United Earth Space Probe Agency
United Earth Space Probe Agency

The United Earth Space Probe Agency is the spiritual inheritor of the role played by United Earth Starfleet before it was spun off to become the Federation's Starfleet. UESPA claims the history of the pre-independence Starfleet as its own, no less than Starfleet itself does. As a result, at many remembrance ceremonies, such as that for the Battle of Cheron, joint services are held between UESPA and Starfleet on Earth. The proud exploration history of the UES is also remembered, and the space within the Sol Sector is some of the most well-researched in known space.

The UESPA is more martial in its focus than Starfleet, though still less so than the Andorian Guard or Tellarite State Forces. It is also far more coloured with idealism, a thread that runs straight through the agency's cloth. It takes the defence of Sol and other United Earth worlds seriously, but is also among the most willing to fill out a relief, expeditionary, or assistance force as may be required. UESPA forces saw action during wars against the Klingons, Romulans, and during more recent years were important contributors to the anti-Syndicate campaign, and took an important role in the Federation-Arcadian War. In this last, the Space Probe Agency lost hundreds of crew and multiple ships. However, their passion for doing their part for the Federation is undimmed, even if the war itself was unpopular on many United Earth worlds.

Active Ship Classes


The most numerous class of ship in service with UESPA before wartime losses. The Miranda-A was a workhorse unit, screening, flying the flag, and helping provide the necessary numbers to meet station requirements. Mission Control on Earth is already planning to replenish the ranks of Mirandas in the aftermath of the Federation-Arcadian War.

The more modern Centaur-A was a prized ship for the UESPA, and competition to serve on one was considerable. Until the arrival of the Connie-B and an Excelsior to the fleet, these were the most capable craft in the arsenal.

Showing their age and in urgent need of a refit, the venerable Constellations were for a long time crucial command and control nodes for the fleet. As much as the Admirals have despaired at their capacity, the crews are quite fond of their Consties, and the competition between the two crews is the stuff of legend. With C&C functions moving on, these ships have been freed up for more exploratory purposes, aiding prospectors around new United Earth colonies.


Some express surprise that the competition for service aboard the UES Equality was fiercer than for the UES Liberty, the Excelsior. But for the crews, the prestige of the Connie-B, even though it weighs in at half that of the Excelsior, as a symbol of a fondly recalled era of exploration far outweighs any allure of mere size. Together with the Liberty, however, the Equality is taking over the fleet mission control functions from the Constellations.

The UES Liberty was a recent addition to the fleet, and is the jewel in Earth's crown, two and change million tons of explorer, with all the combat, science, and mission control function they could hope for. This ship saw action serving with the illustrious Commodore Nash ka'Sharren as part of a Task Force in the Federation-Arcadian War, where she was badly damaged in the Battle of Ixaria Approach. However, she has also already collected a string of diplomatic and scientific feathers in her cap, including helping establish important cultural links between Earth and Okatha, homeworld of the Honiani.

A new wave of construction will soon add a full three new Renaissance class cruisers to the fold, where they appear set to form the nucleus of a new look UESPA.


Although they are a more plainly military force than Starfleet is, the United Earth Space Probe Agency still retains significant roots in exactly what it says in the name: a civilian space agency. As a result, they have a rather different way of approaching matters, including matters such as rank and duty posts. They place a high value on technical proficiency, and push a culture of personal accountability. The words "Tough and Competent" are watchwords that have carried through centuries of tradition, and remains written across the entrance to the bridge and mission control on each starship.

Not much separates the enlisted of UESPA from that of Starfleet. Each Council member world hosts a Technical Services Academy where enlisted personnel learn their craft over the course of two years. They are drilled relentlessly in a particular discipline, and do not step foot on a starship until they achieve very high grades. Training does not cease after the Service Academy either, as refresher and expansion courses are frequently run, especially for personnel on the installations. Their ranks, however, operate differently, and more reflect the technical services nature of their profession.

The principal academy is on Earth, run in North America at a site called Cape Canaveral. It is a four year course for line officers, with certain other disciplines requiring more or less years depending on type. Admission is direct, however, the admission test is infamously ferocious, as is the competition even among those who qualify. This interest has only increased with the commissioning of the Liberty and Equality capturing the popular imagination. Officers who apply for service with UESPA are motivated by different things, and these vary from person to person; broadly, however, commonalities can be seen from the member world. Those from Vega and Alpha Centauri are often strongly motivated by a desire to protect the member worlds. Or those from Joburg or New Seoul are often interested in the diplomatic work UESPA carries out. Those from Earth particularly admire the long roots in civilian space administration.

Mission Control
The origins of UESPA have carried over into her operations. In particular, the concept of mission control, and a surprising division of control between the ship's captain, and the ship's mission director. The "battle bridge" or auxiliary command centre, of each ship, is used as a Mission Control Room, where from the Mission Control Director will actually manage the ship's mission. The Captain's principal concerns are the safety and of ship and crew, and they may assume control at any time if necessary to preserve the ship.

In a similar manner, although the officers of UESPA hold ranks recognisable to a Starfleet officer, they are in fact relatively seldom addressed by those same ranks. It is a running joke among UESPA's officer corps that one's rank is only there to figure out who gets first pick of the quarters. Rather it is one's mission role or assignment that is all important. So if Commander Jane Doe was assigned to control of the warp core station, then instead of Commander Jane Doe, one would address Warp Control Officer Doe (or WARP-CON).
Ship Bonuses - phoenix89
Veteran and Enhanced Ships Listing.

No longer maintained: See Wiki instead

Current as of 2321.Q4.M3
Exploration Corps

-USS Enterprise-C, Ambassador-class, Green, C8 S10 H8 L9 P11 D8
--Captain: Jennifer Zhang
---[Cosmopolitan]: Re-roll any failed diplomacy roll
---[Got the whole quadrant talking]: +1 P
---[Superheavy Construction Expert]: +1 H
-- Helped save multiple timestreams in the intervention at Looking Glass Sol. No bonus, but really cool

-USS Ambassador, Ambassador-class, Green, C8 S11 H7 L9 P10 D8
--Captain: Zolani Volanen
---[I have some PhDs]: +1 S
---[My Thesis was on this!]: Reroll chance for events featuring ruins, archaeology, or the past
-- Helped save multiple timestreams in the intervention at Looking Glass Sol. No bonus, but really cool

- USS Courageous, Excelsior-A-class, Elite, C10 S11 H7 L9 P10 D6
-- Captain: Zara ka'Anthnon +1 S, re-roll failed Anomaly mission results.

- USS Sarek, Excelsior-A-class, Veteran, C9 S9 H6 L8 P9 D6
-- Captain:
-- T'Pirit, 50% chance of voiding 1st casualty in a turn
-- Structural Reinforcements, +1 H
-- Igata Nikelda, +1 S

- USS Odyssey, Excelsior-A-class, Veteran, C9 S9 H6 L8 P9 D6
-- Captain: Enad Rabin: Reroll failed Hard DC event checks

- USS Opportunity, Excelsior-A-class, Green, C7 S7 H4 L6 P7 D6
-- Captain: Huth fop Makpol, Gain +1 to Medium DC events, 2318-2323

- USS S'harien, Excelsior-A-class, Veteran, C9 S9 H6 L8 P10 D6
-- Captain: Demora Sulu, +1 P, re-roll any diplomacy test in Federation space, +1 to Espionage attempts, re-roll event hull checks, 2320-2325

- USS Atuin, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S8 H5 L7 P9 D6
-- Captain: Hassan Aharani, +1 P, +1 to any internal diplomacy, 2320-2325

- USS Stargazer, Excelsior-class, Blooded, C7 S8 H5 L6 P7 D6
-- Captain: Maryam Ajam, +1 S

- USS Voshov, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S8 H5 L7 P8 D6
-- Captain: Iliae Rurliss
---[Cool in a Crisis]: Reroll the first failed Hard event each year; +2 on this reroll.

- USS Tarrak, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S8 H5 L7 P8 D6
-- Captain:
-- Helped save multiple timestreams in the intervention at Looking Glass Sol. No bonus, but really cool

All Explorer Corps ships have +1 Science and Presence over stock.

Stargazer may have
-- Extra Science and Diplomatic Teams, +1 S and P
Qm confirmation pending.

Veteran And Enhanced Ships
- USS Thirishar, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Norkair ch'Gharist
- USS Pathfinder, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain:
-- In refit to A model, ETC 2322.Q1
- USS Endurance, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Abigail Taggart
- USS Salnas, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Sorek
- USS Avandar, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain:
-- In refit to A model, ETC 2322.Q1
- USS Pleezira, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Maria Volkov

- USS Cheron, Constitution-A-class, Veteran, C6 S5 H5 L5 P6 D5
-- Captain: Alryth th'Gannoth

- USS Challorn, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain:
- USS Vigour, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain:
- USS Kearsage, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain:
- USS Docana, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain:
- USS Selaya, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain: T'Arvit
- USS Stalwart, Constellation-A-class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain: Chayaal

- USS T'Mir, Oberth-class, Veteran, C3 S7 H3 L4 P3 D1
-- Captain:
-- Enhanced ECM Systems: 10% Evasion in combat/hull re-roll out of combat
- USS Hawking, Oberth-Class, Blooded, C2 S6 H2 L3 P2 D1
-- Captain:

- USS Yukikaze, Centaur-A-class, Blooded, C4 S4 H3 L4 P4 D3
-- Captain:
- USS Bull, Centaur-A-class, Blooded, C5 S5 H3 L5 P5 D5
-- Captain:
-- In refit to B model, ETC 2322.Q2
- USS Zephyr, Centaur-A-class, Blooded, C4 S4 H3 L4 P4 D3
-- Captain:
- USS Gale, Centaur-A, Blooded, C4 S4 H3 L4 P4 D3
-- Captain: Gorth th'Hashok

- USS Lightning, Centaur-A (Modified), Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D3
-- Captain: Victoria Villeneuve
-- Isolinear Computer Core Testbed
-- Computer Specialists Mipek and Yanag, +1 S
-- Helped save multiple timestreams in the intervention at Looking Glass Sol. No bonus, but really cool

- USS Torch, Renaissance (Modified), Green, C6 S3 H4 L5 P4 D4
-- Captain:
-- Prototype Phaser Array Testbed, +1C -1D
-- Refit complete in 2322.Q2

- USS Agile, Miranda-A, Blooded, C4 S3 H3 L4 P2 D2
-- Captain: Stol

- USS Dryad, Miranda-A, Blooded, C4 S3 H3 L4 P2 D2
-- Captain:

- USS Valiant, Constitution-B, Blooded, C6 S4 H4 L5 P4 D5
-- Captain:

- USS Hood, Constitution-B, Blooded, C6 S4 H4 L5 P4 D5
-- Captain:

- USS Kepler, Kepler, Green, C2 S7 H2 L4 P5 D5
-- Captain: Sapok
-- [Gaeni Institute Team] : one general re-roll for its 1st year, but rolling double-6s has unpredictable effects
-- [Pierson, Early SFA Graduate]: Kepler gains extra experience after the first medical event that occurs while Pierson is aboard.
--- Starts with extra XP.

- USS Lion, Miranda-A, Green, C3 S2 H2 L3 P1 D2
-- Captain:
-- Reroll one response failure
-- Saved the timeline in the Zeroth Battle of Alpha Centauri: No bonus, but really cool.
Last edited:
Omake - Tech-Cruiser - Leila Hann
Omake: Tech-Cruiser

There is no agreement between the Gaeni Institutes about who designed the tech-cruiser. While the basic hull frame was taken from a Pallas-Abatt blueprint for the "mortallar class interstellar research platform," so many compromises and hybridizations had taken place by the time the prototype was laid down, and so much individual variation already planned for the following hulls according to the whims of their commissioning institutes, that the ship was clearly something entirely different. While the Technocratic Council made the perfunctory gesture of naming it the "akkat (unity) class," virtually all gaeni refer to it simply as the tech-cruiser.​

1 pixel = 1 meter

With its 1.5 megaton displacement, the tech-cruiser is easily the largest non-freighter spacecraft ever constructed by the gaeni, the original 1.2 megaton hull having been significantly expanded during the final design process. Though the kludgework of high-powered components makes for an inelegant and somewhat unstable package, the high performances of each individual subsystem give rise to some surprising emergent qualities that make the tech-cruiser a versatile and useful craft in nearly any situation. Assuming nothing goes wrong.

Starting at the rear starboard quarter of the vessel, the blocky, isometric stardrive unit contains the vessel's warp core, along with what many would consider a slightly excessive supply of antimatter fuel. This volatile warehouse is justified, however, by both the large bulk of the ship in proportion to its slightly undersized nacelles, and the many self-powered devices used throughout the ship, some of which are likewise annihilation-powered. Nearly half of the cruiser's 235 crew technicians are stationed around the warp core and antimatter containment units, where they constantly perform minute-to-minute alterations to flow rates and reaction amplitudes to keep up with the fluctuating power requirements of the rest of the ship. There is no way to safely eject this mess of annihilation bombs waiting to happen; instead of a core ejection sequence, the tech-cruiser has the ability to release the entire engineering section, giving the crew onboard scarcely little time to evacuate.

Mounted off to the side is the tower-like nacelle pylon, which extends dozens of meters above and below the starboard hull and holds the cruiser's twin rod nacelles off to the side. While the nacelle placement is hardly ideal for the size and shape of the cruiser (which accounts, in part, of the vessel's low cruising warp), they were not placed with solely propulsion in mind. The tech-cruiser can reshape its warp bubble out to a distance of several kilometers off the starboard hull, enveloping other ships, stellar objects, or spacial phenomenon in its area of altered physics for the purpose of anchoring, capture, or experimental manipulation. Perhaps even more impressively, the nacelles can narrow their field to create a narrow V-shape of warped space that intersects 60 meters off the midpoint of the pylon tower. At the intersection point, space is tightly compressed into what the gaeni call a "subspace spring." A large object that intersects with this vortice will be ripped to shreds as its internals fluctuate wildly in effective mass. A small object, however, will be launched away at high warp, at a trajectory that can be manipulated via micro-adjustments of the field projectors. Just port of engineering, the ship's dual impulse thrusters strain against their asymmetrical burden, helped along by low-intensity warp fields. Compared to the warp engines, gaeni impulse thrusters are fairly standard.

Moving forward and portward, the auxiliary deflector dome is built into the raised section of the main hull that locks the engineering module in place; as close as possible to the antimatter fuel without actually putting it on the ejectable section. This deflector takes on the role of shielding the ship when the main deflector sphere (see below) is occupied with special operations, and works in tandem with it otherwise; this redundancy is partly to thank for the tech-cruiser's unusually strong shielding. Protruding from the port hull is the shelflike longranged sensor module, which boasts some of the most impressive subspace, gravitational, and radioscopic scanning technology in the known galaxy. While auxiliary sensor banks can be found along the sides of the ship's midsection, it is the port module that enables the tech-cruiser to perform deep scans of high-energy nebulae and dense planetary cores, or to track warp signatures from the better part of a sector away. Just beneath the large subspace sensor disc is the tech-cruiser's largest transporter room; working from the same module computer as the sensors, this longranged transporter can beam through much more interference or obstruction than most ships could ever dream, assuming the transport technician - cybernetically plugged into the aforementioned computer - knows what they are doing. The Haddas-Amal team that designed the transporter have left an open challenge to Starfleet's Captain Straak to outperform a skilled tech-cruiser crew at beaming through solid rock. To date, the vulcan has not responded to this challenge.

The midship is the most conventional area of the tech-cruiser, and the least modified from the original Pallas-Abbat design. Crew quarters, cargo bays, and simple laboratory and infirmary spaces are arranged along a pair of powered corridors that stretch from the impulse engines to the ship's prow, just above the EPS aorta that powers the anterior systems, including the secondary sensors previously mentioned. The technician associates' quarters are the furthest back, near the engineering section, then the enlisted associate spacers, then the larger and more comfortable accommodations for the ship's specialists; a total crew count of 470. At the front, just before the main deflector housing, are the large recreation center, state and conference rooms for the Senior Naval Specialist and any VIP guests, and the bridge. These are all supplied by a distributed environmental control network based on the escape pods, and by the signature gaen technology of food replicators that draw upon a supply of highly compressed recycled matter in a ventral storage compartment to create any of a vast cookbook's worth of recipes.

The very front of the ship houses a final auxiliary sensor bank, as well as the large, box-shaped shuttle hangar hanging off the starboard hull and the huge main deflector sphere opposite it, on the port. In addition to conventional shuttlecraft, the hangar typically carries a variety of probes and other remote devices with modular high-energy onboard engines fueled from the ship's antimatter store. Frighteningly, said antimatter is carried along the powered corridors along the entire length of the ship from engineering when these drones need refueling. The sphere shaped main deflector, clearly visible from almost any side of the ship, isn't the strongest or most reliable shield generator in known space, but it is without a doubt the most versatile. In addition to maintaining the main shield layer around the tech-cruiser, the sphere can - assuming a skilled and quick-thinking operator plugged into its computer - reactively place extra supplemental shield barriers from specific directions or even reinforce an internal SIF field without destabilizing the main field too badly. Lastly, with careful calibrations, the sphere can project an expanding "shield burst" that repulses incoming objects for a considerable distance around the hull, though doing this too quickly or against too much mass can overtax the deflector. Anecdotes abound of specific gaeni crews who have used the sphere to create more exotic effects as well, most famously an incident in 2301 when a tech-cruiser reportedly projected a zone of anti-gravity onto the surface of a planet it was orbiting.

In the late twenty-third century, Orion and Yrillian raiders made the mistake of assuming that the science-focused gaeni would make easy targets. Encounters with a tech-cruiser quickly taught them their error. Though the cruiser's three "sigma pattern" phaser banks - located on the aft engineering section, the sensor module, and the prow - are relatively low powered, they interact with the tech-cruiser's powerful sensors and distributed computer/cyborg command nodes in a manner that compensates for their mediocre output. Each phaser fires two shots in extremely rapid succession, with the second shot being recalibrated at the last microsecond to exploit even the smallest shield instability left by the first, maximizing its damage to the enemy's shields and standing a good chance of burnthrough. The first torpedo bay, located on the ship's underbelly, is a conventional launcher. The second, mounted on the nacelle pylon tower, however, is the tech-cruiser's greatest offensive weapon. The torpedoes (or other, more exotic, devices) are launched into the "subspace spring" created by the nacelles, which catapults them across the battlefield at high warp to fly at the enemy from a completely different vector. While calibrating the warp vortice to send the torpedoes to exactly the right spot while conserving their forward momentum into exactly the right direction requires a rare level of skill from the operators, even a poorly aimed spring-torpedo can cause enough confusion in the enemy to disrupt its evasive maneuvers, allowing the sigma-phasers to land another few hits. To this day, the Perkoia-Tanar scientists who devised this launch system insist that the "iron hail" device built by the Licori House Ixaria was based on their own stolen research, rather than being a Mentat invention as the Ixaria claim. Lastly, a tech-cruiser expecting battle is likely to carry a small army of Institutional Security Officers in cryostasis in one of the lab spaces. The deflector, sensor, and transport technicians - networked with each other at the speed of thought - can sometimes manage to drop a section of the tech-cruiser's own shields for just long enough to beam a team of ISO's onto an unshielded or poorly shielded enemy vessel. The idea of the gaeni as effete, fragile scientists is quickly dispelled when one suddenly finds one's ship overrun by these recklessly aggressive cyborg commandos.

Tech-cruiser 3D model by @Gravitas Hunt

The cybernetic interfaces used to access the tech-cruiser's main computers and coordinate its major systems, while disconcerting to most non-Gaeni, is one of the tech-cruiser's strongest assets. In addition to the high reaction time it affords, this system compensates for the unreliable manual systems and inefficient layout of the ship's realspace; without this, the tech-cruiser's chaotic design would drag its performance down significantly. The Kadeshi process of becoming "Unbound" was at least partially inspired by these interface systems, though even the gaeni would balk at the extremes to which the kadeshi have taken biomechanical fusion.

The upcoming refit of the tech-cruiser is to scale up the warp nacelles to take better advantage of the ship's antimatter supply, add a dedicated computer module to better process the longranged sensor input and handle diplomatic simulations, and refurbish the habitation area with a holodeck, guaranteed to improve crew morale and make a much better impression on guests and dignitaries. Other deficiencies with the design, particularly the long and risky process of reloading antimatter to the forward hangar, are being rectified in the design of the new prototype tech-explorer.
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SWB's Intelligence Tracking Sheet
I've noticed we tend to get scatterbrained with our intelligence reports, which is not a very good place to be. I've put this together mostly to highlight what reports are extremely old, but it should also serve as a repository of current information. By no means complete, still working on confirming dates and scattered intel reports like Sydraxian fleet strength, but I wanted to get this out of the reply box before the forums ate it.

Intelligence Summary
(Spoiler Warning, this post will be kept up-to-date)


Major Power Intelligence Report by Longest Date
6y Cardassian Shipyard Report (2317.Q4)
6y Cardassian Logistics and Deployment Requirements (2317.Q4)
4y Harmony of Horizon Shipyard Report (2319.Q4)
3y Interstellar Commonwealth Diplomatic Posture (2320.Q4)
2y Harmony of Horizon Shipbuilding Report (2321.Q4)
2y Romulan Shipbuilding Report (2321.Q4) Note: Current events rendered inaccurate.
2y Klingon Shipbuilding Report (2321.Q4)
2y Romulan Fleet Strength (2321.Q4)
2y Klingon Fleet Strength (2321.Q4)
2y Romulan Diplomatic Posture (2321.Q4) Note: Partial
2y Cardassian Diplomatic Posture (2321.Q4)
2y Cardassian Shipbuilding Report (2321.Q4)
1y Cardassian Fleet Strength (2322.Q4)
1y Romulan Shipyard Report (2322.Q4)
1y Klingon Shipyard Report (2322.Q4)
1y Klingon Diplomatic Posture (2322.Q4)
1y Harmony of Horizon Fleet Strength (2322.Q4)
1y Harmon of Horizon Diplomatic Posture (2322.Q4)

Minor Power Intelligence Report by Longest Date
11y Konen Fleet Strength Report (Never)
11y Goshawnar Fleet Strength Report (Never)
?y Gorn Fleet Strength Report (Never)
?y Ittick-ka Fleet Strength Report (Never)
11y Dylaarian Fleet Strength (2313.Q1)
10y Yrillian Fleet Strength (2313.Q4) Note: in our affiliate documents, need to copy over
7y Yrillian Diplomatic Posture (2316.Q4)
7y Dawiar Diplomatic Posture (2316.Q4)
5y Dylaarian Diplomatic Posture (2318.Q4)
4y Licori Diplomatic Posture (2319.Q4)
4y Imelak Diplomatic Posture (Never)
3y Imelak Fleet Strength Report (2320.Q4)
3y Hismeri Septs Diplomatic Posture (2320.Q4) Note: Relationship with Imelak explored in 2321.Q4
2y Lecarre Diplomatic Posture (2321.Q4)
1y Gorn Diplomatic Posture (2322.Q4)
1y Ittick-ka Diplomatic Posture (2322.Q4)

Unreported and Underreported Ship Designs by First Mention
14y Dawiar Shakakoun Frigate (2309.Q4)
7y Harmony of Horizon Choreographer Fleet Tender (2317.Q1)
7y Harmony of Horizon Dancer Strike Corvette (2317.Q1)
6y Konen Banshee Frigate (2317.Q3) Note: have some stats.
6y Konen Whisperer Cruiser (2317.Q3) Note: have some stats.
6y Konen Silence Battleship (2317.Q3) Note: have some stats.
6y Cardassian Kaldar II (2317.Q4) Note: have some stats.
6y Romulan Khellian Heavy Warbird (2317.Q4)
6y Harmony of Horizon Liberator Battleship (2317.Q4) Note: have most but not all stats.
6y Harmony of Horizon Scientist Cruiser (2318.Q3) Note: have most but not all stats.
6y Dylaarian Voyager Support Cruiser (2318.Q2)
6y Goshawnar Aiele Frigate (2318.Q3) Note: have some stats.
6y Goshawnar Warhawk-type Skirmish Cruiser (2318.Q3) Note: have some stats.
5y Goshawnar Motherhen (unknown type) (2319.Q4)
5y Cardassian Kapit Frigate (and Courier/Science/Combat Variants) (2319.Q4) Note: have estimate but not exact stats.
3y Imelak Breeder Capital Ship (2320.Q4)
3y Imelak Host Capital Ship (2320.Q4) Note: no intel sources on this class at all.
3y Imelak Jockey Frigate (2320.Q4)
3y Imelak Hound Squadron (2320.Q4) Note: likely to be deployed as aggregate squadron
1y Gorn Second Rate II (2322.Q1)
1y Gorn Excellent Frigate - Refit Gator (2322.Q1)
1y Gorn Unique Science Frigate (2322.Q1)
?y All Yrillian Ships (?) Note: have most in affiliate stat documents, need to copy over
?y Most Dawiar Ships (?)

Major Powers

Klingon Fleet Strength (2321.Q4):
~4 Tar'chak Capital Ship
9 K'Vort Cruiser
~35 K'Tinga Cruiser
~35 Advanced Bird of Prey
~20 Bird of Prey
NOTE: Civilian ships not updated in 2321.Q4, last update 2317.Q4, inaccurate due to war.
~40 Civilian Ships
~100 Cargo Ships
~40 Freighters
~5 Troop Transports
~15 Engineering
~6 Prospector
~8 Colony Ship
~5 Hospital Ship
~5 Research Cruiser
~6 Super-Freighter​
Klingon Projected Fleet Strength (N/A):
Impossible due to war.​
Klingon Shipyard (2322.Q4):
Qon'os [1x2500kt, 1x1000kt, 3x815kt]
Imperial Shipwrights @ Qon'os [2x2500kt, 1x1000kt, 3x815kt]
Path'loq [1x2500kt, 3x1000kt]
Ty'Gokor [1x2500kt, 2x500kt]
Ty'Gokor [3x750kt]
Donatu V [3x750kt]
House of Gowron @ Beta Lankal [3x750kt], [3x1mt]
House of Mogh @ H'atoria [3x750kt], [3x1mt]
House of Duras @ Beta Thoridar [3x750kt], [3x1mt]
House of Mo'kai @ Mempa [3x750kt], [3x1mt]
Raktuk [1x200kt]
Korvat [500kt]
Hitora [500kt]
Maranga IV [200kt]​
Klingon Shipbuilding (2321.Q4):
1 Tar'chak
4 K'Vort
~4 K'Tinga
1 Freighter
Note: No ships laid down in 2320 or 2321 at all.​
Klingon Currently Unknown Ships (2320.Q4):
Klingon Diplomatic Posture (2322.Q4)
Romulans made extensive territorial concessions
Federation relations with Chancellor Renhadd cordial
Hostile relationship with Sotaaw over raiding of trade ships during war
Outreach to Gorn and Orions
Increasing role for subject peoples, less conquered subjects more second-class citizens
Denounced mercenaries as dishonorable
Khitomer Accords - non-aggression and mutual defense treaty​
Old Klingon Diplomatic Update (2321.Q4):
Renhadd ascended as chancellor, consolidated power.
Armistice with RSE.
Khitomer Accords - non-aggression and mutual defense treaty​
Old Klingon Diplomatic Posture (2320.Q4):
Government teetering from assassinations and upsurpations.
Situation in flux.
Khitomer Accords - non-aggression and mutual defense treaty​
Old Klingon Diplomatic Posture (2317.Q4):
Known links to powers on other borders but little information available
Involuntary client species within territory
Interested in growing economy
War may have been pursued in part to stir up economy and justify mass-mobilization
Khitomer Accords - non-aggression and mutual defense treaty​
Romulan Fleet Strength (2321.Q4):
~5 Khellian
~8 Devoras
~8 Daljerra
~10 Aehallh
~10 Bird of Prey
~3 Science Ships
~1 D7 Cruisers
NOTE: Other civilian ships not updated in 2321.Q4, last update 2316.Q4, inaccurate due to war.
~50 Civilian ships
~70 Cargo Ships
~25 Freighters
~15 Engineering
~10 Passenger
~5 Prospector
~8 Colony Ship
~4 Hospital Ship
~5 Research Cruiser
~5 Super-Freighter​
Romulan Shipyard (2322.Q4):
Romulus Fleet Yards [2x3mt, 1x1mt, 2x500kt, 3x750kt]
Remus Fleet Yards [2x3mt, 1x1mt, 2x500kt]
Heavy Fleet Yards @ Romulus [3x3mt]
Glintara Shipyards [2x1mt]
Scipine Fleet Yards [2x1mt]
Pompara Fleet Yards [2x1mt]
Devoras Fleet Yards [3x750kt]
Heavy Yards @ Devoras [2x3mt]
Xanitla Shipyards [500kt]
Chak Shipyards [500kt]
Hfihar Shipyards [750kt]
Alepsis Shipyards [500kt]
Virinat Supplementary Yards [750kt]
Vussran [4x1mt]
Khazara [4x1mt]
Remus [3x750kt]​
Romulan Shipbuilding (2321.Q4):
6~8 Khellian
~4 Daljerra
~10 Aehallh
6~10 Cargo Ships
3~7 Freighters
Note: This is entirely speculative as the frontline was shattered. I'll also note it's literally identical to the 2320 report.​
Romulan Currently Unknown Ships (2320.Q4):
Romulan Diplomatic Update (2320.Q4):
Government fallen.
Continuing Committee resigned.
Senate minority now governs the pieces.
Mars Accords - non-aggression pact, maintain Neutral Zone​
Romulan Diplomatic Posture (2318.Q4):
Developing economic ties to local minor powers, including Sotaw, Licori, Ked Paddah, Tauni, and Liao.
Sotaw likely to join Romulan alliance.
Wide variety of new agencies replacing the Tal Shiar.
Distrusts the Harmony. At war with the Klingon Empire.
Mars Accords - non-aggression pact, maintain Neutral Zone​
Cardassian Fleet Strength (2322.Q4):
15 Takaaki-class Combat Frigates
5 Takaaki-class Science Frigates
~3 Kapit-class Science Frigates
~5 Kapit-class Couriers
~15 Jaldun-class
15~25 Jaldun II-class
~12 Kaldar-II class *All Kaldar refits believed complete
2 Lorgot Battlecruiser
1 Tolkor Battlecruiser
Note: Aux count from 2319.Q4
60~70 Cargo Ships
~35 Freighter
~4 Passenger
~15 Engineering
~6 Prospector
~4 Colony Ship
1 Hospital Ship
2 Research Cruiser
2 Super-freighter​
Cardassian Shipyard (2317.Q4):
Union Aerospace @ Cardassia [1x1500kt, 2x1200kt]
Central Fleetyard @ Cardassia [1x1500kt, 2x1200kt]
Karadoc Heavy Industry Yards @ Karadoc [1x1500kt, 2x1200kt]
Galundun State Shipyards @ Galundun [3x750kt]
Todamak Merchant Yards @ Todamak [1x2mt, 2x500kt]
Galdundun Heavy Industry @ Galdundun [1x1500kt, 2x1200kt]
Prophetforge @ Bajor [3x750kt]
Karadoc State Shipyards @ Karadoc [2x1200kt]
Cardassia Merchant Yards [2x1200kt]
Trangot Assembly Yard @ Trangot [3x750kt]
Balogot Merchant Yards @ Balogot [3x750kt]​
Cardassian Total Shipbuilding Budget = 340/250 (2310.Q1) (OLD)
Cardassian Logistics and Deployment (2317.Q4)
Feeder Loop Monthly = ~170s ~180b
Trunk Loop Monthly = ~70s ~50b
Industry Loop Monthly = ~50s ~70b
Supply Loop Monthly = ~120s ~40b
2 Super-Freighters, 23 Freighters, 41 Cargo Ships assigned to networks
0 Super-Freighters, 12 Freighters, 19 Cargo Ships free for other tasks​
Cardassian Shipbuilding (2321.Q4):
2 Refit [Kaldar II]
2 Refit [Jaldun II]
5 Kaldar II
8 Jaldun II
1 Tolkor Prototype (complete within months)
~10 Kapit Frigates of varying types
7 State Cargo Ships
1 State Freighter
1 Hospital Ship
2 Prospector
2 Engineer
Refit programs are believed to be approximately half-complete​
Cardassian Currently Unknown Ships (2322.Q4):
Kapit-class Science Frigate Variant​
Cardassian Ships With Projected Stats Only (2322.Q4):
Kaldar II Cruiser Refit
Kapit Frigate and Variants (Courier)​
Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Summary (2321.Q4):
Peace with Federation with the Treaty of Gabriel.
Gorn seen as possible ally.
May be planning to trade Dawiar to the Gorn.
Chrystovians seen as major social threat, likely action in future.
ISC seen as no threat.
Expanded presence in Lecarre space.
Hate Sydraxians now.
Treaty of Gabriel - DMZ in Gabriel Expanse, shared outpost at 24 Enio, easier diplomacy, Treaty of Celos provisions technically still in effect​
Harmony Fleet Strength (2322.Q4)
Peacekeeper Directorate
6 Sanctuary-class Tenders
6 Choreographer-class Tenders
~20 Large Cruisers
100~150 Corvettes

Public Safety Directorate
10~15 Choreographer Tenders
~20 Large Cruisers
~100 Corvettes

Science Directorate
~40 Large Cruisers
Harmony of Horizon Shipyard Summary (2319.Q4):
Dawnrim Shipyard @ Dawn (Horizon Moon) [3x5000kt, 4x2000kt, 6x1000kt]
Coldstar @ Sanctuary [2x2000kt, 3x500kt]
Tranquility Hook @ Haven [2x2000kt, 3x500kt]
Torchbearer @ Mist [2x2000kt, 3x500kt]
Alabaster Foundry @ Tiriad [2x2000kt, 3x500kt]
Obsidian Mountain @ Iskut [2x2000kt, 3x500kt]
Sacred Headwaters @ Tahlan [2x2000kt, 3x500kt]
Godsgate @ Jafa [2x2000kt, 3x500kt]​
Harmony of Horizon Shipbuilding (2321.Q4)
3 Sanctuary Fleet Tender
6 Liberator Cruiser
4 Scientist Cruiser
2 Solace Cruiser
12 Virtuoso Corvette
3 Alert Corvette
1 Hospital Ship
1 Civilian Research Cruiser
1 Passenger
1 Super-Freighter
6 Cargo Ship
4 Civilian Freighter​
Harmony Current Unknown Ships (2321.Q4)
Choreographer Fleet Tender
Dancer Pattern Strike Corvette
Alert Pattern Public Safety Corvette​
Harmony Ships with Projected Stats Only (2321.Q4)
Liberator Battleship
Scientist Cruiser​
Harmony Fleet Structure (2318.Q4)
Peacekeeper Directorate - military, 4 fleets in 4 astrographic areas
Public Safety Directorate - policing, 6 precincts in astrographic areas
Science Directorate - science and exploration, orders around focal points​
Forces on Rimward Border Detail (2318.Q2):
3rd Peacekeeping Directorate Fleet​
~ 8 Capitals or Large Cruisers
~ 30 Virtuoso Strike Corvettes​
Precinct 3, 6 of Public Safety Directorate​
~ 6 Capitals or Large Cruisers
~ 25 Dancer-class and Alert-class Corvettes​
1st, 5th Order, Science Directorate​
~8 Large Cruisers​
Pre-Contact Relationship with Tauni (2322.Q4)
First contact in 2253 through Iconian portals, HoH located Tauni homeworld
Divided and conquer strategy amongst Tauni nation-states, stepped in as Peacekeepers under threat of nuclear war
Governments dismantled and Tauni taken into Harmony
Tauni dissatisfied with predictive analytical law enforcement, rebellion in 2370s
Cycle of atrocities on both sides
Tauni terrorists sunk city of Atlas on Haven in 2287, bringing rebellion into public eye
Mass arrests, Intendant Virk sab Nahzul intended final solution before arrested by his subordinates
Negotiations in 2288 and Treaty of Shyenn formalized HoH withdrawal except for Japha and other colonies that voted to stay in HoH (1/3 Taui population)
Many unverified reports of greater atrocities
Consistent pattern of HoH commanders going off the reservation, cause unknown​
Harmony of Horizon Diplomatic Posture (2322.Q4):
Galactic Outreach Directorate redoubling efforts despite Federation success
Share our worries about escalating tensions
Formally reprimanded ISC for militarizing border
Failed to gain influence on Romulus, responsible for reversal of Romulan policy on Tal Shiar​
Old Harmony of Horizon Diplomatic Posture (2321.Q4):
Little change from 2320.
One task force of Science and Public Safety Directorate under Singer Karyn nas Azhlee engaged in border diplomacy.
Attempts to engage Breen repulsed.
Reached out to RSE and KE to enforce armistice & peacekeep, rebuffed by RSE.​
Old Harmony Diplomatic Posture Summary (2320.Q4):
Diplomatic re-alignment completed. Diplomatic agencies have been reformed using Federation lessons. Less undermining, more self-promotion.
Refocusing on non-aligned states.
Supporting lower-class and slaves in Licori space.
Growing trade links with OSA.
Undermining the Parliament of Corporations in Felis space and attempting to push political government rather than corporate.
First steps towards Bolians.
Will be competing with the FDS in areas the FDS normally uses.​
Old Harmony Diplomatic Posture Summary (2319.Q4):
Confused by ISC's claim of past aggression.
Avoiding Romulan contact due to active war and Romulan suspicion.
Secularism at odds with Honiani. Attempting to reset relations, may succeed.
Limited foothold in Licori territory, mostly covert methods aimed at marginalized Licori.
Trade links with OSA (Muuyozoi), Ked Paddah, Liao. Tseskia and Moy traders frequent these three spaceports.
Muuyozoi (OSA) possibly a target for Harmony integration and could quickly slide to Harmony membership.
NOTE: Details in the 2317.Q4 diplomatic posture are also useful.​
ISC Fleet Strength (2319.Q4)
6 Pathfinder Heavy Explorers
34 Guardian Cruisers
40 Civilian Ships
98 Cargo Ships
32 Civilian Freighters
5 Passenger Ships
10 Engineering Ships
5 Prospectors
9 Colony Ships
5 Hospital Ships
2 Civilian Research Cruisers
7 Super-Freighters
accelerating production and expanding resource extraction​
ISC History (2316.Q2)
ISC Potential Issues (2317)
ISC History with Harmony of Horizon (2322.Q4)
100 years past during aftereffects of a bioweapon from earlier aggressor (note: not HoH bioweapon), made first contact
Disaster relief fleet became peacekeeping fleet when ISC planetary governments subverted
Methods included assassination by ensuring certain individuals succumbed to the bioweapon
ISC obtained proof of subversion and asked HoH to leave, they refused, ISC drove them out
Official ISC stance is prepared wariness, expects HoH to repeat, deploying task force to Felis space​
ISC Diplomatic Posture Summary (2320.Q4)
Little change from 2319.Q4
Some inroads with the Shanpurr but uncomfortable with Shanpurr openness.​
Old ISC Diplomatic Posture Summary (2319.Q4)
Re-evaluating expansion speed thanks to contact with Federation
Gearing up for rapid expansion, with GBZ as practice
Use openness to avoid brinkmanship scenarios
Not interested in Federation affiliation, but may consider or offer a defensive pact
Wary of Cardassians but less wary of Dylaarians
Still corroborating possibility that the Horizon are the same who invaded centuries ago
Possibility of war with Horizon may make defensive pact a non-starter​

Minor Powers
Note: The Gorn Alliance is the name of the Gorn faction including client species, the Gorn Hegemony is the Gorn government.
Gorn Diplomatic Posture (2322.Q4)
Gorn not a feudal power, power is in hands of monarch alone
Two camps, Florists want alliance with a Great Power (leaning Federation), Reclaimers want military expansion
King is ailing, but Darwinist in succession
Both sides preparing for open war with Ittick-ka before 2322, would grant title of Emperor if successful
Klingon policy less hostile now, planet of Torath possible point of contention​

Dawiar Fleet Strength
Dawiar Losses (2309.Q4)
6 Shakakoun-class Escorts
1 Khalkhalad-class Cruiser
5 Cargo Ships
1 Freighter
1 Engineering​
Dawiar Diplomatic Posture (2316.Q4)
Lecarre extreme dislike
Caitians good relations
Strong ties with Qloathi, long-standing embassy, heavy trade
Shaky relationship with Cardassians mostly enduring through stubbornness​
Ittick-ka Diplomatic Posture (2322.Q4)
Foreign policy obsessed with concept of 'Dark Forest' where everyone is a potential threat and must be conquered or subdued to control them.
Gorn and Dawiar are preparing to go to war against them, cannot conquer the Trill due to Federation and Cardassian, Hishmeri still threatening, these reinforce this idea.
Most friendly with the Federation.
Dislike recorded media as it removes the spirit of it.​
Hismeri relationship with Imelak (2321.Q4)
Confirmed that the Imelak are the "Jinn" enemies that the Hishmeri are pursuing.
Hishmeri revolted against Imelak masters.​
Hishmeri Diplomatic Posture (2320.Q4):
No unified posture.
Individual captains can be mercenary.
Leader that supported Hayant has been usurped.
Overall leader, the Perfect, is consolidating her power after recent ascension.
In pursuit of "Jinn" traditional enemies.​
Sydraxian Fleet Strength (2310.Q4):
7~10 Hasque Escorts - 3 destroyed Battle of Deva
2~4 Kalindrax Cruisers - 3 destroyed Battle of Lora
17 Civilian Ships
18 Cargo Ships
8 Freighter​
Sydraxian Shipbuilding Report (2314.Q4):
Ballad of Hunters Orbital Yard @ Borandt/Dar Nakar
2 Kalindrax, 1 Hasque, 1 Engineering Ship
Ballad of Artisans Orbital Yard @ Kar Akar
1 Hasque, 1 Repair [Hasque] - Repairs complete 2315.Q2
Ballad of Valour Orbital Yard @ Lox Matar
2 Repair [Hasque] - Repairs complete 2315.Q2
Ballad of Labourers Orbital Yard @ Nax Degar
[Under Construction, nearly complete] - Complete 2315.Q2​
Sydraxian Diplomatic Posture Summary (2315.Q4):
Report on Sydraxian Factions Link (2315.Q4)
Internal Strife - Gabriel Graduates gaining ground (favor peace, isolationism & military)
Treaty of Celos - no diplomatic contact affiliates, no attacks outside Gabriel Expanse, Gabriel Expanse pocket war​
Yrillian Fleet Strength (2313.Q4):
20~30 Escort type small armed ships
4 Old Model Yrillian Light Cruisers
6~10 Carryalls
3 Defenders that belong directly to the government
30~40 Civilian Ships
20~25 Cargo Ships
~10 Freighters
3 Passenger
4 Engineering
2 Prospector
1 Colony Ship
1 Hospital Ship
3 Research Cruisers​
Yrillian Unknown Ships (2315.Q4)
Yrillian Diplomatic Posture (2316.Q4)
Working hard to influence the Sydraxian Hierarchy, including work by Federation-friendly work gangs.
Friendly with Yan-Ros, Obar, Honiani. Once upon a time fought against Honiani.
Trade-focused diplomacy, not used to specific external purposes.​
Dylaarian Fleet Strength (2313.Q1)
~6 Jaldun
~6 Support Cruisers​
Dylaarian Diplomatic Posture (2318.Q4)
Firmly part of the Ashalla Pact.
Coreward exploration and many Dylaarian clans making economic growth.
Trade with Sydraxians by routing around the GBZ.
Economic engine for other Ashalla Pact members.
Note: As of 2320.Q4 have responded to the ISC positively. Backchannels may be available.​

Goshawnar (2313.Q1)

Konnen Fleet Strength (2313.Q1)
Comparable to Amarki as of 2313.Q1
Imelak Fleet Strength (2320.Q4)
At least 3 Breeder-class Capital Ship
~12 Jockey-class Frigate
At least 1 Host-class​

Lecarre Diplomatic Posture (2321.Q4)
Maintain embassies on Kretas (Ashidi), Trillius Prime (Trill), and Arqueniou (Q'Loathi).
Self-directed and persistent espionage program.
New infiltration ship, the Suop, in development.
Good relations with the Ashidi. Cordial relations with the Trill. Enemies with the Hishmeri.
Comfortable with the Ashalla Pact.​
Licori General Intelligence (2314.Q3)
1 Homeworld - Morshadd
4 Major Colony Planets - Gammon, Calamar, Ixira, Gesseria (Gammon and Calamar would be Member World candidates in the Federation)
5 Minor Colony Worlds
8 Mining & Research Colonies
2 Starbases - Morshadd, Calamar
Outposts - Most worlds now have an outpost protecting them
Fixed minefields, automated long-range torpedo systems, and some exotic weapon systems exist.
Approximated Income - 130~160 BR/year, 100~140 SR/yr​
Licori Fleet Strength (2314.Q4):
~2 Sandworm-class Explorers - 2/2 destroyed 2315.Q2
5 Jackrabbit-class Cruisers - 4/5 destroyed 2315.Q2
12~20 Frigates - ?/20 destroyed 2315.Q2
15~20 Civilian Ships
16~20 Cargo Ships
~10 Freighters
~3 Engineering Ships
~2 Prospector
~2 Colony Ship
~4 Research Cruiser - 1/4 destroyed 2315.Q2​
Licori Shipyard Report (2314.Q3)
3 Shipyards at Morshadd, with at least one explorer grade berth. Up to 10 berths overall.
1 Shipyard of 1-2 berths at each of Gammon, Calamar, Ixira, Gesseria.​
Report on Licori Houses (2314.Q4)
Licori Diplomatic Posture (2319.Q4)
Friendly relations with Romulans
Functional relations with Federation
Involuntary with the KP but friendly with the Tauni and Liao
Harmony present but stymied by noble houses
Decentralized power thanks to weak central authority
Economic slump and weak authority boosting the middle class​

Other Power Task Force Reports
Task Force Illumination -Harmony of Horizon Galactic Outreach Directorate (2322.Q3)
HPSDV Playwright [Choreographer]
-HPSDV Ravis ner Chiran [Dancer]
-HPSDV Abeshta [Dancer]
-HPSDV Wikk Glassii [ Alert]
-HPSDV Glook [ Alert]
HSDV Aeleanos vas Renais [Scientist]
HSDV Nalaar han Veralos [Scientist]
HSDV Theria nas Cheras [Scientist]
HSDV Anura vas Colarai [Scientist]
HSDV Kasha [Scientist]
HSDV Oklut [Scientist]
HSDV Kirr Verna [Scientist]
HPSDV Balia ves Norea [Scientist]
HPSDV Noole [Scientist]
Note: It is unknown if all of these Scientist-class cruisers are in fact as advertised. It is possible some are Solace-class cruisers which are largely indistinguishable until they power weapons.​
ISC Felis Alignment Task Force (2322.Q4)
Diplomatic Squadron 1
CSF Courageous (Spearhead-P)
C4 S5 H4 L5 P8 D5
CSF Paladin (Spearhead-P)
C4 S5 H4 L5 P8 D5
CSF Dreadnought (Spearhead-P)
C4 S5 H4 L5 P8 D5

Diplomatic Squadron 2-Arrives 2323.Q2
CSF Vigilant (Sentinel-P)
C2 S4 H4 L4 P8 D3
CSF Indefatigable (Sentinel-P)
C2 S4 H4 L4 P8 D3
CSF Incorruptible (Sentinel-P)
C2 S4 H4 L4 P8 D3

Pathfinder Squadron 1
CSF Pathfinder (Pathfinder),
C7 S8 H8 L8 P8 D7
CSF Wanderer (Pathfinder),
C7 S8 H8 L8 P8 D7
CSF Wayfarer (Pathfinder)
C7 S8 H8 L8 P8 D7

Guardian Squadron 1
CSF Bulwark (Guardian),
C4 S4 H6 L6 P4 D4
CSF Phalanx (Guardian),
C4 S4 H6 L6 P4 D4
CSF Shieldwall (Guardian).
C4 S4 H6 L6 P4 D4

Guardian Squadron 2
CSF Constant (Guardian),
C4 S4 H6 L6 P4 D4
CSF Enduring (Guardian),
C4 S4 H6 L6 P4 D4
CSF Steadfast (Guardian)
C4 S4 H6 L6 P4 D4

Guardian Squadron 3
CSF Celerity (Guardian)
C4 S4 H6 L6 P4 D4
CSF Quicksilver (Guardian)
C4 S4 H6 L6 P4 D4
CSF Swiftwing (Guardian)
C4 S4 H6 L6 P4 D4​
Cardassian Task Force Exploring the Gulf (2322.Q1)
CDF Trager, Jaldun II (flagship)
CDF Chunat, Jaldun II
CDF Konyok, Jaldun II
CDF Tylack, Jaldun
CDF Parok, Science Takaaki​
Gorn Task Force Contesting Dawiar Diplomacy (2322.Q1)
Commanding Officer: Prince Erzsesh
Ss'strus (Second Rate II) - C? S? H? L? P8 D?
Tarsash (Second Rate II) - C? S? H? L? P8 D?
Nagada (Excellent Frigate - Refit Gator) - C? S? H? L? P6-7 D?
Zelshur (Excellent Frigate - Refit Gator) - C? S? H? L? P6-7 D?
Rethis (Science Frigate) - C? S8+ H? L? P1 D?​
Cardassian and Loyalist Faction Task Force near Dawiar Space (2322.Q1)
Commanding Officer: Gul Ossom Piten
CDF Ernagot (Kaldar II), C7 S3+ H5 L6 P4 D5+, Senior Gul Piten
CDF Yrmak (Jaldun II), C5 S4 H5 L6 P4 D4, Gul Kivaas
CDF Ronagot (Jaldun) - C4 S3 H4 L4 P3 D4
Doz Zakul (Khalkhalad) - C? S? H? L? P2 D?
Zakzigid (Khalkhalad) - C? S? H? L? P2 D?
Thrakashoun (Shakakoun) - C? S? H? L? P? D?​

Current and Past Events
2322.Q4 Tensions
Licori, Liao, and Tauni feel they are victims of OSA corporate piracy, Cool Planets Inc. one perpetrator
OSA deny and claim weak evidence
Ked Paddah nervous
Liao, OSA, KP at early mobilization
Felis and Klingon and Bolian citizens involved, only Felis wants their return, others indifferent​
2322.Q4 Tauni-Horizon History
2322.Q4 ISC-Horizon History
2315.Q4 Update
Klingons have the initiative on the Blood Gate Front
Slow Klingon progress on the Pashkan Front
Lots of raiding​
2316.Q2 General Explanation
Iberius system and shipyards at risk
Pashkan Front reinforced with reserves
Blood Gate Front holding for the Romulans at the last Starbase
Romulan playing for time & overextension of Klingon logistics, Klingons looking to hit shipping to undermine the Romulan government​
2316.Q4 Update
Romulans turned momentum on Iberius Front, first major Romulan victory
Despite Romulan reserves, Klingons have taken or destroyed every major target on the Pashkan Front
No progress on Blood Gate Front
No progress on far Frontier​
2317.Q4 Update
Klingons have completely reversed the Iberius Front. Destroyed Iberius starbase. Iberius shipyards are still under Romulan control. Romulans nearly routed.
Klingon raids continue on the Pashkan Front, but Pompara holds.
Ocutis system changed hands twice. No progress but lots of destruction.
Romulan major offensive on the far frontier.​
2318.Q4 Update
Klingons pushed back from Iberius system. Romulan Fleet Yards saved. Klingon wolfpacks devastated Romulan rear-line.
No progress on Pashkan Front.
Romulan counterattack re-secured Aniak system. Jarok's Beacon destroyed by Klingon raiders.
Frontier in total Romulan control, Romulan raiders as far as Qon'os.​
2319.Q4 Update
Klingons blockading Iberius, causing production delays. Many convoy battles.
Romulans re-take Mothidum and built outposts.
Aniak retaken by Klingons. Again.
Klingons stem Romulan raiding on the Frontier.​
2320.Q4 Update
Klingons smashed two fronts wide open. Romulan government collapse. Klingon logistics completely exhausted.
Iberius conquered, three more systems overrun, desperate Romulans stop Klingons just before Romulus.
Alixros re-taken by Romulans but offensive halted due to collapse.
Klingon assault took the Ocutis starbase and smashed the three other worlds, pushing the Romulans out of the Blood Gate completely.
Raiding pressured Klingon industrial base to point of collapse.​
2321.Q4 Update
Romulus was under siege
Remus was under occupation
Armistice now in effect, likely peace treaty with Romulan territorial concessions
Romulan Star Empire now controlled by Empress Velim with support of Navy, Tal Shiar purged
Klingon Empire now controlled by Chancellor Renhadd​
Treaty of Gabriel (2320)
- DMZ and set borders
- Joint control of 24 Enio outpost with Cardassian civilian government​
Cardassian Strength Report (2319.Q4) (summary)
~10 Cruisers (Est: 2 Kaldar II, 8 Jaldun)
~10 Frigates (Est: 2 Takaaki Sci, 2 Isaamu, 6 Takaaki Cmb)
Civilian ships from 2315.Q4 Report:
8 Cargo Ship
4 Freighter
2 Passenger
4 Engineer
4 Prospector
2 Colony Ship
Aranyak (Starbase)
67 Gabriel (Starbase, Defences)
?66 Gabriel (Outpost?) - Mining Colony
?77 Gabriel (Outpost?) - Mining Colony
?45 Gabriel (Outpost?) - Mining Colony​
Konen Strength Report (2319.Q4) (Summary)
1 Silence
2 Whisper
3 Banshee​
Goshawnar Strength Report (2319.Q4) (Summary)
1 Warhawk
4 Aiele
1 Motherhen​
Dylaarian Strength Report (2319.Q4) (Summary)
4 D-Jaldun
4 Voyager​
Other Faction Projects Report (2320.Q4)
Sydraxians - re-entered as Federation affiliates
Cardassians - preparing an offensive to regain Enio
Dylaarians - completed a starbase, friendly contact with the ISC
Goshawnar - harassing our GBZ fleet
Konen - continuing mining development separate to Cardassians​

All Known Ship Stats (Mostly Up-to-Date 2319.Q4)

United Federation of Planets:
Capital Ships (Explorer):
Constitution-A 2270-Now [289m, 1m t]
C4 S3 H3 L3 P4 D5
Cost [100br, 100sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-5, E-4, T-4]
Refit Cost [Unknown]​

Excelsior-A 2313-Now [511m, 2.3m t]
C7 S6 H4 L6 P6 D6
Cost [230br 160sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-6, E-5, T-5]
Refit Cost [50br, 30sr, 1 Year]​
Ambassador 2321-Future [594m, 3m t, 0% ev, 98.66% rel]
C8 S9 H7 L9 P9 D8
Cost [300br, 240sr, 4.75 Years], Crew [O-7, E-7, T-6]​

Constitution-B 2310-Now [289m, 1m t]
C5 S3 H3 L4 P3 D5
Cost [100br, 80sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-4]​
Constellation-A 2316-Now [310m, 700k t]
C3 S4 H2 L3 P3 D4
Cost [70br, 50sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-2]
Refit Cost [25br, 25sr, 1 Year]​
Renaissance 2314-Now [330m, 1m t, 98% rel]
C5 S3 H4 L5 P4 D5
Cost [100br, 80sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-5, T-3]​

Frigate (Escorts)
Oberth 2260-Now [120m, 150k t]
C1 S5 H1 L2 P1 D1
Cost [15br, 60sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-4]​
Miranda-A 2312-Now [277m, 655k t]
C3 S2 H2 L3 P1 D2
Cost [60br, 45sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]
Refit Cost [20br, 10sr, 1 Year]​
Centaur-A 2308-Now [315m, 800k t]
C3 S3 H2 L3 P3 D3
Cost [80br, 70sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]
Refit Cost [15br, 15sr, 1 Year]​
Centaur-B 2321-Future [315m, 898k t, 21.81% ev, 100% rel]
C4 S4 H2 L4 P4 D5
Cost [90br, 65sr, 2.25 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]
Refit Cost [30br, 20sr, 1 Year]​
Kepler 2322-Future [979k t, 21.45% ev, 99.13% rel]
C2 S7 H2 L4 P5 D5
Cost [100br, 90sr, 2.25 Years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-4]​
Comet 2325-Future [1.1m t, 22.45% ev, 98.59% rel]
C4 S4 H3 L5 P4 D8
Cost [105br, 75sr, 2.5 Years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-3]
Colony Ship 2260-Now [370m, 850k t]
C1 S3 H3 L4 P1 D1
Cost [85br, 60sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-2]​
Cargo Ship 2260-Now [150m, 300k t]
C0 S1 H1 L1 P1 D1
Cost [30br, 10sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-0, E-2, T-1]​
Ranger Hospital Ship
Renaissance Hospital Ship
Ranger Engineering Ship

Starbase I
C10 S6 H18 L18 P6 D5​
Outpost I
C6 S? H12 L12 P? D?​
Station I
C2 S? H6 L4 P? D?​
Confederacy of Amarki Navy
Capital Ships (Battlecruiser):
2317-Now [523m, 2.1m t]
C8 S5 H6 L9 P5 D6
Cost [210br, 150sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-6, E-7, T-4]
Refit Cost [60br, 40sr, 1 Year]​
2279-Now [280m, 696k t]
C3 S2 H3 L2 P1 D3
Cost [70br, 70sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-2]​
Hebrinda-A 2315-Now [315m, 970k t]
C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4
Cost [100br, 70sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-3, T-2]
Refit Cost [30br, 20sr, 1 Year]​
Calac-A 2318-Now [205m, 459k t]
C2 S3 H2 L3 P1 D3
Cost [50br, 40sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Brieca-A 2318-Now [225m, 681k t]
C3 S2 H3 L4 P1 D2
Cost [70br, 60sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-3, T-2]​
Centaur-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Centaur-B [Listed in Starfleet]
Mielab 2318-Now [696k t, 24.85% ev, 99.83% rel]
C3 S5 H2 L3 P1 D4
Cost [70br, 60sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Anacail 2318-Now [260m, 839k t, 24.02% ev, 97.93% rel]
C4 S2 H4 L6 P1 D4
Cost [85br, 70sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-3, T-2]​

Andorian Guard
Capital Ships:
Excelsior-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Constellation-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Renaissance [Listed in Starfleet]
Miranda-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Centaur-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Centaur-B [Listed in Starfleet]

All-Hives Fleet (Apiata)
Capital Ships:
?-Now [2.1m t]
C4 S3 H3 L8 P7 D7
Cost [220br, 170sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-1, E-8, T-3]​
Little Queenship ?-Now [1.8m t]
C4 S4 H2 L7 P6 D7
Cost [180br, 135sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-1, E-5, T-2]​
Forager ?-Now [600k t]
C2 S6 H1 L2 P2 D3
Cost [60br, 52sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-0, E-2, T-2]​
Stinger ?-Now [584k t]
C4 S2 H1 L4 P2 D4
Cost [60br, 60sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-0, E-2, T-1]​

S3 (Science Cruiser) ?-Now [1.2m t]
C3 S6 H2 L3 P1 D4
Cost [115br, 80sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-3]​
L7 ?-Now [1.2m t]
C4 S4 H4 L4 P2 D5
Cost [115br, 80sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-5, T-3]​
L7-19 2319-Now [1.2m t]
C4 S5 H4 L5 P3 D6
Cost [115br, 85sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-5, T-3]
Refit Cost [30br, 30sr, 1 Year]​
M11 ?-Now [1.9m t]
C6 S6 H5 L7 P4 D6
Cost [190br, 130sr, 3.5 Years], Crew [O-6, E-7, T-5]​

Betazoid Defense Forces
Patrol Cruiser ?-Now [968k t]
C3 S2 H3 L3 P5 D3
Cost [100br, 65sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-3, T-2]​
Renaissance [Listed in Starfleet]
Centaur-B [Listed in Starfleet]
Patroller-A 2315-Now [371k t]
C2 S3 H1 L3 P2 D2
Cost [40br, 45sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]
Refit Cost [15br, 15sr, 0.25 Years]​

Caitian Grand Fleet
Capital Ships:
Excelsior-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Nifari (Fathership) ?-Now [2.5m t]
C5 S6 H3 L7 P4 D5
Cost [250br, 200sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​
Arsharra N'Gir (New Fathership) 2325-Future [3m t]
C7 S9 H6 L10 P8 D9
Cost [300br, 250sr, 4.5 Years], Crew [O-7, E-7, T-6]​
Mishir (Swarmer Mark 2) ?-Now [509k t]
C3 S3 H1 L4 P2 D3
Cost [52br, 60sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​

Caldonian Science Directorate
Science Cruiser 2299-Now [316m, 939k t]
C3 S4 H3 L3 P3 D2
Cost [100br, 65sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-4]​
Renaissance [Listed in Starfleet]
New Science Cruiser 2324-Future [1480k t, 99.3% rel, 15.44% ev]
C3 S8 H2 L4 P4 D5
Cost [150br, 100sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-4]​
Escort 2268-Now [186m, 391k t]
C2 S2 H1 L2 P1 D1
Cost [40br, 35sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Patroller-A [Listed in Betazoid]

Illuminated Technocracy of Gaen Navy
Capital Ships (Explorer):
Tech-Explorer 2318-Now [556m, 2.5m t]
C5 S8 H4 L8 P6 D5
Cost [250br, 240sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-5, E-6, T-6]​
2296-Now [426m, 1.5m t]
C4 S5 H3 L6 P3 D3
Cost [150br, 150sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-3, T-5]​
Tech-Cruiser-A 2321-Now [426m, 1.5m t]
C4 S6 H4 L6 P4 D4
Cost [150br, 150sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-3, T-5]
Refit Cost [30br, 30sr, 1 Year]​
Tech-Frigate 2298-Now [256m, 559k t]
C2 S3 H2 L3 P1 D2
Cost [60br, 70sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-3]​

Capital Ships (Explorer):
Cathedral ?-Now [1.9m t]
C5 S4 H6 L4 P5 D4
Cost [190br, 80sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-5, E-5, T-4]​
Basilica ?-Now [2.5m t]
C6 S5 H6 L6 P7 D5
Cost [250br, 120sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-6, E-6, T-4]​
Basilica of Lakhept ?-Now [4m t]
C8 S6 H7 L6 P8 D5
Cost [400br, 190sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-8, E-10, T-8]​
Chapel ?-Now [1m t]
C4 S4 H4 L4 P4 D3
Cost [100br, 65sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-3]​
Reliquary ?-Now [1.2m t]
C5 S4 H3 L5 P4 D3
Cost [120br, 70sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-5, T-3]​
Parish ?-Now [650k t]
C2 S2 H3 L1 P3 D2
Cost [65br, 25sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Monastary ?-Now [850k t]
C3 S3 H3 L3 P3 D3
Cost [85br, 45sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-3, T-3]​

Indorian Congressional Fleet
Capital Ships:
Egillah ?-Now [2.2m t, 6.29% ev]
C5 S5 H5 L5 P5 D5
Cost [220br, 180sr, 4 years], Crew [O-5, E-5, T-5]​
Frigate ?-Now [1m t]
C4 S2 H2 L3 P2 D3
Cost [100br, 65sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-2]​
Renaissance [Listed in Starfleet]
Vendan-A 2320-Now [900k t]
C4 S2 H2 L3 P1 D2
Cost [90br, 65sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Peketa-A 2320-Now [500k t]
C3 S3 H1 L2 P1 D3
Cost [50br, 40sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-1]​

Magen Chalel (Ked Paddah)
Capital Ships (Battleship):
Aggadah ?-Now [2.4m t]
C6 S6 H6 L6 P6 D6
Cost [240br, 200sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-6, E-6, T-5]​
?-Now [750k t]
C3 S2 H2 L4 P1 D2
Cost [75br, 65sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​

Liao Cosmological Office
Capital Ships (Explorers):
Unknown Explorer ?-Now [1m t]
C4 S3 H3 L3 P4 D4
Cost [100br, 70sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-5, E-4, T-4]​
Egillah ?-Now [2.2m t, 6.29% ev]
C5 S5 H5 L5 P5 D5
Cost [220br, 180sr, 4 years], Crew [O-5, E-5, T-5]​
Unknown Frigate ?-Now [600k t]
C2 S1 H1 L2 P0 D2
Cost [60br, 35sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]​

Under Honiani.

Orion Union
Capital Ships:
Embpor Orbitals Exploratory Battleship 2319-Now [?m, 2m t]
C8 S6 H6 L7 P6 D6
Cost [200br, 90sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-8, E-7, T-6]​
Onaya Reliable Intercept Orbiter, New ?-Now [?m, 996k t]
C4 S3 H3 L3 P3 D3
Cost [100br, 50sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-3]​
Nelhiar Savings & Loans Enforcer ?-Now [?m, 996k t]
C5 S3 H2 L5 P7 D3
Cost [100br, 75sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-3]​
Holena Vigilante ?-Now [?m, 1.8m t]
C5 S4 H5 L5 P4 D5
Cost [180br, 90sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-4]​
Molhane Patrol Escort ?-Now [?m, 598k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P5 D2
Cost [60br, 35sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Mekpali Light Escort ?-Now [?m, 341k t, 86% Rel]
C4 S3 H3 L3 P3 D3
Cost [35br, 25sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-3, T-3]​

Rigellian Defence Forces
Capital Ships:
Megatortoise ?-Now [?m, 2.5m t]
C6 S4 H8 L9 P3 D3
Cost [250br, 160sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-6, E-8, T-4]​
Turtleship ?-Now [?m, 1.5m t]
C4 S4 H5 L5 P4 D3
Cost [150br, 95sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-5, T-4]​
Frigates (Cutter/Frigate):
Oda-Gach ?-Now [?m, 679k t]
C2 S4 H1 L2 P4 D2
Cost [70br, 50sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-3, T-4]​
Anacail [Listed in Amarki]

Risan Warp Lifesaving Club
Heavy Corvette ?-Now [?m, 990k t]
C2 S2 H2 L2 P4 D4
Cost [100br, 75sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-2, E-2, T-2]​
Heavy Corvette-A 2321-Future [990k t]
C2 S3 H2 L2 P5 D5
Cost [100br, 80sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-2, E-2, T-2]
Refit Cost [30br, 15sr, 1 Year]​
Light Corvette ?-Now [?m, 370k t]
C1 S1 H1 L1 P3 D3
Cost [40br, 30sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-1]​
Light Corvette-A 2321-Future [370k t]
C1 S2 H1 L1 P4 D4
Cost [40br, 35sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-1]
Refit Cost [15br, 15sr, 1 Year]​

Sarqel Treaty Organization
Includes the old Senatorial Fleet of the Qloathi Republic, Seyek Space Service, and Iridium Kingdom (Fiiral)
Capital Ships (Battleship / Explorer):
Torqui Leb Lagan 2306-Now [515m, 2m t]
C5 S5 H4 L5 P3 D5
Cost [200br, 150sr, 4 Years] Crew [O-5, E-5, T-5]​
Arqueniou Leb Nin 2318-Now [535m, 2.5m t]
C7 S5 H4 L5 P4 D5
Cost [250br, 170sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-6, E-5, T-5]​
Sunrise 2300-Now [480m, 2.5m t]
C9 S6 H4 L6 P4 D5
Cost [250br, 160sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-9, E-5, T-6]​
Audacious 2280-Now [291m, 1.5m t]
C7 S4 H3 L5 P4 D4
Cost [150br, 90sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-7, E-4, T-4]​
Constrictor 2290-Now [193m, 1.3m t]
C6 S3 H3 L4 P3 D4
Cost [130br, 85sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-3]​
Seeker 2290-Now [155m, 635k t]
C1 S5 H1 L2 P2 D2
Cost [65br, 45sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-5]​
Quital Leb Quitan 2300-Now [235m, 449k t]
C3 S3 H2 L2 P0 D2
Cost [45br, 40sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Arquilla Heb Lioathi 2310-Now [320m, 750k t]
C4 S4 H3 L3 P1 D2
Cost [80br, 55sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​

Space Gate Command (Tauni)
Capital Ships:
Egillah ?-Now [2.2m t, 6.29% ev]
C5 S5 H5 L5 P5 D5
Cost [220br, 180sr, 4 years], Crew [O-5, E-5, T-5]​
Constellation-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Renaissance [Listed in Starfleet]
Patroller-A [Listed in Betazoid]

Sydraxian Hierarchy
Kalindrax ?-Now [~1.8m t]
C4 S4 H4 L5 P4 D5
Cost [180br, 110sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-3]​
Kalindrax-R 2323-Future [1.8m t]
C5 S5 H4 L6 P5 D7
Cost [180br, 115sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-4, E-5, T-4]​
Hasque ?-Now [650k t]
C3 S2 H2 L3 P2 D4
Cost [65br, 50sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​

Tellarite State Force
Capital Ships:
Excelsior-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Constellation 2284-Now [310m, 700k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D3
Cost [70br, 40sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-2]​
Constellation-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Constitution-B [Listed in Starfleet]
Renaissance [Listed in Starfleet]
Miranda-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Centaur-B [Listed in Starfleet]

United Earth Space Probe Agency
Capital Ships:
Excelsior-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Constellation-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Constitution-B [Listed in Starfleet]
Renaissance [Listed in Starfleet]
Miranda-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Centaur-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Centaur-B [Listed in Starfleet]

Vulcan High Command
Constellation-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Constitution-B [Listed in Starfleet]
Renaissance [Listed in Starfleet]
Oberth [Listed in Starfleet]
Miranda-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Centaur-A [Listed in Starfleet]
Centaur-B [Listed in Starfleet]

Under Honiani.
Starfleet / Federation Standard
Ranger 2240s-2260s [~800k t]
C2 S2 H2 L1 P2 D2
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown]​
Constitution 2240s-2270s [289m, 1m t]
C3 S3 H3 L2 P4 D4
Cost [100br, 80sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-5, E-4, T-4]​
Centaur 2300-2308 [315m, 800k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D2
Cost [80br, 60sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Soyuz 2240-2318 [250m, 310k t]
C2 S1 H1 L1 P1 D1
Cost[30br, 30sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-1]​
Miranda 2280-2318 [277m, 655k t]
C3 S1 H1 L2 P1 D2
Cost [60br, 40sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]​
Constellation 2284-2320 [310m, 700k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D3
Cost [70br, 40sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-2]​
Excelsior 2287-2322 [511m, 2.3m t]
C6 S5 H4 L5 P5 D6
Cost [230br 150sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-6, E-5, T-5]
Confederacy of Amarki Navy
Hebrinda 2301-2315 [315m, 967k t]
C4 S2 H3 L4 P3 D3
Cost [100br, 100sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-3, T-2]​
Calac 2290-2320 [205m, 459k t]
C2 S2 H2 L2 P1 D2
Cost [50br, 50sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Brieca 2290-2320 [225m, 681k t]
C2 S2 H3 L3 P1 D2
Cost [70br, 70sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-3, T-2]​
Riala 2295-2320 [523m, 2.1m t]
C6 S4 H5 L7 P5 D6
Cost [210br, 130sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-6, E-7, T-4]​

Old Stinger ?-2318 [300k t]
C2 S1 H1 L2 P2 D3
Cost [32br, 32sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​

Betazed Defense Force
Patroller 2289-2316 [371k t]
C2 S1 H1 L2 P2 D2
Cost [40br, 40sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]​

Caitian Grand Fleet
Swarmer Mark 1 2273-2318 [397k t]
C2 S1 H1 L3 P2 D2
Cost [40br, 44sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​

Illuminated Technocracy of Gaen
Tech-Skiff 2272-2318 [186m, 424k t]
C2 S2 H1 L2 P2 D2
Cost [45br, 80sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-2, E-2, T-2]​

Indorian Congressional Fleet
Patrol Escort ?-2318 [?m, 489k t]
C2 S1 H2 L2 P1 D2
Cost [Unknown, 2 Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​
Peketa ?-2321 [???m, 477k t]
C3 S1 H1 L2 P1 D2
Cost [Unknown, 2 Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​
Vendan ?-2321 [829k t]
C4 S2 H2 L3 P1 D2
Cost [Unknown, 2 Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​
Ship of the Line ?-2322 [1.5m t]
C5 S3 H2 L5 P2 D4
Cost [150br, 100sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-3]​

Liao Cosmological Office
Unknown Old Explorer
Details Unknown​

Magen Chalel (Ked Paddah)
Almud ?-~2315 []
C3 S? H2 L2 P? D?
Cost [Unknown], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Egillah ?-Now [2.2m t, 6.29% ev]
C5 S5 H5 L5 P5 D5
Cost [220br, 180sr, 4 years], Crew [O-5, E-5, T-5]​

Senatorial Fleet of the Q'loathi Republic (Service Defunct)
Qalla Leb Tigran 2302-2320 [415m, 1.5m t]
C4 S4 H4 L4 P3 D3
Cost [Unknown, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-4]​
Harqui Leb Adiquan 2270-2320 [205m, 404k t]
C2 S2 H2 L2 P2 D2
Cost [Unknown, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​

Rigellian Defense Forces
Cutter Mark 1 2260-2318 [?m, 430k t]
C2 S3 H1 L2 P3 D1
Cost [45br, 50sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​

Seyek Space Service (Service Defunct)
Soxistin 2280-2320 [155m, 568k t]
C3 S3 H1 L2 P1 D2
Cost [Unknown, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-3]​
Peacemaker 2307-2320 [158m, 729k t]
C3 S3 H2 L2 P2 D2
Cost [Unknown, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-3]​

Romulan Star Empire
Capital Ships (Battlecruiser):
Devoras Heavy Warbird 2301-2360 [500m, 2.7m t]
C6 S3 H3 L6 P5 D6 Cloak Yes
Cost [270br, 220sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-7, E-7, T-5]​
Khellian Heavy Warbird ?-Future [443m, 2.4m t]
C9 S7 H7 L9 P? D? Cloak Yes
Cost [240br, Unknown], Crew [14 to 18 total units]​

D7 Cruiser 2245-Now [228m, 344k t]
C3 S1 H2 L2 P2 D3
Cost [35br, 50sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-1]​
Daljerra Warbird ~2314-Now [1m t]
C5 S3 H3 L4 P3 D4 Cloak Yes
Cost [110br, 95sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-3]​

Bird-of-Prey 2266-2310 [192m, 200k t]
C4 S2 H5 L3 P3 D4
Cost [20br, 120sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-3, T-1]​
Aehallh Light Warbird 2317-Now [744k t, 24.54% ev]
C5 S2 H2 L5 P1 D3
Cost [75br, 70sr, 1 11/12 Years], Crew [O-1, E-3, T-2]​

Science Ship, 2300-Now [106m, 57k t]
C1 S5 H1 L2 P1 D1
Cost[60br, 100sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-3]​
Cargo Ship
Engineering Ship

Klingon Empire (Swarm)
Capital Ships (Battleship):
Tar'chak 2316-Now [???m, 2.4m t, 6% ev]
C7 S4 H7 L7 P4 D6 Cloak Yes
Cost [240br, 170sr, 3.75 Years], Crew [O-5, E-6, T-4]​

Cruisers / Battlecruisers
K'tinga 2270-Now [246m, 800k t]
C3 S1 H6 L4 P2 D3
Cost [80br, 80sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-1]​
K'Vort ~2317-Now [980k t, 20.62% ev]
C6 S2 H6 L5 P1 D4
Cost [100br, 80sr, 3.5 Years], Crew [O-3, E-5, T-2]​

Bird-of-Prey 2270-Now [109m 30k t]
C1 S0 H1 L1 P1 D1​
Cost [5br, 10sr, 1 Year], Crew[O-0, E-1, T-0]​
Bird of Prey Mark 2 2307-Now
C3 S0 H2 L2 P0 D2​
Cost [15br, 20sr, 1 Year], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-0]​

Civilian Research Cruiser
Cargo Ship
Troop Transport

Cardassian Union (Combined Fleet)
Capital Ships (Battlecruiser):
Lorgot ?-Now [1.8m t]
C7 S3 H3 L5 P? D5​
Cost [Unknown, ? Years], Crew [O-6, E-6, T-3]​
Tolkor 2322-Now [1.9-2m t]
C9 S(2-3) H5 L9 P(3-4) D(4-5)​
Cost Unknown, Crew [14-15 Total Crew Units]​

Cruisers (Destroyer):
Jaldun ?-Now [405m, 1.2m t]
C4 S3 H4 L4 P3 D4​
Cost [Unknown, 3 Years*], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-3]​
Jaldun II 2318-Now [405m, 1.2m t]
C5 S4 H5 L6 P4 D4​
Cost [115br, 75sr, 3 Years*], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-3]​
Refit Cost [40br, 20sr, 1 Year*]​
Kaldar ?-Now [405m, 1.5m t]
C5 S3 H4 L4 P3 D5​
Cost [Unknown, 3 Years*], Crew [O-4, E-5, T-3]​
Kaldar II 2318-Now [405m, 1.5m t]
C7 S3+ H5 L6 P3+ D5+​
Cost [Unknown, 3 Years*], Crew [O-4, E-5, T-3]​
Refit Cost [Unknown]​

Takaaki (Combat) ?-Now [285m, 740k t]
C4 S1 H3 L3 P1 D2​
Cost [Unknown, 2 Years*], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​
Takaaki (Science) ?-Now [285m, 750k t]
C1 S5 H2 L3 P1 D2​
Cost [Unknown, 2 Years*], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​
Takaaki (Courier) ?-Now [285m, 740k t]
C2 S1 H3 L3 P3 D3​
Cost [Unknown, 2 Years*], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​
Kapit (Science) ~2322-Now [750-825k t]
C(2-4) S(2-3) H(2-3) L(3-4) P(3-4) D(5-7) *Note: these stats are the courier version​
Cost Unknown, Crew Unknown​
Kapit (Courier) ~2321-Now [750-825k t]
C(2-4) S(2-3) H(2-3) L(3-4) P(3-4) D(5-7)​
Cost Unknown, Crew Unknown​

Cargo Ship
Passenger Ship
Engineering Ship
Colony Ship

*Based on shipbuilding intelligence.


Capital Ships:
Details Unknown​
Details Unknown​
Details Unknown​
Hound Sublight Attack Craft
Details Unknown​

Capital Ships (Battlecruiser):
Silence ?-Now []
C6 S? H4 L8 P? D?​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [O-5, E-5, T-5]​
Whisperer ?-Now []
C4 S? H4 L5 P? D?​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [O-3, E-5, T-5]​
Banshee ?-Now []
C2 S? H2 L2 P? [D2 or D3]​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​

Goshawnar (Swarm)
Unknown Type (possibly capital?):
Motherhen ?-Now
Details Unknown​
Warhawk-type High-Speed Cruiser ?-Now []
C7 H2 L5 [D2 to D5, max roll 17, min roll 4]​
Aieles ?-Now [587k t]
C4 H1 L3 D5​

Dylaarian (Lone Ranger)
Voyager Support Cruiser
Details Unknown​
D-Jaldun [Listed in Cardassian]

Infiltration Frigate
Suop ?-Future [775-1000k t]
C(1-2) S(4-6) H(1-2) L(2-3) P(0-1) D(2-4)​
Cost Unknown, Crew Unknown​
Cardassian Union
Hiroshi ?-~2322 [298k t]
C2 S1 H1 L2 P0 D1​
Cost [Unknown, ? Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​
Isamu ?-~2322 [591k t]
C4 S1 H2 L2 P1 D2​
Cost [Unknown, ? Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​

Interstellar Commonwealth (Doctrine Unknown):
Capital Ships:
Spearhead ?-Past [?m t] note: boneyard reserves
C4 S5 H4 L5 P5? D5 note: estimated​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown]​
Spearhead-P ?-Now [?m t] note: refitted from reserves
C4 S5 H4 L5 P8 D5​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown]​
Refit Cost [Unknown]​
Pathfinder [3m t]
C7 S8 H8 L8 P8 D7​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown]​

Sentinel ?-Past [?m t] note: boneyard reserves
C2 S4? H4? L4? P4? D3 note: estimated​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown]​
Sentinel-P ?-Past [?m t] note: refitted from reserves
C2 S4 H4 L4 P8 D3​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown]​
Refit Cost [Unknown]​
Guardian ?-Now [1.7m t]
C4 S4 H6 L6 P4 D4​
Cost [170br, 115sr, 3.5 Years], Crew [O-3, 9 other crew units]​
Sentry Scout Cruiser ?-Now [?m t]
Details Unknown​

Harmony of Horizon (Tender):
Capital Ships (Battleship/Fleet Tender):
Liberator ?-Now [495m, 1.9m t]
C7 S? H? L? P5 D5​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown, 17 total crew units]​
Choreographer Fleet Tender ?-Now
Details Unknown​
Sanctuary Fleet Tender ?-Now [891m, 5m t]
C8 S9 H6 L9 P13 D13​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown, 33 total crew units]​
Cruisers (Cruiser/Battlecruiser):
Solace ?-Now [1.6m t]
C6 S6 H4 L5 P6 D6​
Cost [160br, 110sr, 3 Years], Crew [Unknown, 10-16 total crew units]​
Scientist ?-Now [405m, 1.6m t]
C2 S7 H4 L? P? D7 [Estimate C2 S7 H4 L6 P5 D7]​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown, 12 total crew units][Estimate O-3 E-4 T-5]​
Frigates (Corvette):
Virtuoso Pattern 2305 Strike Corvette ~2305-Now [225m, 500k t]
C4 S1 H1 L4 P2 D3​
Cost [50br, 50sr, 1.5-2 Years], Crew [Unknown, 1 to 1.5 total crew units]​
Dancer Pattern Strike Corvette ?-Now []
Details Unknown​
Alert Public Safety Corvette ~2220-Now [170m, 549k t]
C1 S3 H1 L2 P2 D2​
Cost [55br, 45sr, 1.5 Years], Crew [2 total crew units]​
Unknown Scout/Skirmish Frigate and Corvette Prototype Designs ?-Future [600k t to 1m t]
Details Unknown​

Minor Powers / Other:
Old Model Light Cruiser ?-Now []
Details Unknown​
Defender ?-Now []
Details Unknown​
Corsair ?-Now [~350kt]*
C2 S? H1 L2 P? D?*​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]*​
Carryall ?-Now []
Details Unknown​

*Stats are approximated from Intelligence's comparison to the Licori Spiny Mouse-class.
Capital Ships:
Sandworm ?-Now []
C6 S? H4 L5 P? D?​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [O-5, E-6, T-4]​
Jackrabbit ?-Now []
C5 S? H2 L4 P? D?​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-2]​
Coyote ?-Future [1100-1150k t]
C4+ S5+ H2-3 L3+ P1-2 D2-4​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown]​
Vulture ?-Now []
C3 S? H1 L2 P? D2​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Spiny Mouse ?-Now [350k t]
C2 S? H1 L2 P? D?​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]​
Lizard ?-Now []
C3 S? H2 L3 P? D3​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
Thoroughbred ?-Now
Details Unknown​
Cruisers (Attack Ship):
Andalusian ?-Now [317m, 943k t]
C7 S2 H2 L4 P2 D4​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown, total of 8 crew units]​
Capital Ships (First/Second Rate):
Flagship (Ythannak may be unique) ?-Now [~3m t]
Details Unknown​
First Rate ?-Now
Details Unknown​
Second Rate II ?-Now
C? S? H? L? P8 D?​
Cruisers* (Third Rate):
Third Rate ?-Now
C7+, Details Unknown​
Frigate ?-Now [~2m t]
Details Unknown​
Rethis (Unique Science Frigate) ?-Now [1.8m t]
C? S8+ H? L? P1 D?​
Gator ?-Now [2.3m t]
C7 S5+ H4+ L6+ P? D6​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown]​
Refit Gator (Excellent Frigate) ?-Now [2.3m t]
C7+ S5+ H4+ L6+ P6-7 D6+​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [Unknown]​
Refit Cost [Unknown]​
* Note: Gorn use ships of large size for all categories. The Gator is likely a Second Rate, a Third Rate, or a Frigate.

Details Unknown​
Khalkalhad Mk2 2321-Now [1.2m t]
C4 S2 H4 L4 P2 D3​
Cost [120 br, 80 sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-2]​
Details Unknown​
Starseeker ?-Now [303m, 815k t]
C4 S? H3 L6 P? D?​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [7 total units]​
Drone ?-Now
C3 S2+ H1 L3 P? D2​
Capital Ships (Dreadnought):
Unknown Fleet Tender ?-Now [4.1m t]
C14 S? H9 L13 P? D?​
Cost [Unknown], Crew [O-5, E-5, T-4]​
Dromorir ?-Past [3m t]
Details Unknown​
Crew [Highly Automated]​
Tartaran ?-Past [3m t]
Details Unknown​
Brancher (TNG / Seyek / Natural Rimward Crystalline Entity) ?-Now []
Details Unknown​
Major threat to planets and small ships, small threat to warships​
Suvekizer (Licori Experiments / Natural Coreward Cosmozoa) ?-Now []
Details Unknown​
Major threat to all ships including explorer-class, no threat to planets​
Light Cruiser 2260-2340 [280m 700k t]
C3 S1 H2 L2 P2 D2​
Cost [70br, 30sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-2, E-2, T-1]​
Escort 2260-2340 [220m 250k t]
C1 S1 H1 L1 P1 D1​
Cost [30br, 10sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-1]​
Generic Freighter 2260-Now [150m 300k t]
C0 S1 H1 L1 P1 D1​
Cost [30br, 10sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-0, E-2, T-1]​
Runabout Squadron
C2 H1 L1, Crew [O-0 E-1 T-0]​
Shuttle Squadron
C1 H1 L1, Crew [O-0 E-1 T-0]​

Useful Links
Boldly Go Shipbuild (Provisional Build Schedule)
Boldly Go Shipyard (All Federation Shipyards)
Boldly Go Member and Affiliate Fleets
Boldly Go Member and Affiliate Fleets Take Two
People/Planets/Ships Tracker
(More Coming Soon)
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Public Spreadsheet Index
Spreadsheet index:

ToBoldlyGo CustomShipWorkbook2 [ask @OneirosTheWriter for a link in a personal conversation]
Maintainers: @OneirosTheWriter, @lbmaian, @SynchronizedWritersBlock
Function: Custom design of new ship classes, also used for other our members, affiliates and other powers (though they can have their own parts with different stats).
Completeness: Complete with regard to currently existing rules because it defines what those are. Inclusion of future parts varies. Secret parts used by other powers not included.
Currency: Marking of parts as currently unavailable may reflect the state at the start of a design process rather than the latest in game date.
Copy the whole spreadsheet if you want to work without interfering with anyone. You can try out some things on the main sheet if no one else is currently using it, or copy only the main sheet if you want your design to be immediately accessible to others, but be aware that this might cause slowdowns for everyone and be sure to delete any sheets that you don't need anymore as soon as possible. Also see Sci-Fi - Starfleet Ship Design Bureau ("To Boldly Go...")

Starfleet Economy [used to be available through ShipWorkbook, currently no officially sanctioned way of getting the URL? You could ask Oneiros.]
Maintainer: abandoned?
Function: tracking Starfleet logistics and assessing freighter needs.
Completeness: ???
Currency: Seems to have been abandoned?
Usage: Difficult to even understand what any of it means.

Database for To Boldly Go
Maintainer: @anon_user
Function: Track characters, ships and planets.
Completeness: Tries to be complete vs actually available data, but of the data that would belong there is currently unavailable.
Currency: Updated very frequently, often multiple times a day.
Information sheet. Mark characters you wish to be tracked in rat-race posts in yellow. If you came up with a character you might want to add missing details, particularly year of birth.

Boldly Go Shipbuild
Maintainer: @Briefvoice
Function: Planning ship building and berth usage, also Starfleet fleet strength projections.
Completeness: Usually complete for the next year or two and for mile stones like prototypes, builds several years down the line usually don't represent concrete plans but placeholders to access possible crew and/or resource shortages.
Currency: Reliably updated well before the ship building phase, essentially always up to date regarding our plans because it largely defines what those plans are, but plans can and do change on short notice.
Information sheet, copy the spreadsheet if you e. g. want to propose a plan of your own or play around with resource income assumptions.

ToBoldlyGo Audit Ledger
Maintainer: @lbmaian
Function: Track income and help double-check for the official EOY reports.
Completeness: Generally complete, missing data is rare.
Currency: Generally up to date in time for EOY reports.
Usage: Information sheet.

To Boldly Go Council Members
Maintainer: @aeqnai
Function: Overview of the composition of the Federation Council
Completeness: Complete
Currency: Updated for the 2314 election, which should make it up to date until 2317.
Usage: Information sheet.

To Boldly Go Ships & Deployments
Maintainers: @aeqnai, @Vebyast
Function: Tracking and playing around with deployments, viewing aggregate stats of task forces/fleets
Completeness: ???
Currency: ???
Usage: Probably best to copy the spreadsheet if you want to avoid interfering with other people?

Boldly Go Shipyards
Maintainer: @Briefvoice
Function: Federation-wide overview of shipyard berth sizes.
Completeness: Complete for Starfleet and full members, incomplete data for affiliates.
Currency: ??? (seems reasonably up to date as of 2316.Q1)
Usage: Information sheet.

To Boldy Go - Event Analysis
Maintainer: formerly @SynchronizedWritersBlock
Function: Analyzing event types and factors that seem to have played a role in determining outcome.
Completeness: Based on event text, which may obscure what kind of rolls happened behind the screen in unpredictable ways.
Currency: up to date to 2312.Q2
Usage: Information sheet.

Boldly Goes-Member and Affiliate Fleets
Maintainer: @Void Stalker
Function: Track Starfleet, member and affiliate fleet strength.
Completeness: ??? (seems reasonably complete as of 2316.Q1)
Currency: Usually updated after quarterly MWCO reports.
Usage: Information sheet.

To Boldly Go-Neutral and Great Power Fleets
Maintainer: @Void Stalker
Function: Track fleet strength of other powers.
Completeness: Limited by available intelligence data.
Currency: Marked on the sheet.
Usage: Information sheet.

To Boldly Go-Civilian-Member and Affiliate Fleets
Maintainer: @Void Stalker
Function: Track civilian fleet strengths.
Completeness: ???
Currency: Usually updated after quarterly MWCO reports.
Usage: Information sheet.

To Boldly Go- Part and Frame Unlock
Maintainer: @Void Stalker
Function: Allow looking up the technologies that unlock a specific part, rather than the other way round.
Completeness: Complete for parts actually listed in the research megapost
Currency: ???
Usage: Information sheet.

To Boldly Go - Logistics Projections
Maintainer: @nocarename
Function: Plan future logistic ship requirements.
Completeness: Takes all known components of the logistic requirements into account.
Currency: ???
Usage: Information sheet.

Ship crew
Maintainer: @anon_user
Function: Tracking what named characters served on which ship when
Completeness: ???
Currency: ???
Usage: Information sheet, you can also add missing info yourself. Certain positions are color-coded.

Boldly Go Logistics Tracker
Maintainer: @SynchronizedWritersBlock
Function: Provide an estimate of how many logistics ships we need about 3-4 years into the future.
Completeness: ???
Currency: ???
Usage: guide
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On the Klingon Romulan Conflict
Malcolm Reed Auditorium, Starfleet Tactical Command, San Francisco

Pathe Lathriss is one of only a very few to jump from foreign service to Starfleet service so late in life. But it is impossible to say the move was not a successful one as he stands with a Vice Admiral's starburst on his crimson jacket. The Rigellian-made cape settles smoothly around his arms, the ceremonial knife of his people sits comfortably on his thigh. Blue skin on red, he cuts a stark figure at the front of the auditorium as Councillors and Diplomatic Service leadership file into the room. It is an illustrious crowd, and he cannot help but wonder how it came to be that a young man with dreams of knighthood out of the countryside of Leas Akaam could stand here with the representatives of so many species gathered together in peace. His life has taken an amazing path.

"Honoured Councillors, distinguished guests, everyone, I welcome you to this briefing on the Klingon-Romulan War," says Vice Admiral Lathriss as he steps up to the lectern. "While we are not directly involved, I trust we can all agree that when two magnetyrants come to blows on our doorstep, it compels us to count the banners."

The lights dim at the back and the viewscreen flashes up with a map of the galaxy centred on great blocks of emerald and ruby, both emblazoned with the crests of old foes. A wave of names and key positions flows across the screen. "Alright, now I trust that those representatives who are from the spinward side of the Federation have read up on the foundation material of the history that we provided," says Lathriss as he turns to the viewscreen. "Now this war has been waged for a little more than a year, with both sides being increasingly cagey as it becomes clear that the Federation will not be bogged down in Arcadian space like they hoped. However, with pending commitments, we might see one side or another tilt at their foe."

Four names are brought into the foreground, each straddling the border between the two powers. "Now, everything is being focused into three main fronts, plus some skirmishing further out to the tailward zone. Closest to us is the Iberius Front, named for the Iberius System on the Romulan side of the border, which is the most at-risk of the major systems. In the centre is the Paskan front, for the Paskan Quasar. The last of the major fronts is the Iw'lojmIt front, or 'Blood Gate', for a red-hued nebula that covers the area. Beyond that is the loose 'Frontier' zone. If you look down at your data padds, you will see some additional details presented."


Iberius Front
Heavy on both sides, the largest concentration of larger combatants. Close to the Federation border, it is difficult for either side to manage stealth attacks

Key Objectives
The Iberius System - A Major Romulan World, with one of the largest shipyards outside of Romulus
The Vinum Starbase - The Gateway to the Iberius system, a tough obstacle

The Ginok Pah System - A heavily reinforced outpost protecting Tholinium mines
The Hadab System - The Starbase that controls the shipping lanes back to Qon'os

Klingon Empire Advantage

Paskan Front
Medium - the Romulans recently reinforced this sector from their reserves after the loss of a major mining colony known as Alixros

Major Objectives
Pompara - One of the major worlds, has been raided on a couple occasions
Mothidum - A minor colony with strong outposts, hub of the Paskan Front for the Romulans

Alixros - Originally a major Romulan colony, now captured by the Klingons, and the Romulans place a high priority on retaking it
Path'loq - A Klingon system with civilian shipyards

Slight Klingon Advantage

Blood Gate Front
Light Forces - With the masking presence of the nebula, it is easy for cloaked ships to cause mayhem, executing ambush and counter ambush

Major Objectives
Ocutis Starbase - The last major stronghold left in the sector, which must be held
Aniak System - A former Romulan Research colony, now destroyed, but which the Romulans would dearly like to recapture
The Latch - A key system near the centre of the nebula that offers the best sensor vectors on the rest of the nebula - It was captured from the Romulans in the recent Klingon push
Beta Kornak - The hub of Klingon activity at the base of the nebula

Heavy Klingon Advantage


Slight Romulan Advantage


"As you should be able to see, so far the Klingons have been on the attack," explains Vice Admiral Lathriss. "Now, both sides are doing their best to preserve forces while making attacks. On the attack, they are darting and probing, especially with Birds of Prey from both sides operating as cloaked wolfpacks. The Klingons have been the more willing to force battles and capture systems, but even there, they are not being reckless. There is no honour, apparently, in dying like an idiot in a Romulan trap. The Romulans, meanwhile, seem more intent on using their heavy fleet assets like the Devoras Heavy Warbird to defend systems and launch limited counterattacks. Ever since the disaster on the Praxis moon, they have had an edge in industry over the Klingons, and the long the war wears on, the more they can make of that."

The viewscreen changes to show a variety of civilian ships. "Now, to that end, the Romulans are also focusing on raiding. Both of them are doing it, but the Klingons are more focused on bases, defences, and infrastructure. But the Romulans ... to explain what the Romulans are doing, we need to look at how effectively every power in our area of the galaxy handle their supplies. Rather than one giant uncoordinated mess, every power divides their spacelift by task. We call them 'Loops', where cargo ships and freighters are assigned to a particular task."


Feeder Loop
: All of the resources from mining colonies and other sources must be brought to the major worlds. Also delivers support to minor colonies.
Targeting: Reduces the amount of raw material arriving and disrupts minor colonies.

Trunk Loop
: Trade is exchanged between the Major Worlds, distributing emergency items, luxury items, and other goods.
Targeting: This causes shortages of important items on major worlds, causing a collapse in support.

Industrial Loop
: Refined Resources are exchanged between industrial hubs and shipyards to be converted into ship components, and assembled into parts.
Targeting: In addition to costing resources, this can cause delays in ship construction as necessary components need to be remade.

Supply Loop
: Resources are distributed to ships in the field, often by delivering them to starbases and outposts, or by visiting ships themselves.
Targeting: Can reduce combat or hull values of ships, or even force them to withdraw from an area to where they can get supplies.


"The aim of the Romulans is to overextend the Klingons, while further cutting their industrial base and ability to transport resources. Whereas the Klingons are looking to hit transfer between major worlds to undermine support for the Romulan Senate. As a result of all the wolf-pack operations, however, there are constant little skirmishes appearing, sometimes deep behind the fronts. A Klingon advanced Bird of Prey even destroyed a Freighter on within the Romulus system and then escaped. Now, both sides are, in addition to war ships, building extra cargo ships as fast as they can. This is part of why we ask member world fleets to try to maintain their extra cargo capacity, as when a wartime economy kicks in, and you have to transport so many more resources, and then you lose a few cargo ships, you have find yourself facing shortfalls quickly."
ISC Report Pt 1 - aeqnai

The Interstellar Commonwealth
We Stand As One

Admiral: enclosed is a summary of findings from our ongoing analysis of the First Contact packages and other data gathered on the ISC, for your eyes only.


Cpt. Sabrina Victoria
Cdr. Adam Lorentz
Cdr. Cristina Zitlal

Commonwealth Desk (pending)
Coreward Desk, Starfleet Intelligence
ISC Report Pt 2 - Godwinson
The Interstellar Commonwealth (ISC) is a constitutional federal republic located corewards of the Federation. Diplomatic posture is difficult to predict due to the ISC's inexperience with peaceful interstellar politics; gathered information suggests a long and tragic history of genocidally unfriendly geopolitical neighbors. However, their core values appear to broadly agree with those of the UFP. We infer that the military and economy of the ISC are those of a major power, but ISC individuals are extremely cautious about sharing detailed information, thus estimates are imprecise.

Brief Historical Overview
The history of the ISC, as presented by the First Contact package and supported by observation, can be summarized simply: Anything that could go wrong did go wrong. In every case they averted catastrophe and continued stubbornly onward, but not without scars.
Thus far, we have learned the following:
  • The Padani unified before discovering Warp travel, likely some several hundred years ago, after narrowly avoiding a nuclear holocaust.
  • Their discovery of Warp travel was a response to an impending impact by a planet-killer extrasolar planetesimal.
  • Engineers aboard the Courageous theorize that the ISC engineers involved in the torpedo inspection team demonstrated experience contesting a powerful rogue artificial intelligence.
  • Engineered genetic material observed in bioscans led to a conversation with the ambassador in which he alluded to an augment crisis.
  • Sealed environmental suits are policy for all away teams, including the one deployed to the Courageous, apparently as a reaction to at least one virgin fields pandemic.
  • The captain of the CSF Ironsides has mentioned "space monsters".
  • We estimate that the ISC or its institutional predecessor began exploring its local area approximately 300 years ago and has fought a number of major defensive wars since then, including at least one that involved a total mobilization of their civilization ending only with the reduction of the aggressor to a pre-warp level of civilization.
From this information and their initial attitude towards Courageous, we suspect it is possible that the Federation is the first and/or only peaceful contact the ISC has ever made.

Distinguishing Biological Features
Padani are biologically very similar to Humans, as discovered by Courageous' sensor operator during contact. Notable differences include a minor variation in ear shape, a few changes in skeletal proportions, and a few slightly rearranged organs. This similarity makes it difficult for sensors, particularly obsolete Starfleet and civilian models, to accurately distinguish between the two at a distance.
Detailed analysis of Padani biology taken from scans of the personnel visiting Courageous indicates lifespans in excess of 200 years are possible or even likely, with significant wear and tear damage indications found on several individuals. We believe that this fact is central to understanding their history and psychology.
For example: When a Padani speaks of a historical crisis that befell the ISC, it is likely safe to assume that they were a participant in the response or that it affected them personally. Every Commonwealth Space Force (CSF) servicemember that has been interviewed reports participating in multiple long, bitter wars. One says they joined the CSF after surviving a planetary bombardment of a major colony.

Institutional Psychology
The ISC appears to hold safety and conscientiousness paramount. Xenopsych analysis suggests the long lifespan of their species has led to a culture that places significant value on sophont life, a view seemingly reinforced by their history.
As a civilization and a people, they appear to be driven by perceived failures to prevent or prepare for crises and a determination to do better in the future. Observed ISC engineering and standard operating procedures have heavily emphasized safety and reliability over performance. The ISC engineers involved in the torpedo inspection team were reported by our own crews as unusually methodical and careful in their tasks, often requesting assistance and paying special attention to safety equipment and protocols. We believe that this kind of behavior extends to the higher decisionmaking of the ISC as well, demonstrated by the initial retreat to rendezvous with reinforcements and the decision of the captain of the Ironsides to call for an ambassador instead of handling First Contact himself. It is considered probable that the scientific and political apparatuses of the ISC maintain similar mindsets.

Infrastructure and Technology
Very little concrete knowledge. ISC personnel have been loathe to reveal information about their colonies, fleet, or even recent history, presumably due to historically poor outcomes of similar disclosures. The speed and size of the CSF response to the Courageous indicate extremely dense patrols by Starfleet standards, suggesting dense colony distribution. According to Captain Sabek, the Captain of the Ironsides and the ambassador were not surprised by the reported size of the Federation.
ISC technology appears to be in the same general region as that of the Federation, albeit with a very different focus toward reliability and safety. For example, while we will spare you the details, Captain Sabek attached to his captain's log a comprehensive report on a fascinating passively-safe self-catalyzing antimatter ejection system. The Chief Medical Officer on the Courageous additionally notes that all scanned Padani had conservative, but steadily accumulated and highly stable augmentation improving general durability and survivability.
Scans of the CSF Ironsides and the ambassador's vessel have been included with this report, though the CSF vessels have held their shields at military levels and Captain Sabek chose not to attempt deep scans. A Starfleet tech team tasked with analysis warned against making assumptions based on the lack of torpedoes, drawing attention to the complete absence of identifiable weapons systems and noting that surface geometry in the prominent dark bands around the primary hulls is consistent with a "phased nadion emitter array" technology proposed several years ago by a member of the Weapons Fabrication Division Test Office.

Intelligence Reliability Analysis
We believe it unlikely that the ISC is substantially misleading us about its history or culture. Several historical events are corroborated by multiple individuals. Physical evidence from bioscans, naval architecture, and large-scale behaviors support the claims made by the contact package, the ambassador, and the Ironsides' captain. Coherently falsifying this much information would be a massive effort and require weeks of preparation by every individual involved.
It should be noted, however, that by that same information, the ISC is one of the few polities that could train for such an operation as a general contingency for First Contacts and execute it successfully.
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Lyran - AMT
Hey, remember when I promised people omakes about the Starfleet Command races? IT'S DONE. Well, some of it at least; I was beginning to reach the limit count equivalent to a tenth of my thesis, which I think is "PUBLISH IT DAMN IT" point. I have no idea how canon this will be - @OneirosTheWriter is free to use this as he's to discard it. Either way, it is not strictly speaking connected to our current events, as I envision the polities in this omake to be actually quite far away from our space. That said, I hope people will have fun reading it.


From: Starfleet Intelligence First Directorate
To: Admr. Sulu
Cc: V-Admr. ch'Tharvasse, V-Admr. Uhura, V-Admr. Linderley

Subject: Lyran Briefing and Analysis

Although Starfleet's primary attention is focused on the threat possessed by the Cardassian Union, the outbreak of Klingon-Romulan War continues to remain on our radar. Outside of the obvious analysis and predictions regarding both sides of the conflict, this has also been an occassion to consider some of the other powers in the Beta Quadran, their potential alignment in this conflict, and their overall position towards the United Federation of Planets.

These reports represent basic briefings into our dossiers regarding each major species and power, and can be considered as a concise primer on our information and predictions. The first subject of these reports will be the Lyran Star Empire, a major power on the border with Klingon Empire.


The Lyrans (pronounced LEAR-UHNS rather than LAY-RUHNS) are a species of humanoid, bi-pedal felines, reminiscent of other, similar races such as Caitians and the Kizinti. Lyrans have created their own major empire in the Beta Quadrant, commonly known as the Lyran Empire. Much like their neighbors, the Klingons, Lyrans are an aggressive warrior-like species. Although very much skilled in waging war - as evidenced by their ability to remain independent despite bordering Klingons - their unfocused aggression and lack of centralized authority had historically hampered their ability to expand and dominate their own neighbors, and had so far prevented them from fully utilizing a number of impressive technical breakthroughs they had come across.


Like most other highly developed species, Lyrans are bipedal, bi-gendered humanoids, with distinct feline features like furry ears, eyes, clawed four-digit hands and legs, as well as thick mane of fur around their heads. However, contrary to "conventional wisdom", Lyran fur does not extend over their entire body; neither do they have tails.

On average, Lyrans have same height as humans, with there being relatively little difference in size between males and females, although females tend to have shorter, stubbier claws along with longer and thicker head-furs. Lyrans have somewhat shorter torsos compared to Caitians or Humans, but have longer limbs, and typical standing positions make them appear somewhat hunched over. They are stronger than an average Human, though not as much as a Vulcan or Klingon. Neither are they more resilient; however they do have exemplary sense of hearing and very perceptive eyesight that lends itself to excellent vision in low-light conditions, which in turn lends itself towards their top-notch reflexes. That said, Lyrans do have a very muted perception of colors. Similarly to Kzinti, their diet is mostly meat-based, although unlike Kzinti, they do not necessarily look down upon vegetarians and are in fact, capable of eating vegetarian meals (provided underlying chemical compatibility); although their distinctly fang-like teeth make this process somewhat challenging.

In general, Lyrans bear great resemblance to other "Felanoid" species Federation had encountered, such as Caitians and Kzinti. This is perhaps unsurprisingly, as over centuries, medical scans and DNA testing had confirmed that Lyrans and Kzinti posses minimal differences, with relatively low deviation between Caitan DNA and Lyran one as well. This led to emergence of theories that all three species share the same ancestor; or that Lyra-Kzin genus is in fact this "Progenitor", with Caitians as off-shoot descendants.

It should be noted here that while this theory is considered as a fact among almost all reputable medical and historical establishments, it is flat-out denied by Lyrans and Kzinti; both in fact consider it extremely offensive. To illustrate, most Lyrans, regardless of social standing, consider any allegation of being related to a Kzinti to be a personal slight of highest order, and Federation personnel has long-standing advisory to not discuss Lyran origin theories within the (sensitive) earshot of any Lyran.


The Lyran Empire - or formally the Lyran Star Empire - is a somewhat unusually a decentralized, feudal state. While elements of feudalism surviving into Warp-era are not unknown among developed space-faring peoples (our own Amaraki members showing great deal of attachment to their Chivalric period), Lyrans are unique in having effectively stalled their society at feudal level of development. This is not a hyperbole; barring a major re-arrangement of traditional territory holding relating to beginning of space exploration almost 2 centuries ago, Lyrans had not seen any successful challenge to their millennial-old social system. This has naturally prompted much speculation and study from Federation's sociologists, and remains a topic for a separate report.

In principle, Lyran state is headed by a central monarchy holding the title that loosely translates to "Emperor-King" or "Royal Emperor". In theory, the Emperor-King holds sovereignty over entire Lyran domain; in practice, the monarchy can effectively govern only a limited amount of territory, dubbed Crownlands (or Crownspace, now in starfaring era). The reminder is parceled out to the ranking members of Lyran aristocracy who are responsible for governing their territories in Majesty's name. Practically, they are required to provide manpower and resources for the Royal Imperial Fleet and a tithe of their earnings as tax, in return for being able to govern their territories freely, develop their own land as they see fit, and levy personal forces to secure it. Effectively, each Lyran "domain" can be considered a small state, bound by formalized dynastic alliance with central crown.

In present times, these domains effectively mean patches of Lyran space. Currently, there are 20 domains, in addition to the Crownspace that is composed of original Lyran homeworld and its immediate surroundings. Each domain is ruled by a ranking noble that commands their own clan. Early translations of Lyran language, particularly into Terran English, have rendered these overlords as "Dukes" with reminder of Lyran titles having being formalized under a broadly Old English ranks of nobility. More recent studies however, show that the position of Duke is more akin to Old Japanese position of Shogun; a feudal warlord that acts as executive to an inviolable sovereign.

Internally, each domain is further divided into several regions, usually denoted as counties. They are ruled by nobles of lesser rank, referred to as Counts, typically direct or close relatives of the duke. In turn, these counts each rule over a set of lower-rank nobles titled Marquis, who preside over "regional" districts, or represent less important worlds. Under a Marquis is finally the lowest order of Lyran nobility, the Barons - who typically rule over small localized holdings, such as individual cities or even city districts or starbases. Whereas the relationship between King-Emperor and Dukes is ambiguous and in constant flux, the relationship within each Domain is highly top-down: each Duke represents ultimate authority, and all lesser ranks answer both to him, and their immediate superiors.

The dukes are effectively allowed great leeway in how they govern their estates, and consequently the internal Lyran situation is perhaps the most complicated in known space. It is not unknown for two Duchies to posses entirely different traditions or even legal precedents, and sometimes these differences even exist between individual counties, based on some long-lost personal agreement.

As each duchy is effectively not only expected, but required to posses its own armed force, including space fleet, it is not unknown for dynastic squabbles to turn into all-out warfare, and the duchies posses unparalleled flexibility in how they deal with their issues, making any broad attempt to asses or predict Lyran politics akin to human practice of divining future from used tea leafs. This internal chaos and lack of central direction have however, stunted Lyran expansion beyond their original borders. While initially highly successfully in rolling over their neighbors, lack of unity and limited resources of each duchy, coupled with traditional non-interference of Crownspace, meant that Lyrans were generally unsuccessful in their piecemeal attempts at conquering larger, more unified nations. The only exception to this fact is the relatively recent war with Hydran Kingdom, which is detailed further below in this report.

Despite this lack of cohesion however, the Lyran Empire had showed surprising, persistent resilience in face of outsider aggression. It is not unknown that duchies facing defeat at hands of alien invaders being saved by intervention from their neighbors, even those with known and deep rivalries or grudges. The experts of Federation Diplomatic Service believe it to be a result of deeply-held belief of "better the devil you know", as well as strong racial identity among Lyrans. While many dukes ultimately peruse their own interests, they are quick to band together if the overall safety of Lyran Empire is threatened. The more cynical diplomats have also observed that such rescues do often come with substantial amount of glory, honor and favors involved, as well as frequent opportunity to grab territory for their own. Nonetheless, while same factors have frequently stunted Lyran expansion, they have also resulted in unprecedented durability, not readily apparent in such a decentralized state.

Society and Culture

Much like their politics, Lyran society and culture remain extremely varied; an argument can be made that the internal divisiveness of Lyran Empire can be indeed traced to these internal divides. At the same time, certain common cultural and societal trends hold true for all the regions of the Empire, if to varying degrees.

The Lyrans are a warlike species, more so than Caitians, but in some ways less than Kzinti (to which Lyrans refer to as "Mirak" - loosely translating to 'Great Barbarous Enemy'). In that way, Lyrans show close parallels with Klingons, with which they share border, and long history of mostly violent interactions. However, if Klingons retain a fairly straightforward culture of personal honor, glorifying feats of strength and violence, the Lyrans show a number of subtle differences. Traditionally a species of hunters - an activity that still holds great amount of religious and cultural meaning - Lyrans glorify what they call Hunter Precepts: To be sharp-eyed to spot the prey; To be swift enough to catch the prey; To be wise enough to outwit the prey; To be vicious enough to kill the prey. To a Lyran, the manner in which prey had been caught, as well as the sort of prey caught are more important than raw strength. Honor itself is derived from victory; thus Lyran honor codes show considerable flexibility compared to traditional Klingon values. To strike from behind or use poison isn't cowardly; it is a display of clever wit and wisdom which are considered virtues in a hunt. After all, a stupid hunter tends to be dead hunter.

Lyrans are religious people, though the degree tends to vary by duchy. The core of the Empire however, as well as highest echelons of its society tend to be deeply religious, with great emphasis on highly ritualized, one might even dare to say ostentatious, worship. The Emperor-King traditionally derives his authority from Lyran religion, being held as representative of the first bloodline mixed by the gods, and thus their oracle.

Lyran religion is polytheistic in nature. Lyrans worship a broad selection of gods, though the most important ones are the God of Open Skies, the God of Shadows, the Sacred Huntmaster and the Fire Maiden.

As expected of a feudal culture, Lyran society is highly stratified. However, the relationship, privileges and even social mobility between those groups is, as with all things Lyran, highly nuanced and variable. In principle, Lyran society is divided into three broad groups: Nobles, Servants and Commoners. Practically, a fourth class also exists, termed "the Unseen", which typically represents what Lyrans see as dregs of society and "undesirables".

The Nobles form a fairly substantial portion of Lyran society, accounting for at least 30% of total population, which remains a fairly conservative estimate. It is, also somewhat surprisingly, the most varied.

Although certain rights and privileges seemingly apply to all nobility (trial of peers, nominal equality, extrajudicial rights etc.), there is an unspoken divide between what is perceived as "high" nobility and "low" nobility. High nobility in this context refers to the King-Emperor and his relatives, the Dukes and the Counts. By rights, the royal line functions on principle of male primogeniture. The ducal lines typically function on the principle of absolute primogeniture, although there have been few Duchesses in the history of Lyran Empire. However, in both cases it is expected that the scion will bear a direct blood connection to one of the 21 nobleborn families. Similarly, the ranks of Counts are typically handed out among the direct family relations of each noble family: brothers, sisters, cousins and other direct relatives. However, "low" noble ranks can be earned by those that distinguish themselves in service, weather in battle or some other, worthwhile endeavor. It is typical for Duchies to award titles of "Baron" as a reward, and in event of exceptional services, such rank becomes permanent and inheritable. The rank of Marquis - which can also be earned - is by default inheritable, along with every rank above it. Consequently, Marquis and Barons represent the vast majority of nobles, but despite nominal "equality of peers", the vast majority of actual economic, military and political authority rests with the handful of "high" nobles. There exist a long and complex code of conduct between those ranks, though it is not unknown for "newfound" noble families to eventually move their way up, albeit in long-term. This process typically involves moving up to the mark of Marquis title, and maintaining several generations of exceptional service, which would make their descendants attractive marriage prospects for Counts and Countesses, particularly in need of further social, political or direct capital. There is surprisingly little social stigma attached to the process; Lyrans believe that those families which demonstrate their noble rights through effort, deserve to be rewarded by joining the "exclusive" higher ranks.

The family of the King-Emperor operates on somewhat different principles, based chiefly in the rules and pageantry of Lyran religion. The King-Emperor enjoys absolute direct rule over his lands, executed by a caste of religious administrator-priests. Secondary "royal" titles tend to remain more of social symbol, and have little direct power. This is likely because as royal line is polygamous, several dozen suitable claimants exist for the position at any given time.

The Commoners represent the vast majority of Lyran population. They are, as term implies, simple folk, tending to homesteads, fields and toiling in mines or factories. Typically, commoners band in small, tight-knit family units, which in turn are loosely affiliated with a wider, common-blood "familia". Patterned on noble lines, familias however remain more of a loose band of blood-relatives, and usually serves as social response and mobilization unit in times of crisis.

Commoners posses few legal protections, but enjoy surprisingly high standing in traditional Lyran society. Traditional Lyran values maintain that, just as Nobles have an honorable right and duty to act as huntmasters and rulers, the commoners are equally honored by doing simple, menial-but-critical tasks on which the rest of society depends. Thus, Commoners enjoy certain degree of, if not appreciation, then respect, and most nobles will generally roll back some of their considerable incomes back into communities to ensure well-being of their commoners. It is generally considered dishonorable and unsightly to demean commoners, and failure to act "responsibly" often prompts harsh censure from ranking nobles.

The Servants are the proportionally smallest class, and one that is least defined. The term is something of a misnomer; in Lyran and Old Caitan it translates more to "skilled subordinate" or "virtuous follower". In simplest term they are trained professionals, occupying more advanced positions - teachers, managers, artists, scientists, professional armsmen and the like. They are typically commoners with the means or talent to receive practical education, which is usually the first step on bettering their social standing. However, the servants themselves occupy the lowest order among Lyran society, as unlike Commoners or Nobles, they are perceived as not doing "honest" work, and otherwise their function is largely dependent on whims of both large commoner population and nobles. This is not universal however, and there is some debate over which professions are considered "servile".

Teaching for example, has traditionally considered an outgrowth of religious activity, and thus enjoys exceptionally high standing. Professors are typically seen as a sort of commoner gentry subclass, and tend to make most of local community leaders. Soldiering is also well-seen, especially as soldiers are expected to see battle and earn glory of the hunt, seen as highest Lyran calling. Lyrans have also great respect for artisans that work directly with materials to create tools or other artifices. Meanwhile, entertainers and traders are typically widely derided for their "dishonest" or superfluous work.

The Unseen are criminals, exiles and enemies. Usually skipped over in any discussion of Lyran society, Unseen enjoy absolutely no legal or traditional protections, and are typically treated with absolute contempt by ordinary Lyran. The Empire is known to employ "penal legions" of Unseen as slave labor force, working dangerous environment in horrid conditions.


Lyrans are an advanced, space-faring culture. As a whole, their technological level remains slightly below that of the Federation, and on rough parity with the Klingons. However, there are a number of fields where Lyrans are both less, and in some cases, substantially more advanced than either.

Lyran forcefields are noted to be some generation behind ours in terms of strength and efficiency, and their computers are generally more primitive. Primary weapons of most Lyran ships are phasers which are comparable to our own, but Lyran photon torpedo tech is notably clumsy. However, Lyrans are unmatched masters of plasma-based technology, and their vessels make extensive use of it to overcome some of their shortcomings. In particular, Lyran vessels are noted to make use of exceptionally high-efficiency, high-power plasma conduits to quickly supply and shift power levels across different areas. More advanced Lyran vessels are also known to make use of plasma cannons - weapons that can be best described as being halfway between traditionally slow-but-destructive plasma torpedoes and pulse phasers or disruptors. Though limited in range, the Hydran war has showed them to be extremely destructive.

The most impressive Lyran invention to date however, is the Expanding Field Generator, or Plasma Shield. The exact mechanics behind it remain still unknown to us, but its effects are well-documented. Essentially, the EFG vents the vessel's plasma, and uses superbly fine magnetic control fields to "shape" this field in spherical fashion, supplementing Lyran shields. The energy of the plasma is sufficient to disperse traditional energy weapons, but it can also interfere with other shields, and can damage exposed hulls at close vicinity. Against vessels already suffering from damage the effects can be devastating, with high-heat, high-energy plasma pouring through earlier hull breaches, causing massive internal damage and eliminating enemy crews. Starfleet Tactical consequently believes that the use of EFG are one of the primary factors in the high-speed, close-range engagement pattern of Lyran fleets.

Lyrans are also known to be fairly advanced in the field of material science - their armors are largely considered superior to Klingon hulls, tough preference for small, fast attack ships means this is rarely seen. Lyran warp drives are generally much inferior to ours, but their impulse speeds and maneuverability is considerable.


As a warrior species, Lyran military capability is significant, though much of it lies divided between various Duchies.

Lyran fleets are divided chiefly between "Ducal" fleets, and the Royal Imperial Fleet guarding the homeworld. In battle, Starfleet Tactical has observed marked preference for small fleets of light starships that operate in tight coordination, using their superior sublight speeds to close in, outmaneuver and finally overwhelm the enemy with massed firepower. In that manner, Lyran tactics show certain similarity to the dreaded "Bird of Prey Rush" tactics of the Klingons, though only superficially. Lyran vessels tend to concentrate in small groups, operating in a fashion not unlike hunters chasing a prey across a plain. Given the origins and social practices of the Lyrans, this is likely deliberate.

Heavier Lyran vessels exist, tough they are in minority, and mostly tied to defensive positions. So far, we have had no opportunity to witness one in action, and very few were employed in their initial action against Hydrans. It is likely that some had seen action against Klingons, but as we all know, the Klingons can be surprisingly tight-lipped and reluctant to share vital information. In any event, "heavy" Lyran elements are regarded as being lower in priority than their "light" forces. This is particularly true of the Imperial fleet, which has relatively few heavy vessels, but numerous light strike groups, centered around a few formations of what we call "super raiders". These are cruiser-sized vessels optimized for combination of speed, firepower and survivability. In this sense, they are effectively a scaled-up version of "light" Lyran destroyers, with increase in size and technology allowing them to cover some of the obvious gaps. Technological dichotomy of Lyran technology makes them difficult to manufacture, and thus limited in number. This also makes them valuable; Imperial fleet is the only one with significant concentration of these vessels, with most duchies operating a handful. This does not lessen their impact; our analysis of the Hydran War concludes that these vessels were responsible for approximately 60% of casualties suffered by Hydran Royal Space Force.

All Duchies levy their own ground forces, together with heavy support elements. Due to their limited territories, Crownlands is the only domain to not rely on typical levy armies, instead making use of elite warrior-priest orders.

As Lyran vessels have limited technical and scientific capability, they are forced to make use of dedicated science vessels. We believe that such secondary vessels are typically created on per-case basis by individual Duchies.

Foreign Relations:

It has been tempting to say at the FDS that with Imperial policy being a result of innumerable compromises between the thrones and the duchies, it effectively does not exist. Of course, this is not entirely true, and Lyran history is rife with demonstrations of exceptions being the rule rather than genuine exceptions.

As Lyran Dukes have considerable leeway, the foreign policies and relations of Lyran Empire effectively depend on which side of the border we fall on. The Duchies bordering Klingon Empire have a long history of vigilance and militarism, typically remaining highly conservative and cautious in their approach, as well as showing surprising amount of local solidarity, likely as result of previous Klingon incursions. The realms closer to Crownspace tend to be more isolationist, preferring to focus their efforts on internal development and political maneuvering, typically at the expanse of their more outward neighbourghs who frequently have to confront alien threats as well. The rimward territories are the most expansionist; due to being the traditional direction of Lyran expansion, but also due to the regions in this direction being relatively resource-rich and lacking larger, stronger polities. Many of the most outlying rimward duchies also invested heavily in the Hydran War, and many seek the chance to settle old scores, especially as the failure of the Hydran occupation has tarred many of their dynasties.

Although the Empire is divided into 21 provinces, in practice some duchies hold more influence than others. As expected of feudal power, these positions wax and wane; however our agents and FDS assets were able to identify a number of clans that had historically maintained strong and stable leadership positions:

- Red Claw Clan: One of the largest and oldest duchies, the Duke of Red Claw is generally held to be one of the pre-eminent authorities of the Empire. Although all clans maintain strong military traditions, Red Claws in particularly are noted for maintaining much larger military than other clans, as well as for establishing several prominent academies that train highly professional warriors; a system since adopted by a number of other clans. The Red Claw domain itself occupies a wedge of space on the very edge of Klingon-Lyran border, edging further rimwards towards space contested with Hydrans, though not directly bordering them. The clan is one of the main patrons of coalition of dukes traditionally opposed to Klingon expansion. Though their lands were rarely directly threatened, Red Claw forces are believed to have launched many reprisal raids against Klingon colonies. The clan was somewhat unexpectedly one of the main backers of Hydran invasion, and consequently lost much of its prestige in the aftermath of the occupation. Though they are holding their position for now, we agree with our FDS colleagues that renewed power of Crownspace, coterie of interior nobles and their rivals at Black Mountain Clan may finally depose Red Claw from their traditional perch in Lyran pecking order.

- Black Mountain Clan: A mid-sized clan on the "underside" of Lyran Empire, Black Mountain occupied somewhat murky position in the Empire, possessing few warriors of note, and little history of battle. However, due to consistent and careful policy, the clan has acquired by far the best industrial and scientific capacity of any, and it has earned many riches in recent decades through sales of advanced ships and technology to other clans. Black Mountains remained uninvolved, and consequently untarred by invasion of Hydran space, and quickly capitalized on it to transmute their wealth and industrial pull into political one. This has earned them much ire, especially from Red Claws. For their part, Black Mountains seem to hold certain distaste towards Red Claws, especially due to history of insults levied at Black Mountain military levies.

- Crownspace: The direct domain of the Emperor-King, Crownspace consists of Lyran homeworld and a small sphere of space containing the oldest Lyran colonies. Its formation had been in large part the single greatest shake-up of Lyran society, as it marked the foundations of the Lyran's gradual expansion and formation of remaining 20 duchies. It did however, also put the royal line finally in direct control of the homeworld, and the most industrialized heartland of the Empire; a fact that was most likely very deliberate on the part of the Emperor. The Crown tends to remain uninvolved in Lyran politics, regardless of particular Emperor-King, due to surprising confluence of strategies. A weak Emperor will likely lack the political goodwill and influence to bring Dukes in order, effectively restraining him to his domain. A cunning Emperor-King will meanwhile remain uninvolved to preserve the impartial image of royal line, instead relying on able political maneuvering to execute his decisions through other clans, potentially weakening other nobles and further entrenching his power. This is believed to play major role in the Lyran-Hydran war, with the predecessor of former Emperor-King authorizing the war in order to weaken and divide the traditional coterie of the clans, while hoarding the power of both his, and his supporters.

However, despite these differences and labyrinthine politics, as mentioned repeatedly, Lyrans have demonstrated surprising willingness to unite in time of crisis, though this rarely translates into lasting unity enough to affect a centralized, charted political discourse. With exception to Hydran War, the only such existing case has been the Lyran-Kzinti Blood Feud.

Despite decades since our first encounter, neither we nor the FDS has been any closer to uncovering the underlying cause of the feud, especially given close relation of the species. However, the fact that Lyran even refuse to refer to Kzinti by their proper name, and that at least one Duke was publically shamed and murdered by his own family for advocating a more reconciliatory tone towards relations with Kzinti say all about their attitude. Although we believe that conflict was initially defensive in nature, focused mostly on repelling intermittent Kzinti raids, during the early to mid-XXIII century the conflict turned into one of annihilation. We currently believe that the scattered Kzinti colonies Starfleet believed to lie past Klingon Neutral Zone had since been destroyed by Lyrans, likely through sustained orbital bombardments and plasma glassing. While than in and of itself should be of grave concern to the Federation, the unusual hatred Lyrans hold for the "Mirak" makes this conflict essentially self-sustaining. As Lyrans believe that one can do no wrong against a Kzinti, and that glory is universal when fighting them, noble houses will eagerly unite against an enemy that every part of Lyran society can agree to annihilate.

Somewhat thankfully, this level of animosity does not extend to our Caitan members. However, Caitans are treated as somewhat of backward "nuveau riche" (to borrow a human term) by Lyrans, and FDS stresses than use of Caitan assets in Lyran relations is strongly discouraged.

The Hydran War:

The Hydran War represents one of the most significant events in Lyran history in the recent decades; it also stands as a significant outlier in typical Lyran foreign relations and internal policy. While the conflict largely deserves its own separate report, we have complied a brief digest for the reader's benefit:

In broad terms, the conflict begun over disagreements between zones of influence of two nations. The Lyrans traditionally claimed a sector of space leading towards the Sigma Hydra star cluster (the home territory of Hydran Kingdom) as their own; however lack of resources and political capital among the most rimward duchies have essentially stalled Lyran expansion for almost a century. As result, Lyrans held claim over wide territory, but could not effectively enforce it. Meanwhile, Hydrans established a number of colonies in the region, as well as became a patron of several minor civilizations, some of which had their own grievances with the Lyrans. Tensions mounted towards mid-2260s, when an improbable set of events set the conflict in motion.

It is the belief of both us and the Diplomatic Service's opinion that the roots of the conflict lie in a failed diplomatic summit between Lyrans and one of Hydran client states. The debate, already frayed and difficult broke down when one of the Hydran emissaries reportedly lost his patience with head Lyran delegate. Over the course of argument, the Hydran derided Lyrans as "primitives", citing their inability to accept the Lyran-Kzinti genus theory as scientific fact as proof. This enraged Lyran delegate who assaulted the emissary, only to be mortally wounded by emissary's guards in the scuffle.

Though a serious diplomatic crisis in and of itself, the Lyran delegate was in fact a close relations to Duke Red Claw. The manner and circumstances of their member's death had enraged the traditionalist clan, which promptly petitioned the Emperor-King for the right of revenge. To strengthen his bargaining position, the Duke became a patron of the Lyran rimward expansion faction, pledging to offer his agreement to expanding rimward territories into Hydran space, in return for war plunder and political support. Even so, the agreement of the throne was somewhat sudden and surprising, galvanizing the expansionists, and largely silencing opposition. It is now believed that this had been a deliberate ploy, aimed at weakening both expansionist clans, and Red Claw in particular.

The war itself was short and brutal. Having spread its forces among various commitments on its borders, the Hydrans failed to mobilize their reserves in time to prevent Lyran penetration deep into their space. A series of battles ensued, including an incredibly lucky raid that saw the destruction of one of primary Hydran staging points, most of its capital vessels, and admiralty. Soon thereafter the Klingons - hemmed in by Organian Treaty and Romulan Star Empire - somewhat surprisingly invaded the northernmost Hydran territories to gain access to wealthy Sigma Hydra worlds. With their final defensive positions overrun, Hydrans capitulated.

However, the same political unity and mobilization that allowed Lyrans to prosecute the war with vigor quickly collapsed upon victory. The Royal Imperial fleet withdrew to Crownspace together with many other inner-empire war supporters, leaving the task of occupation largely to Red Claws and their newfound allies. This occupation quickly found itself mired against dogged Hydran resistance, helped by natural environmental barriers (Hydrans being a methane-breathing species, living at much higher gravity and atmospheric density). Remnants of Hydran fleet also staged highly sucessful campaign, owning to ingenious use of small shuttlecraft with refurbished "carrier" vessels that significantly expanded their service range. Clan leadership quickly became mired in powerplays between rival Dukes and border disputes with Klingons; quick to solidify their hold on new territory, many Dukes turned to extreme measures that turned Hydran apathy and resignation into anger and hatred. In late 2280s the Hydran space became embroiled in full-scale rebellion.

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It is at this point that Intelligence, with permission of Vice Admiral Linderley, can reveal that we were involved in these events. While the Federation had been in no position to effectively support Hydrans, it has been a concern of Starfleet Command that a failed Hydran revolt could push Klingons into seizing reminder of Lyran-occupied Hydran space; there has also been considerable concern over Lyran treatment of conquered populations.

Starfleet Intelligence had provided signal intercepts, weapons and spare parts to Hydran space fleets, and number of deniable operatives had provided early institutional training to Hydran ground fighters. Intelligence also helped to solidify the position of Royal Prince Letush as a popular, pro-reformist monarch among Hydran people. Intelligence had also helped with development of Hydran "bastion colonies" - remote colony worlds on far side of Hydran space that were unknown by Lyrans at the time of attack, and were consequently kept secret from rest of Hydran race in event of complete defeat and extermination. In return, Hydran resistance agreed to ferment popular uprisings in Klingon Occupation Zone; though not successful, the campaign did cripple Klingon exploitation of the region, which likely contributed to the resourcing shortfalls that prompted Praxis Incident. As part of Kithomer Accords, Klingons would later voluntarily abandon their last Hydran holdings by 2296; though they had effectively became unwilling to govern the region due to combination of distance, drawdowns and political chaos direct preceding and following the reign of Chancellor Gorkon.

Starfleet Intelligence believes that neither Klingons nor Lyrans are aware of Starfleet Intelligence involvement in the affair. Due to politically sensitive nature of this information, Vice Admiral Linderly had requested that this information be regarded as Class 1-AAA state secret.

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Suffice to say, the occupation turned into chaos, and several clans attempted to salvage the situation by sending in additional forces. This turned into a disaster when the fleet carrying Duke Red Claw strayed into dangerous nebula and was ambushed by Hydran forces. Though Lyrans fought their way out, the Duke was wounded and was unable to lead the campaign. With last hope for coordinated response dashed, the Lyran response became chaotic mass of often contradictory actions. Facing rising costs, humiliation at home and depleted forces, many clans pragmatically decided to withdraw from core Hydran territories. This gave the momentum over to Joint Hydran Liberation Front, which was able to gradually push out Lyrans past the original Kingdom borders. Although formal war did not materalize between Klingons and Hydrans, subsequent disturbances of Klingon-Hydran Occupation Zone prevent Klingon interference in the conflict.

The war has had significant consequences for the existing political factions in the Empire. Having withdrew its support early, the Crown emerged with all the glory and none of the fallout; many clans uninvolved with invasion profited from industrial sales and trade deals; the Black Mountain Clan was in particular able to flip some of traditional familial alliances in its favor by offering help with post-war rebuilding.

Analysis and Projections:

On the whole, the issues of time and distance means that at present there is no formal diplomacy between the Federation and Lyrans. For their part, Lyrans are aware of our existence, as well as scope of our territory and our overall fleet power. Combined with the latest failure in Lyran expansion, we are not likely to be troubled by coreward Lyran expansion. It is also unlikely that the Ashalla Pact could offer anything substantial to Lyrans; given the enormous distance that Lyran forces would have to cross to attack our territory, and the subsequent period in which many duchies would be open to Klingon or Hydran attack, mean that it is unlikely that Lyrans would agree to such an arrangement. Intelligence retains high confidence in this assessment.

Although our experiences with the Lycori had showed the practical limitations of such decentralized feudal governments, it has to be acknowledged that Lyrans remain more flexible on several levels. While Federation would still be required to divide its diplomatic efforts between various dukes, we remain confident that a hypothetically positive results can be achieved by approaching the ascendant faction in power, or otherwise helping another achieve such status.

Intelligence has also spent considerable time assessing potential Lyran entry in Klingon-Romulan war. Certainly, such war represents a tempting chance for Klingon border dukes to settle some of their old scores. However, with current momentum in favor of Klingons, and with Redclaw Clan significantly weakened, it is unlikely that a broad enough coalition of clans can be assembled to press forward an invasion of Klingon space. This is especially true if we recognize the threat restored Hydran Kingdom posses to the Empire. The Crown is certainly unwilling to comitt the Empire to a campaign that may open doors to a Hydran counter-invasion of their territory. It is also the belief of the Starfleet Intelligence that some of the Lyran dukes in fact maintain solid relations with Klingon Empire, and may oppose an invasion simply on the principle of making the border Dukes' life difficult. It is our belief that this political impasse is at the moment considerable, and that without significant investment of time and resources, it is unlikely for Tal Shiar to capitalize on inherent faultlines in Lyran society to create conditions favorable to Romulan War effort.

However, our analysts stress that this situation can change depending on process of the War effort. If war decisively turns against Klingons, we can expect Lyrans to launch limited offensives to seize Klingon territory, and keep it from Romulan hands, even at cost of exposing itself to Hydran retaliation.

It bears saying however, that Lyran Empire has better-developed relations with the Klingons, and decades of conflict seem to have cemented a certain kind of respect between two warrior species. Thus, the Federation Dyplomatic Service has positioned that it is not unlikely for elements within the Empire pressing for Lyrans to support Klingons instead, likely for concessions in the future occupation of Hydran systems. In any event, we do not expect Lyran entry into the war at this stage, and deem such probability as being Low. However, the borders with Klingons face Elevated risk of opportune raids, though likely limited in scope. For immediate future, we expect Lyrans to remain focused on the situation in Sigma Hydra cluster, for better or worse.
