If you want to encourage more diverse officers in the Captain's Panel, write Omakes with compelling and interesting characters who are command path: Tiberius Kahurangi 2328 or so!
This is actually the most important part, lol.

I may not give much in the way of omake rewards, but all characters brought up get added to the character database, and every Rat Race turn I trawl over it. You can get the satisfaction of watching the character you launch make their way up the ranks year-by-year!
This is actually the most important part, lol.

I may not give much in the way of omake rewards, but all characters brought up get added to the character database, and every Rat Race turn I trawl over it. You can get the satisfaction of watching the character you launch make their way up the ranks year-by-year!
BTW, where is the character DB?
My names-are-hard strategy bites me in the butt.
I know they feel like cheating but the random name generators on the internet can be a good starting point, in that your names will sound consistent. Sometimes I've made a random name and then gone back and completely changed it because just looking at it inspired me to come up with something :V
I know they feel like cheating but the random name generators on the internet can be a good starting point, in that your names will sound consistent. Sometimes I've made a random name and then gone back and completely changed it because just looking at it inspired me to come up with something :V

I jest. I've actually avoided names for any characters for thematic reasons. I'm writing about people who would essentially be extras or even merely inferred in the TBG television series.
This is actually the most important part, lol.

I may not give much in the way of omake rewards, but all characters brought up get added to the character database, and every Rat Race turn I trawl over it. You can get the satisfaction of watching the character you launch make their way up the ranks year-by-year!
I have not seen Captain Solaire yet tough, is it because he is an expy?
We should see if we can't get Straak a small science vessel of his very own, and give T'Rinta the Sarek in his place.

Make everyone happy!
I wonder if it would be possible to get him to lead a geology research team, or similar?

Sometimes I've made a random name and then gone back and completely changed it because just looking at it inspired me to come up with something :V
I do similar with naming video game characters, when there's no default (e.g. In the rare MMO that I might play); usually I add a syllable or two to what's given.
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You can get the satisfaction of watching the character you launch make their way up the ranks year-by-year!

...or die trying like poor Captain Huth blasch Cheg!

Still, death by Gaeni misadventure can't be that ignominious :V

[Chief of Staff Note: This was forwarded on to us by Illuminated Technocracy representatives]
Inspector's Preliminary Report, Gaen Continent 1 Non-Vocational Regulatory Body, 0330 hours

Deceased: Cheg, Huth blacsh, Captain, Starfleet [Non-Gaen - Please Forward Report to Diplomatic Assets], Abat-Narkoa Larkaim, Senior Researcher, Pallas Abat Institute - Believed Instigator of Scientific Misadventure [Also deceased]
Cause of Death: Scientific Misadventure
Locality: North-5 Avenue Alcoholic Petty-Institute, Argaen City, Continent 1

After attending the scene and overseeing the mopping of the last components of Larkaim and Blasch from the overhead vents, this Inspector began to review Petty-Institute surveillance footage and was able to determine the course of events. Things were seemingly quick amicable between Captain Cheg and Senior Researcher Larkaim. Although we do not know exactly what led to the impromptu experiment, beyond the assertion from Captain Blasch that something was impossible, which was heard by a number of survivors, immediately thereafter Senior Researcher Larkaim passed the Captain his alcoholic beverage and produced a small magnetically stabilised capsule that apparently contained a sub-nanogram quantity of antimatter that was then dropped into the beverage glass.

[Chief of Staff Note: I will have Starfleet Operations send out another reminder of the dangers of shore leave on planets that do not commonly use synthehol]
Oh bloody hell, I only just noticed that Cheg was one of @Simon_Jester's, not one of mine. Ummm.

This is true.

Saavik was promoted to captain at the beginning of her 5 year, so she may have a few more years before she is bumped up.
Yes, but that doesn't in and of itself mean she stays on an explorer. She could be transferred to a staff position, for instance. Although her bonus is actually pretty good; it's like having Nash bonus to pull out of your hat when you really need it, on the events most likely to nail your ship. It's up there with Mrr'shan's bonus, really.
I'm inclined to vote against second Five Year Missions on general principle. The fleet has grown, and we need more good officers in top spots, and more good officers gaining the seasoning that only a Five Year Mission can provide.
I'd vote against second 5YM on the principle that More 5YM Captains = More (developed) named characters!
I keep meaning to write about a Gaeni and Indorian rooming at Starfleet Academy, but then I run into the fact that I can't write dialogue and my prose is so purple the Romans would use it to dye their clothes.
We already did. He first sat down in the captain's chair in 2306.

I'm inclined to vote against second Five Year Missions on general principle. The fleet has grown, and we need more good officers in top spots, and more good officers gaining the seasoning that only a Five Year Mission can provide.
My own feeling is that we should have about one captain on their second five year mission at a time, out of the whole fleet, if we think there's anyone out of the current crop of captains who's suitable. For moments like the one we now face on Celos, where depth of experience dealing with the capital-W Weird comes in handy.

On the other hand, of our current first-time Explorer Corps captains... Saavik has occasional moments that are just fun, McAdams is likable but should probably move up after all this time, and Mrr'shan... we'll see.
We already did. He first sat down in the captain's chair in 2306.

My own feeling is that we should have about one captain on their second five year mission at a time, out of the whole fleet, if we think there's anyone out of the current crop of captains who's suitable. For moments like the one we now face on Celos, where depth of experience dealing with the capital-W Weird comes in handy.

On the other hand, of our current first-time Explorer Corps captains... Saavik has occasional moments that are just fun, McAdams is likable but should probably move up after all this time, and Mrr'shan... we'll see.
I say either Saavik or McAdams.

I want Leaniss to get the Enterprise, so Mrr'shan is out.
If Leaniss comes up for command in 2313 or 2314 when we have new Explorer Corps Excelsiors coming ready, will you want her to wait for Enterprise to be available?

McAdams, well, she's charming but she's getting on in years; it may be time for her to settle down a bit.