Egg Memo: Alternative universe badniks
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Egg Memo: Alternative universe badniks
Today just finish the evacuation of my newest minions, Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan. Who would have though I have the novel experience in having a ninja army on my command?
They also bring along they own contingency of badniks, while Agent Stone show their quarters I take a little of my time to study the badniks to see if they show any differences from my own.
Initial findings confirm that while these badniks exhibit minor cosmetic chnages their combat capabilities remain consistent with my own designs, something of good news since I will not need to retrofit them however there's one a significant differences between them and my own.
Animal Batteries.
Why in the name of Chaos would an alternate version of me persist with such an outdated and inefficient power source?
I abandoned that method ages ago and for good reason!
Capturing suitable animals is a logistical nightmare. They must adehere to very narrow standards such be neither too young nor too old and perfectly healthy just to name a few. The vast majority of animals captured don't even qualify for use rendering the process wildly inefficient and time consuming.
Then there's Sonic. Oh, how he relished sabotaging my operations back when I relied on Animal Batteries, every time he freed a group of critters it set back my badnik production substantially. This is why I transitioned to alternative energy sources, much less bothersome and cause me less headaches overall.
I only rely on this method again when resources are critically scarce or deep hostile territories where nothing else is available. Curious about this peculiarity, I queried Conquering Storm to shed light on this alternate me. Was that Dr. Eggman operating under resource constraints? Was he perhaps more desperate or cornered than I've ever been?
Surprisingly, she insisted these badniks were fresh products from his factories right before the Shattering and he have plenty resources avaliable.
This raises an interesting, if perplexing, question:
Why stick to a method so cumbersome when alternatives exist that are both more efficient and less prone to sabotage?
Perhaps this counterpart of mine lacks my foresight, my creativity, or my adaptability?
Maybe there's some other, less obvious rationale for his stubborn adherence to the outdated either way, this puzzle gnaws at me. The genius of Dr. Eggman is absolute yet even I cannot fathom why any version of me would willingly chain myself to such a flawed system.
Still, while my curiosity is piqued, this matter remains largely academic. After all, I've long since overcome such primitive limitations. If there's one takeaway from this, it's the reminder of just how ahead of my time I truly am.
End memo
Note to self: Investigate further into alternate-universe design philosophies... and perhaps take a moment to laugh at their shortcomings.
This here is a new Egg Memo, the QMs said that the badniks from Conquering Storm use Animal Batteries. So, in my view, Eggman would wonder why is such a case, after all Post-SGW!Eggman technology is not much different from his own minor a few cosmetic changes here and there.
Also giving a small explanation why Eggman move away from Animal Batteries. In Lost World he punish the Deadly Six for bringing low quality animals to him, so I came up with this explanation Animals need to attend a strict standards to be used as batteries thus explainign why he capture so many since most of them will not be used because of this logistic bottleneck and the interference of Sonic make the whole thing far costly than necessary.
Our Eggman can't understand why Post-SGW!Eggman continue to use such troublesome method and wonder why is such the case, unaware that Eggman has the technology to move away from it anytime he wants but mostly kept it around just to mess with Sonic.
Also I like to think Eggman would have a similar opinion of his alternative selves like the Doctor from Doctor Who and his other past-selfs. He hates them but some are more tolerable than others.
Today just finish the evacuation of my newest minions, Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan. Who would have though I have the novel experience in having a ninja army on my command?
They also bring along they own contingency of badniks, while Agent Stone show their quarters I take a little of my time to study the badniks to see if they show any differences from my own.
Initial findings confirm that while these badniks exhibit minor cosmetic chnages their combat capabilities remain consistent with my own designs, something of good news since I will not need to retrofit them however there's one a significant differences between them and my own.
Animal Batteries.
Why in the name of Chaos would an alternate version of me persist with such an outdated and inefficient power source?
I abandoned that method ages ago and for good reason!
Capturing suitable animals is a logistical nightmare. They must adehere to very narrow standards such be neither too young nor too old and perfectly healthy just to name a few. The vast majority of animals captured don't even qualify for use rendering the process wildly inefficient and time consuming.
Then there's Sonic. Oh, how he relished sabotaging my operations back when I relied on Animal Batteries, every time he freed a group of critters it set back my badnik production substantially. This is why I transitioned to alternative energy sources, much less bothersome and cause me less headaches overall.
I only rely on this method again when resources are critically scarce or deep hostile territories where nothing else is available. Curious about this peculiarity, I queried Conquering Storm to shed light on this alternate me. Was that Dr. Eggman operating under resource constraints? Was he perhaps more desperate or cornered than I've ever been?
Surprisingly, she insisted these badniks were fresh products from his factories right before the Shattering and he have plenty resources avaliable.
This raises an interesting, if perplexing, question:
Why stick to a method so cumbersome when alternatives exist that are both more efficient and less prone to sabotage?
Perhaps this counterpart of mine lacks my foresight, my creativity, or my adaptability?
Maybe there's some other, less obvious rationale for his stubborn adherence to the outdated either way, this puzzle gnaws at me. The genius of Dr. Eggman is absolute yet even I cannot fathom why any version of me would willingly chain myself to such a flawed system.
Still, while my curiosity is piqued, this matter remains largely academic. After all, I've long since overcome such primitive limitations. If there's one takeaway from this, it's the reminder of just how ahead of my time I truly am.
End memo
Note to self: Investigate further into alternate-universe design philosophies... and perhaps take a moment to laugh at their shortcomings.
This here is a new Egg Memo, the QMs said that the badniks from Conquering Storm use Animal Batteries. So, in my view, Eggman would wonder why is such a case, after all Post-SGW!Eggman technology is not much different from his own minor a few cosmetic changes here and there.
Also giving a small explanation why Eggman move away from Animal Batteries. In Lost World he punish the Deadly Six for bringing low quality animals to him, so I came up with this explanation Animals need to attend a strict standards to be used as batteries thus explainign why he capture so many since most of them will not be used because of this logistic bottleneck and the interference of Sonic make the whole thing far costly than necessary.
Our Eggman can't understand why Post-SGW!Eggman continue to use such troublesome method and wonder why is such the case, unaware that Eggman has the technology to move away from it anytime he wants but mostly kept it around just to mess with Sonic.
Also I like to think Eggman would have a similar opinion of his alternative selves like the Doctor from Doctor Who and his other past-selfs. He hates them but some are more tolerable than others.
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