I'm of two minds on the Dawiar. On the one hand, we have the Yrillian example. Even though affiliation was blocked, getting them above 100 "opened lines of communication" and was presumably valuable in and of itself. Similar might be valuable with the Dawiar. On the other hand, why destabilize a stable situation? The Dawiar might be Cardassian clients, but I doubt they're pouring in as many resources as some of the other client races. They have too much leverage to be forced into a bad deal.
If we didn't have so much going on right now I'd favor trying to push the Dawiar over 100. My reason for opposing it is that I'm not sure we have the resources to exploit the opportunities that would open up. Whereas we do have the resources to do that with the Yrillians, because we've made it a priority to amass fleet assets "out Sydraxia way."

having to put up with shit like [AKuz's schemy plan] for the last century or so is why the federation doesn't really see the Cardassians as an existential threat.
That's half the answer.

The other half is that we've also been putting up with the Klingons for the last century or so, who were basically doing all the same things the Cardassians have been for the past decade, only in a more badass fashion, and with more apostrophes.

Maybe we can do that. We have options to do it. We probably have spies in the syndicate who could arrange for just that to happen. The problem is how do we do it without implicating ourselves.
Well see, the trick is that to make it a viable Federation plan you have to knock out as many unnecessary moving parts as possible. The cloaked warfleet- the Romulans HAVE those, we don't. The fake Lecarre spy- too much complexity. Knock it out. Try to find a real Lecarre spy in Dawiar space if we can, otherwise, drop the plan. That trims it down to "we'll help you if you think the Lecarre are a threat, this is where they live," and leave it at that.
2312.Q4 - The Art of Tactical Operations

A mix of factors are coming together, slowly but surely. The new cruiser prototype is more than half-way complete; preparation to start the Ambassador project in earnest is proceeding; the situation with the Cardassians is constantly teetering on the brink of war. And now with the Anti-Syndicate operations spilling over into neighbouring systems, it becomes time to take stock at Starfleet Tactical Command.

Vice Admiral Hikaru Sulu is your man in Tactical. A number of good people work here - it is Rear Admiral Uhura's normal posting. Michel Thuir joined it as Ops Officer for Field Command. John Harriman heads up the Theory Command, and one of the distinguished tactical officers of the Enterprise, Jennifer Zhang, serves under the Battle Review Division. Their job is to handle the Art of War as it stands within the Federation, though one is very discreet as to where one uses that term. You tend to jokingly refer to it as Sulu Tsu's Art of Phasers, and everyone has their own term for what the Command does. The munitions plants of Landle IV, Lagh Cheg, and Alpha Centauri are controlled here. The special training, doctrine, and allocation of Starfleet Security complements is handled here. The long-term navel-gazing of future trends, as well as the immediacy of threat analysis is handled here.

They are also responsible for setting the requirements that form your ship design and production goals. Every ship in the Federation needs to fit within a role, something that defines its raison d'etre.


Current Required Ship Roles, as identified by Starfleet Tactical:

Heavy Explorer
Component Needs: FYM-Capable, need Explorer Frame, Large Operations Frame
Stat Needs: Must have 5+ Science, Presence, 4+ Combat.
Scale Needs: No max-size or crew.
Intention: To conduct Five-Year-Missions, be capable of extended unsupported missions, handle severe science anomalies and conduct high-level diplomacy.

General Cruiser
Component Needs: Cruiser Frame
Stat Needs: 4+ stat average, minimum 4 Defence
Scale Needs: 1-1.5mt,
Intention: To form the backbone of the fleet when in battle, and to be the first-line of response to sector events.

Garrison Escort
Component Needs: Escort Frame, < 80SR
Stat Needs: Minimum 2+ all stats, 3+ Science, Presence
Scale Needs: Any
Intention: Bolster ability to protect and manage sectors within Federation space. Designed to be capable of responding competently to most events.

Combat Escort
Component Needs: Escort Frame, Large Tactical Frame, < 60 SR
Stat Needs: 3+ Combat, 2+ Defence, 2+ Shield
Scale Needs: Any
Intention: Bolster fleet's ability to compete in combat.


What type of ship do you believe Starfleet is currently lacking?
[ ] A Garrison Cruiser to cheaply anchor home sectors
[ ] A Light Explorer to supplement the Excelsiors
[ ] A high-presence courier escort
[ ] A large science escort to phase out Oberths
[ ] Update the Combat Escort requirements (+2 Militarisation)
[ ] Suggest something else


Qloath 300+ Integration

- Provides: 15br, 10sr, 5rp, 2pp, 0.25 Officer, 0.25 Enlisted, 0.35 Technician
- Requires: D0
- Installations: Arqueniou Starbase [Starbase I], Arqueniou Government Yards (2x2500kt, 1x1500kt)
- Local Currently: 2 Explorer, 2 Cruiser, 1 Mod Hvy Escort, 3 Mod Lt Escort, 3 Old Lt Escort
- Merchant Marine: 16 Civilian Ship, 12 Cargo Ship, 5 Freighter, 3 Passenger, 2 Engineering, 2 Prospector, 2 Colony Ship, 1 Hospital Ship, 3 Research Cruiser, 0 Super-Freighter


Starfleet Shipyard Operations Command Report

One Centaur-A class ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2124) to commence at San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 1 in 2312.Q4
One Centaur-A class ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2125) to commence at San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 2 in 2312.Q4

From: Commander Skannach Rerg, Superintendent, San Francisco Fleet Yards, Berth 1
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Maynard Banks, Director, San Francisco Fleet Yards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion

To Whom It May Concern,

As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a), as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the USS Korolev (Constitution-B-class cruiser, Fleet Order NCC-1744) is complete, assessed, and ready to be added to the Fleet Register.

Commander Skannach Rerg

From: Commander Amy McCallister, Superintendent, San Francisco Fleet Yards, Berth 2
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Maynard Banks, Director, San Francisco Fleet Yards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion

To Whom It May Concern,

As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a), as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the USS Saratoga (Constitution-B-class cruiser, Fleet Order NCC-1745) is complete, assessed, and ready to be added to the Fleet Register.

Commander Amy McCallister

Member World Coordination Office

Ships Commissioned
Vulcan - Miranda Refit
Tellar - Miranda Refit
Human - 2x Miranda Refit

Ships Commenced
Vulcan - 1 Miranda Refit
Tellar - 3 Miranda Refit
Human - 1 Miranda Refit

Qloath -
Arqueniou Govt Yard @ Arqueniou, 2x2.5mt, 1x1.5mt
(A: Arqueniou Leb Nin Prototype Explorer, ETC 2318)
(B: None)
(C: Civilian Freighter, ETC 2314.Q2)

Celsipos Govt Yard @ Celesipos, 2x750kt
(A: Arquila Leb Hoiathi Mod Hvy Escort, ETC 2313)
(B: Arquila Leb Hoiathi Mod Hvy Escort, ETC 2314)

Carnin Civilian Yard @ Carnin Quel, 2x750kt
(A: Cargo Ship, ETC 2314)
(B: Civilian Ship, ETC 2313)
[X] A Garrison Cruiser to cheaply anchor home sectors


I'll admit that I don't remember quest history all that well. Do we still have a Garrison Cruiser problem or am I misremembering something?
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Oneiros has confirmed that if we add a requirement, we must start the research project before the next Tactical review (4 years). We are not ready for the Kepler, so voting it in here would only cause Council scrutiny.

[X] A large science escort to phase out Oberths

Yeah, this has always been our next choice after the Ambassador. A garrison cruiser would indeed be nice but we don't need it soon. The Kepler we kind of really should have.

Also, I can cheat and make you a design that has 5 presence anyway.
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[] A large science escort to phase out Oberths

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@OneirosTheWriter how often is this review going to happen and what does it affect? If, for example, we're in a war, would updating the Combat Escort requirement outside of the normal update become viable?
I was thinking four years. In future times you'll have the option to remove a role or even do nothing.

This is also something the Council will judge you on, in terms of, "You say you need this, but you haven't taken any steps to fulfill it."
I was thinking four years. In future times you'll have the option to remove a role or even do nothing.

This is also something the Council will judge you on, in terms of, "You say you need this, but you haven't taken any steps to fulfill it."
So if we say in 2312 that we want to replace the Oberth, but we don't plan on starting the prototype until 2317 or even 2320, then we should vote for no change now?