Yeah but like, if a task force was +25 per quarter, that would be grossly hugely overpowered. We don't get results that good from Diplopushing Affiliates, and since they can be directed onto single target points, or *stack* with diplopushes, then things could potentially get very silly indeed.
Let's meet the hypothetical Dooblies. We meet them at...50/100 in Q1 and immediately form a task force to go after them, and diplopush the Dooblies for good measure. We get a +30 from a good diplopush and a +20 from a good task force, and they're in our camp and the diplopushes are all more effective. We keep pushing, because hey, at a conservative +40 per month from diplopushes and task forces, it's only 2 and a half years to get them in as New Members.