Alright, here's a vote.

[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[X][CARD] Cardassian Fleet Strength Report
[X][ROM] Romulan Ship Analysis Report - Khellian
[X][KLI] Klingon Ship Analysis Report - Tarrak
[X][REPORT] Konen Tactics Report (2% combat bonus vs this fleet for 12 months)
[X][REPORT] Horizon Fleet Strength Report
[X][REPORT] Romulan Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Ship Analysis Report: Jaldun refit
[X][REPORT] Ship Analysis Report: Kaldar refit
[X][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report

Come on, no progress of Klingon-Romulan War? It's still the biggest thing happening in our part of space... you could drop the Kaldar refit for it since we can likely estimate that from the Jaldun refit report.
BTW @OneirosTheWriter a question that's been buzzing in my head.

Is there anyway for the Federation to peacefully incorporate large factions like the Romulans and Keligons similar to how we do it for more "minor" species?

Its kind of a mechanics question/lore question I guess?
I am not so sure that a tactics report for the Konen will be useful. It won't take effect until Q4, and by then everything that is going to explode will likely have exploded.
That's implying we'll win (or lose) in a single quarter's campaign. I'm fully expecting an extended fight, with or without our reinforcements staying in place.
you could drop the Kaldar refit for it since we can likely estimate that from the Jaldun refit report.
That's a fair point. That said, I'm curious what news we'll get on the war if we don't order a full report.
For comparison with Horizon, here's a list of Federation (not just Starfleet) shipyard worlds, by combined berth size and number of berths. (I'm only including berths that have been completed).
1) Mars - 22mt across 11 berths
2) Earth - 13.2mt across 7 berths
3) Amarkia - 12.5mt across 8 berths* (5mt across 5 berths are auxiliary)
4) Vulcan - 10mt across 6 berths
5) Andoria - 9mt across 6 berths
6) Apinae - 8.9mt across 7 berths
7) Gaen - 7mt across 5 berths
8) Tellar - 6.5mt across 5 berths
9) Alukk - 5.8mt across 6 berths
10) Ferasa - 5.5mt across 6 berths
11) Rigel - 5.5mt across 3 berths
12) Indoria - 5mt across 4 berths* - no berths greater than 1.5mt
13) Betazed - 4.8mt across 6 berths* - no berths >1mt
Various other worlds, none with more than 3 berths or more than 3.2mt combined berth size
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@OneirosTheWriter shouldn't we get a dedicated report for the Horizon desk? In the past we got extra reports for increased resources in the same year, and it would make more sense than possibly getting a report for listening posts in a border zone that hasn't even become active yet as you apparently rolled for.
@OneirosTheWriter shouldn't we get a dedicated report for the Horizon desk? In the past we got extra reports for increased resources in the same year, and it would make more sense than possibly getting a report for listening posts in a border zone that hasn't even become active yet as you apparently rolled for.
Creating the desk was for enabling the Foreign Analysis research.
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Perhaps its time to have a chat with the Tauni and find out what they know about Harmony defense doctrines and ship capabilities. If they rely on a foward defense doctrine then the border fleets are merly cause for concern if they use a centralised fleet defense doctrine with the border forces there to serve as a tripwire or delay then its time to issue the brown pants to all flag officers.
[JK][REPORT] Ashalla Pact Fleet Strength Report

What? Nobody ever said we can't vote for a report for the entire Pact, right?
(Pick One Free Horizon Tactical Report - Listening Post roll - failed)
[ ][HOH] Horizon Ship Analysis Report - Write in
[ ][HOH] Horizon Shipbuilding Report
[ ][HOH] Horizon Shipyard Report
[ ][HOH] Horizon Fleet Strength Report
Well, whatever the case is, it looks like Shark QM decided to give us a free Horizon report anyway.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report - Jaldun Refit
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[X][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report
[X][HOH] Horizon Fleet Strength Report
[X][KLI] Klingon Shipyard Report
[X][REPORT] Romulan Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to
[X][REPORT] Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Cardassian fleet strength in the GBZ
[X][REPORT] Konen Tactics Report (2% combat bonus vs this fleet for 12months)
[X][REPORT] Sotaw Diplomatic Posture Report