Morale is important when you're spending at least months at a time zipping around Federation space doing things and blowing up Pirates, all the while occasionally glancing nervously over towards our borders with the Klingon Empire.
War ships definitely need dedicated counselors, specialized in PTSD
Module wish list / brainstorming:
- VIP rooms / diplomatic suite
- Circum-rollbar strip park
- Long-range sensors (for detecting/intercepting ships)
- Small cargo
- Cozmozoa studies lab (synergy with sensors)
- Organic materials synthesis workshop (food & medicine; disaster relief) (ice cream)
- Medium-to-long term guest studies lab (various science, think university grad thesis projects. Secondary diplo/outreach effects) (guest cast and technobabble-issue-of-the-week generator)
- High-security goods vault (plague samples, crown jewels, master encryption keys, etc)
- Fleet Ops CNC
- Subspace effects observation/testing lab (4-nacelle synergy)
- Strategic materials prospecting
- Signals intercept lab (espionage/diplo, maybe sensors synergy)
- Heavy tractor beams / extensible warp shell (for towing stations; 4-nacelle justification)
- Non-humanoid and exotic-environment accessibility features (less a dedicated module, more budgeting extra space & infrastructure for fringe species needs; back patting + small diplo synergy)
- Gravball court (special effects budget sink)
- Specialist medical needs suite (things a small colony couldn't support, but would benefit from periodic access. Species-hybrid genetic counseling, high-end surgery, dental(?), psychic screening, doppelganger/bodyjacker detection, replacement organ growth, dog therapy, etc)
- High-fidelity local sensors (prospecting synergy, targeting bonus)
- Secondary computer core (boosts high-data tasks)
- Xenoanthropology & culture labs (diplo, possibe espionage bonus)
- Stellar evolution temporal/parallax observatory (science, watch stars "age" as we see different slices of their past from various distances as we warp by)
- Federation cultural showcase & culinary outreach kitchens (diplo synergy, morale bonus) (ice cream)
- Torpedo tuning & refinement workshop (tech maturation & adoption boost)
- plz no antimatter tanks
I'm definitely in favor of diplomatic suites. It's already a ship which can respond to a crisis and not worry about terrorist attacks from the local riff raff.
In practice a D
iplomatic Suite means nice customizable rooms with guard posts and internal security measures, plus extra nice conference rooms and a high quality kitchen. Good windows. Coincidentally, in time of war this also means it's an excellent command ship for an Admiral.
Synergy with Diplomatic Suites would be an
Advanced Communications - more computer power for the translators, more cultural specialists and real language experts. Since this is a warship, we can also give this ship
Electronic Warfare capacity using the same facilities. Which, again, is what you need in a fleet anchor ship. Jam the enemy while cutting through their own jamming.
Long Range Sensors seem like a good warship pick, especially a pursuit warship rather than a sprinter. And it means that while its doing its patrols it can find pirate lairs, track civilian shipping, get good observations of the space whales... you know the drill.
If we don't pick the new phaser and torpedo due to cost reasons after doing our best to make the best warship possible..
Oh we're going to. The consensus seems to be 'build the best cruiser we can and pay what it costs' and - despite what some people are saying - not over-arming this ship for that role is consistent with that goal. Not to mention we chose our saucer
specifically for phaser coverage, so we'll be able to afford full coverage with the prototype phasers by way of needing fewer of them.