Egg Memo: Alternative universe badniks
Egg Memo: Alternative universe badniks

Today just finish the evacuation of my newest minions, Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan. Who would have though I have the novel experience in having a ninja army on my command?

They also bring along they own contingency of badniks, while Agent Stone show their quarters I take a little of my time to study the badniks to see if they show any differences from my own.

Initial findings confirm that while these badniks exhibit minor cosmetic chnages their combat capabilities remain consistent with my own designs, something of good news since I will not need to retrofit them however there's one a significant differences between them and my own.

Animal Batteries.

Why in the name of Chaos would an alternate version of me persist with such an outdated and inefficient power source?

I abandoned that method ages ago and for good reason!

Capturing suitable animals is a logistical nightmare. They must adehere to very narrow standards such be neither too young nor too old and perfectly healthy just to name a few. The vast majority of animals captured don't even qualify for use rendering the process wildly inefficient and time consuming.

Then there's Sonic. Oh, how he relished sabotaging my operations back when I relied on Animal Batteries, every time he freed a group of critters it set back my badnik production substantially. This is why I transitioned to alternative energy sources, much less bothersome and cause me less headaches overall.

I only rely on this method again when resources are critically scarce or deep hostile territories where nothing else is available. Curious about this peculiarity, I queried Conquering Storm to shed light on this alternate me. Was that Dr. Eggman operating under resource constraints? Was he perhaps more desperate or cornered than I've ever been?

Surprisingly, she insisted these badniks were fresh products from his factories right before the Shattering and he have plenty resources avaliable.

This raises an interesting, if perplexing, question:

Why stick to a method so cumbersome when alternatives exist that are both more efficient and less prone to sabotage?

Perhaps this counterpart of mine lacks my foresight, my creativity, or my adaptability?

Maybe there's some other, less obvious rationale for his stubborn adherence to the outdated either way, this puzzle gnaws at me. The genius of Dr. Eggman is absolute yet even I cannot fathom why any version of me would willingly chain myself to such a flawed system.

Still, while my curiosity is piqued, this matter remains largely academic. After all, I've long since overcome such primitive limitations. If there's one takeaway from this, it's the reminder of just how ahead of my time I truly am.

End memo

Note to self: Investigate further into alternate-universe design philosophies... and perhaps take a moment to laugh at their shortcomings.

This here is a new Egg Memo, the QMs said that the badniks from Conquering Storm use Animal Batteries. So, in my view, Eggman would wonder why is such a case, after all Post-SGW!Eggman technology is not much different from his own minor a few cosmetic changes here and there.

Also giving a small explanation why Eggman move away from Animal Batteries. In Lost World he punish the Deadly Six for bringing low quality animals to him, so I came up with this explanation Animals need to attend a strict standards to be used as batteries thus explainign why he capture so many since most of them will not be used because of this logistic bottleneck and the interference of Sonic make the whole thing far costly than necessary.

Our Eggman can't understand why Post-SGW!Eggman continue to use such troublesome method and wonder why is such the case, unaware that Eggman has the technology to move away from it anytime he wants but mostly kept it around just to mess with Sonic.

Also I like to think Eggman would have a similar opinion of his alternative selves like the Doctor from Doctor Who and his other past-selfs. He hates them but some are more tolerable than others.
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Actually if we take find Chuck/Chris with Conquering Storm we clear the first DC check with no problem.

28+22+ 6 loyalty gives us a 56, if we get a 4 we pass the first threshold.

A 24 gives us the 2nd one...

It may be good to take the reroll on this one to either secure the 2nd sucess or a crit if we are lucky.

This shit is too important to leave it to luck, also we Will need to success this one inmediatly as failure Will raise the DC again.

If we put the Egg clan on it as well we're guarentteed to get the second threshold if I'm right.

I'm for starline researching the topaz. We could have multiple units with the ability to warp. We might even do it better than starline.

...You know what sure let's do it. It can't get any easier so why not.

Perhaps this counterpart of mine lacks my foresight, my creativity, or my adaptability?

*Crackles* Yes Eggman that's absolutely it.
OK, so upgrading metal sonic next turn, going for a gamble with a cure with sage, study the warp topaz, making some more personal equipment for our rest of the hero units that's going on the adventure next turn, looking for Chuck and Chris then been going on adventure to rescue them,

Am I missing anything so far?
OK, so upgrading metal sonic next turn, going for a gamble with a cure with sage, study the warp topaz, making some more personal equipment for our rest of the hero units that's going on the adventure next turn, looking for Chuck and Chris then been going on adventure to rescue them,

Am I missing anything so far?

Well we might use a re-roll on the cure, but otherwise agreed.
OK, so upgrading metal sonic next turn, going for a gamble with a cure with sage, study the warp topaz, making some more personal equipment for our rest of the hero units that's going on the adventure next turn, looking for Chuck and Chris then been going on adventure to rescue them,

Am I missing anything so far?
I say have Starline study Eggman Lore to get his power core research. That way, all our units will get some boosts!
Don't forget we need to do Egg-colonize the territory for logistics, before we can do anything with our new territory. It also has a 150 metal cost, hopefully we get more than a 100 metal from this attack
Starline Files: A Short Treaty On Ragnite
Starline Files: A Short Treaty On Ragnite
I never quite understood the saying "Necessity is the mother of the invention" until I was forced into bed after nearly dying.

Have you, listener, ever been shot? I can't quite recommend it. Whoever that woman was, she punched three bullets straight through my chest. When I asked Canaan later, she said I would have died if not for Stone's quick thinking.

What I need it, a debt with that guy. But, hey, if Doctor is honoring his agreements now, I should probably follow the lead.

So, after I recovered enough to warp us back to the base, I was carried by the Badniks into the infirmary - in truth, the room where I did my experiments to return Doctor to his usual self that I converted into such after the arrival of Tinker's daughter and the coming of the Pronghorn sisters. Infirmary is a bit of a strong word anyways, it's just a bunch of beds I hunted down in my free time alongside some of the supplies we raided from that imperial camp Metal destroyed and a few instruments specific to the treatment of Cassia.

Unfortunately, the Pronghorns didn't stay long in the infirmary these days: Cassia only passed the nights in it, and during the day hanged out with her sister and Belle, and I can't blame her: I experienced the boredom and pain of being in a infirmary. Again, can't recommend it to anyone.

At least Doctor praised me for a successful mission, even if it came at the cost of my health and the Mean Bean Machine's anonymity. He also seemed to have some mild interest in the spear, as I thought he would. Points for you, Doctor!

...still, my health meant I couldn't contribute much to help the Doctor this month, which meant no Cacophonic Conch. I did borrow the Warp Topaz, if reluctantly, to help this Conquering Storm and her Egg Clan to come here, but other than that, I barely had the energy to do anything...well, until the Doctor began looking into Ragnite.

It began when miss Gunther suggested using it into the project to rebuild the Death Egg Robot (ah, the envy! I would give so much to be in her place!) and he began looking into it with the supplies scavenged from the Empire. The versatile it was! The doctor put up his notes into the base's systems and I couldn't help but give it a look. I was aware of how essential the substance was for the war machine of the Empire to spin, but I found myself agreeing with the Doctor that, if Emperor Maximillian had some awareness of modern technology, he would have a tremendous resource in his hands!

The part that caught my attention the most was the segment about healing. Doctor seemed to be interested in it due to his deal with the Pronghorn sisters and healing Cassia's disease. However, I took the liberty of hijacking some Ragnite with those notes and asking to miss Isara how the process of healing went.

Apparently, the people of the Empire developed a technology called Ragnaids to harness the mineral's healing properties more effectively. I was about to try to manufacture some when I remembered there were a few basic ones amongst the supplies we obtained from our raids. It took some time to understand it's workings, but once I did, it was smooth sailing from there. It's almost fantastical how fast-acting it was: I thought it would take months to heal all the wounds I got from that battle, yet here I am, preparing to support tne Doctor against the Zeti.

Still, Ragnite seems to have many mysteries within it. If I can use these powers for myself...then I could avoid another situation like the auction and prove myself Doctor's equal! Ahaha! Starline, you great genius!​
Don't forget we need to do Egg-colonize the territory for logistics, before we can do anything with our new territory. It also has a 150 metal cost, hopefully we get more than a 100 metal from this attack
Given how many robots are attacking us, plus however much damage our own troops are going to take, I'd call that a safe bet.

Unrelated, I want to see an omake or fanart with Starline, Eggman, and Stone all trying to sort all the stuff they can figure out about all the alternate Eggmen, and it looks like a crazy conspiracy board with ridiculous stuff circled. "Metal arm?" "Snively?" "Scratch and Grounder?" "Kidnapped princess?"
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Starline Files: A Short Treaty On Ragnite

Starline is a lot things but a fool he is not.

Hopefully his luck improves and we can see the results of some of his projects.

Given how many robots are attacking us, plus however much damage our own troops are going to take, I'd call that a safe bet.

Unrelated, I want to see an omake or fanart with Starline, Eggman, and Stone all trying to sort all the stuff they can figure out about all the alternate Eggmen, and it looks like a crazy conspiracy board with ridiculous stuff circled. "Metal arm?" "Snively?" "Scratch and Grounder?" "Kidnapped princess?"

Ooo good idea. I think I'd put that alongside 'PRESENTAION! lecture for new minions.'

...Actually what are our intended omakes for now anyway?

I mean we have investigation/conspiracty board, PRESENTATION!, the cartoon which we really should write something for...any other ideas?

I did have the hypothetical 'final flame but we are perfectly prepared' senario, and it's aftermath in mind...
Unrelated, I want to see an omake or fanart with Starline, Eggman, and Stone all trying to sort all the stuff they can figure out about all the alternate Eggmen, and it looks like a crazy conspiracy board with ridiculous stuff circled. "Metal arm?" "Snively?" "Scratch and Grounder?" "Kidnapped princess?"
Pepe Silvia Style you mean? :p
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Starline is a lot things but a fool he is not.

Hopefully his luck improves and we can see the results of some of his projects.

Ooo good idea. I think I'd put that alongside 'PRESENTAION! lecture for new minions.'

...Actually what are our intended omakes for now anyway?

I mean we have investigation/conspiracty board, PRESENTATION!, the cartoon which we really should write something for...any other ideas?

I did have the hypothetical 'final flame but we are perfectly prepared' senario, and it's aftermath in mind...

You could give a trie into some of the omake bounties.

Somone is yet to write the Girl's night out.

Something is interesting since Egg Bosses don't actually hang out with one another in they universe. I straight see Storm get into a fight and they have to flee from the authorities and Clove trie to calm down the situation only to make it worse since someone recognize her as the crazy lady that join Eggman, because the assault on the Black Arms base mention that Clove is now (in)famous.
Someone uses an omake reward to get a straight answer out of the QMs mouths.

They get revealed the collaberative partner for the Darc-Egg Robot was Isara Gunther, and people begin realizing what happened :p

That probably causes no small amount of panicked discussion over what to do about it. Especially if when Snively shows up somewhere that isn't by Eggman's side.