Again, if you'd gone with "gratuitously imply Baron Kortennon to be a pedo," we wouldn't be having a conversation about how to make that normal in the context of Licori society. If you'd gone with "he likes to mutilate his servants and make them limp and lurch around while he watches because he finds disabled people hilarious," we wouldn't be talking about how maybe there's a Licori tradition of the comedy of the disabled and that it's normally harmless but the Kortennons just abused it. If you'd gone with "imply him to be a Bluebeard type who marries women, kills them, and leaves them in a trophy room," we probably wouldn't be having a conversation about how to normalize that. It'd just be "the head of the house that has been explicitly advised as being gratuitously horrible is a horrible person with gratuitous vices, who knew?"