For comparison, we have 1 Excelsior, 1 Centaur, 2 Miranda, and an Oberth. As a reminder though, the Romulan Birds of Prey are light cruisers far superior to our own Constellations.
A new cruiser that will be even more powerful than the cruisers they have that are already more powerful than our ships. Joy.
Suspected Force on Klingon Border:
2 K'tinga
6 Klingon Bird of Prey
This has again held steady through the year. We are hearing rumours of a debate as to whether research proposals should go towards a million-ton plus cruiser or explorer, or whether it should go to a next generation Bird of Prey design.
We have 7 Defense, to go up to 10 with the new Constellation.
Suspected Force on Cardassian Frontier:
3 Jaldun-class destroyers operating within the frontier unit on a regular basis.
1 Science Escort is also operating within the frontier.
At least two larger ships have been identified from long range sensors.
So that's 12 Combat/12 Defense from the Destroyers alone, and then there are the larger ships... They could overwhelm our border patrol fleet pretty fast if it every came to that.
Believed to rely on a mainstay of Jaldun-class destroyers. In Starfleet parlance, the Jaldun is a general purpose cruiser.
The Jaldun will crush a Constellation simply because of the significantly more powerful shields and hull. It's about a little less powerful a Constitution-B, with the Constitution having a higher Combat and equal shields but less Hull... usually the Constitution's superior Combat will win the day and starting damaging the Jaldun's hull and reducing its capabilities first. The Renaissance is a little better even than that, though not by much.
We believe there are at least eight, and possibly as many as twenty. With as little as we know of the extent of Cardassian borders, and what other force commitments they have, it is very difficult to say for sure. We are still attempting to monitor communications as well as pick the brains of our allies as to full Cardassian Union fleet strength.
We know that there is at least one larger version of the Jaldun that we believe is more heavily combat focused. There was also a sensor ghost picked up by the Courageous that we believe was a separate, even larger design, some manner of battleship-like design. They did appear very unwilling to risk it, so it may not be a ship they have many of.
8 to 20, some of them even more powerful and more powerful ships beyond them. That would not be fun fight. We need more ships, and we need them fast.
Opinion on Sydraxite Heirarchy Incident
With all due concession to the Courts-Martial and the Starfleet JAG Corps, our initial investigation with the crew of the USS Miracht has led us to cast doubt as to whether Captain Thuir had any chance to prevent this calamity. Unfortunately, the entire party at the centre of the matter all perished, including Lieutenant Sharon sh'Sarhraan, Ensign Viera Kendle, and six other ranks. Reviews of the sensor log revealed Cardassian subspace traffic from the planet immediately before and after the incident.
I think it's a mistake to try and make other species ships with our spreadsheet. They have different tech bases and their spreadsheet (if it existed) would look radically different.[/QUOTE]
Revak - Assigned to Director, Training Bureau, Starfleet Personnel Command
Promoted to Rear Admiral
Promoted to Vice Admiral
Rinias ch'Vohlet - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Ship Design Bureau
Rear Admiral Sevok, Director of Starfleet Medical Command
Key Reassignments
Commodore Nyota Uhura - Assigned to Command, Cardassian Border Zone
Captain Syzi ch'Zelil - Assigned to Deputy Director, Operations, Explorer Corps
Commodore T'Lorel - Assigned to Director of Operations, Starfleet Explorer Command
Commodore Victoria Eaton - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Data Modelling, Ship Design Bureau
Captain Rosalee McAdams - Director, San Francisco FY Design Bureau, Ship Design Bureau
Rear Admiral Gellond Choss - Assigned to Director, San Francisco Fleet Yards
Commodore T'Faer - Assigned to Chief of Staff, Ship Design Bureau
Rear Admiral Park Seong-Ho - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Medical Command
Changes to Explorer Panel of Captains
Out: Revak
In: None
Placed on Sabbatical/Convalescent Leave
Captain Michel Thuir - Convalescent, should return in time for his ship to finish repairs
Starfleet Personnel - Discipline
The Board of Inquiry of Captain Michel Thuir and the senior officers of the USS Miracht will take place under the supervision of the Chief of Staff of Tactical Command, Rear Admiral O'Keefe. The Rear Admiral has many years of experience in such matters. Early indications are positive for the Captain, with a number of noted officers speaking out in his defence. Voices on the Federation Council are divided, with some, such as Councillor of the Andorian Colony World ch'Vuhlan openly criticising Thuir's handling, while on the other side a joint statement between Councillor Langford of Earth and Councillor Stesk of Vulcan praised Thuir for his attempts to diplomatically retrieve the situation despite personal peril.
- Provides: 15br, 15sr, 5rp, 5pp, +0.2 Officers/Enlisted, +0.05 Techs
- Requires: D0
- Installations: Ferasa Station [Starbase I], S'Neranya(1 x 2.5mt berth, 2 x 600kt berth)
- Local Currently: 6 Old Swarmers, 6 Modern Swarmers, 3 Fatherships
NB: Amarkian Ratification Event occurs this Turn
Construction Complete in Andoria
The new shipyard at Andor has been revealed, a sturdy central orbital base with a set of storage facilities and a nearby shipyard drydock frame. The drydock frame contains protective navigational deflectors from orbital debris, manipulation arms for assembly, lighting, work crew life support, and a variety of docking facilities. Although it will never become the greatest shipyard in Starfleet, it is nonetheless a point of pride for Andorians.
I think it's a mistake to try and make other species ships with our spreadsheet. They have different tech bases and their spreadsheet (if it existed) would look radically different.
So that's 12 Combat/12 Defense from the Destroyers alone, and then there are the larger ships... They could overwhelm our border patrol fleet pretty fast if it every came to that.
Don't forget that most of the time they are operating against our Explorer Corps ships so it's not quite as bad as you make it sound. They are probably at least as worried about having to face 5 or more Excelsiors.