Starfleet Design Bureau

If it necessitated putting in two Aft torps then I would be more inclined to agree with you, but I am like 99% certain we will either get the option to not have aft launchers in the hull to compensate, or to build the rollbar with only forward launchers, if we expressly choose. (We're the designers after all.) Like we've never been arm-twisted into a maximal aft torpedo launcher layout before?

Someone should check with Sayle though, I've been 99% certain and been wrong plenty of times before lol
If it was going to be an option later on, then there would be no point in having a separate "aesthetic only" rollbar choice here. This is expressly the vote where it's being decided whether the rollbar has torpedo launchers, and it's four or zero.
Can't the rollbars always be added in a potential future retrofit/B Block if the Federation likes the heavy cruisers performance and wants to add more fire power/stuff to their heavy cruisers?

No need to break the budget...unless we will be needing heavy cruisers but really dreadnoughts ASAP.

The rollbars as an aesthetic choice are on the table; should they win (and I know they're in the lead right now, but I don't want to jinx anything), I would imagine some sort of mission pod refit would be possible (extending far beyond extra weapons systems, though those are the current topic of debate).
Disagree hard
Not when the Klingons are building K'tingas and the peace treaty expires in the 2260s
This argument makes very little sense. The Fed is never going to be built in large numbers because its expense already outstrips the Excalibur and we haven't even touched the tactical systems yet. If the Federation wants a workhorse to fill the gap they're going to build the Miranda, which is smaller and can be built more quickly. We can assume the Miranda's armament from canon:
Standard to all designs were six dual phaser banks located on the primary hull – three mounted to the top and three mounted on the bottom of the saucer. Also standard to all designs were two single phaser emitters mounted just beneath the impulse engines.

In those ships possessing the "roll bar," that superstructure contained two tubular phaser emitters on each side that could fire both forward and to the ship's flanks. There were also two forward and two aft photon torpedo launchers housed in a pod mounted in the center of the superstructure.
-effectively eight phaser banks, and four torpedo launchers (the forward mounts of which in this version are probably either RFLs or the new Type-4s).

Assuming the Type-4, that gives the Miranda an alpha strike (one phaser bank and both launchers) of 90 (Type-2 phasers) or 96 (Type-5s), which is 80 percent of the Excalibur's and still sufficient - unless their hull plating is literally twice as good as ours - of evaporating a D7 in a single volley. The K't'inga is bigger and tougher than the D7, but unless its shields are inexplicably three times stronger that alpha strike will still collapse its shields and do noticeable damage to the hull.

Simply put, this ship at this point is never going to take the role of 'primary line vessel of the era' from the Miranda. This is not to say that there isn't utility in it, but the possibility of supplanting what may have been the single most successful design Starfleet ever produced was lost a while ago.
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Where do you get your 60% number from? The new torps are litteraly cheaper than the Rapid fire ones?
60 as a total weapons cost not the marginal for the pod (15-20 on the pod plus another 40-45 on the rest of the ship for coverage and original torpedo mounts).

We don't need additional slots if we aren't intending to fully use the original slots we currently have and then put some more weapons in the pod.
[X] Rollbar Nacelle Supports (Aesthetic) [No Bonus/Malus]

This ship is still only Slightly bigger than the Thunderchild despite being almost a century of size inflation being a thing, and it's about the same same size as the Sagamatha (10kt difference). As such, as long as we don't make things too much bigger, we can easily just call it a heavy cruiser, which is apparently vastly more preferable to the accountants and hand wringers that hate war. If we cover it in Prototype phasers, match the Excalibur's forward torp load (or exceed it by slapping 2 RFL on the front) and give it at least one tube in the rear for defense and coup de grace ala the Thunderchild's thunder run, we'll probably be fine. Will this be a line cruiser? Probably not, no. But if it serves as a proper heavy command cruiser? That is all we really need.

Do i want another dreadnought? Darn straight, sadly the prompt was for a heavy cruiser, not a dreadnought, I mean Explorer. So keep it on the high end of HC and use this experience to make a really good Dreadnought.
[X] Rollbar Nacelle Supports (Aesthetic) [No Bonus/Malus]

Not only will it look good, the presence of a rollbar might influence Starfleet into putting a torpedo box or two on it when it comes time for the TMP era rebuilds.
If it was going to be an option later on, then there would be no point in having a separate "aesthetic only" rollbar choice here. This is expressly the vote where it's being decided whether the rollbar has torpedo launchers, and it's four or zero.

If you look at the update, the wording is "Mounts", not "Launchers", implying there's mountings for more torpedo launchers, but not that we are necessarily obligated to add four. Also it would be weird if our number of torpedoes and whether we go for a more frontal or balanced loadout would be decided anywhere but the torpedo vote. There's been other cases where we've taken hullform choices that've altered the maximum number of launchers we can fit, and it has never predetermined that there have to be launchers in those slots.

Like, obviously I get that you don't want the rollbar module to win (no worries there lol), and apologise if me saying this is annoying. But generally, it's a pretty safe bet to assume that Sayle is good-natured, reasonable and not going to screw us over that way? If you look back at the Project Darwin vote he even added in an option for a RFL but no aft launchers because voters asked. So I still think it's decidedly unlikely that this option is uniquely a murder-suicide pact that locks us in, given nothing else in the history of the quest has worked that way.
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[X] Rollbar Nacelle Supports (Aesthetic) [No Bonus/Malus]
[X] Rollbar Nacelle Supports (+2 Fore/Aft Torpedo Mounts)

I don't care about the torps one way or the other, I just need to see that lovely quad-nacelle rollbar aesthetic
[x] Rollbar Nacelle Supports (Aesthetic) [No Bonus/Malus]
[X] Rollbar Nacelle Supports (+2 Fore/Aft Torpedo Mounts)
Fine with either of these. Either we have a cool-looking ship that mostly fulfills the design brief, or we have Thunderchild-A.
Once again reiterating that no matter our choice, we need maximum phaser coverage. We can afford to skimp a little on the torpedo armament. Otherwise it'd be a crap fleet anchor.
This ship was never going to be cheap, and I don't think it's a question of 'social acceptability' so much as the options are not 'cheap' and 'break the bank.' There's a medium option, which is what I want - still in the heavy cruiser investment range, the top of that range even... but not strapping a whole extra ship's worth of photons onto it.
[X] Standard Nacelle Supports

I think there's a bit of doomsaying regarding the viability of a non-dreadnought level armament Federation class.

The prompt isn't asking for a large ship that's filled to the brim with the weapon, it asking for a ship with a greater emphasis on durability and the ability to perform non-tactical jobs.
The second proposal is for the other end of the scale. Project Federation envisions a cruiser more along the lines of the Kea-class, using a higher mass than other contemporary starships to produce powerful defense fields and a depth of capability in vital areas of interest. This idea of a line cruiser would then be able to weather any conflict it takes part in, acting as a lynchpin for a small task force or the main force of battle in a larger engagement.
At 300kt and equipped with our most powerful shields along with well above average maneuverability for it's size we've designed something that will be very durable, with 260kt of that being hull we also have a lot of room to work with when it comes to filling it with facilities that will give it a lot of utility outside of combat.

Not only are the Newtons being phased but the survivors of the 12 ship Sagarmatha class Explorers are fully retired and the 18 ship run Saladin class is no long a tactically viable ship and it's science facilities are obsolete for frontier survey duties.

Given the fact that the Miranda is billed as a ship with only basic scientific facilities it is incredibly unlikely that it will be able to do either the Sagarmatha or Saladin's job so at the very least the Federation class with it's far greater room for science facilities will be able to take over the role that those ships filled.
The first proposal is for a midweight generalist. The hope is that Project Miranda will produce a starship with a reduction in non-vital capabilities in exchange for a reasonably costed and capable generalist able to take up missions as required. As an in-territory vessel with only basic scientific facilities, the freed space could be utilised for tactical, engineering, and utility concerns. The main question would be what non-auxiliary areas would be sacrificed to drive the costs down.
Given the shear size of the Federation class we could also conceivably have it supplement the Kea's job too as well as take over from the Excalibur's Pathfinding duties given the fact that the Excalibur's science facilities were considered lackluster for that job.
The Excalibur would become the most common exploration ship in the Starfleet roster for some time, if not the foremost scientific platform. It provided a vital service in identifying lifebearing stars, cataloguing stellar phenomena, and carrying out First Contact with a number of new civilizations. In the era in which the Federation was constantly discovering novel new demonstrations of heretofore-unknown sciences it was the Excalibur that reported the first sightings.

Unfortunately this meant that the Excalibur was the first ship subjected to its discoveries, and this often resulted in serious casualties and total ship losses. The Curtana and Tyrfing were destroyed during the infamous multitronic incident, Dainsleif was digested during the first encounter with massive unicellular lifeforms, the crew of the Damocles were killed by macroscopic parasites, and the Hauteclere faced the ultimate indignity of being used to prop up the Terran Empire for an extra hundred years in the mirror universe.

The high attrition rate suffered by the Excalibur-class during the Pathfinder Missions was a major factor in the codification of the 'explorer' as a specific design brief. The stunning performance of the Enterprise in the course of its duties was considered the result of the spectacular brilliance of its command crew and their ability to accomplish novel solutions with limited resources. Future long-term missions beyond resupply would be traditionally accomplished by ships specifically designed for the task.
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You know what, because I can already tell this will get interminable and I don't want people to keep quoting me, @Sayle, just to remove any confusion, was the last update actually a coded message that if we choose the rollbar module, eagles will peck out our livers, scorpions and poisonous snakes will come into our houses, and Starfleet will seal us in the deepest darkest dungeon? Or were you saying, in clear English, that it represents a trade-off between cost, capability and assumed mission profile, like the hundreds of other votes that have appeared in this Quest?

I was thinking more a plague of frogs and locusts, personally, really get in that metaphor of financial damage. I was saying that the ship is already so expensive that making it Daddy Procurement's favourite ship is already a longshot, but adding an extra torpedo payload's expense would shift the design from being a contender for mass-producible to much more firmly in the realm of a speciality ship.
@Sayle is there any chance we can flesh out what role the ship is going to for with its modules before we start voting for them section by section? Or even just a list of top five things starfleet would like, in no particular order?
This ships non-combat viability feels like its going to live or die on a coherent plan, and with our huge freedom here it might also lead to chaos.
@Sayle is there any chance we can flesh out what role the ship is going to for with its modules before we start voting for them section by section? Or even just a list of top five things starfleet would like, in no particular order?
This ships non-combat viability feels like its going to live or die on a coherent plan, and with our huge freedom here it might also lead to chaos.

I don't know if there's enough options for internals to break them down in categories and exclude some beforehand.