I just had a hilarious idea....

IDW/Games Eggman is fond of music (Rock n' Roll was mentioned earlier in this thread).

I had an idea for a song that could play for if/when we begin our assault on Space Colony Ark....Eggman could sing part of it (we'd need to find someone else to sing the other....)
Anybody ever listened to Ozzy Osbourne and Motorhead?

Because for some reason, the 30th Anniversary Edition of the song "Hellraiser" comes to mind as something Eggman might do. I have NO clue as to why.
Alright @Kingster, @Boohoo the 3rd, @ShepardCom, @KA$H, @Ranger65 here are the update list of omakes until now.

Amazing Auction After Action Addendum

I don't know if this one counts since it was written by one the QMs.

Eggman Seeking Advice

Creating A Monster (Egg) Tank

Egg Memo: Badnik Tactics

Terror from the Depths

Well since the adveture ended is time I delivered on what is due.

Metal Sword, Metal Body, Metal...Heart?

Eggmemo: mysterious man and nephew



Belle Making The Rounds: A Puppet and Darcsen's Dollmaking

Egg Memo: Belle Revisited

Egg Memo: Alternative universe badniks

Starline Files: A Short Treaty On Ragnite

Starline Files: Future Eggman? and Sage

Starline Files: The Empire

AU Restoration Nega Quest Achievement Unlocked

Stone Faced and a Stormy Disposition

"A Queen's thoughts"

Tentative Project Idea: Dr. Eggman Bombastic Racing Tournament (Name Pending)

Reflections of Metal.

A Vulture and a Walrus

Shadow the Hedgehog vs A Billion Lions

Here we go, I think this all the omakes writing until now.

New omakes been added:

Understanding Genius

Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire)

Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire) - P2

Not a Fixer, Still a Tinker

Here this is the complete list of all omakes written until now that has been unrewarded.

Just a heads up I will keep posting this list every time some one makes a omake so that the QMs don't lose track of it.

Obs: This series of omakes were written after the Rival Reports so I don't know if they count to reard this turn, but in the eventuality they do I will leave it here:

Imperial side: Aftermath of the Black Sun

EggMemo: Rouge The Bat

Poker Night at the Eggventory.

The Art of Persuasion

A Rusty and Metal Spar

Freedom Bought with Metal

Never forget you're here for life forever: Duty bound to protect the innocent
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No, let's make clover or Neph the egg boss of the Greenhill zone. It makes more sense with those two.
See, I think they'd resist that way more.

That's IF we conquer the Restoration....AND sidestep the reformation of the Resistance....
I feel like we might want to go with diplomacy with them, as opposed to conquest. Both for moral reasons, and to not have to deal with constant rebel groups. They got real talent over there, and getting them on our side would be better for us long term. We'll need people to protect our home territory, after all!

Not GUN though. They will kneel, or die! Maybe Hope can live, I haven't decided.
I feel like we might want to go with diplomacy with them, as opposed to conquest. Both for moral reasons, and to not have to deal with constant rebel groups. They got real talent over there, and getting them on our side would be better for us long term. We'll need people to protect our home territory, after all!

Not GUN though. They will kneel, or die! Maybe Hope can live, I haven't decided.
You know it really plants a very moral dilema.

For all three sides.

Like we already know our risks.

But for the others, do they really know them?

Like many joke that Sage would totally go Skynet alongside Metal Sonic if we got killed, same for some of our units totally rallying behind like Stone and Starline

But what happens when you push Eggman so far that he drops all pretenses and theatrics and makes very clear he wants your head on a silver plate unlikely in the way he would for Sonic?.

Like the dark negaquests do have the right idea with Belle outright trying to follow Eggman steps.

But what would happen if some of the more radical parts of those groups end up killing people like Stone or Sage?

Mostly mention Stone cause we have movie Eggman memories and he was the only person he truly considered a friend.

And Sage well, that technically would sent Eggman on the same path Gerald took all those years ago.

Like as much as the idea of a truly pissed off Sonic is terrifying, so it is the idea of a truly pissed off Eggman

Because life is full of regrettable choices.

And no doubt that achivement also would apply for them.
Is it bad of me to think that should we rescue shadow and fix his mind control, we should dye him blue while he's unconscious and record his reaction?

Edit: Not to fool anyone, just to annoy Shadow.
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Basically any version of the death egg serves as an excellent support and deployment point for any spaceborne operations. Even discounting the primary weapons it's arguably a bigger threat to our foes than anything else simply because it allows us to deploy anywhere in the world at short notice.
Basically any version of the death egg serves as an excellent support and deployment point for any spaceborne operations. Even discounting the primary weapons it's arguably a bigger threat to our foes than anything else simply because it allows us to deploy anywhere in the world at short notice.

The trouble is that soace factions woild take notice and try claim for themselves or destroy it.
Starline Files: Pride
Starline Files: Pride
Well...things could have gone better today.

Let's start from top: we won and it wasn't even close! I shall admit I had my worries about it, but we won!

Admittedly, the battle didn't start as great as it could have been: our starting formation was not half-bad, composed of the mercenary Canaan, the sky sailor Piastol, Isara in her Tiny Tank, and the newcomer Conquering Storm, who was a comrade of the Pronghorns as a Egg Boss, and led this "Egg Clan"...plus a horde of Badniks to close the deal. And Metal Sonic.​

The addition of Metal to the formation against a foe who specializes in controlling machines was one I contested quite a bit on the one hand: on the other, Doctor pointed out that Zavok's commander of that unit was also the dumbest of the Zeti, Zomom. I bet if I opened a portal and threw a sandwich on the other side, he would follow into it without giving it a second thought, but alas, I only barely managed to get back on foot for this engagement and such a scenario is so specific that I would hardly manage to get it through. Either way, doctor's plan was very simple: have Metal get a piece out of the Zeti, and get his biodata to get the electromagnetism the Zeti are known for. In theory, this could lead to Metal being able to cancel their electromagnetism with his own application of the technique or at least be able to force some of their units under our force's control.

That plan went wrong so damn fast.

As it turns out, Zomom wasn't dumb enough to not notice a blue machine coming for his fat ass, so he naturally turned his focus to it. It's a credit to Doctor's programming that Metal Sonic didn't immediately became controlled, but he was disabled for a moment while the rest of the army began their attack, the weaker Badniks being wiped in the process. Unfortunately, this peeved Zomom enough to try. And try he did, as Metal Sonic turned on us and began hammering Conquering Storm and Piastol. The ladies were thankfully skillful enough to hold him off, though he did seem to get their Biodata, as he suddenly began to move more like the former and used something similar to some spells I saw the Deathhound - as Piastol called it - launch in the battlefield. Still, it was a mostly victorious affair...but Metal Sonic was taken away when Zavok ordered Zomom to retreat.

Needless to say, Doctor Eggman was not pleased. He barely managed to stop himself from pulling out the Darc-Egg to handle those savages personally. He only grunted for Clove to bring out a few more Badniks to replenish the losses in the field and leave Cassia behind, deciding to playing safe.

The next horde had both Zomom and Zeena - boy, how deplorable must Zavok's forces have been if those were his commander's choices? - and, despite reinforcements from the sky and the fact Zomom hadn't to handle keeping Metal in check...would you believe if I said that it was almost as easy than before?

Like, don't get me wrong, we lost most of our forces due to Zeena and Zomom turning them against us with their Magnetism, but it was like our forces were a typhoon, ripping through them like a typhoon of death. Highlights of that fight for me include Conquering Storm mounting on Zeena's back and pulling her hair around as if she was some sort of horse and Isara aiming a tank shot at Zomom that made him vomit out his...whatever feast, he always seems to be eating, not the point. Eventually, we managed to capture those two and bring them in shackles to the base...leaving only the big red, Metal Sonic and...Silver Sonic. Poor thing seemed out of place against it's modern counterpart...wait, that doesn't make sense right? Metal was made earlier...but Doctor keeps giving it updates...eh, tomato tomato. Anyway, Zavok dared Eggman to come out and face him. Doctor didn't seem to be very inclined to do it...that is, until he mentioned Sonic.

It was as if Doctor's whole demeanor changed. He was mad about Metal, but not enough to waste his time with that hooligan. But then he just calls out for the Darc Egg Robot...

Maybe part of it was due to my own near-death experience. But we were doing fine, Zavok was outnumbered. Heck, if he ordered, I would ride the Darc Egg gladly. But I just couldn't make sense of it. When he pointed out about my real fear, he said the following to me:

"If I wasn't ready to risk my life, I would have never built my first mecha."

And then he went on to say he would beat Sonic by his own hands and tools, not those of his minions...

I don't get it. Willing to risk his life? A genius of his caliber? Why? He could beat anyone with any invention he made. What is the point of putting himself into needless risk?

And what matters who defeats Sonic? If he's dead, he's dead. What is the point of being the one to do so? Just mere pride?

...maybe I will never get it. Doctor fought Sonic for years. As an enemy. As an ally. As his own power.

But does it matter who gets to claim the kill? Isn't it more relevant that's he's six feet under?


The battle began with a setback. Zavok ignored Eggman's taunting and grappled onto the Darc Egg and use his fire breath on it. Ragnite thankfully is pretty heat-resistant, but it still did some good damage on it. The other units handled Metal and Silver. Conquering Storm and Piastol managed to handle it with ease, while supporting Doctor's fight. Canaan, in particular, managed to shoot Zavok's eye enough for to wound the giant structure. Clove convinced this Honey the Cat to not throw herself at Zavok like some Berserker and put some thought into how to handle the matter.

Doctor decided to take a different approach to handle Zavok. While Honey distracted Zavok, he went on the offensive and further wound the eye with ragnite missiles. Conquering Storm had tried to trip him, but that didn't work but he still fell from being slaughtered by doctor and Piastol getting onto him. At this moment, a bunch of Badniks concealed by invisibility attempted to catch the army off-guard, but Doctor simply laughed loudly and let out all the missiles to handle them with the greatest of ease. Zavok, now at normal side, was brought to his ship as it retreated. He opens his cockpit for the world to see...

It was weird. It was as if the whole world had gone silent for an instant. Not a single sound except for three...very...familiar...sounds.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

They were silenced, but I would never forget the sound of bullets hitting someone's chest.

I moved before the cockpit even finished closing, focusing the Warp Topaz to open a portal to the inside of it. Then, seeing the unconscious man, I opened another to where Piastol was finishing ending the Badniks and pretty much screamed for her to do something. She barked at her mutt to use some sort of spell and that seemed to help, but I still opened a portal to the base - I didn't trust myself to get a portal to the hidden base up with my altered mind state - and barked for someone to carry him. The ones to answer the call were Canaan and, much to my surprise for the speed, Agent Stone, who seemed deadly pale. Sage, having realized what happened, ordered a few Badniks to prepare him for surgery to remove the bullets in the chest while I brought out the remainder of our ragnaids in order to help him recover swiftly.

Thanks to this quick action, we managed to stabilize doctor's signs and he was up by the next day, if grumpy by how things turned out. After the event, I did some search in the surroundings, but the sniper was already long gone.

Pride...pride put me on that situation. Put doctor in that situation.

Is there any need for pride for someone who wishes to conquer?
Well, you know from the actions you unlocked the Black Market exists, if that counts XD

In all seriousness interesting question

I will go in a panic if I find out Weyland-Yutani Corporation exist around here because some of the Alien games do have Sega IP.

I guess the Battle Bird Armada or maybe they decided to be rebranded as the Battle Bird Empire could also be a independent faction. The avians that used to be Eggman's subordinates in Post-SGW and are horrible racist against anybody that is not a avian and have a firm belief only them are allow to fly around. Their main grip against Tails, despite blowing up they aerial fortress in his own adventure before meeting Sonic, it's the fact he is a mammal that can fly.

In fact they are the closest thing of a Fascist movement in Archie Comics with some Nazi mythology mix on it, since in the Pre-SGW Battlekukku XV describe the BBA as an "ancient order of avians aspiring to command the skies, find our fabled homeland, and unlock the mysteries of our forebears" it don't actually help that avian are actually descendant from aliens, believe they are spuerior than averybody else and they ahve nasty tendency to believe all avians should serve in the Armada. We don't see much of their beliefs in Post-SGW but there's no reason to believe they aren't any different since the only difference was that they were the under direct control of the Doctor there instead of leased themselves to Dr. Eggman in Pre-SGW.

I think they probably would be around Sky of Arcadia setting since it make more sense for them be there than anywhere else and the main headache for Galcian.
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Frankly kinda want her and Starline develop a friendship, because they going to be both the more anti-social units we have and well bonds of friendsjip and all that.


If Starline stays with you, then we get funny and heartwarming moments

But in the event something wild happens and he betrays you like in Canon, then we get interesting angst as Thunderbolt's first and only real friend turns his back on her idol

It's the perfect set up either way XD