So we have 243 pp available.
Some guesses about available choices (Science Academy was unlocked after changing recruitment priorities towards techs so hopefully the same will be the case for officers, and a 3mt berth shipyard for 25pp seems to be the default for new major members), but this looks pretty promising:
[] [COUNCIL] Plan Education, Preemtive Diplomacy and Industrial Expansion
-[] Request Academy Development, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-[] Request Science Academy Development, 15pp (Gain +1 Techs throughput)
-[] Request Officer Academy Development, 15pp (Gain +1 Officer throughput) [?]
-[] Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 20pp [pure medical, possible background: split Starfleet Medical Command research into two divisions, Medical Equipment (existing team) and Experimental Treatments (new team)]
-[] Request Mining Colony at Ulen Gao VII, 8pp (? turns, gain +20 (25) br/year)
-[] Request Mining Colony at Peco Sigma, 8pp (? turns, gain +10 (20) sr/year)
-[] Request Mining Colony at Castor IV-2, 8pp (? turns, gain +20 (30) sr/year)
-[] Request Mining Colony at Proxima Eridani, 8pp (? turns, gain +15 (20) br/year)
-[] Request new Starbase I [Betazed] (15+12) * 0.75 = 20.25pp
-[] Request new Shipyard at Betazed, 20pp (8 turns, 2 1mt Berths)
-[] Request new Shipyard at Apinae , 25pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth) [?]
-[] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp [Gretarians]
-[] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp [Yrillians]
-[] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp [Ittick-ka]
35 + 15 + 15 + 20 + 4*8 +20.25 + 20 + 25 + 3* 20 = 242.25 pp
A new medical team at skill 3 would get us T'Koren sickbays within 2 years, and requesting a pure medical team probably allows it to start at a higher level as we have seen last year. We are unlikely to want to take both teams off medical, so lacking a second specialization would be a pretty manageable downside.
4 mining colonies are likely the max due to only 4 colony ships being free, which makes it important to request that many to avoid building up a backlog. Also pp and rp for them starting this year.
An UP expansion makes more sense next year when it would allow us to make both berths to sync up with the schedules of existing berths (the 3mt berth after 3 quarters of idle time), Apinae makes sense as forward repair base, and Betazed is cheap and comes with synced berths automatically.
Pushes selected to keep currently technically unaligned powers from falling (deeper) into the Cardassian sphere of influence.