Of course that's just combat ships. They have freighters and cargo ships and passengers ships, etc. being built as well.

That would mean we've had two ships named Enterprise blow up, which would be sad.
Or decommed. Also Stargazer's not going to be back for at least 40 years. 20 years out, minimum, and they're not going to be running at anywhere near full speed for the return trip.
Or decommed. Also Stargazer's not going to be back for at least 40 years. 20 years out, minimum, and they're not going to be running at anywhere near full speed for the return trip.

As I recall, game posts told us the plan is for 20 years out, 4 years back, 24 years total. (Because an Excelsior cruising alone moves a lot faster than the whole Kadeshi fleet.)

Decommissioning seems unlikely... Excelsiors are one ship type we're confident of having around through TNG era.
2 Mirandas under refit and a Centaur-A under construction for UE so not that much actually.

All told between the 10 member worlds they have 12 ships under construction and 8 under refit

Still makes 4 Explorers, 1 Cruiser and 7 Escorts under going work in just one system.

And (if BriefVoice's build sheet stay true), come 2314Q2 it will become 3 Explorers, 5 Cruisers + the UE builds + 1 empty 3MT berth (being held for Ambassador prototype). Now that should scare any theoretical Cardassian/Klingon/Romulon observers.
And what do we do when it's Patricia Chen's turn for a promotion?

Probably cry a little bit, but also have less of an issue with crew.

On an entirely unrelated note, when we start decommissioning outdated models, are we planning to relegate them to a boneyard, sell them to member world fleets, or a combination? Would the member worlds even want some of those outdated designs at that point?
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I suspect we'll get a significant mechanical bonus to production with her as admiral. Chen is our first 'hand-raised' admiral candidate, or will be eventually; we got a chance to direct her career and we chose to direct it through shipbuilding by putting her in charge of Utopia Planitia after she got done running the Explorer Corps. Consequently, that became the focus of her talents, and her special benefits as admiral will likely reflect that. Just like Sousa's special talents are political, and Kahurangi's (most apparent) special talent appears to have related to things like diplomatic pushes.
I suspect we'll get a significant mechanical bonus to production with her as admiral. Chen is our first 'hand-raised' admiral candidate, or will be eventually; we got a chance to direct her career and we chose to direct it through shipbuilding by putting her in charge of Utopia Planitia after she got done running the Explorer Corps. Consequently, that became the focus of her talents, and her special benefits as admiral will likely reflect that. Just like Sousa's special talents are political, and Kahurangi's (most apparent) special talent appears to have related to things like diplomatic pushes.

Not that I would object to Chen as our incumbent admiral, far from it in fact, but weren't we banking on Sulu for our next? Or are we assuming the five year (ish) terms and allowing him to stew?

Personally I'd like Nash to be a hand raised candidate at some point in the future, if only to watch the entertaining fallout.
Probably cry a little bit, but also have less of an issue with crew.

On an entirely unrelated note, when we start decommissioning outdated models, are we planning to relegate them to a boneyard, sell them to member world fleets, or a combination? Would the member worlds even want some of those outdated designs at that point?

That will probably vary from model to model. After all, the Andorians are already asking for our Constellations - we just don't have the spare hulls to give them up yet.
Not that I would object to Chen as our incumbent admiral, far from it in fact, but weren't we banking on Sulu for our next? Or are we assuming the five year (ish) terms and allowing him to stew?

Personally I'd like Nash to be a hand raised candidate at some point in the future, if only to watch the entertaining fallout.
Personally, I'd like to have Sulu for a term first.

Sulu's getting old. Chen is younger - she can wait.

Besides, Sousa's crisis was the Syndicate. Sulu's will be the GBZ, and the skirmishing to come. Chen gets to rebuild. With any luck, her new bonus will kick in in time for Ambassador Wave 1, or another massive wave.
Starship Construction-
Looking at this we may want to put the San Fran Fleetyards on Starship Durability, if I calculated that right it will finish in 3 years with 1 boost (we get +2 from one of our admirals so it gives 10 points a turn) and that unlocks SIF and warp core ejection now, plus individual techs that help, like the one that reduces combat loss from damage, the one the decreases chance of warp core breach and escape pods to reduce crew lost on destroyed ship. ONA will then take 5 years for 2320 construction technique or 6 for lightweight frames. San Fran would be 5 or 6 for lightweight frames with no way to figure out which as it depends on where inspirations fall. ONA though would take 3 to 4 with no way to know which for Durability.
Both SFFY and ONA will take 4 years for Durability without boosts (assuming ch'Vohlet stays in office for at least another 4 years), but SFFY will finish either Lightwheight Frames (6 vs 7) or Construction Techniques (4 vs 5) a year faster than ONA (used my script to calculate times). SFFY would allow a boost to accelerate Durability while ONA would need at least 2, but we aren't exactly short of boost opportunities, even if we had unlimited rp we still can only do 5 a year so I'd rather use those elsewhere, particularly when the other assignment straight up saves a year.

As for techs for the Kepler, I'm reasonably sure techs that say [required for T Y part X] rather than [unlocks T Y part X] only unlock any parts when all of the requirements are met. That's what SSS suggested when Oneiros asked about what should unlock labs in the ship design thread, and if they each unlocked different versions it would say something like [unlocks some of the T Y part Xs] or [unlocks variant Z TY part X], and in fact it does say that under Automated Ship Systems.

That means we are a minimum of 6 years away from L2 Labs, more plausibly 8 as that will only require 2 boosts as opposed to 5. There are a number of If we get a medical team next snake pit as I will lobby for if the rp outlook is good we will also unlock T3 sickbays and if we go for geological survey sensors T3 labs.

So this is roughly what we could expect for the core parts from making those choices and waiting ~8 years:

T1 -> T3 Labs
T1 -> T2/T3 Sickbays
T1 -> T2 LR Sensors
T2 -> T3/T4 SR Sensors
No -> T3 Survey Sensors
T2 -> T3 Navigational Sensors? (only one requirement listed)

This is a selection of the less essential parts we could expect:

T1 -> T2 Nav deflectors
T2 -> T3 OS
T2 -> T3 Shields (or T3 Nav deflectors)
T0 -> T1 Recreation
T1 -> T2 Diplomacy (if we choose so, definitely not an obvious choice given the alternatives)
T1 -> T2 SIF
T1 -> T2 Nacelles
T1 -> T2 Phasers
T2 -> T3 Impulse engines
T2 -> T3 EPS
T2 -> T3 Frames
T1 -> T3 Ops Sub-Frames
No -> T3 High-Automation Variant Sub-Frames
T1 -> T2 Other Sub-Frames

So the improvement is better than a single tier in many places, and at least a tier just about everywhere (warp cores and computer cores are probably also possible but I didn't calc it out and it would require sacrifices elsewhere).
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@AlphaDelta, do bear in mind that Sousa is likely to remain admiral for another three or four years, maybe even a bit more, unless something ghastly happens. By the time she's replaced, the Gabriel Expanse conflict may well have reached resolution one way or the other.

Not that I would object to Chen as our incumbent admiral, far from it in fact, but weren't we banking on Sulu for our next? Or are we assuming the five year (ish) terms and allowing him to stew?
Sulu's old, Chen's young, and Chen has even less seniority in grade than Sulu did. And you'll note that Sulu wasn't available as a normal option when Kahurangi stepped down, due to lack of seniority in grade.

With Erikson retiring (somewhat unexpectedly), if Sousa were replaced in late 2316 the list would look roughly like:

[ ] Vice Admiral Lachlan Ablett
Human Male, 70,
Time in Rank, 19 Years

[ ] Vice Admiral Rinias ch'Vohlet
Andorian Chan, 65,
Time in Rank, 11 Years

[ ] Vice Admiral Hikaru Sulu
Human Male, 79,
Time in Rank, 8 Years

[ ] Vice Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
Andorian Chan, 70,
Time in Rank, 5 Years

[ ] Vice Admiral Patricia Chen
Human Female, 59,
Time in Rank, 4 Years

Any new vice admirals we create (e.g. Heidi Erikson's replacement) won't be available for the slot by that time.

I may be off a year, but that's about it. Ablett may be formally out of the running due to sheer age; he'd have been on 'sabbatical' for almost a decade. I think there's a distinct possibility of ch'Tharvasse retiring in the near future. For obvious reasons I wouldn't actually be surprised if Sulu does although I half expect him to stay around until he falls over dead or superannuates out of the 'admiral' slot, one or the other.

However, assuming no more retirements in the top slots over the next four years or so (as any replacements we put in those spots won't be eligible for promotions)...

Basically, Sousa's retirement is probably our "use it or lose it" time for Admiral Sulu. Chen will almost certainly be hanging around at vice admiral for at least another five years, because she reached that rank at such a young age and is so good at her job that I suspect she must be enjoying it.

I'm afraid that ch'Tharvasse and ch'Vohlet are probably also nearing their "use it or lose it" times, unfortunately- ch'Vohlet because of time in grade, and ch'Tharvasse because of age. They may be out of the running as admiral simply because they're both competing with Sulu for the next slot; if he retired before our next chance to pick an admiral, after shedding a tear I'd probably support one of those two candidates over Chen.
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I suspect we'll get a significant mechanical bonus to production with her as admiral. Chen is our first 'hand-raised' admiral candidate, or will be eventually; we got a chance to direct her career and we chose to direct it through shipbuilding by putting her in charge of Utopia Planitia after she got done running the Explorer Corps. Consequently, that became the focus of her talents, and her special benefits as admiral will likely reflect that. Just like Sousa's special talents are political, and Kahurangi's (most apparent) special talent appears to have related to things like diplomatic pushes.

Kahurangi's special talent was explicitly that she got a political will discount on building shipyards and starbases and mining colonies- big industrial stuff.
This list is entirely independent of what ships we want to design.

High Importance:
T2 Torpedoes (excellent OH weight savings, improved stats)
T2 Light Computers (weight savings on small ships)
T2 Heavy Computers (weight savings on large ships)
T2 Diplomacy (large improvement in the heavy version)
T1 Rec (large improvement)
T2 Sickbay (allows small sickbays, fair increase)
T3 Shields (very large improvement)

T3 SR Sensors (improvement in the heavy version)
T3 Computers (stat increase)
T3 Hull (small stat increase but any stat on the hull is very important)
T2 SIF (small stat increase but any stat on the hull is very important)
T2 Deflector (small improvement)
T2 Light Nacelles (weight savings)
Larger Explorer frames (more kilotons)

Low Importance:
T2 Phasers (marginal improvement)
T2 LR Sensors (improvement offset by weight gain)
T2 OS (marginal improvement)
T2 Heavy Nacelles (small improvement)
T3 Coolant (marginal improvement)
All Frames except larger Explorer (marginal improvement)
All Subframes (marginal improvement)

Not Statted (extrapolated priority):
Survey Sensors (?)
Specialist Subframes (?)
T2 Medium Nacelles (? hard to predict)
T1 Replication Packages (High: normally a large improvement)
T3 Heavy Lab (High: normally a fair improvement)
T3 Nav Sensors (Med: normally a small improvement)
T2 Impulse (Med: normally a fair improvement)
T2 Fuel Storage (Med: normally a fair improvement)
T3 Warp Cores (Med: normally a fair improvement)
T2 Med and Light Labs (Low: usually difficult to use anyway)
T3 TCU (Low: normally marginal improvement)
T3 M/AM Injectors (Low: small improvement)
T3 EPS Systems (Low: small improvement)
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High Importance:
T2 Torpedoes (excellent OH weight savings, improved stats)

Low Importance:
T2 Phasers (marginal improvement)
This is reasonable for the parts themselves (though two levels of difference seems a bit much), and I know that you weren't directly commenting on the research priorities with this, but to clarify why phaser research is currently favored, it unlocks penetrating nadions with the shield burnthrough chance bonus that's even more important with the new combat system since there are many attacks (virtually guaranteeing some of them will trigger shield burnthrough), lots of shield regen happening in between, and all hull damage proportionally reduces combat capacity.
This is reasonable for the parts themselves (though two levels of difference seems a bit much), and I know that you weren't directly commenting on the research priorities with this, but to clarify why phaser research is currently favored, it unlocks penetrating nadions with the shield burnthrough chance bonus that's even more important with the new combat system since there are many attacks (virtually guaranteeing some of them will trigger shield burnthrough), lots of shield regen happening in between, and all hull damage proportionally reduces combat capacity.

I am all for all the special things that lurk in the tech tree, I'm just commenting on the parts specifically.
Pretty clear winners in all categories.

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 1288 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.9
[X] Plan All The Ships.
No. of Votes: 2
[x] Plan Mines and Engines
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: CARD
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
No. of Votes: 15
Leila Hann
Iron Wolf
[X][CARD] Cardassian Shipbuilding Report
No. of Votes: 9
Random Member
Void Stalker
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report
No. of Votes: 1
Alastor Mobius Toth

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: ROM
[X][ROM] Romulan Daljerra Cruiser Report
No. of Votes: 24
Alastor Mobius Toth
Iron Wolf
Leila Hann
Random Member
Void Stalker
[X][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: REPORT
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to
No. of Votes: 22
Iron Wolf
Leila Hann
Random Member
Void Stalker
[X][REPORT] Yrillian Fleet Strength Report
No. of Votes: 19
Alastor Mobius Toth
Iron Wolf
Random Member
Void Stalker
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Pick a faction to gain an estimate of fleet strength in the GBZ - Cardassians
No. of Votes: 18
Iron Wolf
Leila Hann
Random Member
Void Stalker
[X][REPORT] Sydraxian Tactics Report (2% combat bonus vs this fleet for 12months)
No. of Votes: 7
Leila Hann
[X][REPORT] Ship Analysis Report: Kalindrax
No. of Votes: 3
[X][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
No. of Votes: 3
Alastor Mobius Toth
[X][REPORT] Sotaw Diplomatic Posture Report
No. of Votes: 1
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to (Cardassians)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Pick a faction to gain an estimate of fleet strength in the GBZ
No. of Votes: 1
[X][REPORT] Syndraxian Tactics Report (2% combat bonus vs this fleet for 12months)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][REPORT] Sydraxian Tactics Report
No. of Votes: 1
Alastor Mobius Toth

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: APIATA
[X][APIATA] Intazzi Team - Grand Hive R&D
No. of Votes: 22
Iron Wolf
Leila Hann
Pyro Hawk
Random Member
Void Stalker

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: INDORIA
[X][INDORIA] All Pyllix Geological Institute
No. of Votes: 17
Iron Wolf
Pyro Hawk
Random Member
Void Stalker
[X][INDORIA] Craftsman Guild Projects Department
No. of Votes: 5
Leila Hann
Total No. of Voters: 29
Currently writing Ainsworth's requisition request, and Seruk's shortlisting for Vice Admiral Eriksson's replacement. If you have any particular Rear Admiral's you especially want to put forward to the position, lemme know before I finish the listing.
Starfleet Shipyard Operations Vice Admiral Patricia Chen (Parallel builds go faster)
Chief of Staff, Commodore Trinnarv Xursh
San Francisco Fleet Yards, Rear Admrial Maynard Banks
40 Eridani A Shipyard, Rear Admiral Vinan
Tellar Prime Shipyard, Commodore Lofap Poll
Andor Shipyard, Commodore -
Utopia Planitia Shipyard Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
Just looking through our admirals and a bit confused, does Chen have two posts?
Hm. Not sure Harriman has enough seniority in grade. T'Faer almost certainly doesn't unless I'm misreading the charts. zh'Dohlen's been running the Explorer Corps for a while now and doing a pretty good job, she could maybe be bumped up to it if she's got time in grade. Again, that is not a certainty.

You know what?

Uhura might actually make a good choice!

Granted, she's doing a great job on the anti-Syndicate task force, but she's had that job for like three years. And she's got two very good subordinates with considerable seniority in grade. T'Lorel or Eaton could easily be promoted to fill her shoes, while someone new takes over either the small Starfleet space task force (Eaton's job) or the ground operations (T'Lorel's).

So yeah, I'm going to recommend that Uhura be considered for the promotion. She's definitely qualified to organize and run our operations, she's proven she can handle both deep space operations (during the 'Wild West' phase of our struggle with Cardassia back in the middle of the last decade) and all manner of bureaucratic, diplomatic, and political complexity (heading our anti-Syndicate effort).'


Basically, we've had a pattern going for most of the Kahurangi admiralty and rolling over into the Sousa admiralty.

Whenever we have a problem that can be solved by flinging one spaceship at it, we send Nash.

When we have a problem that needs all the spaceships, we send Uhura.
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