Frankly, if we are going to lose an admiral over this it's likely to be Linderley. Intel is his job, and that includes making sure the enemy can't sneak up on you.
Is this how it feels to be the Solarian League?

Paris is preparing a full inquiry into Starfleet's failure to protect its own assets, with President N'Gir being quoted as…
El Prez is probably getting shat upon by the press as much as Sulu is right now.

The correct answer is obvious to me,
The correct answer is to be the United States in space, and deploy enough engineering assets to do both alongside the rest of your massive construction program. Sadly, we can't actually do that yet.

We will be taking steps to commission a new engineering team every year, right guys?

-[X] Keep the Starfleet Engineering team supporting the fleet (lose one and a half year's worth of income, lose another 20 pp; keep Engineering team's support during the offensive)

-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)

We're essentially spending next year's political budget right now, but it is quite important that we make one thing crystal clear: messing with the UFP is never a winning strategy.
Well shit. Presuming we divert the Engineering Team to Collie, how long would it take to move another Engineering Team to Gabriel to aid the offensive?
Probably too long. It would make more sense to divert one of our other engineering teams to Collie to start repairs, and keep the existing Gabriel Zone engineers working with the fleet.

He's more of counter-intel, making sure that our most guarded secrets don't get out.
Given that the most likely explanation I'm hearing for how the Konen learned to spoof every goddamn sensor we had all at the same time, while firing and maneuvering, in a way that somehow only works on Starfleet sensors and literally no one else's, after getting far into our space undetected... Yeah, that involves them somehow having massively detailed technical information on all our sensors...

Yeah, you're right, but it doesn't really help Linderley's reputation.
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It's a little damned if we do, damned if we don't with fixing Collie.

We have to consider the possibility that one of the Konen's goals, maybe even a major goal, is to force a regime change on us, either getting ka'Sharren the Cardassian boggiewoman disgraced from the GBZ or the Fleet, or getting Sulu and his Intel Op bonus removed from play. The fact that they started this furball right before elections and their target after that seems aimed more for political wounds than strategic positioning seems to point this way.

It explains why they were willing to blow their sensor spoofing ace on Collie.
Kahurangi, Sousa, and now Sulu all know that it's the job of old officers with Admiral in the title to fall on their swords if need be to protect those without, so if someone is forced to resign over this issue, there's four candidates. This isn't a 'sack the commander of Starfleet' level boondoggle (yet, still waiting to see what Linderley turns up), but the longer that things proceed with a whacking great big scar where Collie II Mine used to be, the more difficult it will be to avoid offering up a sacrificial lamb (lol @ Harriman sitting there like Ensign Ricky between Blue Kirk and Sulu on an away team).

So to be clear, you're saying the actual cost of not putting the Engineering team to work on Collie is 20pp AND a resignation? Because you should make that clear in the vote. No one cares about 20 pp, but we want to protect our waifus.

Even Harriman.
I don't think he's saying that "the real price" is a resignation but I'm... not sure.

The last time the Council demanded that heads roll because of a slipup that wasn't really anyone's fault, we had the option of paying more political will to block it. We can afford to spend a fairly large amount of political will.
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No lie, I actually like the guy. As a reminder, here was my "bit" on him:
John Harriman
CURRENT POST: Spinward Theatre Command. As the name implies this posting is responsible for Starfleet operational activity on the UFP's spinward border, encompassing the UFP's border with the Cardassian Union and the current Gabriel Conflict Zone. Note this position was newly created with Harriman's appointment as part of a response to the UFP's recent expansion.
TIME-IN-RANK: 1 year prior to current date
SERVICE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS: Harriman had a long career commanding a ship in the Explorer Corps, then moved to Explorer Corps operations director. He then spent six years commanding the Starfleet squadron posted on the Empire's border. As a Rear Admiral Harriman served in Theory Command of Starfleet Tactical, a post whose function remains somewhat opaque to us. Despite all of this, a shadow hangs over his career as the captain under whose watch the famous Admiral Kirk died.
PERSONALITY: Described as "earnest" and "kind". Harriman excels at developing personal relationships and friendships and consequently has a cadre of quite fierce supporters within Starfleet.
STRENGTHS: While rarely innovative, Harriman has an encyclopedic knowledge of the tactics and stratagems employed by commanders of the past and can deploy them on command... or recognize them when deployed against himself. One source says, "I've never been able to get one up on John... he always seems to catch on to what I'm trying."
WEAKNESSES: Has little interest or skill in politics, which is one reason he has been unable to shake the shadow of Admiral Kirk's death. Not considered to be very innovative.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: For some members of the Federation Council, Harriman's obvious lack of interest in politics is a positive, as he is considered an unbiased source on Starfleet. As mentioned, Harriman operates heavily on personal, private friendships which tends to obscure the full scope of his support from our ability to monitor.
COMMENTS: Currently lacks time in rank to be promoted to Starfleet Commander, barring extraordinary circumstances. As Theatre Commander covering the Cardassian Union border, Harriman has a high probability of being the commanding officer on the spot when general war breaks out between the Cardassians and the UFP.
So to be clear, you're saying the actual cost of not putting the Engineering team to work on Collie is 20pp AND a resignation? Because you should make that clear in the vote. No one cares about 20 pp, but we want to protect our waifus.

Even Harriman.

It's not an automatic thing at this stage, depends how a few more things shake out, and you'll have a chance to resist calls for dismissal.
The Hawks are in an uproar, Development is pissed, the Expansionists are stony-faced, the Mercantilists are pulling their hair out.
I'm guessing the Pacifists are either just sad that people died, smug (even pacifists can be assholes), or all Vulcan-like "the fact that events of this nature happen is among the reasons behind our general opposition to war."
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I suggest letting the investigation finish before anyone resigns over the matter.
*sigh* Repeat after me: It doesn't matter what the politicians want, or whose head they take. The purpose of our senior people is to take the heat for the actions their juniors make on the ground. They trust their juniors to make the choices that accomplish the mission. Their juniors trust them to make the right choices possible.

The Cardassians are attempting a psychological ploy. To them, IDIC stands for Infinite Divisions in Infinite Conflict. They don't think that our system works when we're under strain. They're testing us, and trying alternative methods of attack to force us to capitulate. The very purpose of Wolfpacking is to win by either logistical/political destruction of the enemy, or forcing him to divide his forces in penny packets to provide defense thick enough to stop a Wolfpack (which then dilutes the ability to launch an offensive).

The way to fight a Wolfpack is to ignore the politics and have enough of a logistical reserve that the pinpricks don't delay you from driving a spike into their guts via offensives. It's damn hard to Wolfpack your way to victory when the enemy is knocking on your front door and burning down your homes around your ears.

So make the right military decisions. Fight a war in which we pit our strength against theirs, and bull through their attempts to exploit our weaknesses. Admit that all wars have a cost, and you don't pay all costs with ships and men.
I wonder if there's any way to manipulate the Cardassians and Konen into breaking their alliance or even attacking each other? The impression I'm getting of the Konen is not that of a species that indefinitely tolerates subordination to others, while we know that the Cardassians have both an imperative to be either at the throat or at the feet of every species they encounter and a strong preference for the former over the latter. There should be some way to exploit the tension.

Primarily target Cardassian ships, perhaps? The current campaign against us is pretty much a Konen-instigated and Konen-led one, so making the Cardassians suffer the brunt of the retaliation for the action of what they see as a vassal should cause some premature molting back on Cardassia Prime.
It's patenly obvious who's REALLY behind this attack. Time to show these pathetic Nazi wannabes how the Federation reacts when pissed off.

Order ships to gather above and below the galactic plane, send a diversionary force towards the Konen, and unleash a direct assault on Cardassia Prime from above and below. No matter the outcome, the spoonheads will know we are NOT to be fucked with.
I think I've realized what our long term goal for the quest should be: to appoint a Horta as Commander of Starfleet.

Or at a bare minimum to command a protagonist ship, because I really want somebody to have to write an update titled "Horta Hears a Q".
Fucking hell, the politicians are as bad as the US ones aren't they? No thought to this being a surprise attack using new tech/abilities that we didn't even know exsisted...I hate politics and politicians.

Funny thing is, the FDS and them got us into this shit in the first place.