
I really hope these two events aren't connected.

My suspicion is that the listening post was infected by that BoP, and that the last uninfected crew members set off a self-destruct without having time to send out a report first.

I will be very disappointed in the Romulans if they were the ones who destroyed it. Not that they did it, but that they didn't tell us about it immediately. I would hope that they learned after the first time.
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Jesus Christ. Don't tell me the Romulans panicked and tried a second time to weaponize the Biophage. Alternatively, could it be the Klingons instead?

Biophage 2: Electric Bogaloo when?
Jesus Christ. Don't tell me the Romulans panicked and tried a second time to weaponize the Biophage. Alternatively, could it be the Klingons instead?

Biophage 2: Electric Bogaloo when?

I don't think the Romulans would be stupid enough to try that a second time, and the Klingons would probably consider a biological weapon like that distasteful at best, especially after what it did to one of their colonies.
Looks like I'm not the only one who slightly panicked at the mention of the biophage. How about we not let this get out of hand yeah?

We should get them to start an aid corps.
There's some things you simply cannot ignore, and that won't go away with a 'wait and see' policy. If that was the very last biophage that existed in the universe and the Federation overreacts, than some ressources are lost, and some sleep (some accidents may also happen).
If not ...
The biophage must not be allowed to expand, lest it become a runaway problem.
Er, how much unfinished Biophage research is there? Also, can we have the option to pursue some of that this research turn Oneiros?
There's some things you simply cannot ignore, and that won't go away with a 'wait and see' policy. If that was the very last biophage that existed in the universe and the Federation overreacts, than some ressources are lost, and some sleep (some accidents may also happen).
If not ...
No I meant we should come down on it like a furious hammer of god, it has yet to eat a planet and I'd like to keep it from escalating.
Everyone chill, we know barely anything about what's going on right now. Let's not overreact when it could be an isolated issue that we found early.
Wow, @OneirosTheWriter is living up to his username today! Writing like a demon.

Mission Control Officer's Log, Starbase 7, Stardate 25918.4

A mutiny on a Caitian cargo ship has seen that ship disappear from all scopes. Follow up my ships of the Caitian Grand Fleet have revealed debris and a lot of gamma rays. It appears that either through actions of officers, crew, or mishap, the ship self-destructed. Unfortunately, with ships attending diplomatic functions at Arqueniou and Rethelia, no ship was on hand to respond.

[Caitians lose 1 Cargo Ship, -5pp]

When we have three Events and two ships, guess there's not help for it.

Captain's Log, USS Pathfinder, Stardate 25918.8

After spending the infancy of this starship in battle, I appreciate the opportunity to return to the proper business of Starfleet: diplomacy and exploration.

Together with the USS Lightning, we have brought together delegations with the Gaeni and from the Ked Paddah to work with United Earth and Tellarite State representatives. It is part of a Council initiative to reduce the impact of the war on the populations and economies of those two powers, who were both heavily mobilised. This is especially true for the Ked Paddah who saw the loss of thousands of her best and brightest, and invested enormous treasure to go with the blood.

They have all proved to be very receptive and the trade summit at the old Versailles Palace near Paris has been a great success.

[Gain +10sr/yr from increased trade, reduce the post-war economic crash for Gaeni and Ked Paddah, +10 relations with both]

Well that's a nice bonus, especially the part about cushioning the economic crash... that'll help cushion issues down the road.

Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 25920.7

I was about to file another log bemoaning the continued disruption of the computer core, but we just found a culprit! There was a tracking device tapped into one of our datalinks, left by the Ferengi! Of all the dirty tricks!

We thought it was a sabotage device at first, but on second glance it was simply malfunctioning because it couldn't interact correctly with Federation file structures, causing weird an unexpected results.

[Gain +5rp]

This is so "classic Ferengi". They tried a nefarious plot to gain an advantage, and through lack of ability just ended up fucking things up to no real profit to anybody. I love it!

Captain's Log, USS Sappho, Stardate 25921.3

In light of the continued upheaval in Caldonian space, the Caldonian Science Directorate has approached the Federation for mediation and aid to help address the situation. We have met with the Science Cruiser Iphimatta near Jhaylyk, and escorted them to a summit at the old Andorian Imperial Palace. We were able to prime the well nicely, running a tight ship for the voyage, while helping the tightly wound Caldonian ambassadors relax.

[Gain +10pp, direct aid is going from the Federation to Caldonia]

Aboard the Sappho, it's always beer-o-clock.

Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 25922.7

Subsequent investigations, including by our Intelligence team and Office 41, who handle Rigellian criminal groups as part of their purview, have been unable to determine who was behind the assailants. The assailants themselves were Rigellian mercenaries with little else to distinguish themselves. It is highly unlikely that they would choose to raid a Starfleet vessel of their own volition. All we have been able to discover, however, are veiled references to a possible mastermind going by the callsign 'Pisces'.

We were able to determine, however, that they were going for a mission logs and readings held under seal from our rendezvous with the USS Lion, likely to include [CLASS 1-AAA SECRET, NO CLEARED FOR SUBSPACE BUOY TRAFFIC]

[Chief of Staff's NB: You'll have to forgive Linderley's enthusiasm again, but I suspect you know what was contained in those logs]

[Disclosure of information averted]

Ominous. Most ominous.

Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 25950.4 - Captain Straak

It is a relief to be released from wartime service to return to focusing onto geological surveys. We will soon be exploring the Articulated Crown Caves of-


Or we could attend an urgent diplomatic mission on the major Caldonian world of Lomay II.

[Chief of Staff's NB: Congratulations, Admiral, you have now heard a Vulcan sigh.]

Poor Straak. He's only got one more quarter on the Sarek... let's hope he gets the geological mission his heart desires for his final hurrah in 2315.Q4.

Captain's Log, USS Valiant, Stardate 25950.8

We have collected Commodore Nash ka'Sharren from Leas Akaam and delivered her to a summit with the Apiata and Amarki at Irrizizza, where a delegation of Queens have gathered to express their frustrations about the Gabriel Expanse being on the backburner during the war. It looks like Nash's appearance has gone a long way to reinvigorating the Queens, as her reputation as an aggressive, capable commander is well known, and they will be more comfortable knowing that along with Rear Admiral T'Lorel, also a known factor in this region of space, they will be leading a new push.

[Gain +5pp, Apinae pledges additional resources to GBZ]

Some interesting narrative consequences. I guess the decision to send ka'Sharren to the GBZ is well-vindicated, and T'Lorel didn't hurt either. With a fresh Starship fleet, increased Apinae ships, the Amarkians, and the Caitains set to join... well, things ought to get interesting in the GBZ soon.

Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25950.2

We nearly missed it, but a brief course correction brought it to the attention of my sensor officer. A little space probe, launched at sublight from an origin point nearly clear across the galaxy. It is staggeringly, staggering old for a piece of equipment that appears to be functioning. We have brought it aboard into a carefully isolated cargo bay - if there's one thing V'Ger taught Starfleet, it's to take precautions with old space probes. However, there appears to be nothing out of the ordinary beyond the fact that it still works. The power supply is low-tech but ingeniously designed. After being brought aboard, it began to activate a little, drawing in more power.

Very appropriate for a ship named Odyssey.

Captain's Log, USS Thirishar, Stardate 25951.4

A listening post in the Klingon Border Zone has gone silent. After reach their position, there was no trace of what happened to the post. It has been vaporised with antimatter charges. Whoever was responsible left no trace, unfortunately, and we have been able to tell little from the the Gamma Ray decay patterns as to where the antimatter may have been sourced.

[Failure to respond, hard dc mission auto-failed]

Ouch. That's not good.

Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25951.7

There is an AI in the space probe. This is astounding. I've been able to converse with what, for all we know, may be the last will and testament of a species from the far rim of the Delta Quadrant, committed to the great beyond since time immemorial. It took a little while for the Universal Translator to make corrections, but here we are.

It calls itself Mipek, and it's quite the conversationalist. Thankfully, while the probe itself is beginning to degrade further, even with very careful preservation on our part, we have spoken with the AI about possibly extracting him into a more portable, durable (if I can say such a thing about a device that certainly won't be capable of crossing the galaxy) body that we can continue to interact with.

[Gain +5pp, +5rp - succeed thank's to Captain's Re-roll]
[Odyssey gains Mipek - +1 S]

Blooded last turn, +1S this turn... The Odyssey is becoming quite the worthy successor to the Miracht.

Lt. Appel: PRIVATE MESSAGE "Dear T'Wilit, don't tell the Licori but we got ourselves a genuine AI on board. Curious little thing- I helped put together the connections to download it into a brand new body. Mipek and I had quite a jawfest about what color it should be... I convinced it that the green and purple it wanted right off made it look like a poison plant, so we settled on a nice white and blue combo."

Captain Mbeki: PRIVATE MESSAGE "Michel, congratulations on making Rear Admiral! So I have a robot crew member now. Only one in the fleet."

Rear Admiral Thuir: PRIVATE MESSAGE "Sorry Langa, but T'Rinta has a robot too. She built it herself. Also, Vice Admrial Linderly says Mipek is a walking security risk."

Cpatain Mbeki: PRIVATE MESSAGE "Shows what he knows... we put Mipek on treads."

Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 25953.1

The demonstration organisers have turned over to Starfleet a number of agitators they claim were planning to use further demonstrations as cover to begin a riot. They had not trusted the Directorate, though I find their reasons illogical. We have promised to hold them in our brig for fair trial.

It is of interest to me that the dissident leaders say that the willingness of the Directorate to allow us to hold these prisoners is a sign that their tactics are working, and that the government is starting to bend. From my discussions, it appears that much of the problems with "pseudo-science cults" is a symptom rather than a cause of the unrest, and the underlying issue is that scientific orthodoxy became ingrained in the political system, and unorthodoxy became a tool of exclusion. This is beyond my capacity to address, but I have conveyed my discoveries to the Diplomatic Service for further mediation.

[Gain +15pp, temporary halt to spread of problems in Caldonian Space]

Just like we all suspected; it's really a political issue.

Captain's Log, USS Excelsior, Stardate 25953.8

That was a horrifying blast from the past! It seems that the Romulan redeployment to the Klingon fronts has flushed out lingering remnants of an old, ugly foe. We just had our first encounter with the Ulith III Biophage in many years. We have destroyed the infected Bird of Prey. The Cloudburst scanned us carefully, and confirmed we were clean, and the debris disinfected. I am rushing to Athos V where we will meet with our Romulan counterparts to go over the logs.

I guess the reward is no escaping Biophage! Also, think about if this had happened just three months ago when the Cloudburst was holding down the entire border zone on its own. Bullet dodged there!

Federation News Network

...and in other news, the discover of a tremendous duranium deposit on Second Risa, the second colony of Risa, has led to a very large influx of starship quality resources into Risa. The Risan Hedony is as yet unsure what use they will make of this development, but many are suggesting that even larger nacelled cruisers could be used to allow curious Risans to explore all corners of the Federation and her affiliates.


Looking forward to seeing more Risan ships in encounters.
On the bright side, we did get a total of +40pp this month, for a net +30pp for the whole quarter (and with this latest Biophage incident plus the Klingon-Romulan war, possibly some pp discounts are in order).

Plus a bunch of other bonuses: +25rp, +35br (and colony option) that we don't need, +10sr/yr that we sorely needed, 0.1O/yr always helps, some ship stat bonuses, and the onward march to inevitable Federation memberships for 3+ races. Qloathi relations have increased an astounding 71 points this year so far!
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One option if we want another Excelsior in the RBZ would be to do the Excelsior-shuffle all the way down from the GBZ.

Something like Avandar -> Sol and Pathfinder -> RBZ. Yeah, the Avandar has a ways to fly, but it gets us the ship we need with immediacy.
You know.....?

I wonder if the Biophage was hiding until Enterprise went away? Scared of nothing but the big E!

Also: this is one of those times where Starfleet calls up everything rimwards of a line drawn between Risa and Morshadd and tells them to drop whatever the fuck they're doing, buddy up with at least one partner and run checkups on every station, colony, and outpost ASAP
Anyway, worst case scenario is that the Beast was deliberately laying low, listening to our electromagnetic chatter, and waiting for the war to break out so it could take advantage of the chaos. The Klingons with their poor organization and vast numbers of small cloaked ships are just about the best possible vector it could hope for, especially during a big war when they have ships moving around left and right.
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Imagine being in the Cardassian signals division.

Our signals traffic probably increased by several orders of magnitude in an instant with no ramping up or warning and everything, and I mean EVERYTHING just went on full alert with our ships are moving to form up with each other.

They probably think they're about to be invaded or something.

I doubt they've ever really taken our stories about the INFLICTOR seriously. So they must be kinda scared and confused right now.
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How good are our tachyon detection grids along Romulan and Klingon border areas?

"Dear Licori, sorry to have to leave in a hurry, but there came something up that's more important than a few potential supernovas."
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