Frankly at that point I'd just want to give it a Thunderchild Torp loadout, 4 prototype in the front, and 2 in the back.I kinda want to pull a sneaky switcheroo, 2 forward prototype 4's and an aft RFL.
While true, they were literally breaking down their d6s in order to make poorly produced d7s, while refits are possible given that i don't think they are likely, given they are trying to make K'tingas already and their d7 fleet is in shambles. Furthermore BoP of any variant are notoriously glassy. They're submarine equivalents, they hit fast, hard and heavy from nowhere but as shown in the movies die very very fast, doubly so if they can't get shields up in time once they uncloak. Something like the Thunderchild, Kea or the new Federation will give them conniptions, because if they uncloak, they die.Im going to caution against this line of thinking
Do note that the Klingons are just as capable of refitting their ships with new tech as we are, and remain somewhat ahead of us in the relevant military fields; for example, their heavy shields are about 70% more powerful than ours
The issue is the Miranda was a legitimately amazing design for the era, and one we can't really top because it's so good. Meanwhile the Federation class was a hot mess and rarely made, and generally was a Miranda but worse in every way possible. At least now it's a distinctly different design and has a use case, that of a fleet anchor for large scale fights, while also being a semi-decent cruiser as compared to hot garbage.I do think it's kind of funny how we're basically redoing canon with SanFran's Miranda being the ubiquitous 'good-enough' ship that gets spammed everywhere while our Federation is on course to be a bloated dreadnaught that only exists as obscure statbook trivia rather than a meaningful presence in the fleet.
Funny in a sad way, that is. The worst part of the Klingon War updates for me was seeing how the Newton constantly got mentioned as the main ship on the frontlines getting the work done, when it wasn't a ship we had any hand in. It's gonna suck when the next major event happens and we hear about lots of Miranda action because we spent our time on a limited run novelty dick-waving ship that has the most absurd numbers in Jane's Fighting Starships of the 2250s but only exists as a single digit run of prestige ships.
Heavy cruisers are always going to be more expensive and fewer than normal or light cruisers simply due to how much more resources need to go into them, complaining about basic math isn't going to help this. But whereas the normal federation was basically a joke this cruiser, and yes it's still a cruiser unless we go for the rollbar with bonuses/maluses, will be useful as a command/heavy cruiser that can and will pursue other duties in peace time. It's never going to be made in Miranda numbers, especially since we've future proofed the warp8 to warp 9 transition, but it will likely be the Miranda's bigger meaner brother for quite some time.
No, that's the rollbar with extra torps being the "Fuck it" right now we're on the edge, but as long as we don't go overboard trying to slap on 4 RFLs front, three on the back and give it 720 degree phaser coverage (360 twice for redundancy if one gets blown up), we can justify anything less.We were told from the start we had to justify it, that tactical ability had to be matched with usefulness in other fields, so we always knew we had to think really carefully about module choice to make this thing worth the investment.
But now we're at the point of Starfleet throwing up their hands and saying, "Fuck it, do whatever, we'll only build a couple anyway." Instead of being the fast response fire stopper we have all over the place solving crises, it's going to be some admiral's vanity flagship.
As for being all over the place? Not happening in the next 20 years. Heavy cruisers are heavy, big and cost more, and while the Federation is richer now, it's not that much wealthier than cannon that it can spam Heavy Cruisers like Normal ones. That said this ship as long as we don't Chork it into Dreadnought territory, which Sayle has already warned us about, will likely be the leader of any major fleet action for a long while, as the Excaliburs can't take nearly as much abuse and are better off being skirmishers than being deicated fleet clashers.
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