Starfleet Design Bureau

For everyone crying and rending their clothes over how awful it is that we're making a warship that'll be instantly scrapped after the war, please remember that this is the consequence of us completely skimping tactical options for the last several designs (I myself am at fault, really should've gotten that torpedo launcher on the Kea in retrospect). We've made super specialised science and engineering ships, so now we're owed a specialised tactical ship, them's the breaks. After this maybe the next set of warp 8 engine designs can be more generalist, but we flat out have to redress a deficiency which we've let build up ourselves.
Maneuverable and with a mix and match option seems solid.
[X] Underslung Secondary Hull (180,000 Tons) [3 Forward Launchers Max] [+0.2 Sprint]

Might as well see if this option gets any traction though.
[X] Integrated Secondary Hull (200,000 Tons) [2 Forward Launcher Max]
[ ] Large Secondary Hull (190,000 Tons) [Canon: Constitution-class] [3 Forward Launchers Max]
[ ] Underslung Secondary Hull (180,000 Tons) [3 Forward Launchers Max] [+0.2 Sprint]

These are the only viable options frankly... As losing a torp launcher on a warship (which is the whole brief given the Klingons are kicking the feds kiesters) is a terrible idea.

That and it's heavier (greater expense) and only gains extra engineering (would be good had we not just built the archer, beyond meeting basic self-sufficiency/ able to limp home if broken fighting we shouldn't bother with that)
Yeah I agree. Technically, the 2 torp slots wouldn't be a problem, as we could use the rapid fire launchers to compensate...

...IF it wasn't also the heaviest hull option.

Going for both the most mass and the most expensive guns would be financially unviable.

With three launcher slots, we could try making one of them rapid fire for a substantial damage boost. And picking the lightest hull option will go some way to compensating for the costs.
[X] Underslung Secondary Hull (180,000 Tons) [3 Forward Launchers Max] [+0.2 Sprint]

Shovel time
Oh my god is all of this salt necessary people, like seriously there is a unnecessary amount of dooming that this is going to be a disaster of a ship, and that it doesn't stick to Canon...... Which is like what? Like why are you here if you want that in what is a alternate universe from the start because we get to make decisions on what ships are made like I'm just fucking confused???
Well I wouldn't want to be the Temporal Agent assigned to this era.
Temporal agent Smith opens a bottle, looking disheviled, and reeking of old booze. He takes a deep swig, straight from the bottle and in a fit of pique, throws the remaining drink against the nearest bulkhead.

"FUCKING MARTIANS!!!", he yells, a man beaten down by an impossible task set before him to save the timeline from decending into madness.
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[X] Integrated Secondary Hull (200,000 Tons) [2 Forward Launcher Max]

Well, if we can at least make the rapid fire launcher into standard tech after this ship, then it's good.

[X] Underslung Secondary Hull (180,000 Tons) [3 Forward Launchers Max] [+0.2 Sprint]

This, I like to see in action.
[X] Underslung Secondary Hull (180,000 Tons) [3 Forward Launchers Max] [+0.2 Sprint]

That sprint speed with good torpedo-armament is just too tempting...
More like an imposter that steals her name. This ship won't explore strange new worlds, it can do little more than blow them up.

Again, people don't seem to realize that we can take the bones of a design and redesign the interior for other missions. Those that survive can be refitted. Just because we make a warship now doesn't mean we build a warship forever. This class of ship could still explore strange new worlds, it's just going to wait until the war's over and some redecorating's done to do so.

At least, that's what in-universe engineering can do. Sayle could decide otherwise, but it seems baffling if that's the case.
Oh my god is all of this salt necessary people, like seriously there is a unnecessary amount of dooming that this is going to be a disaster of a ship, and that it doesn't stick to Canon...... Which is like what? Like why are you here if you want that in what is a alternate universe from the start because we get to make decisions on what ships are made like I'm just fucking confused???

What's the point of this quest if we're just copying canon, anyways?

If the ship turned out to be disastrous, fine, you win with the doom mongering.

If not, just watch and see what'll happen.
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No, because the thread decided to cheap out on engines and the hull lacked the capability to make full use of a torp launcher.
I voted for that too! I really loved the idea of a slow and stately cruiser that could just disco ball phasers in all directions, as a complement to our zippy little torpedo frigates. Sadly it did not pan out.
[X] Large Secondary Hull (190,000 Tons) [Canon: Constitution-class] [3 Forward Launchers Max]

I will echo the 'please stop the salt' requests. We've made something that doesn't match the canon Enterprise, that has some differences in its design and that may not as good at being a general-purpose cruiser. That's not the end of the world, doesn't doom anything, and if you don't like it then please keep the non-constructive criticism of the design to yourself. You want to say 'I think we should do X for this vote because I like the way it looks/I think it'll be better at Y', go ahead. You want to complain that this won't be a 'five year mission' cruiser and that's it's not the real Connie, kindly keep those thoughts to yourself.

Yours sincerely,
A. Threadgoer
I want to see Mars turn up in Star Trek as the good, wholesome counterpart to the Borg. Seriously, Mars singlehandedly set my standard for what a Hive Mind should be and how it could actually work. What it could be like to be a part of one.

Of course, the Jurati Collective could actually be like that. I can dream!
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