Fucking hell, the politicians are as bad as the US ones aren't they? No thought to this being a surprise attack using new tech/abilities that we didn't even know exsisted...I hate politics and politicians.

Funny thing is, the FDS and them got us into this shit in the first place.
You uh...you do know that failure to repair our main base in this sector and leaving it a smoking ruin for a year and a half are gonna have ramifications regardless of who's in politics, yes? You don't need to blame politics and those who engage in it for their being consequences for figuratively leaving Pearl Harbor To Burn.
You uh...you do know that failure to repair our main base in this sector and leaving it a smoking ruin for a year and a half are gonna have ramifications regardless of who's in politics, yes? You don't need to blame politics and those who engage in it for their being consequences for figuratively leaving Pearl Harbor To Burn.
It sounds like the bulk of the political ramifications are specifically for not repairing the mine, though.

The military ramifications are going to be an issue too, as will the loss of the merchantmen. But we were going to suffer those problems anyway, because realistically we can't delay our offensive long enough to fully repair the base.
It sounds like the bulk of the political ramifications are specifically for not repairing the mine, though.

The military ramifications are going to be an issue too, as will the loss of the merchantmen. But we were going to suffer those problems anyway, because realistically we can't delay our offensive long enough to fully repair the base.
The outpost got damaged too, remember? And yes, it sounds dumb but this is a major fuckup and we need to remember that this is the price for delaying our attack by a quarter to not interfere with politics. We need to take our lumps with dignity and accept our bloody nose instead of winging about it.

-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Put the Starfleet Engineering team to work rebuilding the Collie mining facilities (lose only 50% of this year's income; lose Engineering team's support during the offensive)
You uh...you do know that failure to repair our main base in this sector and leaving it a smoking ruin for a year and a half are gonna have ramifications regardless of who's in politics, yes? You don't need to blame politics and those who engage in it for their being consequences for figuratively leaving Pearl Harbor To Burn.
We can and will not delay the offensive any more than we absolutely need to, the Ashalla Pact needs to remember the order of things, and what happens when you hit civies and noncoms. I could honestly care less what N'Gir and the council Think, our people are dying In a war we didn't ask for or want...but we stand to protect the Federation and expand her horizons, as has always been the case.

-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Keep the Starfleet Engineering team supporting the fleet (lose one and a half year's worth of income, lose another 20 pp; keep Engineering team's support during the offensive)

The outpost got damaged too, remember? And yes, it sounds dumb but this is a major fuckup and we need to remember that this is the price for delaying our attack by a quarter to not interfere with politics. We need to take our lumps with dignity and accept our bloody nose instead of winging about it
They did bloody our nose, so lets break their bones.
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I think I've realized what our long term goal for the quest should be: to appoint a Horta as Commander of Starfleet.

Or at a bare minimum to command a protagonist ship, because I really want somebody to have to write an update titled "Horta Hears a Q".

Commander Suave: "Captain sensor contacts! We're surrounded!

Captain Horta: "....."

Commander Suave: "Aye sir! Red alert shields up!

Lieutenant Fanservice: "Captain we're being hailed?!"

Captain: "...."

Lieutenant: "Putting them on the monitor!"

[Space Babe Pirate shows up]

SBP: "Federation Captain your ship is surrounded and out gunned! Surrender and I may spare your crew!]

Captain: "...."

SBP: "So you're the resilient type eh Captain? Very well prepare yourself!"

[Screen cuts off]

Ensign Newbie: "Oh space pope we're all gonna di--"

Captain: "...."

Ensign: "....Forgive me Captain. I was out of line.:

Captain: "....."

Ensign: "Yes sir! Engaging attack pattern igneous!"

[Several blown consoles, multiple red shirt casualties, and the entire GDP of a country in special effects later.]

Captain: "...."

Lieutenant: "Yes sir that was the last of them. All that's left is their leader."

[Bloodied and wounded SBP shows up]

SBP: *coughs* "W-Well fought Captain."

Captain: "....."

SBP: "Surrender? On our first date! Never! You haven't heard the last of me Captain."

[Screen cuts out]

Lieutenant Commander Serious: "Sir they're power up their engines should I disable them?"

Captain: "....."

Commander: " The captain is right, the Insert Catchy Name is in no shape to pursue."

LC Serious: "Aye sir. Standing down to yellow alert."

Captain: "...."

Lieutenant: "Of course Sir, I'll Doctor Sensual and Chief Wrench Wench report to you in your ready room as soon as they have their reports ready."

[Captain rolls off the bridge.]

Ensign: *awe* "The captain was so amazing!"

Leiutenant Commander: "The Captain was a legend in the academy."

Lieutenant: "I've heard stories but--"

Commander: "Come on people we got work to do!"

Bridge: "Yes Commander!"
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The outpost got damaged too, remember? And yes, it sounds dumb but this is a major fuckup and we need to remember that this is the price for delaying our attack by a quarter to not interfere with politics. We need to take our lumps with dignity and accept our bloody nose instead of winging about it.
Weakening the offensive's effectiveness when we delayed in large part so that we could reinforce it seems... counterproductive.

That could actually work if the entire crew were telepaths like Betazoids.
This is pretty much how the BDS Harmony operated, only they really freaking hated fighting. Spoken word communications among the crew were the exception, rather than the rule.

Also, it could work if the Horta are just really, really good at expressive silences now that they've got the hang of Federation culture.
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)

-[X] Put the Starfleet Engineering team to work rebuilding the Collie mining facilities (lose only 50% of this year's income; lose Engineering team's support during the offensive)
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Keep the Starfleet Engineering team supporting the fleet (lose one and a half year's worth of income, lose another 20 pp; keep Engineering team's support during the offensive)

The PP cost is a down-payment on preventing repeats
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Keep the Starfleet Engineering team supporting the fleet (lose one and a half year's worth of income, lose another 20 pp; keep Engineering team's support during the offensive)
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)

-[X] Put the Starfleet Engineering team to work rebuilding the Collie mining facilities (lose only 50% of this year's income; lose Engineering team's support during the offensive)

I'm not too sure why we pulled the Engineering team for this offensive in the first place. My understanding was our objective is to clear the Enio subsector of Cardassian installations. Deciding to occupy it ourselves is sometime to decide later, preferably after we've mapped it out and can safely patrol it. We shouldn't be throwing down major fortifications during this campaign in any case, so we might as well save the pp and get the mines reopened.
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Keep the Starfleet Engineering team supporting the fleet (lose one and a half year's worth of income, lose another 20 pp; keep Engineering team's support during the offensive)
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Keep the Starfleet Engineering team supporting the fleet (lose one and a half year's worth of income, lose another 20 pp; keep Engineering team's support during the offensive)

I'm not too sure why we pulled the Engineering team for this offensive in the first place. My understanding was our objective is to clear the Enio subsector of Cardassian installations. Deciding to occupy it ourselves is sometime to decide later, preferably after we've mapped it out and can safely patrol it. We shouldn't be throwing down major fortifications during this campaign in any case, so we might as well save the pp and get the mines reopened.
I strongly suspect the engineering ships are there to provide machine shop and fabrication support to any of our ships that take damage passing through the Badlands. We know that the Badlands are a dangerous area to fly around in, and the same facilities that let engineering ships build orbital doomforts probably also help them do field repairs on starships.
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Keep the Starfleet Engineering team supporting the fleet (lose one and a half year's worth of income, lose another 20 pp; keep Engineering team's support during the offensive)
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Put the Starfleet Engineering team to work rebuilding the Collie mining facilities (lose only 50% of this year's income; lose Engineering team's support during the offensive)
The correct answer is to be the United States in space, and deploy enough engineering assets to do both alongside the rest of your massive construction program. Sadly, we can't actually do that yet.

We will be taking steps to commission a new engineering team every year, right guys?
How much are you willing to spend on auxiliary berths? We're treading water on logistics in the short term without loses to wolf packs. Partly because our multipliers keep getting worse, but I don't see any way out but through.
An engineering team, with all the trimmings, is 6 years and three berths. 4 years with a 2mt berth for a superfreighter and getting the third cargo ship's construction time somewhere by hook or by crook.
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Keep the Starfleet Engineering team supporting the fleet (lose one and a half year's worth of income, lose another 20 pp; keep Engineering team's support during the offensive)
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Put the Starfleet Engineering team to work rebuilding the Collie mining facilities (lose only 50% of this year's income; lose Engineering team's support during the offensive)

The Foragers is a given - we need to be able to see the Konen ships.
The Engineers is the issue - if we were launching an offensive to take territory I'd say they were critical and keep them. But I understand it as we are launching a punitive expedition, more concerned with pushing them out than actually claiming the territory right this moment.
If the Konen could do something like that regularly, they weren't a Cardassian vassal/client state. I think there's an easy solution to the problem, we just have to find it.
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Keep the Starfleet Engineering team supporting the fleet (lose one and a half year's worth of income, lose another 20 pp; keep Engineering team's support during the offensive)