[Chief of Staff Note: This was forwarded on to us by Illuminated Technocracy representatives]
Inspector's Preliminary Report, Gaen Continent 1 Non-Vocational Regulatory Body, 0330 hours
Deceased: Cheg, Huth blacsh, Captain, Starfleet [Non-Gaen - Please Forward Report to Diplomatic Assets], Abat-Narkoa Larkaim, Senior Researcher, Pallas Abat Institute - Believed Instigator of Scientific Misadventure [Also deceased]
Cause of Death: Scientific Misadventure
Locality: North-5 Avenue Alcoholic Petty-Institute, Argaen City, Continent 1
After attending the scene and overseeing the mopping of the last components of Larkaim and Blasch from the overhead vents, this Inspector began to review Petty-Institute surveillance footage and was able to determine the course of events. Things were seemingly quick amicable between Captain Cheg and Senior Researcher Larkaim. Although we do not know exactly what led to the impromptu experiment, beyond the assertion from Captain Blasch that something was impossible, which was heard by a number of survivors, immediately thereafter Senior Researcher Larkaim passed the Captain his alcoholic beverage and produced a small magnetically stabilised capsule that apparently contained a sub-nanogram quantity of antimatter that was then dropped into the beverage glass.
[Chief of Staff Note: I will have Starfleet Operations send out another reminder of the dangers of shore leave on planets that do not commonly use synthehol]