[X][AMB] Conduct half-strength diplomatic push on Laio
[X][CON] Lobby to raise war support on Betazed (+2 war support per month for target)
[X][ENG] Commence outpost build at <Kappa Tau> (3 Months - apprx)
[X][IND] Prepare components for 3 Outposts (3 Months) - You have 3 in stock
[X][DOC] Begin researching anti-convoy techniques (+1 to attempts to engage convoys within Licori space, 4 months)

Oh, though without knowing how such an intra-subsector grid coordinate system works, that's not helpful - extrapolating from the current subsector grid coordinate system (higher number is coreward, higher lowercase letter is spinward), 9j could be top-left corner of a subsector. Now that you've clarified that it should be the bottom-right corner, it's the opposite of that within subsectors.

edit: typos
I think it's pretty clear what it means? Subsectors are fixed size so there is no reason to have the orgin in the center, the obvious thing to do is use a 10x10 grid, with letters (case insensitive) for the spin-tailward axis and numbers (positive) for the core-rimward axis. Letters therefore run from a to j, and numbers from 1 to 10 (or possibly 0 to 9). The orgin could be either the top left or the bottom left corner, but maps tend to use the top left corner and that's what I would expect.

Kahurangi's special ability is Diplomacy, after all. How many diplopushes did we do with her?
Technically, her special ability is "build stuff cheaply." The cheap diplomatic pushes weren't her doing.

I purpose we take Suvek's warp core gut the safeties, overload it, and then shove it down the crystal monsters throat. We do it right, we could probably hit it with something like a dimensional shear.

Then fall on it with like 3 Excellsiors, at least.

Really, its just shameful that our first loss of this war isn't even from enemy action, but rather from so hooped up space abomination.
We have reason to believe that the space abomination in question IS the result of enemy action, and indeed is a good example of EXACTLY why we started this war in the first place...
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 1755 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

Task: AMB

[X][AMB] Conduct half-strength diplomatic push on Laio
No. of Votes: 17

[X][AMB] Try to convince the Laio to stop or at least minimise their trade with the Arkadians for the duration of the war (for example by offering to replace it with trade to to the Federation or even a more direct bribe).
No. of Votes: 2

Task: CON

[X][CON] Lobby to raise war support on Betazed (+2 war support per month for target)
No. of Votes: 17

Task: DOC

[X][DOC] Begin researching anti-convoy techniques (+1 to attempts to engage convoys within Licori space, 4 months)
No. of Votes: 14

[X][DOC] Begin researching Border World Focus
No. of Votes: 3

Task: ENG

[X][ENG] Build listening post builds in Subsector C1 (5 Months - apprx)
No. of Votes: 7

[X][ENG] Commence outpost build at New Seoul (3 Months - apprx)
No. of Votes: 5

[X][ENG] Commence outpost build at <Kappa Tau> (3 Months - apprx)
No. of Votes: 5

[X][ENG] Build listening post builds in <LBZ> (5 Months - apprx)
No. of Votes: 2

Task: IND

[X][IND] Prepare components for 3 Outposts (3 Months) - You have 3 in stock
No. of Votes: 19

Total No. of Voters: 19
Omake - Harmony - Simon_Jester

Centaur-class Frigate Harmony
Costaun Patrol Arc
Stardate 25718

The Licori ship had ignored multiple hails. Their only reaction to a warning shot had been to open fire, even though they were outside effective weapons range. Mournfully, Captain Idrai gave the order.

<Take us in close.>

Shedding a storm of beam hits off its reinforced shields, the new-type frigate angled closer. Much closer. To what was, for the handful of grandmasters- such as Idrai himself- telepath range.

The crew of the Harmony had already taken home the championship, once, in fleet exercises, a reward for their mastery at the BDF's peculiar, psychoactive style of combat. And there was nothing in the Licori arsenal that prepared them for that.

Licori ships were crew-heavy compared to their counterparts. Dozens of specialist mentats' minds whirred and buzzed with mad energy to keep the ship in operation, to make it a fighting whole and not a passive mass of metal and power plants. Mentats were marvelous, brilliant, dizzying intellects, beautiful in a way no one but a telepath could ever know. They burned like supergiant stars, and like supergiants were so tragically short-lived.

But fast as mentats were, they could only work at the speed of thought itself. To a telepath, those mentats were blurs of numbers and shapes- but the key trigger thoughts were always there.

<Fifteen degrees left. Fire at mark plus two hundred milliseconds, anticipating an evasive turn to dorsal. Correct azimuth by forty-three milliradians.>

And Idrai, who had gently ordered his helsman aside- he had the experience, better his hands on the controls- saw it all. Every bit, in the moments before those radiant geniuses could act on their insights. A quick word to Bellaxa at Countermeasures aimed the Harmony's torpedo to match that fifteen degree turn. Just before 'mark' the Harmony began a roll and twitched to ventral, a howling burst of destructive energies ricocheting harmlessly off its shields. Another burst missed- it should have been forty-seven milliradians, after all.

He could never have done this against a Federation ship. Or a Klingon ship. Or any other ship. Most naval crews, his own crew included, didn't have to conceptualize every bit of what their machines did. Some of it was in the computers, invisible. Thoughts read, no matter how skillfully, were always incomplete. Did not contain a perfect, in toto image of exactly what they were about to do.

But this? If someone had suggested it to him as a training exercise, he'd have rejected it. Too easy. And- one other reason. He so very much hoped that reason would be avoided. He flinched in involuntary terror of what he feared was coming.

It came. The Licori ship's shields finally gave out, even under the pecking, desultory, but eerily accurate fire Harmony delivered. And praying to any god that would listen, Idrai and so many others of his crew projected, in the futile hope that even the brain-deaf could hear what they needed the crew of the Bold to hear. So desperately needed them to hear that.


They didn't listen.

For five long minutes, Countermeasures held fire, though the Bold, its defenses hopelessly breached, didn't return the favor. The Licori gunners were starting to realize what was happening, knowing with sick horror just how the Betazoid ship had so effortlessly evaded their every move. They weren't fools, even the regular crewmen that seemed so dim compared to the shining, ephemeral, alien beauty of the mentats.

They were adapting, adjusting. Burning out their own beam emitters, emitting broad-band shotgun blasts of force that he couldn't dodge. They wouldn't break his shields in any meaningful amount of time that way, and they knew it. They did it anyway, thinking they had to try.

Biting her lip, Bellaxa turned the key for a torpedo launch- set to proximity detonation, a few kilometers off their bow. A blue-white fireball flash-welded shut the covers of the Bold's torpedo tubes, melted their main targeting scanner. Shock shook the Licori ship even so. A life ended with a ghastly, sickly puff of unfinished thoughts, spiraling out of a ruined brain in a crushed skull. Another dying mind, who had seconds to know she was dying, from a broken neck.

Another torpedo detonated, astern of them, and warped outer plating drifted away from their starboard nacelle. Three more dead.

They kept firing. Damn their stubbornness! And- he made a spoken-voice warning to Engineering because of the other thing keeping them in the fight. That prospect was truly hair-raising.

Harmony opened fire with phasers, again and again, striking every part of the ship his crew could think of except the ones packed with crew. But there were so very, very few of those, and none of them were remotely essential. Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a Licori mind. Which meant they needed far more of those minds, in places anyone else would use only machines.

Scarred and scorched from the wash of gamma rays, smoke pouring from a dozen hull breaches that signaled hits on noncritical systems, Bold fought on, running on an implacable phalanx of grim determination. He sank his head, and Bellaxa read the thought from his mind, for all she didn't want to. A burst of phaser fire, at maximum power, sliced through the Bold's forward beam room, killing fifteen of the regular crew and the two mentats present for on-mount targeting.

Feeling the mentats die- he'd somehow been able to hold back the tears until then. No more.

Trembling, Bellaxa dialed her phasers back to burn out the frigate's aft weapons pods as Idrai brought the ship around. Without penetrating the hull armor. But the Tartresis ship was starting to come apart, now, overstressed by evasive maneuvers, with power to structural integrity fields ebbing. The beam overpenetrated.

More dead, a chorus of wailing, fading ghosts Idrai couldn't force himself not to count. He knew, somehow, that in his nightmares he'd remember their last thoughts, or the garbled scraps that hadn't had time to become thoughts for those lucky ones granted the quickest deaths. The crew of the Harmony were pounding on him, on each other, on the uncaring heavens-


Shaken, haggard, his breath shuddering, Idrai resolved to try again.

<Signals. Hail them. All frequencies. Just... hail them.>

The channel opened. He saw the green face of Sombré Boiys, captain of the frigate Bold, retainer to House Tartresis. The Licori's voice was even prouder than his mind. "I request no parley. The Bold may be damaged, but we have not asked for quarter-"

"Because of your navigation team's idea with the deflector dish! Yes, I know what they're doing, and why you haven't given up. And yes, it would have worked. If our engineers hadn't started modifications to our shields- ten minutes ago!"

Boiys' face betrayed nothing. Idrai could even tell that Boiys was trying not to think anything remotely related to his deflector dish. With something surprisingly close to success, given how proverbially impossible it was to not think of something on purpose.

"If you think we would-"

"Shut up. Just shut up. It's supposed to be polite to let the brain-deaf speak their side of a conversation. I. DON'T. CARE. I don't want to do any more killing! Captain Boiys, you're a good man. I can tell. Yes, I know what you said to her when you-" He saw the Tartresis captain's flinch at knowing that surface thought had been read. "That doesn't count. You are a good man. You don't want this war. Well, we don't either!"

Stiffly, able to stand no more, Boiys spoke through gritted teeth, with the grim laconic humor that Idrai now knew was a cherished Tartresis custom. "For a man who prates of his unwillingness to fight, you make an uncannily talented warrior, Captain."

"Just because we hate killing doesn't mean we don't know how to protect ourselves! Captain, I can read your fire control solutions out of your master gunners' minds. Every last detail. Also that your weapons are offline, except for the deflector dish. Which, yes, counts- I know what you can do with it. I know your helm maneuvers before you make them. I know your port structural integrity field is at twelve point seven percent, and that a torpedo hit forward of Frame Eighty would break your hull in half. Even if it didn't have a warhead."

Boiys remained- stiff. Trying to blank his mind, failing of course, at the realization of just how hopeless this battle really was.

"Everything you do or say, I will know before you do it. I could destroy your ship right now. I could have killed you already. If I were human, or Amarki, or gods help me even a Vulcan, I would have already done it! I beg you-" His voice faltered, and the tears streamed from his dark eyes- "beg you not to put the dying screams of four hundred and thirty-two souls on my conscience- and yes, I can count them from this range. Our system is defended. This sector is defended. Remember, so no one else has to die because of the madness and viciousness of the brain-deaf! Now go, and do not come back!"

And with sparking crackles of St. Elmo's fire sputtering from her exposed warp coils, arcing into space through the haze of vapor pouring into vacuum from her damaged hull, the Licori frigate turned, and did so, jumping up to a wavering, staggering Warp Four.

And the Licori did not come back to Betazed.

Not without that peculiarly effective delta-ray mind shield, later to become one of the hallmark technologies of the Licori War.
Last edited:
2315.Q1.M2.F1 - Arcadian Crisis
[X][AMB] Conduct half-strength diplomatic push on Laio
[X][CON] Lobby to raise war support on Betazed (+2 war support per month for target)
[X][DOC] Begin researching anti-convoy techniques (+1 to attempts to engage convoys within Licori space, 4 months)
[X][ENG] Build listening post builds in Subsector C1 (5 Months - apprx)
[X][IND] Prepare components for 3 Outposts (3 Months) - You have 3 in stock


Two bits of bad news have arrived from the LBZ. A Sandworm-class explorer from the Imperial House managed to jump the USS Hood. The ship was disabled in the fighting, however it was not destroyed, as the AIS Indefatigable withdrew as the Enterprise approached to rescue the Hood. Not too far away, contact has been lost with one of Commodore Thuir's ships. The USS Blizzard, from Task Force 1, was part of an effort to sweep some of the star systems in the area. All contact was lost as of yesterday, and Commodore Thuir is attempting to ascertain the fate of the ship.

In more positive news, two cargo ships bound for Laio were destroyed by the UES Yorkshire. Crew were removed after the ships were disabled, and will be interned for the duration. In addition, the convoy waystations that lead into the trade route from Gammon and Calamar have been removed, with only the Utracca waystation, which is the junction of the trade routes, remaining.

Task Force 6, the Gaeni force, has been pushed up to secure Kappa Tau system. It is believed this will be a crucial staging area for operating further into Arcadian space. Rear Admiral Eaton is hoping the potent sensors of the Gaeni ships will be able to help keep that vector into Federation space secure from infiltrators as well. At the same time, UES Liberty is preparing to take another task element into the Utracca system to defeat that waystation.

Beyond that, House Kortennon is making abortive sorties, sprinting out in various directions before sprinting back, trying to keep Rear Admiral T'Lorel's forces moving in either direction. This is keeping her forces dispersed, and may make it difficult to concentrate forces for local superiority. Together with Commodores Wev and zh'Darlyth, she is doing her best to keep her forces aligned properly. Despite this, Task Group 3.1 will attempt to push forward and occupy the House Kortennon research colony in the Ynnead system, in beween Clover and Gammon. This is also expected to force a reaction from House Kortennon's defensive fleets. If so, Task Group 3.2 will intervene.

[USS Hood disabled - 30br, 20sr, 12 months, 1 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 1 Technician lost]
[USS Blizzard as yet unknown]


State of Emergency, 2315.Q1.M2.F1 (Turn 9 of State of Emergency)

You are currently operating in a State of Emergency.

This entails an increased operational tempo and an increase to available assets.
These assets usually will require no additional resources from Starfleet, as you are directing the resources of a Federation that does not embrace money. Any additional requirements will be noted on the actions themselves. The most notable brake on your mobilisation of assets comes from their effect on the war support of the various member groups. You have already been provided control over a large fraction of fleet assets from the member worlds nearest the LBZ, but more can be requisitioned.

This State of Emergency will endure until such time as the cause of the crisis is resolved. In this case, until the Mentats of the Arcadian Empire no longer poses a threat to the Federation.



Current Assets:

Special Assets

Ret. Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi - Lobby Council on your behalf (Chance of random war support gains)

Fleet Units
Starfleet Line Starships
Starfleet Auxiliary Ships
1 Oberth from Vulcan
1 Oda-Gach from Rigel
1 Cargo Ship from Tellar

Recon Units
Vulcan Survey Corps - Assigned to Clover Outpost (+1 to Clover Outpost detecting ships)
Andorian Orbital Guard Runabouts - Assigned to Betazed (+1 to Rixx Defence Platform [Outpost] detecting ships)

Internal Diplomacy Teams
Federation Emergency Committee - Lobby to raise war support on Betazed (+2 war support per month for target)
Federation Diplomatic Service Consular Team 3 - Focus on increasing mobilisation (+10pt/mnth mobilisation rate)

External Diplomacy Teams
Federation Diplomatic Service Ambassadorial Team 4 - Conduct half-strength diplomatic push on Laio
UESPA Offworld Diplomacy Team - Convey a write-in request to <Ked Paddah> to begin coordinating war effort with Federation

Engineering Teams
UESPA Deep Space Engineering - Commence outpost build at <Onos IV> - ETC 2315.Q2.M1.F1
Starfleet Engineering Command - Rush Betazed Starbase Construction (2x Speed) - ETC 2315.Q1.M2.F1
Andorian Imperial Star Engineers - Build listening post builds in Subsector C1 (5 Months - apprx)

Heavy Industry Teams
Dhara Heavy Industry Park (Andor) - Prepare components for 2x1mt Repair Yard Berths (3 Months) - ETC 2315.Q1.M3.F1
Shorc Xurth Resource Combine (Tellar) - Rush Starship Construction for <Courageous>
East Asian Productivity Commission (UESPA) - Prepare components for 3 Outposts (3 Months) - You have 3 in stock

Doctrine Specialist
Retired Vice Admiral Heidi Eriksson - Begin developing developing countermeasures for fixed defences (improve minefield rolls) (6 months) - ETC 2315.Q3.M1.F1
Retired Vice Admiral Lachlan Ablett - Begin researching anti-convoy techniques (+1 to attempts to engage convoys within Licori space, 4 months)

The following units are available to be mobilised at relatively short notice. More options from each world will become available:

The Betazed Defence Forces are deeply worried about the ability of their Patrollers to handle this level of combat. After reviewing the battle logs from the BDS Harmony, a Starfleet designed Centaur-A, they believe that enhancements for the Patroller, of which there are two serving in the LBZ, are needed urgently. They have an idea for a complete replacement of the sensor suites and new shield emitters. However, they lack the facilities and infrastructure to make this happen at the right timeframe.
[ ][BETA] Provide 40rp and 10pp for Betazed to crash-develop a rapid upgrade package for the Patroller. [+2 S, +1L, 15br/15sr, can be developed in 3 months, 3 months to upgrade]
[ ][BETA] Decline

The following units are available to be mobilised at relatively short notice. More options from each world will become available:

[ ][WS] Please select up to a maximum of 20 war support of assets to mobilise from the start
(Please be aware of costs associated with assets)
Starfleet Reserve Personnel (20pt from Starfleet, +20 O/E/T for duration of SoE only, one-time)
Starfleet Engineering Command (5pt from Starfleet, to deploy will require 2 cargo ships and 2 freighters to be sourced from member worlds)
NB: This is the third and final pair of Engineering Ships from Starfleet Engineering, which will remove the ability to create facilities via Snakepit.

Federalise Fleet Units from <Member World> (5 cost for explorer, 2 cost for cruiser, 1 cost for frigate, paid against member world you are calling up fleet units from)
Federalise Auxiliary Units from <Member World> (3 cost for freighter, 2 cost for cargo ship, 3 cost for other auxiliary units)

Andorian Civil Service - Internal Diplomacy Team (20pt cost for Andor, gain Internal Diplomacy Team)
Earth Civil Service - Internal Diplomacy Team (20pt cost for Earth, gain Internal Diplomacy Team)

Starfleet Academy Red Squad Runabouts - Recon team (4 cost for Starfleet, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships)
Rigellian Customs Service Runabout Squadron 1 (6 Cost for Rigel, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships)

North America Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
Hargunn Arcrut Resource Combine - Heavy Industry (8 Cost to Tellar, gain Heavy Industry asset)
Cheleb-Kor Industrial Centre - Heavy Industry Team (8 Cost to Vulcan, gain Heavy Industry asset)
Morchell Arebb Complex - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Rigel, gain Heavy Industry asset)

Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
Hadad Pradesh Mond Engineering - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Rigel, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 2 Cargo Ships, 2 Freighters)
Calixx Reisu Engineering Corps - Engineering Team (8 Cost from Betazed, gain Engineering Team with 1 Engineering Ship, 1 Cargo Ship, 1 Freighter)

Generate Generic Heavy Industry from <Member World> (10 Cost to Member World, gain Heavy Industry asset)
Generate Generic Engineering Team from <Member World> (15 Cost to Member World, gain Engineering team)
Generate Generic Internal Diplomacy Team from <Member World> (10 Cost to Starfleet, 5 Cost to Member World, gain Internal Diplomacy Team)
Generate Generic External Diplomacy Team from <Member World> (10 Cost to Starfleet, 5 Cost to Member World, gain External Diplomacy Team)


Fleet Units

Fleet Units

Starships and other assets that you can use to supplement your forces, create new task forces, replace losses, or reinforce attacks.
Recon Units

Recon Units

Supplementary patrol units that you can attach to your starbases, outposts, and fleet units.
Internal Diplomacy

Internal Diplomacy

Assets that you can employ to help bolster links between member worlds, or shore up flagging support. They can also be used to increase the rate with which you are able to mobilise assets, though that may become a double-edged sword.
External Diplomacy

External Diplomacy

Assets that you can employ to conduct relations with other nearby powers, such as the Ked Paddah, the Honiani, the Laio, the Gaeni, and others.
Engineering Teams

Engineering Teams

Field deployable units consisting of Engineering Ships, construction crews, and the like. They are capable of conducting operations abroad in unsettled systems.
Heavy Industry

Heavy Industry

You need heavy industry to provide extra boosts to ship production, repair, to produce the components necessary for constructing stations, outposts, and starbases.
Doctrine Specialists

Doctrine Specialists

All doctrines are plans, and no plan survives first contact with the enemy. War is the most unforgiving task master, so you best learn what works and doesn't work quickly.


The Home Front

Current War Support:
Starfleet - 150pt
United Earth SPA - 125pt
Vulcan High Command - 53pt
Tellarite State Forces - 123pt
Betazed Defence Forces - 43pt
Rigel Defence Force - 103pt
Andorian Guard - 87pt
IT of Gaen - 145pt

NB: Starfleet's entry here is more to do with organisation-wide morale and depth.

War Weariness increases with:
Resource Requests
Economic Policy changes
Failing set objectives

War Support increases with:
Some victories
Achieving set objectives
Releasing resources

UESPA - 3 Dev, 2 Exp, 1 Pac, 1 Haw
VHC - 1 Dev, 5 Pac
TSF - 3 Dev, 1 Pac, 1 Haw
BDF - 2 Pac
RDF - 4 Merc


Current Economic Settings:
Starfleet - N/A
United Earth SPA - Early Mobilisation
Vulcan High Command - Peacetime
Tellarite State Force - Early Mobilisation
Betazed Defence Forces - Peacetime
Andorian Guard - Peacetime
Rigel Defence Force - Peacetime
IT of Gaen - Wartime Economy
Honiani - Peacetime
Laio - Peacetime

Levels of Mobilisation
Pacifist - 75% of normal income, 100% of normal build
Peacetime - 100% of normal income, 100% of normal build time, no stockpile opening
Early - 125% of normal income, -1Qtr build time, open 25% of stockpile
Limited - 150% of normal income, -2Qtr build time, open full stockpile
Wartime - 200% of normal income, -25% build time, post-war economic slump,
Total - 250% of normal income, -50% build time, post-war economic crash,

There are maximum time-frames that a wartime economy can be maintained without income dropping again.

UESPA has moved from 110/60/2/2.2/2.2 to 140/75/2.5/2.75/2.75 - gained 50/40 from stockpile
VHC has moved from 40/35/1/1.75/1.5 to 55/45/1.35/2.35/2
TSF has moved from 95/50/1.45/1.95/1.95 to 120/65/1.8/2.4/2.4 - gained 50/40 from stockpile

BDF has moved from 35/35/1.15/1.45/1.15 to 45/45/1.45/1.8/1.45

Tailward Theatre Command - Vice Admiral Viraan zh'Dohlen

Licori Border Zone Commanding Officer - Rear Admiral Victoria Eaton
-LBZ Auxiliary Task Force CO - Commodore T'Mina (promote)
-LBZ Executive Officer - Captain Ferath zh'Kylarrth
-LBZ Chief of Staff - Captain Rosalee McAdams
--Staff Personnel Officer - Commander Staik
--Staff Intelligence Officer - Commander Elizabeth Faring
--Staff Operations Officer - Commander Hayden Kennedy
--Staff Medical Officer - Commander Prshrr Marhar
--Staff Science Officer - Commander Krabad
--Staff Engineering Officer - Commander Gordon Laver
--Staff Industrial Liaison - Tash sh'Petreth (Andorian Chamber of Industry)
--Staff Diplomatic Liaison

-Clover Outpost Commander - Commander Ceisrud Ozei
--Vulcan Survey Corps

-Starfleet Intelligence Task Force - Captain Thren th'Panyth
--Intel Gathering
--- Office 25 (Other Field Desk) Detachment
--- Coreward Desk Detachment
--- Office 11 (Minor Powers Decryption) Detachment
--Special Security Ops Teams
--- Office 10 (Romulan Irregular Ops Team)
--- Office 19
--- Office 24
--Squadron 1, 2 Detachments (Runabouts + Shuttles)
-Andorian Orbital Guard Runabout Squadron

Task Force 1 CO - Commodore Michel Thuir
-Flag: USS Sarek
Task Force 2 CO - Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
-Flag: USS Enterprise

Task Force 3 CO - Rear Admiral T'Lorel
-Flag: USS Renaissance
-- Task Group 3.1 CO - Commodore Brufraogm Wev
---Flag: RDS Yagad-Tich
-- Task Group 3.2 CO - Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
---Flag: USS Endurance

Task Force 4 CO - Commodore Iorin Grann (promote)
-Flag: Thirishar

-Task Force 5
--Task Group 5.1 CO - Ms Alexia O'Conner, UESPA Deep Space Engineering
--- Flag: UES Kagutsuchi, Engineering Ship

-- Task Group 5.2 CO Starfleet Engineering Command
--- Flag: USS Anvil, Engineering Ship

-- Task Group 5.3 CO Andorian Imperial Star Engineers
--- Flag: Engineering Ship Ikaryth

-Task Force 6 CO - Naval Supervisor Anak Hadd-Banad
-- Flag: IGS Hadd-Mal, Gaeni Tech-Cruiser

Sol Sector Command - Rear Admiral
-Rixx Defence Platform [Betazed Outpost] - Commander Pirala Narax
--Andorian Orbital Guard Runabouts

Rear Admiral Victoria Eaton
Current Posting: Commander, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Brufraogm Wev
Current Posting: Commander, Task Group 3.1, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
Current Posting: Commander, Task Group 3.2, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 3, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Michel Thuir
Current Posting: Operations Officer, Starfleet Tactical Field Command
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 2, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Captain Rosalee McAdams
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore T'Mina
Current Posting: Commander, Auxiliary Task Force, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Iorin Grann
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 4, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium

Captain Ferath zh'Kylarrth
Current Posting: Executive Officer, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: High
Politics: High

Tailward Theatre, Vice Admiral Viraan zh'Dohlen
Sol Sector
Rigel Sector
Vulcan Sector
Andor Sector
Klingon Border Zone
Romulan Border Zone
Licori Border Zone

-Task Force 1, Commodore Michel Thuir
USS Sarek, Excelsior-class, NCC-2004 - Captain Straak
USS Excelsior, Excelsior-class, NCC-2000 - Captain Yamada Ichigo
USS Lexington, Constitution-B-class, NCC-1741 - Captain Winslow
TSS Krinuk, Constitution-B-class, NCC-1750
USS Blizzard, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2108 - Captain Senok
USS Lightning, Centaur-A-class, NCC- 2105 - Captain Khrerg bak Arguk
UES Calgary, Miranda-A-class, NCC-1903 - Captain Tan Ming
USS Torbriel, Oberth-class, NCC-1511 - Captain Diego Zaardmani

-Task Force 2, Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
USS Enterprise, Excelsior-class, NCC-1701-B - Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan
UES Liberty, Excelsior-class, NCC-2017 - Captain Olesya Sokolov
USS Hood, Constitution-B-class, NCC-1742 - Captain Angela Curtis
USS Winterwind, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2104 - Captain Abigail Taggart
UES Shanghai, Miranda-A-class, NCC-1904 - Captain Gao Yang
UES Yorkshire, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2109 - Captain Angus Connelly
USS Hawking, Oberth-class, NCC-1509 - Captain Bruce Ponting
2 Tellarite Miranda-As

-Task Force 3, Rear Admiral T'Lorel
USS Renaissance, Renaissance-class, NCC-2601 - Captain Larai Leaniss
--Task Group 3.1, Commodore Brufraogem Wev
RDS Yagad-Tich, Megatortoise-class, NCC-2901 - Captain Irdask
RDS Hadabat, Turtleship-class, NCC-2903 - Captain Rumo
RDS Monsad, Turtleship-class, NCC-2904 - Captain Caagid
BDS Radlawxa, Patrol Cruiser-class, NCC-2501 - Captain Viamelo Gru
RDS Oda-Gach-3, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3005
USS Svai, Miranda-class, NCC-1658 - Captain T'Atring
1 Tellarite Miranda-A
--Task Group 3.2, Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
USS Endurance, Excelsior-class, NCC-2007 - Captain Pavel Chekov
RDS Pagatat, Turtleship-class, NCC-2907 - Captain Zukeik
UES Jupiter, Constellation-class, NCC-1813 - Captain Roberta Sherman
USS Calypso, Miranda-class, NCC-1632 - Captain Tomiq zh'Pohren
USS Thunderhead, Miranda-class, NCC-1656 - Captain Amos Bao
USS Inspire, Oberth-class, NCC-1510 - Captain Amelia Currie
1 Tellarite Constellation

-Task Force 4, Commodore Iorinn Grann
USS Thirishar, Excelsior-class, NCC-2011 - Captain Norkair ch'Gharist
USS Gale, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2106 - Captain Gorth th'Hashok
BDS Harmony, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2120 - Captain Eneram Idrai
BDS Astute, Patroller-class, NCC-2507
BDS Assist, Patroller-class, NCC-2508
RDS Oda-Gach-4, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3006
RDS Oda-Gach-5, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3007
RDS Oda-Gach-7, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3008
USS T'Mir, Oberth-class, NCC-1507
1 Vulcan Oberth

-Auxiliary Force
1 Tellarite Cargo Ships
2 Andorian Cargo Ships
1 Vulcan Cargo Ship
2 Human Cargo Ships
1 Human Freighter
1 Betazoid Cargo Ship

-Research Attachment
1 Vulcan Civilian Research Cruiser

-Task Force 5
--Task Group 5.1 CO - Ms Alexia O'Conner, UESPA Deep Space Engineering
--- UES Kagutsuchi, Engineering Ship
--- UES Norn, Engineering Ship
--- 3 UES Cargo Ships
--- UES Freighter
-- Task Force 5.2 CO Starfleet Engineering Command
--- USS Anvil, Engineering Ship
--- USS Hearth, Engineering Ship
--- 2 Tellarite Cargo Ships
--- 1 Tellarite Freighter
--- 1 Andorian Freighter
-- Task Force 5.3 CO Andorian Imperial Star Engineers
--- Engineering Ship Ikaryth
--- Engineering Ship Laniska
--- 2 Andorian Cargo Ships
--- 2 Andorian Freighters

-Task Force 6, Naval Supervisor Anak Hadd-Banad
--IGS Hadd-Mal, Gaeni Tech-Cruiser, Senior Naval Specialist Kant Tarkoia-Mal
--IGS Pall-Keat, Gaeni Tech-Cruiser
--IGS Tar-Anat, Gaeni Tech-Cruiser
--IGS Akad-Noa, Gaeni Tech-Cruiser
--IGS Fadath-Toir, Gaeni Tech-Frigate, Mid-Senior Naval Specialist Loia Maladd-Toir
--IGS Hidik-Daya, Gaeni Tech-Frigate
--IGS Nuoth-Far, Gaeni Tech-Frigate

Illuminated Technocracy of Gaen

Recon Units

Inid Uttar Institute (Runabouts + Research Cruiser) - Assigned to Gaen
Nitta Oian Institute (Runabouts + Research Cruiser) - Assigned to Thunti

External Diplomacy Teams
Technocracy Interstellar Ministry - Attempting to demonstrate the difference between Gaeni science and Mentat science to the Ked Paddah

Internal Diplomacy Teams
Central Technocracy Council - Increasing Asset Mobilisation
Chamber of Commerce Council - Run Internal Recruiting Campaigns - +2 O/ +2 E/ +2T

Engineering Teams
Henn-Makad Engineering Institute (1 Engineer, 1 Super-Freighter, 1 Freighter, 2 Cargo) - Thunti II Minelaying, 1 Depth, .4 Density, Strength 65, Stealth 8 - ETC 2315.Q2.M2.F2

Heavy Industry Teams
North Apada Industrial Council - Accelerating Tech-Cruiser Build in [Gaen Man. Coop Bay 1]
Thunti Industrial Council - Building Components for 2x1.5mt repair bays (will complete by 2315.Q2.M1)
South Nadaia Industrial Council - Accelerating Tech-Frigate Build in [Colonial Yard 1 Bay 1]

Doctrine Teams
Kedaia Naar Institute - Developing Anti-Licori techniques (will gain +1% at 2315.Q1.M3)

Gaen Central Technocracy Logistics Network
(Income 90/100)
Hubs - Gaen (30/20), Thunti (10/10)
Sources - = 50br 70sr 20rp
Targets - 5 minor colonies
Industry -
Destination -

Total for Feeder Network -
Source - 90s 50b
Minors - 40s 20b
Route Penalty = 1.1
Total x Route Penalty = 143s 77b
Per Bi-Monthly = 24s 13b
1 Freighter, 3 Cargo Ship Assigned

Total for Trunk Network -
Homeworld + 1 Major Worlds = 20s 10b
Route Penalty = 1
Per Bi-Monthly = 4s 2b
1 Cargo Ship Assigned

Total for Industry Network -
90br/100sr = 20s 18b
Route Penalty = 1
Per Bi-Monthly = 4s 3b
1 Freighter Assigned

Fleet Support -
6 Cruisers = 6s
7 Frigate = 4s
15 Auxiliary = 15s
Total = 25s
4 Cargo Ships Assigned

2 Freighters, 8 Cargo Ships assigned to networks
1 Super-Freighters, 3 Freighters, 9 Cargo Ships free for other tasks
Under 50% capacity - no strain
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With the upgrade the statline of their patrollers would be C 2 S 3 H 1 L 3 P 2 D 2 and they have 6 of them. Not sure it's worth it, they would only come online in half a year and would take up berth space that could be used for repairs instead. Also the rp cost is high enough to carry a risk of not being able to activate all teams, and will definitely eliminate boost opportunities.

[X][BETA] Decline

[X] [WS] Plan Engineers
-[X] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
-[X] Hadad Pradesh Mond Engineering - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Rigel, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 2 Cargo Ships, 2 Freighters)

We still have parts for 2 outposts in stock and are building more. One heavy industry team can support 3 engineering teams, and we are also using engineering teams for things that don't require industry support.
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With the upgrade the statline of their patrollers would be C 2 S 3 H 1 L 3 P 2 D 2 and they have 6 of them. Not sure it's worth it, they would only come online in half a year and would take up berth space that could be used for repairs instead. Also the rp cost is high enough to carry a risk of not being able to activate all teams, and will definitely eliminate boost opportunities.
Just to add in some relevant information regarding berths for repairs, Patrollers are 400kt, and Betazed has 2x500kt berths open.
Technology does evolve in times of war but can they really create mind shield that fast or effective? I find its a bit farfetched even with mentats burning their mind out.
The crew of the Enterprise were able to whip up an improvised version of something similar, on the fly, in a matter of no more than hours. All the mind shield in question would need to do is create enough 'fuzz' or 'static' that exceptionally gifted telepaths can't read precise exact course changes and fire control solutions out of the crew's brains in real time. It doesn't even need to stop telepathy, just blur it a bit.

[Assuming that's even possible- it would be a reasonable and consistent position to say that this cannot be done and that the whole omake is a noncanon impossibility]

...This is the Star Trek setting and their racial hat is invention.

We should probably be very glad they haven't got deflector dishes.
They already got deflector dishes. Its written in the omake.
Well, I could be wrong about that.

It's just that I thought deflector dishes or some other equivalent shipboard system were a necessary part of Star Trek FTL drive systems- the reason the Federation puts them on just about everything is because it has to, not because of some preference of their own.
So, missing a Frigate and a Cruiser out of action for a year. And we haven't even had a fleet encounter yet.

War. War is hell.
@OneirosTheWriter , is there intended to be two or more choices on the BETA option? I don't see one. I'd expect one, even if only a "Do Nothing" choice that someone might inexplicably select for some reason.
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[X] [WS] Plan Engineers
[x][BETA] Provide 40rp and 10pp for Betazed to crash-develop a rapid upgrade package for the Patroller. [+2 S, +1L, 15br/15sr, can be developed in 3 months, 3 months to upgrade]

Somewhat amusing that Enterprise's rep alone is enough to make a Licori capital ship run rather than finish off a Connie-B. It's not like they've actually tangled with Enterprise or Excelsiors period yet.
[X] [WS] Plan Engineers
[X][BETA] Provide 40rp and 10pp for Betazed to crash-develop a rapid upgrade package for the Patroller. [+2 S, +1L, 15br/15sr, can be developed in 3 months, 3 months to upgrade]


[Inarticulate snarling Connieprotectivenoises]

[Licori flee]

Somewhat amusing that Enterprise's rep alone is enough to make a Licori capital ship run rather than finish off a Connie-B. It's not like they've actually tangled with Enterprise or Excelsiors period yet.
I strongly suspect that the Licori explorers are physically no larger than an Excelsior, maybe smaller, and the Licori ship probably sustained at least light battle damage (shield depletion it hadn't had time to recharge, if nothing else).

Regardless of any weight attached to the Name...

Given that the Licori only have two such ships, it would be unwise for one of their heavies to seek battle against an Excelsior under unfavorable circumstances. Even a stock Excelsior with a green crew might well be more than one of these 'Sandworms' can handle after having to duel a ConnieBee into submission.
Okay we started the year with 253 RP and 183 PP. We need 232 RP to keep all teams going
We spent 15 RP and 15 PP in the MWCO.
We gained 15 PP and 5 RP in the first captain log so we are now at 243 RP and 183 PP. If we do provide the support for the Betazed that ends any RP expenditures in future months as we will be 29 RP short of what we need to keep all our teams active.
Honestly, I'd be willing to sacrifice a year's progress on four techs for the boost the the Betazoid fleet for the duration of this war, given just how bad the results of the Licori pulling a T'Mir on us would be.
Okay we started the year with 253 RP and 183 PP. We need 232 RP to keep all teams going
We spent 15 RP and 15 PP in the MWCO.
We gained 15 PP and 5 RP in the first captain log so we are now at 243 RP and 183 PP. If we do provide the support for the Betazed that ends any RP expenditures in future months as we will be 29 RP short of what we need to keep all our teams active.
If we don't provide the support at least the Betazoids will be unhappy. Really unhappy. As in "the Federation drags us into an unnecessary war and Starfleet doesn't help" unhappy.