[X] Thalisar Shipyards

This is a pretty minor vote, but no sense in changing naming conventions. It's a shipyard, let's name it like all the others.
Standardization is a thing, and a boon to logistics, which is the incentive to reusing parts narrative-wise, aside from saving weight gameplay-wise.

New hull components are for when the reusable ones don't fit your criteria.

The military and the industry use standard sizes and components for a reason. The Federation being a post-scarcity society doesn't give it an excuse to neglect its logistics.

I understand the benefits of standardization. But my question is when we should design new ship components.

I now have a copy of the ship design spreadsheet, and it looks like ship components are simply based off scale. I'm going to take that as meaning that we're free to interpret the looks of the ship however we want, as long as it has the same mass. So circle saucer vs oval saucer (or rectangular saucer :V) makes no difference.
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that doesnt make any sense we haven't met any sentient hand species yet
Also more importantly what are you talking about Humanity has long interacted with sentient hands, as you can see from this historical document from prior to the eugenics war.

Based on the penetration of such idioms across all human languages it's very clear humans and sentient hands have a long and rich history of cooperation of working hand in hand together.
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Ahem. So I was trying to update the spreadsheet to see what three more years of research would actually get us. I manually changed values per all the following technologies:

Warp Core Power Generation I (+2% to Warp Core output)
Warp Core Construction II (Warp Core Weight reduced by 2%)

Cruiser Nacelle Design Improvements II (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Cruisers)
Cruiser Design Efficiency II (-2% to SR Costs)
Cruiser Combat Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Science Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Hull Design II (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Shield Design II (-1% to Cruiser stat weights)
Cruiser Presence Design II (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Defence Design II (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Module Design I (-2% to Scale 1 Module Frame Weight)

Targeting Computer II (2% weapon weight reduction)
Ship Computer Core II (1% Science weight/power savings)
Ship Operating System II (1% warp core power improvement)

Targeting Sensors II (2% weight savings for combat)
Enhanced Sensors II - (2% weight savings for Science)

Emitter Designs I (-2% to Deflector Weight)
Shield Reliability I (+1% reliability for shields)

Xeno Architecture II (2% weight/power savings for Presence)
Presence Reliability Research I (Presence Reliability improved by 2%)

But the resulting sheet doesn't seem to be producing ships that are very good. Anyone want to take a look and tell me where I went wrong?

Cruiser Level II Tech and others BoldlyGo CustomShipWorkbook2

I'm thinking the Caldonians and the Gaeni next turn for their tech, and since they're close to 300. Maybe also a non-affiliate push for a few others like the Kadeshi...

I'm thinking no diplomatic pushes next turn unless the pp bounty overflows. We need to concentrate mainly on shipbuilding and defense-related requests for the moment. The Betazoids will come on board this turn or the next, and our fleet will be stretched as tight as a drum. Come back in a few years and we can start diplomatic pushes again.
I never actually saw Irresponsible Captain Taylor.


However, I should mention namespaces are incomplete lists, and that name fits the concept of the namespace. If you want it to be used I'd suggest writing up a name history like I did for Yukikaze. In particular, you're going to want a ship or two to bridge the gap between anime show and train to Federation Starship. I'd start with a Japanese Destroyer which served in WW3 and follow it with another Ganges-class.
To every one else in the thread if I haven't been put on ignore for dumping ship designs :p what would you prefer to emphasize with ship designs? Reliability? Quick research times? Cheap ships? Maximum capability?
Not reusing Constitution hull parts :mad:

If one wants a max size escort, then I'd suggest reusing the size two saucer I wrote about and a new size one module. That should also save some weight given the lighter construction of modules.
Also more importantly what are you talking about Humanity has long interacted with sentient hands, as you can see from this historical document from prior to the eugenics war.

Based on the penetration of such idioms across all human languages it's very clear humans and sentient hands have a long and rich history of cooperation of working hand in hand together.

Obviously he was an early long term scout who went native. The Addams family demonstrate the best of earth culture for adopting him, and making him one of them so fondly.
And indeed, we never do get any particular resolution on the Queen/Worker issue. Something to worry about if they ever slowly grind their way up to +300 Relationship.
Luckily they weren't a species we were particularly enthusiastic about, but still ouch.
(and other similar quotes)

So I've been thinking about how diplomacy has been working in this quest, and I'm finding it very odd that diplomacy with other non-major nations is treated homogeneously.

It's like, the only considerations about another non-major nation is what benefits we can get with them. Nothing taken into account for how well their culture would synergize with Federation culture, or how much their culture is willing to change in exchange for membership benefits. Just a simple diplomacy roll that's the same regardless of that nation's cultural disposition.

Orions and the Apiata are a great example of this problem. What the heck are we gonna do if they become full Federation members? Orions don't want to give up their monetary system, while Apiata have a genetically coded caste system. Yet doesn't full membership imply integrated economy and federal laws? Or do we have to start compromising on Federation values and start making exceptions for each troublesome nation that we want to integrate?

At the very least, it would make sense for more disparate cultures to have more diplomatic issues. Gameplay-wise, that could translate into diplomacy rolls of 2u<x> + <y>, where x is currently 15 (I think) based off xenopsychological research, and y represents "cultural compatibility". This cultural compatibility could be negative, indicating that it's probably a bad idea to try getting this nation to join the Federation. There could also be mechanics behind cultural compatibility changing: perhaps some xenopsychological research, or events (e.g. nation is invaded and occupied by another nation), or simply time.
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Can you make the sheet editable?
My first guess is that you didn't use any of the extra techs to cut power requirements - which is giving you that lolhuge warp core that weighs more than the saucer itself.

I made it editable. You'll see the cells I changed have all been marked in red. Did I maybe change some value in the wrong direction?! It seems like for pretty much everything, less is better.
At the very least, it would make sense for more disparate cultures to have more diplomatic issues. Gameplay-wise, that could translate into diplomacy rolls of 2u<x> + <y>, where x is currently 15 (I think) based off xenopsychological research, and y represents "cultural compatibility". This cultural compatibility could be negative, indicating that it's probably a bad idea to try getting this nation to join the Federation. There could also be mechanics behind cultural compatibility changing: perhaps some xenopsychological research, or events (e.g. nation is invaded and occupied by another nation), or simply time.

Well, I think basically the issue is that this is a Starfleet quest not a Federation Council quest, so that assumption is that is all being worked out behind the scenes. We get the narrative about it.
Orions and the Apiata are a great example of this problem. What the heck are we gonna do if they become full Federation members? Orions don't want to give up their monetary system, while Apiata have a genetically coded caste system. Yet doesn't full membership imply integrated economy and federal laws? Or do we have to start compromising on Federation values and start making exceptions for each troublesome nation that we want to integrate?

I think the answer to this is twofold.

First of all, we're not playing as the Federation; we're playing as Starfleet, the ships-and-interstellar-missions arm of the Federation Bureaucracy. We have a lot of influence, but stuff like cultural integration is simply outside our remit.

But second of all, we're the United Federation of Planets. Cultural integration is our hat. It's our thing. In strategy game terms, we have the faction bonus that removes penalties from integrating other races into our empire, and we also have a strong cultural influence driven by our post-scarcity, laissez-faire Culture-lite economy. The Klingons would probably have a lot harder time integrating species at our pace.
Come to think of it, for instance, the Andorians have a martial culture, yet they're core members of a peaceful Federation.