Lets not get ahead of ourselves. The biophage remnant could be just that. A remnant and we are overreacting. Lets just wait until we can contact the romulans and klingons and find out what they have to say about it before we start calling in emergency reinforcements from all over the federation.
Ship Bonuses - phoenix89
Veteran and Enhanced Ships Listing.

No longer maintained: See Wiki instead

Current as of 2321.Q4.M3
Exploration Corps

-USS Enterprise-C, Ambassador-class, Green, C8 S10 H8 L9 P11 D8
--Captain: Jennifer Zhang
---[Cosmopolitan]: Re-roll any failed diplomacy roll
---[Got the whole quadrant talking]: +1 P
---[Superheavy Construction Expert]: +1 H
-- Helped save multiple timestreams in the intervention at Looking Glass Sol. No bonus, but really cool

-USS Ambassador, Ambassador-class, Green, C8 S11 H7 L9 P10 D8
--Captain: Zolani Volanen
---[I have some PhDs]: +1 S
---[My Thesis was on this!]: Reroll chance for events featuring ruins, archaeology, or the past
-- Helped save multiple timestreams in the intervention at Looking Glass Sol. No bonus, but really cool

- USS Courageous, Excelsior-A-class, Elite, C10 S11 H7 L9 P10 D6
-- Captain: Zara ka'Anthnon +1 S, re-roll failed Anomaly mission results.

- USS Sarek, Excelsior-A-class, Veteran, C9 S9 H6 L8 P9 D6
-- Captain:
-- T'Pirit, 50% chance of voiding 1st casualty in a turn
-- Structural Reinforcements, +1 H
-- Igata Nikelda, +1 S

- USS Odyssey, Excelsior-A-class, Veteran, C9 S9 H6 L8 P9 D6
-- Captain: Enad Rabin: Reroll failed Hard DC event checks

- USS Opportunity, Excelsior-A-class, Green, C7 S7 H4 L6 P7 D6
-- Captain: Huth fop Makpol, Gain +1 to Medium DC events, 2318-2323

- USS S'harien, Excelsior-A-class, Veteran, C9 S9 H6 L8 P10 D6
-- Captain: Demora Sulu, +1 P, re-roll any diplomacy test in Federation space, +1 to Espionage attempts, re-roll event hull checks, 2320-2325

- USS Atuin, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S8 H5 L7 P9 D6
-- Captain: Hassan Aharani, +1 P, +1 to any internal diplomacy, 2320-2325

- USS Stargazer, Excelsior-class, Blooded, C7 S8 H5 L6 P7 D6
-- Captain: Maryam Ajam, +1 S

- USS Voshov, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S8 H5 L7 P8 D6
-- Captain: Iliae Rurliss
---[Cool in a Crisis]: Reroll the first failed Hard event each year; +2 on this reroll.

- USS Tarrak, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S8 H5 L7 P8 D6
-- Captain:
-- Helped save multiple timestreams in the intervention at Looking Glass Sol. No bonus, but really cool

All Explorer Corps ships have +1 Science and Presence over stock.

Stargazer may have
-- Extra Science and Diplomatic Teams, +1 S and P
Qm confirmation pending.

Veteran And Enhanced Ships
- USS Thirishar, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Norkair ch'Gharist
- USS Pathfinder, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain:
-- In refit to A model, ETC 2322.Q1
- USS Endurance, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Abigail Taggart
- USS Salnas, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Sorek
- USS Avandar, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain:
-- In refit to A model, ETC 2322.Q1
- USS Pleezira, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Maria Volkov

- USS Cheron, Constitution-A-class, Veteran, C6 S5 H5 L5 P6 D5
-- Captain: Alryth th'Gannoth

- USS Challorn, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain:
- USS Vigour, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain:
- USS Kearsage, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain:
- USS Docana, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain:
- USS Selaya, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain: T'Arvit
- USS Stalwart, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain: Chayaal

- USS T'Mir, Oberth-class, Veteran, C3 S7 H3 L4 P3 D1
-- Captain:
-- Enhanced ECM Systems: 10% Evasion in combat/hull re-roll out of combat
- USS Hawking, Oberth-Class, Blooded, C2 S6 H2 L3 P2 D1
-- Captain:

- USS Yukikaze, Centaur-A-class, Blooded, C4 S4 H3 L4 P4 D3
-- Captain:
- USS Bull, Centaur-A-class, Blooded, C5 S5 H3 L5 P5 D5
-- Captain:
-- In refit to B model, ETC 2322.Q2
- USS Zephyr, Centaur-A-class, Blooded, C4 S4 H3 L4 P4 D3
-- Captain:
- USS Gale, Centaur-A, Blooded, C4 S4 H3 L4 P4 D3
-- Captain: Gorth th'Hashok

- USS Lightning, Centaur-A (Modified), Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D3
-- Captain: Victoria Villeneuve
-- Isolinear Computer Core Testbed
-- Computer Specialists Mipek and Yanag, +1 S
-- Helped save multiple timestreams in the intervention at Looking Glass Sol. No bonus, but really cool

- USS Torch, Renaissance (Modified), Green, C6 S3 H4 L5 P4 D4
-- Captain:
-- Prototype Phaser Array Testbed, +1C -1D
-- Refit complete in 2322.Q2

- USS Agile, Miranda-A, Blooded, C4 S3 H3 L4 P2 D2
-- Captain: Stol

- USS Dryad, Miranda-A, Blooded, C4 S3 H3 L4 P2 D2
-- Captain:

- USS Valiant, Constitution-B, Blooded, C6 S4 H4 L5 P4 D5
-- Captain:

- USS Hood, Constitution-B, Blooded, C6 S4 H4 L5 P4 D5
-- Captain:

- USS Kepler, Kepler, Green, C2 S7 H2 L4 P5 D5
-- Captain: Sapok
-- [Gaeni Institute Team] : one general re-roll for its 1st year, but rolling double-6s has unpredictable effects
-- [Pierson, Early SFA Graduate]: Kepler gains extra experience after the first medical event that occurs while Pierson is aboard.
--- Starts with extra XP.

- USS Lion, Miranda-A, Green, C3 S2 H2 L3 P1 D2
-- Captain:
-- Reroll one response failure
-- Saved the timeline in the Zeroth Battle of Alpha Centauri: No bonus, but really cool.
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There was a TNG episode like that, but as I recall they weren't actually trying to steal the ship in that one either. Just some tightly controlled materials and components.

"Pisces." Sounds a lot like the pseudonyms used by Section 31 in that omake way back when. If so, the good news is that if they're resorting to these kinds of tactics it means that they haven't successfully re-infiltrated us.

Pisces? Is that the one section 31 sovcit wacko that got away way back when?!?!?!?!?!?

TIME TO FIRE UP THE @Iron Wolf signal!
In my omake, S31 used names of celestial objects in the solar system, so Pisces doesn't fit that naming convention. Unless there's a Pisces moonlet somewhere.


It was my thinking, not in the omake, that different S31 cells have different themes. You could have ones named after animals from a specific planet, or for an alien heavy cell, US Presidents. It's possible we're dealing with the ZODIAC cell, featuring a descendant of Ted Cruz.

Also, I did leave Sedna open for future use. And Secret Time Travel shit is right up their alley.

That being said, I'll be kinda surprised if it's S31. Oneiros has said in the past he really doesn't want to use them. I dunno who it could be, but I have ideas: Rigellian Conspiracy, the return of a different branch of the Syndicate, or an internal conspiracy that's not S31-related. Or something more exotic. He could be banking on us all jumping on the S31 angle to keep away from the likely truth.
I am maybe less freaking out about the Biophage then you guys? We knew there were pockets of it still out there. It was to be expected we'd encounter one making a run for it sooner or later.
...A thought occurs to me. Have we seen any Klingons since Sulu charged to the rescue with their fleet at the end of the Biophage conflict? I mean we know they've been posturing with the Romulans but have we actually physically seen any? Because I'm wondering if it's possible that the Biophage has been slowly eating the Klingon Empire all this time and we just never noticed.

Jesus Christ why would you say this don't give Onerios ideas.

Some of our ships moving to the GBZ will be delayed.
If that's true, it's a little hard to run it on Federation hardware. And from where do you get that statement?
That Mipek is from the other side of the galaxy.

The odds of two species with zero contact developing the same computer language are for all intents and purposes zero.
I would like Mipek to go through Starfleet Academy at some point if he wants to join in any official capacity. Maybe he could help pave the road for the Soong types.
That Mipek is from the other side of the galaxy.

The odds of two species with zero contact developing the same computer language are for all intents and purposes zero.

Computer "languages" don't work like natural language. They're all nothing more than different encodings of pure mathematics, and computers regularly reencode the same program - the same set of mathematical operations - into different representations for different purposes. For example, a human will write something in, say, Python. The Python runtime will then read the hand-written Python code and generate Python "bytecode", which is a representation of the program that's easy for the compiler to work with so that it can transform it accomplish the same computational tasks (the same math!) more efficiently. This bytecode, once optimized, it translated into "assembly code" that's specialized to the machine that the code is running on, which is then "assembled" into machine code by the linker, which pulls together other chunks of utility code ("libraries") to create a single chunk of bits that includes everything necessary to be run on hardware. This is then handed to the CPU, which reads the machine code in and does all sorts of Godel-damned craziness to it (state machines, caching, threading, complex-instruction-set to reduced-instruction-set translation, pipelining and superpipelining) to convert that machine code into actual voltages on wires and electrons moving through semiconductors. Those semiconductors are organized into logical units which themselves represent mathematical structures and computations!

This has an important consequence: computer science is language-agnostic, and good programmers are not just polyglots but truly omnilinguistic: It's all just math. All of the following operations are precisely the same, just said different ways: "sum(x for x in array)", "fold(lambda x, a: x + a, 0, array)", "sum: x, xs: x + sum(xs); x, []: x; sum array", "select sum(x) from array;", "s = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { s += array.data[i]; }", "lea R3 array; zero R1; lda R4 array-len; loop: lda R2 R3; add R1 R1 R2; inc R3; dec R4; jnz loop", "(def sum (a) (if (nilp a) 0 (+ (car a) (sum (cdr a)))) (sum array)". Once you learn the math behind something, writing it in a new language is a nearly trivial exercise, of comparable difficulty to writing English with squiggly symbols in place of the normal latin alphabet. You can see more of this by crawling through the Rosetta Code wiki, which is entirely dedicated to showing the vast range of expressions possible for identical mathematical operations.

Mipek could have been "translated" at any stage of this process. If it has its original source code, you could take an existing program runtime (for example, the python runtime above) and rewrite the front-end to read Mipek's hand-written source code instead of human-written Python and spit out code that is mathematically equivalent to Mipek's current code but that can be run on a Federation operating system on Federation hardware. Or it could have happened at the CPU level, with a Federation scientist building a CPU that can execute Mipek's machine code, which is actually really simple sometimes; assembly code does things like "move a value from this register to this other register" or "add these two registers and store the result in that other register". This is actually what AMD and Intel do: when you hear things like "x86" and "x86_64", and "PC CPU", this is Intel and AMD each building chips that, while utterly independently designed and manufactured, read the same machine code and execute it the same. You can even write programs that pretend to be CPUs by reading in machine code as a file and simulating the registers and the buses and the caches; this is what a "virtual machine" or an "emulator" is.

Taking into account that Mipek is an infomorph and and therefore likely a superlative programmer and computer scientist - note the way he contributes 1S - I have no doubt that it'd take him a matter of hours or days to write an emulator for his own computational hardware given access to a Federation software development environment. It's a not unreasonable for a good programmer to be able to start hacking out pure mathematics in a new software development environment in a matter of minutes, and an emulator, while complex and finicky, is actually one of the more language-agnostic things to write. The emulator would probably be slow and inefficient at first, but given that he's already used to running on a disintegrating interstellar probe with almost zero power budget, the raw horsepower of a Federation computer core should be more than enough to get him into a stable situation where he can bootstrap.

So the entire "computer languages" argument is silly, in the same way that it'd be silly to care about whether a skilled chef calls it beef or rindfleisch or govjádina: it's the same meat, you cook it the same way. You might have to get used to the other guy's frying pan first, but unless you need it perfect, all that really means is figuring out how to turn on their stove and heat the thing up.

Okay, that's my fifteen-minute science rant for the month.
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Gain +10sr/yr from increased trade, reduce the post-war economic crash for Gaeni and Ked Paddah, +10 relations with both
That's.... Okay. I guess.

Now I kind of imagine some of the ships sitting around and talking and Excelsior looks over at Thirishar playing by herself off in the corner just in time to watch her fill her mouth with paste yet again and Excelsior just sighs for the hundredth time, "I just don't know about that girl. Something ain't right"

She's the Ralph Wiggum of starships I guess
Well... It turns out one Ms. Porter was her sponsor. Go figure.
We really should rename it the USS William D Porter.
On the bright side, Thrishar hasn't accidentally phasered a governor's back yard, or torpedoed (with a dud) Enterprise with both Sousa and the President.

... Yet.