Updating my vote. Since Thuir is going nowhere, I'll throw in for T'Lorel.

[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[X][ROM] Romulan Shipyard Report
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Cardassian Strength
[X][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Sydraxian Civil Strife
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Licori Succession Crisis

[X][GBZ] T'Lorel
Next to it, the question of who comes out on top in Sydraxian political strife is barely important. Sure we'll probably get some updates even if we don't devote an intelligence report, but Oneiros is fair about these things. If we devote an intelligence report to it, I'm sure we'll get more information and maybe event an Event chain.
I assume a diplomatic posture report is more external, and a civil strife report is more internal.

The thing is, Diplomatic Posture will give us a report on which factions are coming out on top and if it resolves will tell us what the overall picture is. You can't have a diplomatic posture report for the Sydraxians right now without reporting on the internal. Overall diplomatic posture is just superior in this situation.
Bah, since Gorac clearly has no chance of winning, I'll just throw my support behind someone with similar stats. T'Lorel trades a point of Politics for a point of Nerve, which is close enough I suppose. Medium Politics should still be enough to deal with most problems on that front. She has High Diplomacy, which I consider crucial now that more members are joining up in the GBZ but unlike Nash she doesn't have High Agression and since I don't want to be too agressive right now, I consider this a bonus.

[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[X][ROM] Romulan Shipyard Report
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Cardassian Strength
[X][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Sydraxian Civil Strife
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Licori Succession Crisis

[X][GBZ] T'Lorel
Oh come now, there won't be that many.... hmm, wait a sec.

Caldonians 500/500 - Awaiting end of moratorium in 2318
Orions 493/500
Gaeni 466/500
Seyek 444/500
Risa 453/500
Qloathi 446/500

Caldonians are guaranteed, so are Orions unless we roll extremely bad both times. The Gaeni, Risans, Seyek and Qloathi also have a good chance of reaching 500 by then or the year after. So by 2320, the Federation could very well consist of 16 species. Adding 12 species in 20 years is certainly.... a thing.
EDIT: Forgot that the Seyek bring the Fiiral with them, so 13 species for a total of 17 species.

I'm not sure if everyone on that list will be ready for ratification by the time we hit 500 relations with them. The Orions, Caldonians, and Seyek in particular all have some pretty serious internal shit to deal with.
I'm not sure if everyone on that list will be ready for ratification by the time we hit 500 relations with them. The Orions, Caldonians, and Seyek in particular all have some pretty serious internal shit to deal with.

The Orions and Caldonians maybe, but they are working to resolve the issues and I'm reasonably confident they will by 2318. With the Seyek though I don't think it will be an issue, as entrance into the Federation seems like it will be a solution to their issues, not something that needs to be resolved first. The Fiiral getting independent member world status is probably the best solution to their crisis.
Seyek is going to be interesting. Membership might ease their concerns by giving Fiiral separate representation. Also: maybe we can pick up all those disaffected Fiiral officers?
Comments on the Captains' Logs.

Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25862.4 - Captain Demora Sulu

It is difficult to think of more than two million tons of starship with no cloak as being potentially stealthy, but I think Starfleet has proved its point many times before that a little cleverness and a big deflector dish go a long way.

And it's going to need to, because the Voshov is headed off for a town hall meeting with some Concerned Citizens.

No surprise that Demora Sulu gets the delicate diplomacy missions.

Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25863.1 - Captain T'Rinta

While exploring an area between Ke'Luur and Gad, we detected an unknown vessel. As there is a danger of unfamiliar mentat ships in this area, we have approached cautiously. If it is friendly, then it should still be friendly when it notices us. If it is a fleeing mentat, then it will be most surprised when it notices us.

This is directly coreward of the Laio, a little spinwards of the Ked Peddah. Continues with the trend of races in that direction being pretty cool. Classic T'Rinta... curious looking forward to new contacts, but she somehow she always makes sure she's got you in a good firing position. You know, just in case.

Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25864.2

Running somewhat counter to the recent run of results, we have made first contact with what seems to be a peaceful species with near Federation technology. They are unaffiliated with the Honiani, but are on sufficiently amicable terms.

From our discussions, they refer to themselves as the Tauni. We have learned that they are a relatively recently self-liberated species, having cast off their overlords, who have fled coreward. They are extremely reticent about these overlords, however, and I have been able to tell little.

[New species met: The Tauni, Starting Relations 75/100]

A very respectable starting relation score. I remember the Enteprise managed to start the Apiata at 100/100 affiliate level, but I suspect that was the result of passing a Hard First Contact DC.

Nice for T'Rinta as well. Having a successful First Contact is part of what you look for out of Five Year Mission achievements.

Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 25864.7

My warnings to Fleet Command are being heeded, but nonetheless they are still treating with these Ferengi. Resources are being traded, and we have acquired new dilithium supplies.

[Gain +10pp, +5rp]

I remember we had a peaceful first contact with the Cardassians as well. If we're unlucky the Stargazer may end up seeing the first combat action of its voyage if those Ferengi return as raiders.

Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25865.2

We have returned from the alarmingly wild and woolly waystation having successfully accomplished our mission, and have moved on. The Concerned Citizen's runabout is there at the rendezvous successfully.

[Gain +10pp, advance relationship with Sydraxian Concerned Citizens]

Nice... this is a good quarter for political will so far!

Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25865.7

That was an experience. The Odyssey was swept across the galaxy, seeing dread threats far and wide ... kingdoms collapsed into tyranny. Saviours become overlords. The benevolent made malignant. Come to think of it, she was rather pushing a theme. But my crew has seen much, and learned much. Q eventually returned us home.

[Gain +1 Crew Rating]

Lt Appel: PRIVATE COMMUNICATION - Dear T'Wilit, the Odyssey has done gone and had another encounter with everybody's least favorite space god. And believe you me, she took us on a tour with more bumps than riding the back of a queasy Treblador beast. Before you think it, no I did not lasso Q this time. Though that fellow with the glowing eyes we had a tussle with... a rope around the shoulders helped settle him right down. Hoping you're having a calmer time of it out on the Defiant!

Commodore Thuir: PRIVATE COMMUNICATION - Langa, heard you had another ride on the Q experience. My condolences, but she said you held up pretty well.

Captain Mbeki: PRIVATE COMMUNICATION - Wait... "she said"... who did you hear this from?

EDIT: Yes, I continue with my no-doubt-never-canonized theory that Thuir is dating Q.
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Starfleet Intelligence Command - Steering Committee


The successful operation to destroy the Anoxa superweapon may have been one of the pivotal moments of the Arcadian War. It was certainly one of the crowning glories of Starfleet Intelligence. Ever more surprising, it is one that we can talk about! Certainly, the Office-That-Must-Not-Be-Numbered cannot be so openly spoken about.

The fact that this war has been brought to a substantive close so quickly, when the Romulans clearly expected us to be tied down for years, has deeply alarmed out neighbours Tailward. However, with reports of Birds of Prey of either variety burning in the void, they can do little about the matter now. We remain locked in a low-simmer of a battle with Romulan assets attempting to influence House Bene. This has not led to direct violence, but there have been some suspicious close-call accidents encountered by our staff on Morshadd.

Elsewhere, the Cardassian espionage attempts have accelerated. They are thus far restricted to information gathering, and not direct acts of sabotage.

Vice Admiral Scott Linderley, Director

[This message will self-delete in 10 seconds]

A few things to unpack here.

1. If the Romulans thought we would be tied down for years, the Cardassians probably thought the same. They figured they had longer than six months to exploit our weakness. Once again confirms my theory that whomever the Cardassian Admiral in the GBZ is, she's Low Aggression.

2. For the Romulans and Klingons, though, there's no putting the dogs of war back in the box. We'll soon see whose doctrinal choices and ship designs are proving superior.

3. While the Federation is an open world society, I suspect these Member World Fleets give our peers lots of fits. They have a hard time telling when said fleets can or will be deployed, and it's hard to keep track of on a strategic level. This sign that they can be brought out to play even for a limited war has to be pretty disturbing, as are intelligence reports that pretty much everyone but the Vulcans and the Betazoids are "arming up".

4. Cardassian espionage attempts have accelerated = Someone spent some Intelligence Reports on the Federation! The question is, what are they learning?

5. I am 85% sure Linderly was joking about the message self-deleting. Being promoted to Vice Admiral seems to have given him more of a sense of humor.
So... the Odyssey almost goes on an Odyssey? I mean, return time was a fraction of what it cost to Odysseus, and the ship and crew came back whole, but...
Turns out Langa Mbeki is better at not randomly pissing off gods than Odysseus. Who knew?

I thought that was Nash's job... Unless I'm misremembering things.
To go into more detail, Nash's job was to process paperwork generated by the Explorer Corps missions, and to tune into their live feeds while NOT trying to micromanage them. I strongly suspect her job was specifically invented by personnel as a form of occupational therapy for the next James T. Kirk, because it basically consists of having to be (vicariously, via Skype) present for ALL the Explorer Corps five year missions, listening in... and every time you try to out-captain whoever is the real captain of a given explorer, someone hits you with a spray bottle of water and goes "NO! BAD Nash! BAD! Let the captains do the captaining! Go do flag officer things!"

What's River's TIR? I think Rivers promote, Nash in her place is probably a really good option. Everyone walks away happy!
I'm not sure, but Rivers has been serving admirably in her current position since at least 2312, and she was a Biophage-era captain. Plus her experience is all in doing this exact thing; she was a task force commander at Lora III and was the field commander at Deva IX.

Like I said previously, I think T'Lorel is top tier candidate. Ugh. If it wasn't for this concerned citizens thing I'd push hard for Thiur. He's absurdly unlucky when it comes to Sydraxian political stuff.
If you want to start a grassroots movement behind a worthy candidate in hopes of delaying Nash's promotion track so she stays in the field longer, just settle on one person and I'm all for it.

T'Lorel is less aggressive than Thuir? What?
It's funny; people keep telling me NOT to look at the characters' statlines and read too much into them, but then we get anomalies like Thuir coming across as more aggressive than T'Lorel. In my book they're about equally tied.

Meanwhile, Nash is aggressive but gets results and uses good judgment about when to strike. I very much doubt she'd do anything stupid or significantly counterproductive if we put her in command in the Gabriel Expanse.

Lt Appel: PRIVATE COMMUNICATION - Dear T'Wilit, the Odyssey has done gone and had another encounter with everybody's least favorite space god. And believe you me, she took us on a tour with more bumps than riding the back of a queasy Treblador beast. Before you think it, no I did not lasso Q this time. Though that fellow with the glowing eyes we had a tussle with... a rope around the shoulders helped settle him right down. Hoping you're having a calmer time of it out on the Defiant!
Who's that? [tilts head]

Commodore Thuir: PRIVATE COMMUNICATION - Langa, heard you had another ride on the Q experience. My condolences, but she said you held up pretty well.

Captain Mbeki: PRIVATE COMMUNICATION - Wait... "she said"... who did you hear this from?

EDIT: Yes, I continue with my no-doubt-never-canonized theory that Thuir is dating Q.
Ah yes. Michel Thuir, who in 2301 transcended all other Star Trek captains, the good and the bad alike, in a cosmic sense, for yea, he did NOT beam an away team to the surface. He now sits at the right hand of God, raised up as the archangel to watch over redshirts. :D
Given that I've seen little ambition out of Linderley and that what we've seen has all been career-related, I wonder if Linderley has a future in Temporal Affairs later in life. His personality traits and competencies would be well-suited for it and he's certainly shown he can grow into a role. Plus he's a patriot without delusions of grandeur.
1. If the Romulans thought we would be tied down for years, the Cardassians probably thought the same. They figured they had longer than six months to exploit our weakness. Once again confirms my theory that whomever the Cardassian Admiral in the GBZ is, she's Low Aggression.

It could be Legate Dukat, from IronWolf's omake. She seems like a cautious type.
EDIT: Thinking about it, the problem I have with putting T'Lorel in the Gabriel Expanse billet is that it doesn't open up a spot for Nash the way promoting Rivers would. I mean, if we keep pouring ships in there then some time in 2316 they may have to split the Starfleet contingent into three task forces instead of two, but I'm not sure we can count on that.

And I do want Nash over there poking the Cardassians; we haven't heard very much out of her in the last five years EXCEPT for the Licori War, because we've been shuffling her from desk jobs to ad hoc squadron commands that easily crushed their opposition and back.

I don't mind keeping her around as a commodore, but I do want her to get to be a commodore who's actively out in space doing cool stuff. I'd kind of rather promote her to go do cool stuff, rather than keep her at the same rank to do boring stuff.

A few things to unpack here.

1. If the Romulans thought we would be tied down for years, the Cardassians probably thought the same. They figured they had longer than six months to exploit our weakness. Once again confirms my theory that whomever the Cardassian Admiral in the GBZ is, she's Low Aggression.

2. For the Romulans and Klingons, though, there's no putting the dogs of war back in the box. We'll soon see whose doctrinal choices and ship designs are proving superior.

3. While the Federation is an open world society, I suspect these Member World Fleets give our peers lots of fits. They have a hard time telling when said fleets can or will be deployed, and it's hard to keep track of on a strategic level. This sign that they can be brought out to play even for a limited war has to be pretty disturbing, as are intelligence reports that pretty much everyone but the Vulcans and the Betazoids are "arming up".

4. Cardassian espionage attempts have accelerated = Someone spent some Intelligence Reports on the Federation! The question is, what are they learning?
Eddie Leslie:

"I don't know, but it's going to be funny to watch. Someone from Scott Linderley's office put me up to some kind of 'bodyguard operation.' Just had me dump forty-seven gigabytes of amateur forum arguments about the Constitution-class to what I suspect is a Cardassian spy account, with all the usernames and timestamps deleted. Hope some day I find out what they think they've just learned..."

5. I am 85% sure Linderly was joking about the message self-deleting. Being promoted to Vice Admiral seems to have given him more of a sense of humor.
I honestly think that the key moment was when Kahurangi retired without firing him for insubordination during the Gray October crisis. After that, he gradually unwound a little.

Man, what the heck is with this intel report vote?

We're asking for useless reports again. You know that we're going to be updated generally on the Klingon/Romulan war anyway right? We've gotten that intelligence every time it comes up. And asking for a status update is not actionable anyway.
You haven't got any reason whatsoever to assume that the amount of extra information that comes from the status of the war is such an irrelevancy that we don't need it.

This is literally the biggest war in fifty years. It would be blind arrogance to imagine that you don't need to know in considerable detail what's going on over there.

And what's wrong with the regular old diplomatic posture? That's the first thing I'd want out of the Sydraxians, and it would include exactly the same update on the civil strife plus more useful information. Heck, the civil strife could be over by Q4 and then the report is just a nothing report again.
This is baseless. You have no reason to assume that a report on the diplomatic posture of the Sydraxian 'government' (which has decayed popular support and may collapse any moment now) will automagically provide us with information about the factions involved in the current strife. Or that knowing what each faction happens to think about the Cardassians/Yrillians/Gretarians/us will provide enough insight for us to know who's winning, what to do about it, or how to react to the situation.

Also, if we vote for Cardassian Tactics we should order a second Cardassian report to keep us up-to-date on fleets. We got shipbuilding last time, let's get fleet strength now. If we combine that with a GBZ strength we'd have a good idea what portion of their fleet they're committing.
I support the idea of a Cardassian fleet strength report- in fact I considered it more important than the tactics report. This is a good idea.
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I'm not sure why the Cardassians would have sent an unaggressive legate to the GBZ.

My suspicion is that the Cardassians haven't taken advantage of the situation because they've been having problems of their own, somewhere else in their space. We're not the only ones who have to deal with giant space monsters and spacetime malfunctions and warlike minor powers, after all. Perhaps 2315 is just the year that the Cardassians and Federations both took a break to deal with other things.
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You haven't got any reason whatsoever to assume that the amount of extra information that comes from the status of the war is such an irrelevancy that we don't need it.

This is literally the biggest war in fifty years. It would be blind arrogance to imagine that you don't need to know in considerable detail what's going on over there.

Why? You'll have to unpack exactly what decision we can make with that information, and provide evidence that the choice will be provided to us.

This is baseless. You have no reason to assume that a report on the diplomatic posture of the Sydraxian 'government' (which has decayed popular support and may collapse any moment now) will automagically provide us with information about the factions involved in the current strife. Or that knowing what each faction happens to think about the Cardassians/Yrillians/Gretarians/us will provide enough insight for us to know who's winning, what to do about it, or how to react to the situation.

We've gotten factional information from diplomatic reports in the past, when it was less crucial.

I don't expect any decisions related to the situation except external ones. Diplomatic posture will definitely help us decide what to do with the Gretarians and Yrillians, as those are directly diplomatic affairs. We aren't going to get the choice over how to interfere with the Sydraxians internally. There's no precedent for that.
I'm not sure why the Cardassians would have sent an unaggressive legate to the GBZ.

My suspicion is that the Cardassians haven't taken advantage of the situation because they've been having problems of their own, somewhere else in their space. We're not the only ones who have to deal with giant space monsters and spacetime malfunctions and warlike minor powers, after all.
Well, the original Cardassian strategy may have been built around the idea of using the Sydraxians as attack dogs while they, the Cardassians, simply took and held a sizeable 'bite' of the Expanse. Based on the precedent of how we'd been treating the Sydraxians from about 2307-12, this should have worked... but then we dropped Admiral Ainsworth on them instead and the Sydraxians were knocked out of the theater within a couple of years.

Remember, the Cardassians have plenty of different directions to expand into, and a very large amount of internal territory that presumably CAN be developed to supply them with resources. They don't need the Gabriel Expanse nearly as badly as the Apiata and the Sydraxians do, and maybe not even as badly as the Dylaarians do. As long as they get their share, and can seize forward positions that improve their lines of communications with any affiliates they gain to coreward of us, they've accomplished their basic needs. It's a place they can afford to be conservative as long as they get some neat mining colony sites. And frankly, a conservative game of expanding gradually and fortifying your gains works pretty well for that purpose.

Why? You'll have to unpack exactly what decision we can make with that information, and provide evidence that the choice will be provided to us.
The thing about strategic level information is that without being able to predict what the information is, we can't predict what it will be desirable to do with it. As you well know.

But I can easily think of many things we could do with that information, as could you if you bothered to.

For instance, if one side is frustrated by failed offensives, we need to be on heightened alert for them trying any tricks that involve passing through our space. If both sides take heavy casualties, we may need to be mentally and physically prepared to step in and broker a peace agreement. If our intelligence agents are actively working hard to procure information on the overall progress of the war, they may gain advance notice about Klingon/Romulan schemes that could bring us into the war, or trick their opponent into thinking we've become involved against them.

That's just off the top of my head.

I mean, not long ago we discussed the Honor Harrington setting in a tangent. Remember how stupid it seemed for the Solarian League to ignore a huge war going on relatively close to its core territory in which all sorts of advanced weapons and tactics are being tried and tested?

Yeah, let's not be those guys.

We've gotten factional information from diplomatic reports in the past, when it was less crucial.
The total amount of factional information we could use is rather large. I'm not going to assume that Oneiros will just give us a free detailed briefing on a multi-sided civil war purely because we asked for one aspect of the collective policies of the entire species.

I don't expect any decisions related to the situation except external ones. Diplomatic posture will definitely help us decide what to do with the Gretarians and Yrillians, as those are directly diplomatic affairs. We aren't going to get the choice over how to interfere with the Sydraxians internally. There's no precedent for that.
The question is, whose policy? If there are several factions with mutually exclusive diplomatic postures, we need enough information to have a clue of who's winning and how to react. Will trying to snip off the Gretarians from their influence strengthen a faction we would prefer to avoid strengthening?
And I do want Nash over there poking the Cardassians; we haven't heard very much out of her in the last five years EXCEPT for the Licori War, because we've been shuffling her from desk jobs to ad hoc squadron commands that easily crushed their opposition and back.

I don't mind keeping her around as a commodore, but I do want her to get to be a commodore who's actively out in space doing cool stuff. I'd kind of rather promote her to go do cool stuff, rather than keep her at the same rank to do boring stuff.

Cool stuff interspersed with a couple of years of more mundane assignments and then cool stuff again is probably what you can expect. I'm sure there will be some crisis a year or two down the road that will require a competent and aggressive commodore to command a daring task force again. (And don't underestimate crushing the Orion Syndicate's naval assets... it wasn't 'easy' so much as she made it look easy.)

I'm not sure why the Cardassians would have sent an unaggressive legate to the GBZ.

Could be any of a dozen reasons. And it's not like a Low Aggression strategy has been a disaster for them. They've been keeping their phaser banks cool and concentrating on development and entrenchment... a very Federation-type strategy!

My basic read is that the Cardassians are more concerned with getting a lot of resources from the Gabriel to fuel their naval build-up than they are about keeping resources out of Federation hands. As long as the legate in charge is bringing home the bacon in terms of lots of SR and BR colonies, no one in High Command cares how many Federation ships she did or didn't blow up.
The thing about strategic level information is that without being able to predict what the information is, we can't predict what it will be desirable to do with it. As you well know.

But I can easily think of many things we could do with that information, as could you if you bothered to.

For instance, if one side is frustrated by failed offensives, we need to be on heightened alert for them trying any tricks that involve passing through our space. If both sides take heavy casualties, we may need to be mentally and physically prepared to step in and broker a peace agreement. If our intelligence agents are actively working hard to procure information on the overall progress of the war, they may gain advance notice about Klingon/Romulan schemes that could bring us into the war, or trick their opponent into thinking we've become involved against them.

That's just off the top of my head.

I mean, not long ago we discussed the Honor Harrington setting in a tangent. Remember how stupid it seemed for the Solarian League to ignore a huge war going on relatively close to its core territory in which all sorts of advanced weapons and tactics are being tried and tested?

Yeah, let's not be those guys.

But none of that leads to decisions at our level. We're asking for things the Admiral needs to be briefed on.

The total amount of factional information we could use is rather large. I'm not going to assume that Oneiros will just give us a free detailed briefing on a multi-sided civil war purely because we asked for one aspect of the collective policies of the entire species.

He has in the past. It was one of the reasons we saw previously that such specific write-ins weren't useful compared to taking the options offered to us, and a big reason that I'm arguing we should go for the diplomatic posture report.

The question is, whose policy? If there are several factions with mutually exclusive diplomatic postures, we need enough information to have a clue of who's winning and how to react. Will trying to snip off the Gretarians from their influence strengthen a faction we would prefer to avoid strengthening?

And we should get that information from a diplomatic posture report.
Like I said Simon, we can swap Rivers for Nash next GBZ vote. However, I think we should put her on EC duty. She's like our troubleshooter we pull out to throw at problems.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[X][ROM] Romulan Shipyard Report
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Cardassian Strength
[X][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Sydraxian Civil Strife
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
-Lets NOT be the Solarian League
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Licori Succession Crisis

[X][GBZ] T'Lorel
So, if I read the map and remember the direction of travel properly, the Dylaarians are going to be one of the closest races to the Ferengi of those we know about. That is going to be a very interesting meeting given the mercantile styles of the two.
I'm actually not opposed to her taking command. It could work, especially if the High diplomacy Nash goes into her TF command slot.
From a meta perspective, I don't really like it because we don't 'learn' much about what the difference looks like between high and low diplomacy. From a more 'rational' perspective, I am pretty sure diplomacy is much more the territory of the overall TF commander.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[X][ROM] Romulan Shipyard Report
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Cardassian Strength
[X][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Sydraxian Civil Strife
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Licori Succession Crisis
[X][GBZ] T'Lorel
Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25865.7

That was an experience. The Odyssey was swept across the galaxy, seeing dread threats far and wide ... kingdoms collapsed into tyranny. Saviours become overlords. The benevolent made malignant. Come to think of it, she was rather pushing a theme. But my crew has seen much, and learned much. Q eventually returned us home.

Really Q? You are not being subtle at all, are you?

Then again, some anvils need dropping, and 'you don't necessarily know how to be a good conqueror, for what you did was indeed conquest and don't complain' is a good anvil to drop on anyone who breaks another nation for fear of their recklessness. As is, the Arcadian Empire situation is probably going to take decades of FDS efforts to resolve in a satisfactory manner.

[This message will self-delete in 10 seconds]

Really Chief? At least tell me the paper isn't some sort of guncotton variant with an embedded igniter.

Once again confirms my theory that whomever the Cardassian Admiral in the GBZ is, she's Low Aggression.

Low Aggression might well be a standard trait of Cardassian officers. Mostly because taking risks is dangerous, especially when it means you might fuck up and get eaten (probably not literally) by your own support base.

Could be any of a dozen reasons. And it's not like a Low Aggression strategy has been a disaster for them. They've been keeping their phaser banks cool and concentrating on development and entrenchment... a very Federation-type strategy!

More importantly, they've probably been banking on the Sydraxians to act as a tripwire and counter to Starfleet efforts to expand into the Gabriel Expanse. And from the viewpoint of a Hegemon trying to put a troublesome vassal back under their control, that is a pretty good idea. It just went really horribly for the vassal, Starfleet suffered extremely limited losses and the war they expected to keep Starfleet occupied for years on end died down fast. On the Cardassian side the events went pretty much as expected, but the other sides involved? Their estimates were probably way off.

My basic read is that the Cardassians are more concerned with getting a lot of resources from the Gabriel to fuel their naval build-up than they are about keeping resources out of Federation hands. As long as the legate in charge is bringing home the bacon in terms of lots of SR and BR colonies, no one in High Command cares how many Federation ships she did or didn't blow up.

That will probably change if the Federation ends up out colonizing the Cardassians, Cardassian affiliates start indicating that the manner in which the Sydraxians were abandoned makes them worry about Cardassia's willingness and ability to protect them and Cardassian colonies either start disappearing or revolting for one reason or another.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[X][ROM] Romulan Shipyard Report
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Cardassian Strength
[X][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Sydraxian Civil Strife
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Licori Succession Crisis

[X][GBZ] T'Lorel

-Lets NOT be the Solarian League
I agree with @AKuz

*Salutes the Enterprise-B*
Rest well, old girl.
We'll make sure you're proud of your successor.
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