I honestly don't think Kadeshi are all that interested to be a part of any interstellar society right now, given what happened, and that said societies are indirectly responsible for what happened. To be blunt, I think it's too soon for them. If we're going to induct more people, we should focus on those we've already had track on, like Betazeds or Amaraki.
That aside, I was considering something for the future - the time it took us to mobilize, and the losses we've suffered makes me think that we should consider a Starfleet Command Solution.
To clarify, in Starfleet Command series of games (the TOS era ones) Starfleet did in fact maintain a reserve of heavy purpose-built warships like Dreadnoughts. These ships were not normally used, but were kept around just "in case" of some sort emergency or war that Federation couldn't avoid.
I think we should seriously consider doing the same thing. Now, I know that someone on the Council might flip over this, but I think in light of how horrific Biophage crisis turned out, we could probably still sell it on number of points:
- Biophage demonstrates that there are things you can't reason with, and it's better to have ship hulls on hand and not need them, then to find yourself in a situation where you need them and don't have them.
- Optimally, this is going to be a reserve force. Ideally it will stay in a nice mothball glass case, while Starfleet goes and does...Starfleet-y things.
- It can further be made into a sort of "emergency" fleet, which can only be activated by the Council in times of emergency, thus limiting the fears that such a fleet can be misused, or Federation is somehow "militarizing". As I've said before though, it's better to have these things on hand and not need them than...
- Andorians will love this
- At the very least, it will leave us with a reserve of hulls we can use if our regular forces suffer some sort of catastrophic encounter
At the very
least we should consider building more Excelsiors, considering some form of refit and expanding our industrial capacity.
I'd also be totally willing to do Section 31 omake on this
Also, oh yeah, the vote:
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