Herald of the Titans
- Location
- Celestial Planetarium
Understood. I'm not going to keep kvetching about this, it's simply a point I wanted to make, that we shouldn't go from "the Cardassians never used cloaks in canon" to "therefore, they won't use them here."
The way I figure it, there's a 'period of maximum danger' defined by the question "If the Cardassians really did learn some significant things from their time in possession of Chang's combat cloak, how long would it probably take them to design a reverse-engineered version?"
My gut feeling is that if they're going to be successful in such an undertaking, it would take them something like 5-10 years from the time they got a good look at the cloaking device themselves to the time they duplicated it. If they haven't accomplished the goal by that time, then it seems more likely that they ran into fundamental theoretical or practical issues and gave up. Or that they simply never really tried to reverse-engineer the combat cloak in the first place. Maybe for fear of damaging it somehow.
Another way of looking at it is: If the Cardassians DID start a "research cloaking" tech right around the time they obtained the combat cloak, when would they finish it? My best guess is "about five to ten years after they started it." Which means we're arguably entering that period of maximum danger right now. If the Cardassians don't seem to have cloaking devices in 2320, I'll be a lot more comfortable in predicting they never will. But we're moving into exactly the time window when they might try refitting ships with cloaking devices and using them to deniably harass us.
I think we'll get some notice in advance if the Cardassians are developing a cloak. They'll either have to design a whole new ship or refit, or start adding modules to their ships. We should be able to detect either of those by having Intelligence focus on their ship buildup.
It also helps that Chang's device was blackboxed to suck a degree that the Syndicate didn't make any progress towards reverse engineering it in all those years they had it. Learning anything from it will take a while.
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