Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Antimatter Storage (Range: 314ly -> 628ly)

I wish the other option was better as I am tired of us always choosing antimatter. However the benefits of the Spectral Analysis is so minuscule that it isn't worth it.
As an upside, with the antimatter tanks the ship has a clearly defined role now.
It gets loaded up, sent to the border, and spends a year travelling between everything on the periphery, repairing things, supplying things and fighting pirates.
This honestly seems like a great counter play to the age of pirates, if we have enough of them.
We can focus on things that make it better at this role specifically, rather than a hodge podge of random science that we think is cool. I think surveying is probably off the menu?
Yeah, and in group combat it acts as the anchor that the rest of the team centers around.

Its not just a clearly defined vision - its also fantastically synergistic with the role that the Miranda's taking place on.
Whatever modules we chose next, I feel that amongst the frontier and future nerds the Federation will be the post war equivalent of the Newton - ubiquitous and representing Starfleet in this time/place.
[X] Spectral Analysis (+2 Science)

The closest thing that we have in service to this capability is the Stellar Dynamics lab on the Excalibur class and I don't see us building anything else to fill this niche in the near future. I'd rather dilute the build rather than leave such a valuable niche unfilled for another 30-50 years.

In other words I think the benefit of adding this capability now is worth the cost of likely shortening the design's useful lifespan.
The 9x surviving ships of the Kea class remain in service for decades until 2292, and they all have Astrometrics
The Science rating on this module just isnt a great alternative to doubling your endurance
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[X] Spectral Analysis (+2 Science)

The closest thing that we have in service to this capability is the Stellar Dynamics lab on the Excalibur class and I don't see us building anything else to fill this niche in the near future. I'd rather dilute the build rather than leave such a valuable niche unfilled for another 30-50 years.

In other words I think the benefit of adding this capability now is worth the cost of likely shortening the design's useful lifespan.
I'm pretty sure our next ship is going to be an explorer.
[X] Antimatter Storage (Range: 314ly -> 628ly)

Largely because this:
even though the Efficient Cruise range is already good enough (though certainly more is always better), it's the extended Maximum Cruise range that really makes this the obvious choice to me considering we have a frankly absurdly high Max Cruise speed, doubling the range on that is incredibly useful.
and also a little bit because I love to imagine some Klingon analyst doing analysis about K'tinga raiding radius, comparing it to the known Excalibur range, and feeling briefly satisfied...just before the report on the Federation's new heavy cruiser lands on his desk.
I'm pretty sure our next ship is going to be an explorer.
That does come as a great comfort... one that permits a great many logistically-inclined sins to be committed here...

[X] Antimatter Storage (Range: 314ly -> 628ly)

I expect a Mission of a Federation to go something like this:
1. Leave Erath/Andor/Tellar/Vulcan fully loaded with atmospheric purifyers, large water filters, fusion reactors, industrial tooling, drilling/Mining equipment and any other high value large industrial goods in her cargo hold. (Things new colonies always need more off to get off the ground and can't make themself) Then she flies out of the industrialized core to flag planting colonies at the border or right beyond it.

2. Start a series of short stops at the various colonies, delivering needed equimpment for said colonies while perhaps taking bulk cargo of ores/food/products and deliver them between said colonies while also acting as Piracy patrol.

3. Starfleet calls, a Miranda(Or other vessel) needs fuel on a mission and can't divert to the next pharos, so captain goes full on throttle and Federation races at 7.4 out to meet said ship and delivers fuel. Then goes back to giving off their high value large scale stuff until all of it has been delivered.

4: Depending on Feddy Fuel status you now can go exploring the near border systems/patrol said systems for pirates or if fuel is getting low head back into the interior for refueling restocking stuff.
This does sound like a fantastic mission profile, being able to start with a full load of high-end manufactured goods from the core, delivering them where they're needed while filling the empty cargo bays with something useful that colony produces... and then she bounces around multiple colonies to do that again and again, before coming home to the core worlds with strategic materials and an incredible variety of space liquor. Second Golden Age of Orion Piracy can suck a fat Freddy!

Kinda glad that cargo won over expanded shuttlebay now, even though I voted for that...
Efficient Cruise =/= Max Cruise; wartime operations tend to happen at, or close to max cruise, which burns more AM
And remember that tactical operations seldom, if ever happen in a straight line
Its also worth noting that logistics nodes like Pharos are priority targets in wartime, and being able to untether much of your fleet from them is a strategic advantage
True. Whether it's significantly more per distance covered since Max Cruise is sustainable is one of the big question marks to me. Another is how much an AM bladder can hold. If it's less than 50 LY for a Excalibur then extending the Federation's range really doesn't get you much. If it's over 100LY then it could be more useful.

It does open possibilities for a buddy raid instead of some extended Excalibur commerce raiding. That's a threat that does need to be honored.

It sucks that we'll not pursue any scanning synergies though. Getting another computer core upgrade or an advanced dilithium lab type that gave us a bonus would have been neat and felt like we were actively working to help deal with the crunch we have around strategic materials.
@Sayle this is why people have been saying Stop offering antimatter storage. Just woke up looked at the thread saw an update, saw antimatter tanks on it, and instantly knew there was no point to even consider reading the thread. 80+% vote for Antimatter storage, it would just be a waste of time reading 10 pages of people voting for it.

Please going forward just have it as an always there thing or just don't have it.
Maybe the people picking antimatter enjoy the utility it brings?

As an upside, with the antimatter tanks the ship has a clearly defined role now.
It gets loaded up, sent to the border, and spends a year travelling between everything on the periphery, repairing things, supplying things and fighting pirates.
This honestly seems like a great counter play to the age of pirates, if we have enough of them.
We can focus on things that make it better at this role specifically, rather than a hodge podge of random science that we think is cool. I think surveying is probably off the menu?

Kick the medical bay up a level or so, but that's about it for normal science I think. Well, unless we can get an improved communication suite - I really want to be able to pick up distress signals and such from maximum distance - but don't know if thats a thing that can be done.

Annoyingly we might end up with Fabrication bays yet again.
On the upside, given that we probably need a crew morale module for year long missions, a carefully picked one might partially double as a diplomatic module. Perhaps a Ten Forward equivalent, given it seems to have been used from everything from parties to live musical performances?
Not a bowling alley, traditional as that might be :p

The anti-raider. A battlecruiser ready to pounce on the first distress call, with the endurance to hunt anything down, and the supplies and engineering to clean up afterwards.
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Space station, Medical ship, Explorer, Archer successor, Excalibur successor. I've definitely seen quite a few options for future designs.

Fat Freddy, Federation Express, Pizza Cutter...
[X] Antimatter Storage (Range: 314ly -> 628ly)

With this amount of range, thats pretty good future proofing. Heck, some of these could probably be sent out as Explorers in a pinch.