
There will still be a few stories to tell of the life and times of the Enterprise-B. A chapter or two of epilogue to The Worlds Wonder, and I'll want to wrap up a few loose ends from Dreams.

At least one scene will have some added punch, I think. Perhaps I should make a chapter break there.

OneirosTheWriter said:
The USS Enterprise-B has been lost during a temporal anomaly, however, all ship and crew have been recovered. An option will be presented to either wholesale move the crew to a new ship, which will commission as Veteran, or to split the crew up and give three +1 Crew Rating bonuses. The USS Lion Miranda has returned from a temporal anomaly, and has been re-added to the fleet register.
They are forgiven as they forgive all those dark wounds and deep.
Their beds are made on the Lap of Time and they lie down and sleep.
They are forgiven as they forgive all those old wounds that bleed.
They shut their eyes from their worshippers; they sleep till the world has need.

The Cardassians couldn't do it. The Biophage couldn't do it. The Orion Syndicate couldn't do it.

In the end, its the time traveling pedo-cannibal Dune dickheads who manage to take down the Enterprise-B.
Halkh, grimly, hand on hilt:

"I knew Betarre. Betarre was even, in her way, was something of a friend, at those times when I visited the Imperial court. And Betarre was no Kortennon."

Pretty tempted to do two concurrent Ambassador prototype builds, take advantage of Chen's bonus, and call one of them the USS Ambassador and the other one USS Enterprise.
It was done before, once. NCC-1700 and NCC-1701 launched within months of each other. And...

On one hand, not calling the prototype Ambassador "the Ambassador" seems a little backward. On the other, going for an entire in-game decade with no Enterprise just feels wrong.
It's okay. NCC-1701 was the first of the Constitutions to be completed, according to some beta-canon sources, due to various jugglery involving which ship got finished first out of a set of parallel or near-parallel builds.

It occurs to me that I'm going to have to edit the chain of possession on that "NX-01 Enterprise" patch that I've had the Enterprise Captains passing down from Captain to Captain as they take command of Enterprise.

And considering that the Daedalus Enterprise was lost with all hands according to history... the only way for that Patch to have moved between the Daedalus Captain and the Ranger Captain is right here -right now!
Alternatively, Archer could have given the patch to T'Vin or another captain of NCC-134 (216x to 218x), collected the patch from T'Vin (ten million BC), given it to Babajide (223x), and later (2245) given it to April on Babajide's behalf. Babajide may not have been able to attend the launching of NCC-1701.

If we're going to have him do time travel shenanigans, they can at least be heartwarming shenanigans.
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Would it make sense - in character - to build the two prototypes based on different plans and then to compare performance during the trial phase?
Why would that flip the Dylaarians? Do we have any idea what Dylaarian/Sydraxian relations are like?

It's less political than you think. The Dylaarian fleet is at best as large and capable as the Sydraxi fleet was, probably somewhat less so, and we blew most of the Sydraxi fleet up and chased the survivors back over the border. A negotiated settlement looks good to them in case we decide to start punching faces again, and we would rather not have to sustain casualties fighting them.
It's less political than you think. The Dylaarian fleet is at best as large and capable as the Sydraxi fleet was, probably somewhat less so, and we blew most of the Sydraxi fleet up and chased the survivors back over the border. A negotiated settlement looks good to them in case we decide to start punching faces again, and we would rather not have to sustain casualties fighting them.

Pulling out of the GBZ seems like a less drastic solution than backing out of the Ashalla Pact.

I want to know what's up with the Dawiar these days. Last that we knew they still think that ditching the Cardassians will be the death of ambition, but the evidence is piling up against that conclusion. We're not going to leave the Straits of Themis open forever.

Finally, on a somewhat unrelated note: I think we should do an intel probe on Lecarre fleet strength this year. They're the only Ashalla Pact member whose warmaking capabilities we know literally nothing about. We've been assuming that their fleet is weak due to their preference for spycraft over warfare, but we don't actually KNOW that. Also I want to draw their ships.
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Why would that flip the Dylaarians? Do we have any idea what Dylaarian/Sydraxian relations are like?

Because then we aren't bogged down on multiple sides. We have a position of obvious strength and don't have to worry about having this tiny constantly under threat Salient as our border with the Dylaarian Federation.

And it puts the Dylaarians in a much better position to tell the Cardassian's to fuck off if we can unhestatingly respond to a request for aid instead of constantly having to look over our shoulders.

After all in the end, even with the much different moral views on intellectual property the Dylaarians are naturally pretty peaceful and scientific. They'd be a much better of with us than the Cardassians.
Pulling out of the GBZ seems like a less drastic solution than backing out of the Ashalla Pact.

I want to know what's up with the Dawiar these days. Last that we knew they still think that ditching the Cardassians will be the death of ambition, but the evidence is piling up against that conclusion. We're not going to leave the Straits of Themis open forever.

Finally, on a somewhat unrelated note: I think we should do an intel probe on Lecarre fleet strength this year. They're the only Ashalla Pact member whose warmaking capabilities we know literally nothing about. We've been assuming that their fleet is weak due to their preference for spycraft over warfare, but we don't actually KNOW that. Also I want to draw their ships.

What we do know about the Lecarre is that they are a single planet species with a low native tech base. Now it's possible that they've expanded in the past few years and gotten tech handouts from the Cardassians, but a major fleet expansion isn't likely. I think their fleet is likely on the level of the Betazoids or Caldonians. Plus, we can safely assume the Cardassians are taking large amounts of their production, given the Lecarre are one of the more tightly attached members of the Ashalla Pact.
After all in the end, even with the much different moral views on intellectual property the Dylaarians are naturally pretty peaceful and scientific. They'd be a much better of with us than the Cardassians.
Tell the Cardassians to go, become Federation affiliate and stay affiliate. No Cardassians, as few Federation as feasible.
Honeybunches, Betarre tried to commit multiple xenocides out of sheer petulance. She's much, much worse than any Korannon.
Halkh has a very limited perspective regarding the difference between personal vices and mass atrocities. Tragedy, statistic, et cetera.

Also, Halkh has a thing about Korannons Kortennons and the vices attributed to them, specifically.


But since you are, from any rational consequentialist viewpoint, correct, it rather does cast a pall over things. I'll hold off on my omake post for a while until it dissipates, I guess.

S'Harien is Blooded.
I'd vote to pump S'Harien to Veteran, Odyssey and Voshov to Blooded.
I guess I could compromise and swap Odyssey for Sarek. But I personally feel like it's more useful to get as many ships performing better as possible, rather than to have the best ships perform even better.
Veteran -> Elite significantly reduces the odds of failure on Hard events, improving the ship's long-term survival and crew safety. This also increases the ship's ability to secure payoffs from the most difficult (and apparently rewarding) class of events. To be fair, the same can be said of Green -> Blooded and Blooded -> Veteran, but it's not a minimal benefit.

Plus, as others noted, the considerable benefits of having at least one ship with absolutely maximized capabilities for emergencies, one we can be pretty close to maximally confident won't fail in a given situation. Would a Veteran-ranked Enterprise-B have pulled this off? Would a Blooded Enterprise-B?

Fortunately, it looks like Oneiros the "where to send the Enterprise-B crew" question be a separate one from the "where to deploy the fleet" question. I laud him for that, by the way.

Why are you keeping our Excelsior-As outside the GBZ? I'd rather send them to the active warzone than guarding Ferasa and Rigel.

I'd also suggest swapping Docana and Sappho, and sending Sappho in for refit. Docana's already Blooded

"Uh... I am?"

Would it make sense - in character - to build the two prototypes based on different plans and then to compare performance during the trial phase?
It's been done in real life.

It's less political than you think. The Dylaarian fleet is at best as large and capable as the Sydraxi fleet was, probably somewhat less so, and we blew most of the Sydraxi fleet up and chased the survivors back over the border. A negotiated settlement looks good to them in case we decide to start punching faces again, and we would rather not have to sustain casualties fighting them.
The Dylaarians are a lot farther from our entry point into the Gabriel Expanse, and to threaten their bases of operations we'd have to open ourselves up to flanking attacks by the Cardassian navy.

It's worth remembering that Dylaaria is actually farther from Apinae than Cardassia Prime is- and on a vector that takes you close to Cardassian territory. By contrast, the Sydraxian capital is closer to Apinae than any portion of Cardassian space is, and the path from one to the other doesn't go anywhere near Cardassian space.

Don't get me wrong, it'd be wonderful if we could flip the Dylaarians, but it would be very, very hard to do so unless we so thoroughly neutralize the Cardassian fleet that they are unable to interfere with us. It'd be like the Cardassians trying to flip the Honiani except that in some ways it might be harder.
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Because then we aren't bogged down on multiple sides. We have a position of obvious strength and don't have to worry about having this tiny constantly under threat Salient as our border with the Dylaarian Federation.

And it puts the Dylaarians in a much better position to tell the Cardassian's to fuck off if we can unhestatingly respond to a request for aid instead of constantly having to look over our shoulders.

After all in the end, even with the much different moral views on intellectual property the Dylaarians are naturally pretty peaceful and scientific. They'd be a much better of with us than the Cardassians.

The problem there is that they're right on the Cardassian border, and not super close to us. If we're to flip them, we need to be able to guarantee that we can protect them from Cardassian retaliation. Which we can't, at least right now.

What we do know about the Lecarre is that they are a single planet species with a low native tech base. Now it's possible that they've expanded in the past few years and gotten tech handouts from the Cardassians, but a major fleet expansion isn't likely. I think their fleet is likely on the level of the Betazoids or Caldonians. Plus, we can safely assume the Cardassians are taking large amounts of their production, given the Lecarre are one of the more tightly attached members of the Ashalla Pact.
They could have cloaks.

Doubt they have cloaks. The Cardassians would have them too by now, if that were the case.

They probably are really, really good at stealth though. They managed to sneak up on the Sarek and beam a boarding party into its computer core and only barely got detected. Really, that incident more than anything else is what makes me worried about their ships' capabilities. They must have had, if nothing else, a pretty decent S score to pull that off.
It seems to me that the Dylaarians would be more likely to go neutral for a while than flip. Of course, that would be if the Cardassians were to experience a major set of defeats that reduced their influence.
Man it is weird to finally have that 1 Excelsior per sector plan finally coming to fruition and without any crises (GBZ excepted) to continually draw them away.

e: If there's one criticism I have of the deployment plans it's the two-ship CBZ. That's a sector I'd want to heavily reinforce in the future.

Yeah. I don't think we can shake the Dylaarians free until they're sure the Cardassians can't punish them for it.

It's not so much punish as I feel they'd be a polity that values neutrality or sticking to agreements highly.
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Yeah I'd expect the Dylaarians to try to act as a friendly and neutral broker for both sides.

The Cardassians seem to have mainly picked them up because they got there first.
Is that with heavy industry? Biggest thing will be if we can fit the cost in. Right now I think we are getting 660 SR at end of year. We would need a base cost of 220 SR to make 2 off of that. If we get an income increase or just straight up SR infusion then we can handle an Ambassador that takes more SR.

The only Amby that has that cost is my all 8s/H5 Economy Amby. SWB's is 240sr and mine is 250sr.

We got the park? Must've missed that. Hmmmmm... It depends on how Chen and the Park interact. My primary design has a 5.5yr build time. His is 4.75. So prototyping time is 8.25 for mine and 7.125 for his. If both Chen's bonus and the Park work off the original build time, then mine gets 8 quarters from Chen and 8 months (roughly 11 quarters in total) lopped off. So 5.5 years for mine. For SWB, 7 quarters from Chen and 7 months from the Park. Around 4.75 years for his, I think?

Admittedly I didn't expect a massive PP reward yet but it does make things simpler in what would be a very PP-starved year.

Also @Forgothrax @AKuz and everyone else, we don't have the berths for a Chen double build in Sol, so we can't use the heavy industrial park unless we put it in a very suboptimal location. I don't think there's any debate about putting the park in Sol but we can't double prototype there.