That was from horribly bad rolls on our end, and maybe really good ones on the Cardassian side. it won't happen often.

I like how you've stated this so categorically given that we've not actually seen the rolls, given that the Cardis actually have quite a large focus on skull duggery there is every possibility that this wasn't remotely some 1 in 100 chance but something that has a 25-30% chance of pulling off.
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Block and Counter

I'd like a diplomatic push or two, but I think that against the Cardassians, actions speak louder than words.
@Yeangst, actions speak louder than words, but diplomacy is action. Diplomacy is not sitting around doing nothing. Diplomacy is us setting ourselves up so that if the Cardassians actually go to war, or if we are compelled to go to war against Cardassia, it will be us-plus-our-three-biggest-friends fighting the war, not us alone.

Remember the biophage? The decisive ACTION that won the battle of Kadesh was Sulu flying to Klingon space to round up a Klingon battlegroup.

Derek, which plan of the surviving four do you endorse?
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Can I convince the voters of Block and counter to switch to my plan? We're simply splitting the vote at this point
Can I convince the voters of Block and counter to switch to my plan? We're simply splitting the vote at this point

Just to check, just how badly are we strapped for Explorer Corps crew right now? If it's not needed for the upcoming builds of ships, I'd like to suggest other plans drop the Explorer Corps recruitment drive.
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We need the Connie-B refit(not just my opinion, it seems to be the refit favored), so we can build a decent cruiser in the 9 or so years between now and the Reni's introduction.
Just to check, just how badly are we strapped for Explorer Corps crew right now? If it's not needed for the upcoming builds of ships, I'd like to suggest other plans drop it.

It's needed for an upcoming explorer build, one which fulfils a council ambition and thus we're likely to see a PP reward for it. There is also the opportunity cost of having an additional excelsior roaming bringing in explorer rewards.
To those who claim we might keep delaying the Renaissance indefinitely because there will always be something more short term pushing it out: I can't see that happening at all. I expect us to pick a new design or refit every year for the next while, after all we picked one last year and are going to pick at least one this year. If we get the Constitution refit this year the Constellation refit can wait 2 years. So by all expectations the Renaissance would be next in line. Unless some other genuinely better and more important design comes up until next year (very unlikely), or we have strong reason to believe that we can design a much better/cheaper Renaissance if we wait a bit longer because the system has been changed again (also unlikely) we are almost certainly going to pick the Renaissance next year. The only plausible scenario were I can see us not picking the Renaissance next year is if war has already broken out by then, and it seems hard to argue that we'd have been better off picking it this year in that case.
Because they are affiliates, and therefore pushes are 4 times as effecive.
I'm probably missing something again, but why are pushes more effective on associates?

Because they are far more important than those minor species. The Apiata are a second tier power like the Amarki, and the Indorians seem to be a third tier power with a relatively strong economy, we know about at least two separate mining colonies of theirs.
The one I would want to push most are the Seyek, who form a multi-species federation and have about 2290s tech. They seem pretty important to me.
To those who claim we might keep delaying the Renaissance indefinitely because there will always be something more short term pushing it out: I can't see that happening at all. I expect us to pick a new design or refit every year for the next while, after all we picked one last year and are going to pick at least one this year. If we get the Constitution refit this year the Constellation refit can wait 2 years. So by all expectations the Renaissance would be next in line. Unless some other genuinely better and more important design comes up until next year (very unlikely), or we have strong reason to believe that we can design a much better/cheaper Renaissance if we wait a bit longer because the system has been changed again (also unlikely) we are almost certainly going to pick the Renaissance next year. The only plausible scenario were I can see us not picking the Renaissance next year is if war has already broken out by then, and it seems hard to argue that we'd have been better off picking it this year in that case.
Well, because we'd already have it being designed, while the ConnieB refit will always be available and an option in such a case.
It's needed for an upcoming explorer build, one which fulfils a council ambition and thus we're likely to see a PP reward for it. There is also the opportunity cost of having an additional excelsior roaming bringing in explorer rewards.

Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 20pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)

As I read it, this option adds 2 of each to the Explorer Corps, and swipes two of each from the standard corps to Explorers. Are we planning on making more Explorers out of these ships, or standard Starfleet vessels?
Could I see a tally?

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 275 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4
[X] Plan Derek
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Starfleet Reform and Outreach
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: COUNCIL
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Safeguard
-[X] Request Refit Program for Constitution class [Constitution-class acquires stat block listed below], 8 turns, 35pp
-[X] Request expanded assets for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 40pp (allow greater numbers of intelligence assets, including deployed on ships, increasing DC for Cardassian action
-[X] Request expansion of Outposts in the Amarkia Sector, 10pp (4 turns, +5 Defence in Amarkia, more colonies with outposts if state of emergency ensues)
-[X] Request Mining Colony at Beta Corridan, 8pp (4 turns, gain +10 br / year, +10 sr / year)
-[X] Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
-[X] Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 20pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Apiata
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Indorions
No. of Votes: 11
[X][Council]Plan Fleet Upgrades
No. of Votes: 7
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Block and Counter
No. of Votes: 2
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Expanded Academy
-[X]NEW Request Mining Colony at Beta Corridan, 8pp (4 turns, gain +10 br / year, +10 sr / year)
-[X]Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Seyek]
-[X]Request Refit Program for Constitution class [Constitution-class acquires stat block listed below], 8 turns, 35pp
-[X]Request expanded assets for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 40pp (allow greater numbers of intelligence assets, including deployed on ships, increasing DC for Cardassian actions)
-[X]Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
-[X]Request Academy Expansion, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Diplomance the Cardassian Border
No. of Votes: 0
Total No. of Voters: 23
As I read it, this option adds 2 of each to the Explorer Corps, and swipes two of each from the standard corps to Explorers. Are we planning on making more Explorers out of these ships, or standard Starfleet vessels?

Explorers, as we want more excelsiors roaming bringing in colony spots, providing resources and RP and also finding new warp capable species to become members of the Federation.
I'm probably missing something again, but why are pushes more effective on associates?
Because they proc once per quarter instead of once per year. This is to offset the fact that you need four times more diplomatic points to raise an affiliate to a Federation member than to raise a neutral to an affiliate.

The one I would want to push most are the Seyek, who form a multi-species federation and have about 2290s tech. They seem pretty important to me.
I don't disagree, but decided to vote for a plan with what I viewed as the 'right' military choices and an acceptable level of diplomacy, rather than bicker over which species we want to court the most.
The one I would want to push most are the Seyek, who form a multi-species federation and have about 2290s tech. They seem pretty important to me.
They are important (either a second or third tier power, probably second tier), but I hope we get a few random events with them pushing them up to affiliate status, then we can do a push at full effectiveness with them next year. The number of random events we get with a species seems to scale with how many ships/planets/colonies they have, so chances should be pretty good.
You know, on the research matter, I've always found it odd that research teams can be 'deactivated'. I mean, what are they doing whilst deactivated?

Maybe have research points be something we can dedicated to specific areas?..