- Location
- Earth
I remember looking up this battle when people were talking about warp strafing. In this episode, the Enterprise didn't have the warp core online due to sabotage/etc. No warp reactor power also meant no phasers, leaving only torpedoes as weapons. The Klingons were using their warp drive to swing to the Enterprise's flanks and the impulse engines couldn't turn the Enterprise fast enough to bring the forward torpedo launchers to bear. (The Klingons seemed like they dropped out of warp to make attack passes, so it wasn't a case of a ship at warp attacking a sublight ship. The attack runs were at sublight speeds.)...and in Elaan of Troyius it badly damages the D7 and disables her engines. The difference here might be random, or perhaps the ship from Errand of Mercy was another less well-protected type of vessel; it's shown as a D7 in the remastered version though.
I wonder if the battle turned out differently, with the Enterprise able to swing around fast with impulse power. Might have turned down the tension for that episode in this timeline.