I'd really like a Dylaarian fleet strength report. Just one, so we can have a rough estimate of total enemy forces in the GBZ to weigh our fleet strength against.

It really seems like something that won't seem important right up until we actually find them, and suddenly it's really really important.

Part of the issue with that is limited contact means we won't be able to get a picture at all. Like, we haven't even seen a Dylaarian since the Kadeshi mission. Before that, first contact. That makes them almost as rare as the Ittik-ka.

How are we supposed to estimate their fleet strength? From the Enterprise's hacking years ago? What method have we had available? Remember that we're always warned to keep in mind what Intelligence will actually be able to access.

I think we can probably drop the ISC Diplomatic Posture for a year? They're new and exciting, but they're also quite far away and not really urgent for... anything. We already have a basic idea anyway - "Wow, these new aliens are friendly! That's never happened before!"

I don't think there's been enough time for them to develop a real diplomatic posture beyond that first impression. Give it a year, and see how they shape up.

I do agree with this in principle but I'm willing to bet there will be at least one person agitating heavily for it. I won't be voting for it myself, though. I have enough of a picture from our captains logs so far.
I'm probably still going to vote for it if I vote because I don't see there being 6 other reports that are actually important rather than nice to know, but I acknowledge that if there is one year we don't really need a tactics report it's this one. Next year it's going to be more important again as they will have had enough time to complete ships in many of their new/expanded shipyards, just not cruisers in the very latest ones.
We don't have the stats on the new Klingon Bird of Prey either, and it looks like the mk2 is replacing their old BoP in large numbers. Might be worth a report.

- Cardassian Fleet Strength
- Romulan Fleet Strength (our oldest regular Romulan Report other than Diplomatic Posture)
- Detailed Klingon/Romulan War Progress
- Yrillian Diplomatic Posture with an eye to how to make more progress
- Cardassian Shipyard Report (never been requested before, although we've gotten a picture from other sources - recent shipyard expansion is complete too so it's the right time)
- ISC Diplomatic Posture
- 1 more report, arguments for a ship report, a Cardassian Tactics +5% Report, or an additional Diplomatic Posture from an Ashalla Pact member like the Dawiar

Something like that? I could see disagreement over the Cardy Shipyard Report or ISC Report maybe but we do kind of need a complete picture.
e: This is why I'd pay 70pp for another Intel report. We never have enough.
e2: And yeah, GBZ report too, it's counted in those 7 though so we'd have to replace something like the ISC.

(Pick One Cardassian Tactical Report)
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report - Write in class
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Shipbuilding Report
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Fleet Strength Report

(Pick One Romlan Tactical Report)
[ ][ROM] Romulan Ship Analysis Report - Write in
[ ][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report
[ ][ROM] Romulan Shipyard Report
[ ][ROM] Romulan Fleet Strength Report

Five general reports and a 25% chance of a report from listening posts in the CBZ which would give us a second Cardassian report.

Card Tactics, Card Fleet Strength, Rom Fleet Strength, ISC report, GBZ report, Lecarre report?, Rom/Klingon War... we really need the listening posts to work this turn and need to buy the extra intel report next snakepit. We should have fewer non-affiliates between the pushes this year and the random roll.
Part of the issue with that is limited contact means we won't be able to get a picture at all. Like, we haven't even seen a Dylaarian since the Kadeshi mission. Before that, first contact. That makes them almost as rare as the Ittik-ka.

How are we supposed to estimate their fleet strength? From the Enterprise's hacking years ago? What method have we had available? Remember that we're always warned to keep in mind what Intelligence will actually be able to access.
Presumably, taking the information from the Cardassians. Even second- or third-hand information would be good enough - We only need a very rough idea of the fleet size to shape our GBZ actions accordingly.

I appreciate using a report to get blurry data isn't ideal, but we only really need a blurry picture, even if we'd prefer a more detailed one.

I do agree with this in principle but I'm willing to bet there will be at least one person agitating heavily for it. I won't be voting for it myself, though. I have enough of a picture from our captains logs so far.
Surely the voters will follow the most well-reasoned and thought-out plan? :V

Oh and:
If we started that tech this turn with a skill 2 team, even counting average Inspiration and skillups it would take ~14 years to hit the 100pt tech and probably another 4-5 to finish the 150pters. It's not relevant.
Fair enough. In an ideal world, we'd find a team with a Starbase Design speciality (maybe from the Honiani?) But I appreciate nothing's likely to happen any time soon.
Surely the voters will follow the most well-reasoned and thought-out plan? :V

You have to remember that intelligence steering isn't by plan. The top 5 general reports are picked individually.

Card Tactics, Card Fleet Strength, Rom Fleet Strength, ISC report, GBZ report, Lecarre report?, Rom/Klingon War... we really need the listening posts to work this turn and need to buy the extra intel report next snakepit. We should have fewer non-affiliates between the pushes this year and the random roll.

Yrillian Diplomatic Posture is my pet intel report this turn. Since we're not pushing them right now and since Briefvoice doesn't want to without results, I want to find out how to get results.
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In regards to the starbase repair research option. Why haven't we bought one by now?
2310s Starbase Design - Repair
For helping further developments in the large installations that support your operations.

0 / 100 Outpost Ship Repair Facilities I (Outposts can repair 1 Escort of any damage level)
0 / 150 Starbase Ship Repair Facilities I (Starbases can repair 1 Cruiser of any damage level)
0 / 150 Starbase Ship Repair Expansions I (Starbases can repair 2 Ships at a time)

2320s Starbase Design - Repair
For helping further developments in the large installations that support your operations.

0 / 60 Outpost Ship Repair Facilities II (Outposts can repair 1 Escort of any damage level)
0 / 60 Starbase Ship Repair Facilities II (Starbases can repair 1 Cruiser of any damage level)
0 / 60 Starbase Ship Repair Expansions II (Starbases can repair 2 Ships at a time)

Just noticed that 2310s and 2320s SBD Repair seem to have identical effects, but don't appear to stack. @OneirosTheWriter , could you take a quick look and rework/reword them?
It takes forever and a half. About the entire length of the quest so far. If we had started in our very first research update, we might be done this coming one.
Well, that's a slight exaggeration - it would take that long with a Skill 2 no-specialisation team. (Which, admittedly, is all we have at the moment - but wouldn't the team level up? Or am I misunderstanding how that works?)
Well, that's a slight exaggeration - it would take that long with a Skill 2 no-specialisation team. (Which, admittedly, is all we have at the moment - but wouldn't the team level up? Or am I misunderstanding how that works?)
Taves Nar, our currently only Starbase team, joined our SDB in 2309. We'd have to put a non-specialized team on it early on. Otherwise, we'd still be researching it even with Taves Nar on it from the very start.

I mean, yes, we'd be faster with a Starbase team if we recruited another one now, but it would still take eons.
Well, that's a slight exaggeration - it would take that long with a Skill 2 no-specialisation team. (Which, admittedly, is all we have at the moment - but wouldn't the team level up? Or am I misunderstanding how that works?)
96 points from a skill 2 starbase team taking 15 years, with 75 from inspiration. So best case after 15 years one completed and the other at 135/150 each. So 16 years with a boost best case scenario, likely losing points due to inspirations landing on the 100 tech and so 18 or 19 years more likely... yeah it is depressing.
well no time like the present. Next snakepit lets buy a couple of tech teams to focus Starbase repair. unless someone wants to go back and redo this snackpit and save us a year.
Well, that's a slight exaggeration - it would take that long with a Skill 2 no-specialisation team. (Which, admittedly, is all we have at the moment - but wouldn't the team level up? Or am I misunderstanding how that works?)

Only generic teams have no specialty. Anything skill 2+ has a specialty iirc. The difference is that a team working within it's specialty gets skill*2 points applied per turn instead of skill=points. The timelines that people have quoted you are for a team that has Starbase Design as a specialty.
Which is a much better reason than I've heard so far. Would it makes sense to drop a diplomatic push for two more mining colonies, and leave the Heavy Industry intact?
We can't really afford to let diplo pushes slide. We desperately need them for affiliate crew income and to keep them out of Cardassian influence. I also think we're right at the limit of the number of colonies we can put down at the moment, but I'm not totally sure on that.
More engineering ships would be nice and would probably enable more projects.

If we ever get a Sousa Deal mechanic again I'd make an argument for proposing a significant expansion to the Diplomatic Service. I doubt they've kept pace with the Federation's expansion.
Which is a much better reason than I've heard so far. Would it makes sense to drop a diplomatic push for two more mining colonies, and leave the Heavy Industry intact?
Six colonies almost certainly are more than we can manage in a single year, logistically and in regard to specialist ships. We should get four every year if enough locations are available though.
That's going to be a bit redundant when we get around to researching Starbase Repair.
We may have a LOT of ships in the hospital all at once after a truly major battle. With the Licori War we could potentially decide to stop pushing it at any time, knowing that we could rotate a fresh fleet in to keep hammering them or pause for a few months. Against the Cardassians, we have no such luxury.

I'm a bit worried about how fast they built it. We heard of it one year and it launched the next. That's a bit nuts for a ship that's likely 2.5mt or more.
Given that we seem to be banned from getting a Klingon shipbuilding report, it's very possible that they have entire shipyards we know literally nothing about. In which case it might take quite a while for us to even learn about any ships the Klingons build until we physically see them.

Also, the Klingons had a long time to get VERY GOOD at resisting any attempt by our spies to penetrate their space, and they probably kept at it after Khitomer.
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well no time like the present. Next snakepit lets buy a couple of tech teams to focus Starbase repair. unless someone wants to go back and redo this snackpit and save us a year.
No, we are going to be getting several tech teams over the coming few years thanks to members joining which is going to potentially outstrip our RP income. And frankly if we pump the points into more berths we can have the repair facilities that can also be used for construction.