So the quantum torpedo was another Licori invention. I wonder if the Federation develops it independently in fifty years, or if some of Tarenda's notes turn up in a few decades.
The bulk of Tarenda's notes are on flammable, flammable paper in her quarters and lab, which were placed close to the torpedo room so that she wouldn't waste valuable minutes traveling back and forth. They are ash flecks. Plus, people with eidetic memory tend to keep
really freaking fragmentary notes.
She still had a hell of a lot of notes... but as noted, ash flecks.
I liked the cultural implications of Halhk's choice of targets. Both his assumption that the "noble" enemy admiral would be hiding aboard the less aggressive, less exposed capship while their peasants died for them, and his decision to target the battle bridge with his last quantum torpedo salvo. Most races would try to hit the deflector or torpedo bays, but to the brainpower-reliant Licori killing the enemy commander would seem like the best tactic.
Conveniently, the main deflector dish and battle bridge are in the same general part of the ship- the engineering hull.
Given the shape of the
Excelsior engineering hull, it's also fairly likely that Battle Bridge is relatively far forward within that part of the ship, too. After all, most of the engineering hull's volume is loaded towards the bow, not the stern, and since a large share of the volume towards the aft part of the engineering hull is necessarily occupied by the shuttlebay.
I will further note that there is little reason NOT to put an auxiliary bridge relatively far forward in the engineering hull, because the bare fact that said auxiliary bridge is in the engineering hull at all serves the main purpose- making it hard to knock out the ship's command and control in a single attack. After all, any attacker who is capable of targeting the main bridge (on top of the saucer) will be unable to target the front of the engineering hull. Because the saucer or the bulk of the engineering hull itself is in the way.
Halkh had an intended target- the general vicinity of the auxiliary bridge on an
Excelsior. However, he had no way of guaranteeing the weapon would actually hit that exact part of the target. By chance, his second torpedo (the one that mostly penetrated the shields) was right on target- or at least, hit what he wanted it to hit, since he himself may not have known exactly where to aim. But it could have been off by some considerable distance either way, without any great difficulty.
as it happens, the quantum torpedo hit the 'cheek' of the engineering hull and the bulk of the blast was channeled through into the vicinity of Battle Bridge. Where it took out a bunch of systems, some of them pretty important, but none of them crippling given that the ship wasn't being conned from Battle Bridge at the time.
And as it happens, the quantum torpedo strikes on
Liberty inflicted negligible damage to the deflector. This is a testament to the shock bracing on the
Excelsior-class main deflector, frankly.
However, if the torpedo(es) had impacted some tens of meters off in one direction or the other, they might well have caused massive damage to the deflector, instead of (or in addition to) destroying Battle Bridge. Or they could have hit Main Engineering and damaged or disabled the warp core. Or (for all I know) they could have, say, touched off an explosion in the aft torpedo magazine.
Halkh would have been quite happy with any of these outcomes, needless to say.
Quantum torpedoes hit
really freaking hard, and these are ships fifty years less advanced than the TNG-era designs that were already very vulnerable to quantum torpedo impacts. They just are not as durable, so even one hit has the potential to cause very widespread damage. Halkh couldn't target them in a pinpoint fashion- but then, he didn't need to.
Did Halhk die from the Enterprise's return salvo? I was kind of hoping to see his reaction when he realizes he attacked the wrong ship, due to the Starfleet commander being much more like himself and less like the Emperor.
Warmaster Halkh is completely fine, though his cabin got disintegrated.