Threw together my own shot at an SoE-requesting plan. I'm open to revisions from other people who are thinking along similar lines.
[X][OPS] Reorganise Starfleet Operations (10pp)
[X][ADVICE] If this is to be war, take the war seriously.
-[X] Madam President, I fully understand and appreciate your concerns regarding the Licori. Given the scientific techniques available to their Mentats, they could indeed be an existential threat to the entire Federation, if desperate enough to actively weaponize those abilities. Indeed, that particular point, coupled with the damage they have done to us by accident, seems to be the entire justification for this proposed war.
-[X] Even so, consider the military situation from the Licori perspective. To date, the Arcadian Empire has only been at war with the Ked Paddah, who are their peers, in terms of military strength. Even the addition of the Gaeni to that war does not tip the situation too far against the Arcadians. But if we join that war, then we force the Emperor's hand; we put the Licori in a situation in which they cannot win by conventional means, and must employ their scientific superweapons against us in order to stand any chance of prevailing.
-[X] As such, it is the position of Starfleet that a war with the Licori is expected to develop into a crisis as threatening as that posed by the Ulith III Biophage. Even if we consider only their known capabilities, the Licori have the technology to destroy stars. The same techiques which created the star collapse that crippled the Courageous could, if used on an older and larger star, be used to trigger a supernova which could depopulate the bulk of the Federation... and it would only take them a single ship to do so.
-[X] Against such a threat, the only sane response is to declare a State of Emergency, and it is my intetnion to do so should war be declared. While such a move may seem premature when facing a wholly unknown threat, what we know of Licori capabilities demands nothing less. If we are to go to war with them, we must take them seriously, and that will demand every resource the Federation can throw at the problem. The full diplomatic, military, industrial, and scientific capabilities of the Federation will be needed to handle problems ranging from coordination of allied forces, to battlefield repairs, to countermeasures against star-destroying weaponry.
-[X] If you find yourself unwilling to commit to such measures, then I strongly advise you to reconsider your position on this war. Perhaps a diplomatic solution may yet be found which would allow the Arcadain Emperor to save face. Perhaps the current war might smoulder on without the invocation of Licori superweapons, in the absence of our own presence to force their hand. Perhaps the Romulans might be convinced to intervene. But what we must not do is send in just enough firepower to seriously threaten the Licori, without enough backing to deal with the consequences of the apocalypic forces they will invoke to avoid defeat at our hands.