Starfleet Design Bureau

It looks like we managed to save Tarsus on our second try, that Warp 8.6 Sprint looks to have come in clutch what with it being nearly a whole Warp Factor faster than the Canon Connie's sprint (Warp 7.8 vs Warp 8.6).

Really surprised that the OTL Connie couldn't even make Warp 8 though, I guess that's one of the tradeoffs of a much weaker Warp 8 engine than what we designed and being the first ship to get the Warp 8 Engine.

Being able to guillotine a D7 is such a metal image to visualize, I wouldn't be surprised if the Klingon Temporal Accords Delegate was pressing to make sure this divergence wasn't changed just to make sure that scene happens.

While we're a little less tanky we actually managed to have nearly twice as much weapons coverage which combined with being two levels more maneuverable and outputting significantly more damage got us the S Rank Tactical Rating that I was hoping for.

I'm imagining this playing whenever a Klingon Captain gets a report that the Federation Starship has accelerating towards them has pushed past Warp 7.6 and it getting louder and louder as the sensor technician is reporting that it's getting faster and faster until it reaches Warp 8.6.


Overall though a solid 60 years of service and 4 more hulls is pretty good for a ship that is a little more specialized and on a smaller hull than the Canon Connie and it looks like it still did well enough to solidify the highly combat capable Explorer Paradigm that the Federation embraces by the TNG time period.

I think overall if we get an S Rank on the main stat/stats that Starfleet emphasized a need for we can count on a decent production order even if the ship is a bit costlier.

Oh yeah. I love the image of the Klingon Temporal Accords rep just looking through the histories for the most metal battle scenes and pushing for as many as possible. It doesn't matter who won as long as the Empire persists, it matters that they happened!

Meanwhile, the Enterprise rolling into battle blasting What's Up Danger for the soundtrack. Risk is our business.

If Starfleet learns the wrong right lessons from this, I'm hoping every hull vote has an option to add on an extra half-point of Cost in exchange for reinforcing the rim of the ship for ramming actions. They're all disc-shaped!

(Except for the Orbs, which will be much more expensive in exchange for the full 'mace' experience.)
Oh! Another thing, though he's not captain whilst the ship is out and exploring we've got a first non-human Enterptise captain in the form of Captain Thy'lek!

Not sure if the other retrospectives mentioned it but he might also be the first non-human captain in starfleet, or at least amongst the earliest group of them.
The Excalibur was ordered in an initial block of four, constructed in parallel between 2234 and 2236: Excalibur, Enterprise, Curtana, and Durandal. The ships proved to be of major tactical benefit to Starfleet's general roster, being both more heavily shielded than the Newton and substantially more dangerous. After a year-long shakedown that resolved problems with the new torpedo launchers and further streamlined the thruster assemblies a further order of eight ships were made: Tizona, Caladbolg, Joyeuse, Kusanagi, Clarent, Hauteclere, Tyrfing, and Hrunting. All were commissioned in 2238 and entered service the following year.

The outbreak of open war with the Klingon Empire in the spring of 2240 threw Starfleet on the back foot, and further orders of starships with secondary tactical roles were suspended. Instead in 2241 a further six Excalibur-class vessels were ordered and entered production, those being Dyrnwyn, Damocles, Dainsleif, Gram, Naegling, and Fragarach. The crash-builds saw the ships launch in late 2243 in time for the counteroffensive of early 2244.

After the war the surviving Excalibur-class ships faced an uncertain future. Lacking the facilities to participate in the rebuilding efforts they were assigned to suppressing the surge in piracy caused by the depletion of Starfleet's patrol roster and flying the flag near contested borders with the Tholian Assembly and Gorn Hegemony. They finally entered their second stage of life in the 2250s when a recovered Starfleet turned its attention back to beyond its borders. The Pathfinder Missions were designed to use the Excalibur's range and speed to chart over a hundred light years beyond the boundaries of Federation space.

The Excalibur would become the most common exploration ship in the Starfleet roster for some time, if not the foremost scientific platform. It provided a vital service in identifying lifebearing stars, cataloguing stellar phenomena, and carrying out First Contact with a number of new civilizations. In the era in which the Federation was constantly discovering novel new demonstrations of heretofore-unknown sciences it was the Excalibur that reported the first sightings.

Unfortunately this meant that the Excalibur was the first ship subjected to its discoveries, and this often resulted in serious casualties and total ship losses. The Curtana and Tyrfing were destroyed during the infamous multitronic incident, Dainsleif was digested during the first encounter with massive unicellular lifeforms, the crew of the Damocles were killed by macroscopic parasites, and the Hauteclere faced the ultimate indignity of being used to prop up the Terran Empire for an extra hundred years in the mirror universe.

The high attrition rate suffered by the Excalibur-class during the Pathfinder Missions was a major factor in the codification of the 'explorer' as a specific design brief. The stunning performance of the Enterprise in the course of its duties was considered the result of the spectacular brilliance of its command crew and their ability to accomplish novel solutions with limited resources. Future long-term missions beyond resupply would be traditionally accomplished by ships specifically designed for the task.

Regardless of losses the Excalibur entered its fourth decade with enough hulls to justify a refit which replaced or improved the shields, onboard laboratories, warp coils, phasers, and built out the torpedo systems for heavier Type-4 warheads. The improvement in capabilities and performance kept the ships in service for another three decades before larger vessels and improvements in basic technology made keeping the Excalibur active an increasingly costly proposition in personnel and upkeep.

Only two examples of the class survived the scrapyard, both selected for repair and preservation. The Joyeuse, which has been restored to its 2240 configuration, was initially part of the Andorian Imperial War Museum but later centralised and consolidated with other vessels at the Federation Fleet Museum. The Enterprise-A remained moored at Utopia Planitia after its decommissioning in administrative limbo until it was repaired and the impulse drive reactivated for a ceremonial flypast during the launch of the Enterprise-B. It was subsequently moved to a lunar orbit as an open museum until 2370 saw it moved under warp tow to the Federation Fleet Museum.
Reading the Historical Commentary section, it looks like we might have lost an Excalibur or two during the Klingon War since it specifies "surviving Excalibur-class ships" rather than "the Excalibur-class ships".

However, given the fact that 18 were launched and 5 were noted to be lost during Pathfinding Missions but there remained enough to justify what looks like something comparable to the Canon Constitution II refit I suspect that any Klingon War casualties were pretty light if they did occur.

It also looks like the S Rank Tactical Rating came in handy in preventing the Enterprise's destruction during the 3rd movie since there's no mention of needing to build a brand new ship for the Enterprise-A.
Apparently not, one of the existing Excalibur's was renamed, RIP.

Anyways, compiled a list of all the ship names used:
  • Excalibur
  • Enterprise
  • Curtana
  • Durandal
  • Tizona
  • Caladbolg
  • Joyeuse
  • Kusanagi
  • Clarent
  • Hauteclere
  • Tyrfing
  • Hrunting
  • Dyrnwyn
  • Damocles
  • Dainsleif
  • Gram
  • Naegling
  • Fragarach
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Just noticed that the Romulans weren't mentioned at all, my guess is that we'll probably hear about them when we design something closer to 2266 but it'd be funny if they took one look at the Federation pumping out all the Excalibur's in response to the Klingons and just going:
Let history never forget the name Enteprise. No matter her shape or form.

....though how are we considering the original to have only 18% coverage? Just having bow-oriented weaponry? Even with our differences in phaser arc that seems off. Or we were just way overgunning our original designs past what their power grids could handle and then some.

Just noticed that the Romulans weren't mentioned at all, my guess is that we'll probably hear about them when we design something closer to 2266 but it'd be funny if they took one look at the Federation pumping out all the Excalibur's in response to the Klingons and just going:

Romulan Scout: "Why the hell did we keep putting off these recon missions? Such a colossal blind spot is a clear failing of the Praetor. When we get this intel, we'll have what we need to usurp the senate and-"

Enterprise: WITNESS ME!!!!
Archer: Witness!
Newton: Witness!


Klingon Bird of Prey: WITNESS!
Klingdon D7 Command Deck: Hahahaha. The Kingslayer Blade does not disappoint!
Klingon D7 Engine Section: Mediocre!

Klingon D6: Me next! Me next! Me next!
Enterprise: *Mag dumps torpedoes on D6*
Klingon D6: Classic Enterpr- *EXPLOSION*

Romulan Scout: *cloaks and returns back to Romulous* NOPE. We're gonna go conquering in other directions.
This could encourage a stronger Romulan-Klingon alliance if they feel the balance of power is more against them than it was in canon.
On the bright side, they'll also respect us more and be less likely to play brinkmanship games over perceived weakness.

I'm rather hoping our next starship is Science-focused again, since we've probably got fightiness and logistics locked down for the next decade or two. But after that, I think making our next starbase something big and Tactical-focused that we can plonk down on the borders would be nice.
though how are we considering the original to have only 18% coverage? Just having bow-oriented weaponry? Even with our differences in phaser arc that seems off.
Original had two side banks of phasers ventral, a single forward dorsal bank and two old style dorsal lunchers forwards.

Whilst we're missing the dorsal bank we actually have rear phaser and photon coverage.
I mean Enterprise apparently fought a D7 solo and the most notable damage from was an accidental collision with debris. That says all that needs saying.
That D7 got ran over like a deer.
"We've lost weapons."

Andorian Captain out of shits to give: "No. We are the weapon."

*Enterprise slams saucer-first into the neck of the D7 and rams right through it, the command section folding up and smashing into the engineering section as it flies through."

Andorian Captain: "...and that's my cue to retire."

Important Note: If this is the fight that @Sayle was describing to me on Discord the other day, this was the third D7 destroyed in a three-on-one engagement.

Just noticed that the Romulans weren't mentioned at all, my guess is that we'll probably hear about them when we design something closer to 2266 but it'd be funny if they took one look at the Federation pumping out all the Excalibur's in response to the Klingons and just going:

Dramatization of Romulan Cultural Attaché and Tal'Shiar Military Observer viewing the maiden engagement of the USS Excalibur against Klingon D6 and D7 cruisers at the Battle of Ajilon Prime:

Important Note: If this is the fight that @Sayle was describing to me on Discord the other day, this was the third D7 destroyed in a three-on-one engagement.
Damn, that explains a lot about just why ramming was the solution.

If both Sayle and yourself are amenable to it, both in this instance and more generally in the future, would you mind sharing stuff like this with the thread when it comes up in retrospectives? Stuff like the D-7 decapitation are amazing in their own right, but knowing the context behind it only serves to enhance the sheer awesomeness of the event (like said event being the end of a successful response to an ambush).
If Starfleet learns the wrong right lessons from this, I'm hoping every hull vote has an option to add on an extra half-point of Cost in exchange for reinforcing the rim of the ship for ramming actions. They're all disc-shaped!

(Except for the Orbs, which will be much more expensive in exchange for the full 'mace' experience.)
Klingon captain: "We have disabled their weapons! They are helpless before us now!"

Federation captain: "Oh? You say you disabled our weapons? Who decided that."

*ramming speed engaged*