Can we make a new Enterprise with an Ambassador-class with the old crew to make it veteran right off the bat?

Admittedly I didn't expect a massive PP reward yet but it does make things simpler in what would be a very PP-starved year.

Also @Forgothrax @AKuz and everyone else, we don't have the berths for a Chen double build in Sol, so we can't use the heavy industrial park unless we put it in a very suboptimal location. I don't think there's any debate about putting the park in Sol but we can't double prototype there.
Except if we also expanded UP, which would be extremely expensive.
I would imagine that the Park will take at least a year, maybe even 2, in order to build. Given that SWB pointed out we don't have Sol berths anyway, it's probably not worth grabbing given that we have other stuff to get.

Except if we also expanded UP, which would be extremely expensive.

And takes 4 turns to open up the berths. That wipes out any benefit to building in Sol, park or no.
I'm actually kinda hoping that we can season Jen Zhang long enough that she can take the new Enterprise out. I'd like to have an officer from the -B taking the -C out on her maiden voyage. Maybe move her from Challorn to a proper Excelsior in a few years.

Plus Zhang is literally the only officer in the fleet with experience on a ship that size.

Admittedly I didn't expect a massive PP reward yet but it does make things simpler in what would be a very PP-starved year.

Also @Forgothrax @AKuz and everyone else, we don't have the berths for a Chen double build in Sol, so we can't use the heavy industrial park unless we put it in a very suboptimal location. I don't think there's any debate about putting the park in Sol but we can't double prototype there.
It would be NICE if we could. The pair of Excelsior-A builds going on in Utopia Planitia are a month or two into their runs at most. We could postpone them (this would help a bit with our crew crunch) and start them at Vulcan in 2316Q1, while starting the Ambassador prototype pair at the same time.

@OneirosTheWriter, any chance of letting us do this?

Sorry. I've had a lot on my mind lately.

Doubt they have cloaks. The Cardassians would have them too by now, if that were the case.

They probably are really, really good at stealth though. They managed to sneak up on the Sarek and beam a boarding party into its computer core and only barely got detected. Really, that incident more than anything else is what makes me worried about their ships' capabilities. They must have had, if nothing else, a pretty decent S score to pull that off.
If anyone could keep the secret that they have cloaking devices away from their Cardassian overlords, it would be the Lecarre.

For that matter, it's hard to rule out that the Cardassians might have cloaking devices or be working on them, since we know a working cloaking device fell into their hands at least once, and that they had years to work on it and integrate it into one of their ships. While there may be good reasons the Cardassians haven't integrated cloaking into their fleet the way the Romulans and Klingons have, I don't think we can ever again
Not that I'm trying to get extra bonuses but if we split up the Enterprise crew and assign them to 3 ships to get that +1 each wouldn't that mean we have more EC crew available? ie. the people who've been replaced by Enterprise's crew can move to another ship. On the shipbuilding spreadsheet we have 2 Excelsiors finishing in 2317Q1, 1 EC and 1 normal. With the extra EC crew couldn't we make both of them EC?
Well, I know we've had Explorer Corps crew casualties during the campaign, so we may or may not actually have enough spare people to staff a whole new Excelsior.

But it's very much normal for us to do that, to take crew off a destroyed ship and crew other ships with them. So I wouldn't consider it 'extra.'


Another point is that we have two explorers that were completely disabled and gutted in the attack on Gammon. When Sojourner and Endurance come out of drydock, rebuilt as Excelsior-As, there's nothing actually stopping us from making one of THEM the new home for the bulk of the Enterprise crew and having that be our 'Veteran' choice.

If we wanted to do that, I mean. We could.
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Like, I'm just picturing...

Some Asshole Licori: "Yeah, well that't not what your mom said last night! When I was engaged in intercourse with her! Haha! You have been undone, you fool."

Trizzadiara: "Wow! Mirizziana allowed you to mate with her?! You must be a pretty neat guy!"

SAL: "What, no, you're-"

Trizzadiara: "Why are we even fighting? If mom thinks you're cool -- did you meet Drone Mom? Oh my hive. Chad!"

Vol Chad: "'Sup?"

Trizzadiara: "This guy mated with my mom!"

Chad: "You must be one cool dude to earn that honor. Are you an ambassador?"

SAL: :confused:

Another point is that we have two explorers that were completely disabled and gutted in the attack on Gammon. When Sojourner and Endurance come out of drydock, rebuilt as Excelsior-As, there's nothing actually stopping us from making one of THEM the new home for the bulk of the Enterprise crew and having that be our 'Veteran' choice.

If we wanted to do that, I mean. We could.

Sojourner, if we do that, I should think. She is an Explorer Corps ship IIRC, and I do feel rather bad for her, having been wrecked basically right out of drydock.
Would it be possible to bump the Excelsior's building in Utopia Planetia in favor of the two Ambassador prototypes? It makes more sense to build the next gen explorer there than anywhere else and the politics of rebuilding the Enterprise probably makes it easy to get the resources, etc... to do so.
Omake - Threat Assessment - ilbgar123
Uh, not the best writer, but I'll give this omake a shot.

From: CI officer 3290-AA
Re: Supervisor Gul Zepin

Updated Federation Assessment

Federation Member Increase
The Federation seems to have come to the conclusion that they cannot compete with our union without as many resources at their disposal as possible. This is one of the only possible explanations we can consider for their willingness to share power with so many new member races. The addition of one new member world could be a fluke of political will, but three stretches the likelihood of that beyond reasonable doubt, especially with more waiting for the Federation's approval, which has been all but given, to join as well.

This strategy allows them to full incorporate member ships into their fleets and existing infrastructure into their own. The fact that a culture that joins the Federation quickly takes on their laws and values to a greater extent than upon joining until it is nearlyly indistinguishable from the Federation as a whole without close examination is rather disturbing, like some kind of viral culture that assimilates any culture exposed to it too long. This draws disturbing parallels to the Biophage reports we received from the Federation through our affiliates. The difference being the Federation convinces you to become part of it of your own will rather than forcibly rewriting you, which makes it all the more insidious and deeply terrifying.

The memetic culture theory from one of our initial assessments may have been correct, to a far greater extent than we had realized. It is possible that the 'containment' of the idealistic society we had been presented with was intended to fail, and unleash a society that, completely unaware of it's intended purpose, would subsume the cultures of every other society that actually had one until there was nothing else left.
Federation Military Policy​

It would seem we had misjudged the Federation's militancy in our initial and secondary assessment. We've realized the former was the case for some time, but it seems our secondary assessment was also at least partially incorrect. The Licori may have been a relatively minor power, but essentially wiping their military out in less than a year is still an impressive feat.

The losses inflicted upon the Sydraxians have caused their faith in their government and our patronage to crumble, but it has also shaken several of our other affiliates. They had up to this point believed that the Federation was mostly intimidating but harmless, but this has drastically changed their outlook. The Sydraxian's major losses were not the first hint of this however. The way the Federation burned through the Orion Syndicate was the first major indication that they might be more than an intimidating but ultimately fragile organization, but it was believed that this conflict was not a 'real' war, and so not something to judge by.

After all, they took years to burn out a portion of a much weaker power. Surely they couldn't be that powerful? However, recent evidence heavily suggests that their purges were more like the routine purges of the Obsidian Order and similar groups, just more discriminating in their targets. They even managed to retain public goodwill despite little to no propaganda efforts on their part, and quite a bit on their enemy's behalf.

The Licori War was an unexpected development in most quarters. The small power had done little to antagonize the Federation on purpose. However, with the war coming to a close, the original cause was easy to discover. Apparently rogue Licori scientists had been doing dangerous experiments involving artificial stellar collapse, which could very easily cause a supernova powerful enough to wipe out all life in entire sectors, shields or no.

In a surprisingly pragmatic, but very understandable turn, the Federation deemed this too great a threat to be allowed to continue, especially after losing one of their ships to the attempts. They tried the diplomatic solution first, likely to pacify the less war-like factions within their government and civilian populations. However, when it became clear that the emperor of the Licori was neither willing nor able (a most perilous position for an absolute monarch) to rein in the rogues, the Federation declared war alongside one of their affiliates, the Gaeni, whose approach to technology is quite reckless, but not the extent of the Licori, and the Ked Paddah, another minor power who'd been at war with the Licori for some time already.

The war was short and bloody, with a few minor strikes that quickly crippled the Licori military, with less than 5 ships lost in return despite their Licori counterparts routinely accomplishing feats of unusual science usually seen in Federation vessels and more. Roughly half of the fleet was wiped out within three battles, and two of their 4 major noble families lost the majority of their power, in addition to the death of the Licori emperor. The last item led to the near halting of hostilities as the remaining powers began to fight amongst themselves to claim the throne. However, the Federation inserted itself to attack one of the remaining Houses who they didn't want to succeed the throne, which was technically legal as the war had not been made officially over. This suggests we exert some caution when meddling in the Sydraxian political situation, as the Federation might sense weakness and attempt to counter our efforts. It is a universal truth that no one likes to find out they've been manipulated, and the Sydraxians might be pushed completely out of our grasp if they find out we've been interfering in their revolution.

Granted, the Federation took some minor losses in their war (though with how thoroughly the Licori were beaten it might be something of an exaggeration to call it that), but with their industrial capacity this is not likely to do more than inconvenience them for a portion of a single year. I would recommend that we increase efforts to retain the Sydraxians, and perhaps negotiate some sort of arrangement with the Romulans to aid their efforts in gaining the Licori as affiliates. If we have to sell the Sydraxians to them to do so, then I must urge the Guls consider the option that denies the Federation as many assets as possible.

The Romulans are currently at war with another power, and we share far fewer borders and less mutual hostility with them than the Federation. Therefore, selling an affiliate we might very well lose shortly anyway seems an acceptable loss for the sake of greater stability overall. Our intelligence reports note that the Federation is incredibly reluctant to contest the Romulan and Klingon Border Zones, which is likely also true of Romulan/Klingon affiliates. This means that we can likely consider any Romulan affiliates areas with little to no chance of being Federation attack vectors, at least until the Romulan-Klingon war concludes. This is likely to take some time as they are roughly equal in strength, being a fair amount past the Apiata in strength, though they've started to lag behind the Federation as of late.

As we are currently roughly even with the Federation in terms of technology and industrial capacity, we should prioritize keeping assets out of their hands as opposed to keeping them in ours. This is not to say keeping the Sydraxians as affiliates wouldn't be preferable, but if the choice is between losing them to the Federation or the Romulans, the Romulans are clearly the lesser 'evil' between the two.

In conclusion, I believe our main error was in assuming that the Federation's neighbors were just weaker weaklings, rather than their wariness of antagonizing the Federation stemming from the Federation being strong. This has led to several blunders that, while nor irreparable, will likely have long-term consequences on our ability to compete with the Federation and it's allies.

AN: Right, apologies if I got anything wrong. I'm a bit sleep-deprived at the moment. I think we should address recent events from the perspective of the Cardassians. I'm hoping this encourages people to write more about the Cardassian affiliates and what they think about all this.​
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AN: Right, apologies if I got anything wrong. I'm a bit sleep-deprived at the moment. I think we should address recent events from the perspective of the Cardassians. I'm hoping this encourages people to write more about the Cardassian affiliates and what they think about all this.

deer diury

today fedurashun blew up som other stoopid weeklings caled lukorai. we cood have blew them up beter lol. i told boss cardaziun so and he sed im a smart. :) then i ask him if we fite the feds now and he sed not yet. stoopid cardaziun dont let us blow up. it sux. :(

-from the personal log of a Goshawnar general
Can't tell if that's supposed to be a comment on the Goshawanar being stupid, or the Cardassians being stupid/overly paranoid in my portrayal. Or both.