Personally, I have no problem with having both the B and C in service at the same time. But I can see that may be an unpopular position.
I'm still not totally confident that the Enterprise-B is going to survive this current story.

It kind of strikes me as a, "The Event rolls just declared the Enterprise would be destroyed? Time to write a multi-update story to give it the really epic send-off it deserves."

Personally, I have no problem with having both the B and C in service at the same time. But I can see that may be an unpopular position.

I'd like to hear the in-universe argument for doing it. I'm not even sure I understand the out of universe argument, much less the in-universe argument.

"We should have two ships named Enterprise running around at the same time because _______."
I will come down down on the side of:

-1 Enterprise at a time.
- That Enterprise must be in the EC
- If all other EC vessels have been replaced with the newest explorer class Enterprise is to be retired as a museum ship of that era of Exploration and her crew transferred to a new Enterprise of the new class.
- This is provided that the Enterprise isn't lost in the line of duty.

Which raises the question here of what to do if Enterprise-B is lost now or soon. If she gets Mirachted now or during her next mission and we haven't even started the Ambassador project yet.

Do we move another Excelsior class (Or do the San Paolo-Defiant thing and rename an existing ship) or do we wait a decade and a half (Six months to a year real time!) To build the Enterprise-C as an Ambassador class?
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I'm still not totally confident that the Enterprise-B is going to survive this current story.

It kind of strikes me as a, "The Event rolls just declared the Enterprise would be destroyed? Time to write a multi-update story to give it the really epic send-off it deserves."

I'd like to hear the in-universe argument for doing it. I'm not even sure I understand the out of universe argument, much less the in-universe argument.

"We should have two ships named Enterprise running around at the same time because _______."

If that was the case though, the Enterprise B would be the ship we're all counting on. If this is the Enterprise B's final mission, from a narrative perspective it doesn't make sense for her to be crippled right at the start and leaving it up to the other ships. That's not a great narrative to me.

If anything, the one to be worried about is Nash. I could see this being the end of her character arc, where she pulls a heroic sacrifice to save the Federation.
Which raises the question here of what to do if Enterprise-B is lost now or soon. If she gets Mirachted now or during her next mission and we haven't even started the Ambassador project yet.

Do we move another Excelsior class (Or do the San Paolo-Defiant thing and rename an existing ship) or do we wait a decade and a half (Six months to a year real time!) To build the Enterprise-C as an Ambassador class?

Wait and build an Ambassador-class. We ought to be starting the Ambassador prototype first thing next year*, and in the meantime I trust the Courageous to carry the banner for the Federation.

*So probably more like 12 years until the first non-prototype Ambassador comes off the line.
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I can also plausibly see renaming the Enterprise (TO LAKOTA???) if we pulled her off EC service a la the Cheron and recommissioning the hull number as an ambassador
Which raises the question here of what to do if Enterprise-B is lost now or soon. If she gets Mirachted now or during her next mission and we haven't even started the Ambassador project yet.
The Federation would survive a few years without an Enterprise in service. It just means commissioning a new ship with that name will be all the sweeter.
....Unless we do two parallel prototype Ambassador builds in parallel for that sweet sweet Chen bonus and name one of those Enterprise!

> : P
I will come down down on the side of:

-1 Enterprise at a time.
- That Enterprise must be in the EC
- If all other EC vessels have been replaced with the newest explorer class Enterprise is to be retired as a museum ship of that era of Exploration and her crew transferred to a new Enterprise of the new class.
- This is provided that the Enterprise isn't lost in the line of duty.
Me approves.

Which raises the question here of what to do if Enterprise-B is lost now or soon. If she gets Mirachted now or during her next mission and we haven't even started the Ambassador project yet.

Do we move another Excelsior class (Or do the San Paolo-Defiant thing and rename an existing ship) or do we wait a decade and a half (Six months to a year real time!) To build the Enterprise-C as an Ambassador class?
I don't think we should do the Sao Paulo thing since we have a steady production run of Excelsiors in the pipeline. The Excelsior that Commodore Leslie's working on over at Ana Font is already allocated to the Explorer Corps, for instance.

I think you could make a case for waiting and naming the lead ship of the Ambassador-class the Enterprise-C. Honestly... I think that should be a thing @OneirosTheWriter puts up to a thread vote, because I think a lot of people will have opinions about.

Wait and build an Ambassador-class. We ought to be starting the Ambassador prototype first thing next year*, and in the meantime I trust the Courageous to carry the banner for the Federation.

*So probably more like 12 years until the first non-prototype Ambassador comes off the line.

"Uh, and Sarek. Nobody gets to slight her except me. So there."


I can also plausibly see renaming the Enterprise (TO LAKOTA???) if we pulled her off EC service a la the Cheron and recommissioning the hull number as an ambassador
That would be a logical move if we've shifted the rest of the Explorer Corps over to Ambassadors, but it seems unlikely we'll reach that point prior to, oh, the 2330s at the earliest.

The Federation would survive a few years without an Enterprise in service. It just means commissioning a new ship with that name will be all the sweeter.
Can, and has; there was at least a 10-15 year hiatus between the loss of the Enterprise-C at Narendra and the commissioning of the Enterprise-D.

....Unless we do two parallel prototype Ambassador builds in parallel for that sweet sweet Chen bonus and name one of those Enterprise!
You know, strictly there's nothing stopping us from naming the Ambassador prototype Enterprise-C, and this doesn't actually require us to do anything goofy like call the entire class the Enterprise-class. That kind of renaming isn't actually unusual, especially in situations where an old ship lost unexpectedly is being commemorated with new construction.

I think it's ok to have a gap, but obviously the shorter the better. I don't support an overlap or renaming.
A renaming would ONLY make sense if there were good and compelling reasons for us to retire the Enterprise-B out of Explorer Corps service and into regular fleet service. It's hard to imagine circumstances where that would be a logical course of action arising easily.
Personally, I have no problem with having both the B and C in service at the same time. But I can see that may be an unpopular position.

I do have a problem.

The idea with a list of names is that they are unique, easily communicated identifiers of ships. There is no Enterprise-A. There is no Enterprise-B. There is not an Enterprise-C nor will there be, nor will there be under any circumstance a -D, -E or Enterprise -F. Needing to communicate those identifiers is inconvenient.

Only on the ledgers of some bureaucrat and the many nerds across the the Federation does the distinction exist.

Because there is only, ever and now, the Enterprise. First among equals, pride of the fleet and nation, unique in name and station. She who leads the Federation's ever ongoing voyage to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, and to boldly go where no man has gone before.

That is Enterprise. And it's important to remember that.

When you look at the models, the registry number reads "NCC 1701-[letter]," but the name itself is always just "USS Enterprise."

The role of the letter is to differentiate between the otherwise identical registry numbers, with '1701' being kept in service as a particularly strong symbolic gesture that no, this isn't just a memorial to the Enterprise, this IS the Enterprise. It's only there to avoid paperwork confusion (e.g. Starfleet record databases that are sorted by registry number returning multiple ships that answer to the same number). But when the crew talks about the ship, she's always the Enterprise.

You don't put two ships with the same name in service at the same time.
It actually got rolled into the EC crew bonus. All EC ships are at +1 S +1 P.
Actually I wonder if Chen's bonus applies to prototypes?
I could find you a quote from early game saying there was, but I guess it was one of those things that got quietly dropped.

...oh wait, did I say "could"? Did. So no, as long as there are people reading the thread from the beginning, there will never be a last goddamn time.

Enterprise also had Leaniss's and Nash's bonus on top of that for a while which made the ship a goddamn beast of a diplomatic shuttle.
Actually I wonder if Chen's bonus applies to prototypes?

Enterprise also had Leaniss's and Nash's bonus on top of that for a while which made the ship a goddamn beast of a diplomatic shuttle.

It never went down actually, because we hit Elite early on in Mrr'Shan's tour, plus she gives +1 P so it balances out. But yes, Enterprise is a diplomatic beast.
An Elite Excelsior-A is roughly equivalent to a green Amby, with the Amby having -2C +2D. At Blooded, the Amby is a superior ship in most respects and is probably roughly equal to the E-A in a fight (-1C +1H/L).

I suspect that we will come under some pressure to replace Excelsiors within 10 years of their widespread introduction.