So I'm not that opposed to building an outpost of Onos IV, or perhaps New Seoul, which is nearly as close to Morshadd. But didn't we want to build more forward outposts to catch mentats before hit such major worlds?

Right, this might be ambitious, but since war has been declared, and our fleets are free to move out and canvas the area... I propose building an outpost at Kappa Tau instead. That's far forward and definitely within a week of travel time to most Licori worlds - a perfect staging area, or raid bait.

As for unassigning the FDS Consular Team, I'm kinda ambivalent on, but I'll go with it. The "Lobby to raise war support on <Member> (+2 war support per month for target)" option that internal diplomacy teams has is kinda meh, and "Reassure <Member World> (Chance to reduce support lost from combat or mobilisation)" is hard to target. Still, 20/mo mobilization is still decent enough to keep getting an engineering team and heavy industry team per month.

The rest, I'm fine with the bandwagon. If we get another engineering team, I'll be tempted to have two work on a Gaen starbase (one to start it, and one to speed construction of it ala the Betazed starbase) later.

[X][UNASSIGN] Federation Diplomatic Service Consular Team 3
[X][LADY] Lobby Council on your behalf (Chance of random war support gains)
[X][AMB] Convey a write-in request to <Ked Paddah> to begin coordinating war effort with Federation
[X][ENG] Commence outpost build at <Kappa Tau> (3 Months - apprx)
[X][IND] Rush Starship Construction for <Courageous>
[X][DOC] Begin developing developing countermeasures for fixed defences (improve minefield rolls) (6 months)
OH, shit, the Licori are going to try something, it is going to backfire and we are going to have a mirror universe episode?
That would be a way to really mess with everyone, wouldn't it?

the war will be considered a failure if it takes longer than a year.
Wait, when did the game master assign a specific time limit? I don't remember reading that!

I think the listening posts on the flight path provide better overall detection and
It would appear that nobody is safe from Linderly's black marker.

...And then she dies.
"As they say on distant Terra, the rumors of my demise were greatly exaggerated."

*cue dramatic reveal*

Okay Q your racism is just getting annoying ok

Humans do not run the Federation we're doing this because a cat wanted to. Geeze.
Q's racism has been grating since TNG's first episode. I'm looking forward to watching people call the Continuum out on their nonsense.

And if Q is looking for lively discussion, the tellarites who form the core of the Development Party (and thus, the war effort) will be more than happy to oblige!

[X][UNASSIGN] Federation Diplomatic Service Consular Team 3

[X][LADY] Lobby Council on your behalf (Chance of random war support gains)

[X][AMB] Conduct half-strength diplomatic push on <Ked Paddah>

[X][ENG] Commence outpost build at <Ked Paddah> (3 Months - apprx)

[X][IND] Prepare components for 1x3mt Repair Yard Berth (5 Months)

[X][DOC] Begin developing new patrol doctrines to gain +1 to intercepting ships at the patrol phase (3 months)
Wait, when did the game master assign a specific time limit? I don't remember reading that!

It was part of the post on actions that would cause war support to severely nose dive.

I don't remember what else was on the list, but taking over a year and losing more than two Excelsior's worth of crew are bits that stuck with me.

So we have to resolve it quickly, and without heavy losses.
Wait, when did the game master assign a specific time limit? I don't remember reading that!

This post right here.

For context, the first Arcadian crisis post said this.

In addition to yesterday's ultimatum, today brings with it an announcement that a State of Emergency is coming into effect. This two was a contested vote, illustrating an alarming lack of unity within the Council, which is particularly concerning as dissenting Councillors are concentrated in some of the regions most vulnerable to mentat harm, casting some doubt as to the severity of the threat. Starfleet will be under considerable pressure to avoid a lengthy or bloody campaign, or they may see support evaporate.

I asked:

4. Can you provide more clarity on what would constitute "a lengthy or bloody campaign"?

The reply:
4. If it lasts longer than a year, or you go through 30+ units of crew casualties, those would be my rules of thumb at the moment. So don't lose a pair of Excelsiors with all hands and you'll be fine.

So please keep this in mind everyone. If the war lasts more than a year, we may see our war support "evaporate". Plan accordingly.
[X][UNASSIGN] Federation Diplomatic Service Consular Team 3
[X][LADY] Lobby Council on your behalf (Chance of random war support gains)
[X][AMB] Convey a write-in request to <Ked Paddah> to begin coordinating war effort with Federation
[X][ENG] Commence outpost build at <Onos IV> (3 Months - apprx)
[X][IND] Rush Starship Construction for <Courageous>
[X][DOC] Begin developing developing countermeasures for fixed defences (improve minefield rolls) (6 months)
Q's racism has been grating since TNG's first episode. I'm looking forward to watching people call the Continuum out on their nonsense.

And if Q is looking for lively discussion, the tellarites who form the core of the Development Party (and thus, the war effort) will be more than happy to oblige!
Yeah, I would actually very much like to see that. Q calls Thuir out on something in front of his staff and one of them talks back to her about it.

Then again, Q's already appeared as an (Orion) Universal Empress to shame President Oyana into more action.

For all we know, Q's going to appear as Old Long-Ears and start trolling President N'Gir too.

Or Hulthrak the Disconcerting, she who you try to argue with but who just keeps getting weirder-looking and more uncanny until you can't remember what you were going to say, and start trolling the Tellarites.
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This Q sure likes making things ...exciting.

Wouldn't surprise me if Q instigated this whole mess somehow.
I, too, am irked by Q laying this at humanity's feet when the two people most responsible on he Federation side of things are a Caitian president and her Andorian cabinet member.

As others have said, she may be personalizing her message for Thuir. But even then, I'd expect Thuir himself to call her on this.
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And when of our four task force commanders who will actually lead fleets into battle against the Licori in their own person, we have... an Earthling, a Vulcan, an Andorian, and a Tellarite.

This literally could not be more representative of Federation diversity if we tried. No two task forces are commanded by people of the same species.
And when of our four task force commanders who will actually lead fleets into battle against the Licori in their own person, we have... an Earthling, a Vulcan, an Andorian, and a Tellarite.

This literally could not be more representative of Federation diversity if we tried. No two task forces are commanded by people of the same species.


Granted, if the Q who appeared to Oyana is not the same as Qute, it may be that they each have a very narrow focus. Though I did intend them to be the same when I wrote that omake, I'm not the QM.

With the last Captain's Log for the year done, I have a preliminary 2314 EOY tally. Preliminary, since the year isn't done yet (GBZ and rat race might change things?) and for any possible errors. And it's best to share this early instead of having a bunch of rounds of corrections after the official tally is posted :redface:

- Starting off with EOY 2313 (where there are inconsistencies there, using the more detailed info as official source) + last year's academy steering committee changes
- No PP penalty from Syndicate anymore \o/
- Crew replenishment of casualties can be delayed up to relaunch of repaired ship to avoid going into crew deficit this year without issue (expected crew deficit of 1.95 officers due to Q3 battles, and Republic which lost officers finished repairs exactly at EOY, so ostensibly right after annual crew income)

Casualties (in Starfleet-led operations and incidents)
Standard Starfleet: O-2 E-1 T-1
Explorer Corps: O-0 E-0 T-0
Amarki: O-0 E-1 T-2
Apiata: O-0 E-1 T-1

Resource Stockpile
BR/yr: 795 + 35 = 830
SR/yr: 570 + 40 = 610
PP/yr: 97 + 39 = 136
RP/yr: 156 + 34 = 190
BR: 1323 - 1005 + 75 90 + 830 = 1223 1238
SR: 603 - 710 + 145 + 610 = 648
PP: 193 - 291 + 145 + 136 = 183
RP: 200 - 232 + 95 + 190 = 253

Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet:
O/yr: 11.7 + 2.5 = 14.2
E/yr: 16.15 + 1.5 = 17.65
T/yr: 17.05 + 1.5 = 18.55
O: 21.05 - 23 + 0 + 14.2 = 12.25
E: 27.6 - 20 + 0 + 17.65 = 25.25
T: 20.1 - 20 + 0 + 18.55 = 18.65
Explorer Corps:
O/yr: 3.25 + 0.25 = 3.5
E/yr: 2.95 + 0 = 2.95
T/yr: 2.95 - 0.25 = 2.7
O: 6.75 - 6 + 0 + 3.5 = 4.25
E: 8.6 - 5 + 0 + 2.95 = 6.55
T: 9.55 - 5 + 0 + 2.7 = 7.25

Details in audit ledger spreadsheet: ToBoldlyGo Audit

edit: Fixed 15br not being counted due to being a hyperlink in the spreadsheet

Also, I've noticed we may be missing an SR bonus from the 2314.Q2.M2 Captain's Log:
The USS Nicholas Barton has finished its survey of the 8 Baker system and found some woznium deposits. We are dispatching two cargo ships with the newly arrived USS Exeter to collect these valuable resources.
There's no resource bonus entry here. Woznium is used in warp core reaction chambers and has historically contributed to SR in TBG.
The Somak has finished prospecting around 31 Miele, and discovered a number of recoverable resource deposits. The Apiata have finished prospecting their first system in subsector 1g, the 25 Dorsata system. However it appears to be of little value, and they are moving on to the next site.
[Gain +10sr]
There is this entry at the end of the update, but it's apparently referring to resources found at 31 Miele by Somak, rather than resources found at 8 Baker by Nicholas Barton. And br/sr bonuses are guaranteed to be at least 10br and/or 10sr each due to our mineral technology, so this 10sr should only be referring to one of them.

I've also noticed much earlier that we're actually missing 20sr from 2313.Q1.M3 Captain's Log:
locates: 15br, 20sr, which is pending collection
Somehow the 2313 EOY tally does seem to include that 15br but not the 20sr, so the br tally ended up being correct but the sr tally isn't. So maybe this can be "corrected" by including 20sr for the 8 Baker resource collection? ;)
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[Sits down, intending to finish Chapter Three of Devas and Asuras]

[Sits up, quite a while later, realizing that he accidentally wrote most of Worf's chapter of Dreams]


There's honestly a fairly high chance that we've butterflied Worf away, or at least a Human raised Worf.
Worf exists across multiple timelines, remember?

Everyone exists in multiple timelines. That does not mean that they exist in all timelines. Worf was shifting between those timelines in which he did, in fact, exist.

Worf was the product of a very particular set of political circumstances between the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans, and and in the TBG timeline we've already changed those circumstances quite significantly. Even if Worf is born in this timeline (which isn't certain), he's not going to end up in Starfleet, or even on Earth.

EDIT: actually, it would have been cool if that episode had also shown some timelines where Worf was never orphaned, and instead of a starfleet lieutenant he's Lord Worf of the House of Mogh.
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[checks thread again, shrugs]

Well, I've already written most of the story whether it's been butterflied into irrelevance or not. And I've been known to hew a gory path through the butterflies in fiction, if I think it'll make a good story.

Besides, we know the Klingons and the Romulans will fight at least once, it's more than likely they'll fight again (or at least skirmish), and the fundamental underlying requirement for Worf as we know him to exist is that a Federation ship rescues survivors from a Klingon colony attacked by Romulans, some time in the mid-2340s. I see no reason to assume that won't wind up happening again.

Yes, but that was an emergent AI that formed within the computer and had nothing to do with whatever the fuck Enterprise-tan is. From her perspective that would be...I dunno...cancer?

"Any resemblances between me, my sometimes wayward computer core, whatever the heck happens on the holodeck, and/or Yeoman Rand are purely coincidental... Orrrr something going on that I don't understand."

[purses lips, looking more than a little confused]

Alternate timeline ... perhaps the spirit of Enterprise reaches across several possible timelines?
If she exists in the TBG timeline, I can't think of a reason for her to not exist in other timelines.

If she's a figment of the imagination in the TBG timeline, I can't think of a reason for her to be anything else in other timelines.
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some time in the mid-2340s

That might be a bit late, though. For the war that seems to be about to kick off, at any rate.
"Any resemblances between me, my sometimes wayward computer core, whatever the heck happens on the holodeck, and/or Yeoman Rand are purely coincidental... Orrrr something going on that I don't understand."

[purses lips, looking more than a little confused]
I suppose that's another interpretation of how Dreams could occur: an emergent intelligence in the computer core interacting subconsciously with the dreams of various crew members – à la GCU Grey Area, except in a less ... ethically dubious manner.
Perhaps each Enterprise's computer is, out of tradition, spun up from the latest backup of the previous one. Recollections of early Enterprises would then have to be (constructed?) false memories, though.
[X][UNASSIGN] Federation Diplomatic Service Consular Team 3
[X][LADY] Lobby Council on your behalf (Chance of random war support gains)
[X][AMB] Convey a write-in request to <Ked Paddah> to begin coordinating war effort with Federation

[X][IND] Rush Starship Construction for <Courageous>
[X][DOC] Begin developing developing countermeasures for fixed defences (improve minefield rolls) (6 months)

Not certain how to vote on the engineering team...
Edit: I would have voted to start with detection, then move on the the fixed defences for doctrine, but that already takes us 9 months in to a war soft capped to 12.
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