast Service : 2330s Emergency Network

Recommended Boosts: Experimental Computing Group, Generic Teams 1, 2, 3, 4

Not very many teams to assign, mostly because so many teams started new projects last year.
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[X] [PLAN] Respecting Narrative Expertise
-[X] Experimental Computing Group : Production Isolinear Computers
-[X] Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory : 2320s Phaser Development
-[X] T'Rinta : 2320s Torpedo Development
-[X] Andorian Academy : 2320s Navigational Deflectors

[X] [SENSORS] Advanced Sensor Concepts Group : 2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays

[X] [COMMS] Arqueniou System Broadcast Service : 2320s Federation Datanet

Pretty simple choices. Have Spock do LR Sensors so we get them done in time for the next design project. Sensor Installations is a trap (very long project) so do something else. Federation Datanet gives us a free diplomatic push for a low cost, which us very important in the tag era.
[X] [PLAN] Respecting Narrative Expertise
-[X] Experimental Computing Group : Production Isolinear Computers
-[X] Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory : 2320s Phaser Development
-[X] T'Rinta : 2320s Torpedo Development
-[X] Andorian Academy : 2320s Navigational Deflectors

[X] [SENSORS] Advanced Sensor Concepts Group : 2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays

[X] [COMMS] Arqueniou System Broadcast Service : 2320s Federation Datanet

[X] [BOOST] Experimental Computing Group, Generic Teams 1, 2, 3, 4
[X] [PLAN] Respecting Narrative Expertise
-[X] Experimental Computing Group : Production Isolinear Computers
-[X] Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory : 2320s Phaser Development
-[X] T'Rinta : 2320s Torpedo Development
-[X] Andorian Academy : 2320s Navigational Deflectors

[X] [SENSORS] Advanced Sensor Concepts Group : 2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays

[X] [COMMS] Arqueniou System Broadcast Service : 2320s Federation Datanet

[X] [BOOST] Experimental Computing Group, Generic Teams 1, 2, 3, 4
[X] [PLAN] Respecting Narrative Expertise
-[X] Experimental Computing Group : Production Isolinear Computers
-[X] Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory : 2320s Phaser Development
-[X] T'Rinta : 2320s Torpedo Development
-[X] Andorian Academy : 2320s Navigational Deflectors

[X] [SENSORS] Advanced Sensor Concepts Group : 2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays

[X] [COMMS] Arqueniou System Broadcast Service : 2330s Emergency Network

[X] [BOOST] Experimental Computing Group, Generic Teams 1, 2, 3, 4
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Spot-checking the Amarki builds (not the others, since they're just auxiliary ship builds):
Amarkia - CAS (Riala-A, NCC-2204, Pennant R4), 1 Anacail (NCC-3808), 1 Mielab (NCC-3807)

1) Checking the last time a Riala was commissioned - way back in 2311.Q2:
It is my honour to report the CAS Abhriec, Amarkian Pennant Number R3, UFP Registry NCC-2203, is worthy in all aspects, passing all trials in preparation for its full commissioning into the fleet., has it been that long? Probably all the Riala-A refits, berth resizing projects, and emphasis on the new frigates delaying further Riala builds.

2) This Riala NCC-2204 build commenced in 2317.Q1:
Amarki - 1 Riala-A (NCC-2304), Refit [Riala-A], Refit [Brieca-A], Refit [Calac-A]
So a build time of 3.5 years for a ship class that's supposed to take 4 years to build. (Also, the NCC registry was typo-ed as NCC-2304 in that post.)

3) Both the Mielab NCC-3807 and Anacail NCC-3808 builds commenced in 2319.Q1:
Amarki - 1 Refit [Riala-A], 1 Refit [Brieca-A], 1 Refit [Calac-A], 1 Mielab (NCC-3807), 1 Anacail (NCC-3808)
So a build time of 1.5 years for ship classes that are supposed to take 2 years to build.

I believe this 2 quarter reduction in build time is the result of the Amarki being on a economic mobilization level of "limited". From the Licori War mechanics:
Limited - 150% of normal income, -2Qtr build time, open full stockpile
Indeed, that neatly corresponds with the Amarki's income increasing by 50% according to the 2315 MWCD report.
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