Currently (subject to change until such time as Oneiros stamps the plans final), the Ambassador will be C8 and S8 or 9, while the Kepler currently has C2, S7. So both of these are valid as Gaeni Tech Doctrine vessels.
There is even a Federation Tech-Frigate design on the forum with C4,S4 (design created due to the effectiveness of mine warfare)

Assuming an S8 Ambassador, if there is a base shield-burn chance of 2%, then a Gaeni Ambassador operating under their Doctrine would have 10% chance of burn through!
In addition to all these I am really enamored with the concept of Yan-Ros Science Officer Hange. I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it earlier or I would have put her on the Atuin. Although maybe she'd be better off finding weird critters to study with Noran Sael!

It's way too early for any Yan-Ros to even be in Starfleet. They only became affiliates in 2313.Q3... less than two years ago! No Yan-Ros have even made it through the Academy yet.
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Captain's Log - 2315.Q2.M1
Captain's Log, USS Vigour, Stardate 25798.4

It is my solemn duty to inform Starfleet Command that we were unable to reach the stricken UES New York in time to prevent the loss of the ship. Every effort to rescue her crew was made, however the conditions were too perilous, and only three dozen souls were saved out of the crew of two hundred. Regrettably, opportunities were lost at various points. With my crew and the surviving command officers of the New York we are conducting a thorough review of what went wrong, and we will be submitting our report to Starfleet Tactical and UES Mission Forensics to aid future training.

[Lose 10pp, gain +1 Crew Rating, UESPA loses a Miranda-A to astrological hazards]


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25801.5 - Captain Chad Vol

A chance to assist operations in the LBZ - we are heading to Onos IV to collect an ambassadorial team to carry out the mission to the Laio. Personally, I relish the chance to make a different to this war, where I was there at the beginning, but since then have had to watch on from afar.


Staff Intelligence Officer's Log, Stardate 25802.2 - Commander Elizabeth Faring

We have been able to quietly insert a mixed team from Irregular Ops and Special Projects to join the embassy attaches. This will give us some flexibility on the ground, some protective power, and some good analysis power. The FDS already has a very solid network in place in Morshadd that the war, being concentrated as it was in the backyards of the Ixira and Kortennon, have not spoiled. So far we are managing very good cooperation there, and both sides are already pursuing the question of House Bene's rapid advances.


Captain's Log, USS Cloudburst, Stardate 25802.7

We have faint tachyon emissions headed out of Romulan space towards Arcadian space. We are currently working with the T'Mir and Oda-Gach-7 to see if we can isolate this source and identify it.


Flash Alert, Starfleet Intelligence
To: All Commands, All Stations

RSE and KE now in state of undeclared war. Fleet engagements at border ongoing.

Report status on receipt.


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25803.1

After arriving in Onos IV, the Ambassadors are now safely aboard. They are a jovial sort and are looking forward to including myself and the command staff in their negotiations with the Laio. The head ambassador is an Andorian man of very impressive physique, an expert in the Andorian martial arts. Not who I expected to see in the diplomatic service, but it does bring to mind a saying I heard once about running silent and double-dosing your photon torpedoes.


Staff Industrial Liaison's Log, Stardate 25803.3 - Tash sh'Petreth, Andorian Chamber of Industry

After completing the rush work on the upgraded sensor arrays and deflectors for the USS Courageous' repair and reift, the factories of the Shorc Xurth Resource Combine on Tellar are switching focus. They are being tasked to work with Starfleet Tactical as well as United Earth's MACOs and the Caitian armed forces to supply and replace equipment during the Gammon operations.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 25803.5 - Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan

The SS Mural is no tramp, it seems. The Honiani ship is in fact a joint Honiani-Yan Ros operation. Based on their own relationship with the Laio and their links to the Arcadians, they are on a mission to eliminate a particular mentat target. They are, however, being very close-lipped about who, what, and why.

After consulting with Commodore ka'Sharren, we have allowed them to head on their way, though with a warning to be careful about where they step.

[Chief of Staff NB: FDS blew a gasket over letting them go, but Ops is happy to back the Captain's judgement in this one]


Captain's Log, Little Queenship Iprimazzi, Stardate 25803.7

The Apiata-Amarkian summit was nearly brought unstuck when a sudden EM storm caused mayhem to ships in low orbit of Delzarr. Some manner of induction caused power loss on the station in orbit, as well as caused its orbit to degrade. No Starfleet vessel was in position to assist. Thankfully, the Iprimazzi was able to arrive in time and render aid.

[Lose -10pp, but Apiata avert strategic costs]


Task Group Commander's Log, Task Group 5.1, Stardate 25804.1 - Ms Alexia O'Conner

The Captain of the Kagutsuchi has finalised the last work required on the new Onos IV outpost, which is being placed in orbit in a position where it should be able to cover both the shipyard in orbit, adn the colony capital.

We are now headed back to Betzed to collect components for another outpost build. We are headed out to establish temporary orbital weapon platforms at Gammon, which will allow us to maintain system security, and support our liberation efforts on the planet surface.


Personal Log, Captain Vol Chad, Stardate 25804.5

Very little margin in it, but I can bench more than the Ambassador.

Fear not, Starfleet, your name has been upheld!


Captain's Log, USS Zephyr, Stardate 25804.9

The nascent Indorian colony world of Madrett was nearly lost when a plasma conduit failure on their terraforming equipment caused massive destruction and punctured their protective dome. Survivors of that dome spent days huddled in their homes, praying their vacuum seals held and that their individual emergency air units would last. Thankfully, our engineers crews were able to deploy and use a few work bees to reestablish dome integrity.

We assisted in protecting an innocent man accused of the accident, and helped bring to justice the truly negligent plant manager.

[Gain +10pp]


Ambassador's Log, Morshadd, Stardate 25805.2

House Bene is continuing to advance, drawing Minor Houses into its embrace. The estates of a Minor House who had defied them, House Gimble, were bombed just yesterday, and the surviving heir has fallen into line. Notably, this heir was sixth in line, but had House Bene links. Our new friends from Starfleet have investigated, and there is strong evidence that the bomb employed is not of Licori make.


Captain's Log, USS Cloudburst, Stardate 25805.5

We have just witnessed a meeting between a House Bene frigate and a Romulan Bird of Prey. It was too far to intercept communications without giving away our position. However, I can confirm that the Romulans is in contact with House Bene.

[Additional info]


Task Force Commander's Log, Task Force 3, Stardate 25805.8 - Rear Admiral T'Lorel

Passenger ships and re-purposed civilian ships have arrived in orbit from Amarkia, Ferasa, and Earth. I have spread my forces out in an effort to maintain proper observation of all forces on the planet. Although no atrocities are yet occurring on the ground, out discussions with the captured Anoxa base personnel have led us to believe that the House Kortennon security forces are capable of unacceptable reprisals against the civilian populace in the event of insurrection. I will be discussing this matter at length with the ground force staff.


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25805.9

A research ship belonging to an Ixiran mentat had been lying in wait along our path. However, Rear Admiral Ainsworth and the staff back at San Francisco were able to piece together a number of clues and discover its likely whereabouts. Their warning arrived just in time to shut off our warp engines, before a deeply destructive subspace instability field was created in our path. The mentat's ship has been disabled, and her crew apprehended. My ship's Counsellor and science officers will see what there is to learn about what happened.

[+5rp, +5pp, +25 with Laio]
[Ainsworth re-roll exhausted for 2315]


Ambassador's Log, Morshadd, Stardate 25806.3

After being forwarded the report of the USS Cloudburst on Romulan intervention, we are starting to push that angle more vigorously. Already we are uncovering signs that Romulan aid to House Bene has been substantial, and that without aid of their own, House Tartresis will fail to secure the throne. The implications of that are ... deeply unsettling.

Personally, I'm glad that the decision on this one will be above my paygrade.


Starfleet Academy Red Squadron Supervisor's Log, Stardate 25807.2

We believe we have narrowed down a list of possible systems for our unknown research facility. It has been tricky. If it isn't operating a proper cloak, it is operating something not functionally dissimilar. Still, we'll sniff it out and give you the full low-down.

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Ouch. I see what you mean about bad rolls. And why we needed Ainsworth's Explorer Corp reroll.

Romulans helping Bene, and the Romulon/Klingon war has begun.
Captain's Log, USS Cloudburst, Stardate 25802.7

We have faint tachyon emissions headed out of Romulan space towards Arcadian space. We are currently working with the T'Mir and Oda-Gach-7 to see if we can isolate this source and identify it.

Ambassador's Log, Morshadd, Stardate 25805.2

House Bene is continuing to advance, drawing Minor Houses into its embrace. The estates of a Minor House who had defied them, House Gimble, were bombed just yesterday, and the surviving heir has fallen into line. Notably, this heir was sixth in line, but had House Bene links. Our new friends from Starfleet have investigated, and there is strong evidence that the bomb employed is not of Licori make.

Captain's Log, USS Cloudburst, Stardate 25805.5

We have just witnessed a meeting between a House Bene frigate and a Romulan Bird of Prey. It was too far to intercept communications without giving away our position. However, I can confirm that the Romulans is in contact with House Bene.

[Additional info]

Ambassador's Log, Morshadd, Stardate 25806.3

After being forwarded the report of the USS Cloudburst on Romulan intervention, we are starting to push that angle more vigorously. Already we are uncovering signs that Romulan aid to House Bene has been substantial, and that without aid of their own, House Tartresis will fail to secure the throne. The implications of that are ... deeply unsettling.

Personally, I'm glad that the decision on this one will be above my paygrade.
Well shit. Now we either have to support the Tartresis or watch what remains of the Arcadian Empire becoming a Romulan client.
Flash Alert, Starfleet Intelligence
To: All Commands, All Stations

RSE and KE now in state of undeclared war. Fleet engagements at border ongoing.

Report status on receipt.

Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 25803.5 - Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan

The SS Mural is no tramp, it seems. The Honiani ship is in fact a joint Honiani-Yan Ros operation. Based on their own relationship with the Laio and their links to the Arcadians, they are on a mission to eliminate a particular mentat target. They are, however, being very close-lipped about who, what, and why.

After consulting with Commodore ka'Sharren, we have allowed them to head on their way, though with a warning to be careful about where they step.

[Chief of Staff NB: FDS blew a gasket over letting them go, but Ops is happy to back the Captain's judgement in this one]
Interesting. Hope this was not a mistake.
Playing the insurrectionist war isn't very klingon stlye.

Wasn't that literally one of their plots in a TOS episode? But I agree, too far away.

The question is if the Federation will want to:

1. Do nothing and allow the Romulans to support the Bene onto the throne
2. Back Tartresis for "balance"
3. Try to expose this and get into a smear campaign with both the Romulans and the Bene
That EC roll also put the Laio into affiliate range with the 25 gained. Need to see the next two quarters but it was good to see our suspicion confirmed. Can we act? Since the bomb was not Licori we may be able to, combined with maybe some blockades and anti cloaking searching and our Gaeni friends should be good at that.

Another veteran ship is good though losing a Miranda hurts even if it is it Starfleet. Also some of the rolls we are seeing due to the lack of ships to respond so once we can draw down that will help.
That EC roll also put the Laio into affiliate range with the 25 gained. Need to see the next two quarters but it was good to see our suspicion confirmed. Can we act? Since the bomb was not Licori we may be able to, combined with maybe some blockades and anti cloaking searching and our Gaeni friends should be good at that.

Another veteran ship is good though losing a Miranda hurts even if it is it Starfleet. Also some of the rolls we are seeing due to the lack of ships to respond so once we can draw down that will help.
We just won the military part of a war against them, and now we discover some mysterious aliens backing the strongest house running for emperor, which we incidentally don't like too much (I expect that is something that can be shown from how our diplomats were acting if your are Tal Shiar). I bet the TS would liket that gift horse.
To support the !Bene, we should openly and warmly support the Bene.
Wasn't that literally one of their plots in a TOS episode? But I agree, too far away.

The question is if the Federation will want to:

1. Do nothing and allow the Romulans to support the Bene onto the throne
2. Back Tartresis for "balance"
3. Try to expose this and get into a smear campaign with both the Romulans and the Bene

Linderly and Sulu, we need you guys again and now I really wished we had picked the option to boost our Intel teams this snakepit.
We have been able to quietly insert a mixed team from Irregular Ops and Special Projects to join the embassy attaches. This will give us some flexibility on the ground, some protective power, and some good analysis power. The FDS already has a very solid network in place in Morshadd that the war, being concentrated as it was in the backyards of the Ixira and Kortennon, have not spoiled. So far we are managing very good cooperation there, and both sides are already pursuing the question of House Bene's rapid advances.


And huh, so the Romulans were/are helping the Arcadians. I wasn't expecting that considering the short time frame since their discovery and the chaotic nature of the war as well as the fact that the Romulans should be focused on their own war (plus it feels a bit clichee that a) the intrigue faction is helped by the Roms and b)the noble house is so much better than anything else) but oh well. Will be interesting to see just what the federations/FDS/starfleet decides to make of this (and who will call the shots)... I mean having the Romulans install a friendly regime is far from perfect and yet I don't think our mandate does support open opposition to that (since the Bene would probably do just as good of a job of keeping the Mentats in check that that the Tarsensis would), especially with civil war being the likely result. Will be interesting to see if and what options there will be...

Otherwise this turn was not nearly as catastrophic as I expected...
I'm inclined to let the Romulans go ahead, personally. So long as the Licori abide by whatever peace terms we set, I don't care who they support. Besides, an autocratic empire isn't a good fit for the Federation, and there isn't going to be any political will to forcibly reform their government.
I'm inclined to let the Romulans go ahead, personally. So long as the Licori abide by whatever peace terms we set, I don't care who they support. Besides, an autocratic empire isn't a good fit for the Federation, and there isn't going to be any political will to forcibly reform their government.

The Licori know how to blow up stars if they get sufficiently close.

The Romulans have stealth vessels.

Bit of a dangerous combination.
The Licori know how to blow up stars if they get sufficiently close.

The Romulans have stealth vessels.

Bit of a dangerous combination.

The Romulans are starting to go to war with the Klingons. They aren't going to be bothering us for a long time. And it's not like we can stop them getting their hands on the Mentat making process or the device used to trigger stellar collapse, which is all they need.
Otherwise this turn was not nearly as catastrophic as I expected...

This was only the first month. Let's see what explodes in months 2 and 3.

I'm inclined to let the Romulans go ahead, personally. So long as the Licori abide by whatever peace terms we set, I don't care who they support. Besides, an autocratic empire isn't a good fit for the Federation, and there isn't going to be any political will to forcibly reform their government.

Having a Romulan client between us and the Ked Peddah may turn into quite a large issue ten years down the line. Not to mention @10ebbor10 's excellent point about an alliance between the masters of the cloak and the people who blow up stars.
The Federation went to war in reaction to the Licori having the ability to blow up stars. Imagine how the Council is going to react to the Romulans having the same capability.
The Federation went to war in reaction to the Licori having the ability to blow up stars. Imagine how the Council is going to react to the Romulans having the same capability.

Well, they mostly went to war for reckless experiments in everyone else's space that could have destroyed stars.
It's not like they had weaponised the technology at the point we started the war, or even now.
I think the best way to beat the Romulans at their cloak and dagger game is by not playing it at all.

The FDS should invite the Romulans, Bene, and Tartresis to a summit and work out some sort of treaty. We're not really opposed to a pro-Romulan regime for the Licori, as long as the star-destabilizing research is destroyed. The Bene will want to rise to power as smoothly as possible. The Tartresis will want to at least preserve their existing power. The Romulans really want their starkiller to fight the Klingons, but they might settle for other, less dangerous, Licori weapons if it means they don't have to commit forces to helping the Bene.
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