They're trying to make people ignore readings that are designed to be minimal on Starfleet sensors, but still there. They've got enough records of our sensors in action that it shouldn't be hard for them to achieve this. They can't make them ignore something big and bright and flashy easily, or possibly at all. Instead they're running like actual stealth in that you still get a return, just a poor one, and bridging the gap with gentle suggestion.

Amarki using different sensors still pick them up perfectly fine.
Problem: A civilian ship detected them.
Problem: A civilian ship detected them.

They probably don't use Starfleet-spec packages either, y'know.

Yeah, the psyonic explanation makes little sense. It still requires magic sensor spoofing.

We've been fighting Cardassians for years. They know all about anything we have that radiates. We know all about everything they do that radiates too. I would be disappointed if they couldn't spoof active scanning occasionally. Electronic warfare is an old art.
My current estimated timeline.

Konen enter GBZ.
Konen start trial runs off their anti-Starfleet sensor tech. Sometimes we see them, sometimes we don't.
Refined version used as a final trial to disable Republic.
Refined version rolled out across the Konen fleet.
Honestly, our ships don't even run the same kind of sensors either. Nor the same operating systems. I suppose the entire line of Starfleet sensors from 2280 through 2210 might be affected but that doesn't actually make much sense.

e: Actually, the Oberth is even older than that. Like, 2260s sensors.
Honestly, our ships don't even run the same kind of sensors either. Nor the same operating systems. I suppose the entire line of Starfleet sensors from 2280 through 2210 might be affected but that doesn't actually make much sense.

e: Actually, the Oberth is even older than that. Like, 2260s sensors.

All those systems may have been refit.

Is there any sensor upgrade that got deployed to Starfleet but not to any of the member states?
You add Connie-B to that list if we assume this was used in the Republic attack.

Maybe the Oberth class is too old to be affected - but they certainly are not preferred front lines ships.
Civilian sensors detect them .... Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure they do.


Captain Fraotar glasch Glos put her finger down on the interface module again. "Collie Station, this is still the cargo ship Sturdy. We've run a sensor diagnostic, and we're still seeing ionized trails moving past the eighth planet."

The female voice from the other end of the line sighed. "Captain, I'm looking at the sensor feed from Collie VIII's orbital listening post right now. That's a solar wind spike, they happen every few weeks in this system."

Fraotar banged her hairy, three-fingered fist against the bulkhead. "I know what solar wind looks like, I know what THIS solar wind looks like, I've been running through this system for almost six months. We're seeing two ionized trails, bearing 34 mark 16-"

"Captain glasch Glos, our commander has just ordered a full sweep of that approach vector. We're using a sensor array the size of your ship's entire crew compartment. I don't know what kind of ghosts you've got in your system, but there's nothing there."

"Captain! CAPTAIN!" Navigator Ruben looked up from the sensor feed, eyes wide and panicked. "The sensor ghosts have fired torpedoes! They're...they're targeting US!"

They kinda did?
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Keep the Starfleet Engineering team supporting the fleet (lose one and a half year's worth of income, lose another 20 pp; keep Engineering team's support during the offensive)
Civilian sensors detect them .... Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure they do.

Yep, which is why we're scratching our heads here. Because they've apparently got a perfect counter to the sensors we use on literally every ship at our disposal to the point of effectively having a Combat Cloak, but civilian sensors and Member Fleet ships are still perfectly capable of resolving them.

Top level infiltration (or defectors from top level clearance) is the best explanation for what happened here, because the alternative are that they're literally wizards on a level that make the Mentats look positively tame (Because the Mentats were more likely to blow up in their own faces then come up with something mass producable.)

Of course, another possibility is that they got their hands on a sensor-specialist Mentat and that's how they've got such a ludicrously powerful effect that still fails absolutely outside of a very specific target grouping.
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At this point it matters little how it happened, what matters now is that we come up with a counter(of which I have much faith in, we are the Federation afterall), and educate the Konen as to why attacking noncombatants and federation civilians is a bad idea.
-[X] Requisition 3 more apiata foragers to serve as spotters for task forces 1, 3, and 5 (cost 25 pp)
-[X] Keep the Starfleet Engineering team supporting the fleet (lose one and a half year's worth of income, lose another 20 pp; keep Engineering team's support during the offensive)
I wonder if the Konen dwemonstrated their system with this raid to Cardasian observers knowing its a short term advantage to start a general war between the Cardasians and the Federation while their forces stay out of it.
At this point it matters little how it happened, what matters now is that we come up with a counter(of which I have much faith in, we are the Federation afterall), and educate the Konen as to why attacking noncombatants and federation civilians is a bad idea.
Knonen nada, I want to send a message to the entire flippin' Pact. Because I doubt these guys risked doing this without Cardie backing, especially since the Republic just got hit.

If another attack occurs, presidental approoval or not, I am going to advocate retalliation.
Yep, which is why we're scratching our heads here. Because they've apparently got a perfect counter to the sensors we use on literally every ship at our disposal to the point of effectively having a Combat Cloak, but civilian sensors and Member Fleet ships are still perfectly capable of resolving them.

Top level infiltration (or defectors from top level clearance) is the best explanation for what happened here, because the alternative are that they're literally wizards on a level that make the Mentats look positively tame (Because the Mentats were more likely to blow up in their own faces then come up with something mass producable.)

Of course, another possibility is that they got their hands on a sensor-specialist Mentat and that's how they've got such a ludicrously powerful effect that still fails absolutely outside of a very specific target grouping.

This is of course a probability, but I'd dispute that it's the most likely explanation.

When would Konen specifically have the time and resources to either place a mole in Starfleet, or recruit someone with technical knowledge required for such go-around? Why them, and not Cardassians? If it had been a joint Ashalla Pact op, why are only Konen ships displaying these characteristics? You'd think with how much attention we had put on our internal security (in no small courtesy thanks to Syndicate) we would have noticed something. This is why I in particular think defection is unlikely. Linderly or someone else would have likely noticed a person with high clearance suddenly disappearing. Recruiting an internal agent would be more likely than that.

But if that was the case, then the Pact would have screwed up by wasting their hand and showing us what they're capable of, unless we're facing imminent invasion, since the value of moles lies typically in their ability to feed you constant information, thus dispelling the proverbial fog of war.

It could be that the latest nomadic species has provided them with some gizmo that spoofs our latest sensors for some highly specific technobabble reason. It could be that Konen mindjacked information out of Republic prisoners and found a specific flaw only they could exploit. It could be some form of ECM Konen had well in advance, but we never saw it in action etc. There are any number of scenarios that are equally likely, use consistent logic and fit the evidence we've seen so far.

However, this does raise us a question: are we still confident in our approach to Ashalla Pact? Because frankly after recent events, I don't think "we will sit back and drown them with ships" will actually be as effective as we think it's going to be.