This will be for the bounty of Jet Set Radio Last Transmission
@Kingster ,
@Boohoo the 3rd ,
@Ranger65 ,
@ShepardCom and
@KA$H. Hope you all enjoy.
Signal Lost, Signal Found
Kilobyte lays against the wall with a sigh. Today has been a stressful day. Perhaps the most stressful day of your life. What with all these monsters Gouji has been sending in, he has been busy with all kinds of stuff. Trying to find ways to fight these monsters, planning for what to do if they get attacked, always staying aware of his surroundings so as to not get surprised while skating around Tokyoto. It has been hard.
"Hey Kilo, what's going on? Looks like you need some stix."
He looks up to see Hotwire with some of those sugar stix. He reaches out and takes one. "Thanks man. Just recharging." He sucks on the pack, inhaling the thing quickly. Sadly they never last long. As he savors the flavor, he looks to see Hotwire looking at him expectantly.
Sighing, he says "Strawberry. It's strawberry."
Letting out a laugh, Hotwire sits besides him. "Dude, you're the only person who can tell the flavors of these things. I didn't think these flavors were legit until you told me. I thought they were the same old sugar."
"Yeah, well, maybe try tasting it sometime."
"You eat these things faster than I do!"
Hotwire takes out his own back, letting it sit on his tongue with a pensive look on his face. Then his eyes turn frustrated as he swallows the rest. "Nope, you're crazy, they all taste the same."
"Whatever, man," Kilo sighs before grabbing his tiny handheld TV and flicking through the channels absentmindedly. It looks like the Demons haven't found them yet, as they aren't around the base. But it's only a matter of time.
"Hey, you shouldn't be looking at that constantly. It will only stress you out."
"Just, I need to keep an eye out so we can prepare for any attack. They got us good last time and I want to be prepared." Suddenly, the small display is grabbed from out of Kilobyte's hands.
"You ain't rechargin' like that! We gotta see something interesting!" Hotwire frowns, flicking with the channels until the TV flips to an empty seat at a sound board. "It's almost time for Jet Set Radio! That's actually something worth watching and WON'T stress you out."
Sighing, Kilobyte puts a hand to his head to massage his aching temples. "You just wanted to watch DJ K? It's a radio show, we don't need to watch it."
"Says the guy who snuck a camera into his studio. Besides, you need some good news I think. Come on, K always makes you feel better."
"Okay, okay," he relents, leaning in to get a better view of the screen.
It doesn't take long before K enters the recording studio. But… the way he moves is different. Not the usual confident stride, no rhythm to his movement, no rhythm to his movement. No, the man just ran to his chair with the haste of a man in an emergency. As his board starts to heat up, he shakes his fists at it impatiently. Then the radios start to turn on.
"Yoyoyo! DJ Professor K is here! Boys and girls, I bet you are excited to hear my voice today, especially after some recent happenings." Despite his frantic movements, his voice is as calm and collected as ever. "Now, I would love to play you some kickass tunes, but I have some bad news for you."
"They found me."
Those three make Kilo's heart drop out his body and onto the floor. The way his friend has turned white, it doesn't take a genius to see he isn't the only one terrified of this. Kilo grabs the TV, switching the camera to outside the building, and he sees what can only be described as death itself. A hooded skeleton, riding a pale horse is standing right outside the door to the building.
"This might be the last you all hear of me, so I'm gonna make the most of it! I'm gonna do what I can for you Rudies out there, so please, listen to this old man's last words, ya get me?"
"You don't think he's really going to…?" Hotwire looks to Kilo, fear in his eyes.
"No, no he has to have a trick up his sleeve. Professor K always has a trick up his sleeve. H-he must just be faking it for Gouji!"
But than… why does he look so defeated on the screen where no one can see him?
"Now, all you Rudies need to band together. Survive! This isn't about winning anymore, this isn't about being cool anymore, this is about livin'! That is your first and last priority. It breaks my heart to say, but art ain't worth your life! Don't be like your DJ here."
Is he serious? This doesn't sound like K. Where's the freedom of expression? The right to make noise? The messages found only in graffiti?
"You guys might want to paint the entire town and I won't lie, I'd love to see that. I've dreamed of seein' your amazin' works all over Tokyoto! But you can't spread your soul on the buildings if your blood is in the street. You won't make anyone proud of you, your friends will just be stuck burying you."
No. No, no, no. Even K has given up. How are you supposed to have hope when even he has given up?
"But don't misunderstand me! Gouji can be beaten! Just not today. While you follow whatever tired rules he forces on you, never let that light in your soul go! Never forget the art of skating. The art of the soul, graffiti. The streets will be the Rudies' again! So long as you are alive and you have graffiti souls, never forget that you are a Rudie, and I'm so proud of you. I'm proud of you, you, you! And I'm even proud of you!" He shouts, pointing right at the camera to the two teen's shock.
"That's right, I know you put a camera in here! Ain't no leader that can keep you guys in check is there? I hope you guys got a good look at my radio show, because if I haven't given you guys a blast, this show should!"
"Now, on the topic of leaders, I'm sure ya'll are scared and gonna search for a new one. Let me tell you kids somethin' I've wanted to say for a long time. You might see me as the leader, but I'm just layin' back here, giving orders like that loser Gouji. I never thought of myself as your leader neither, more like a cool uncle who gives advice to support my troublesome kids. You want to know what a real leader is?"
"It's someone who can usher in the future! Who is willing to stand in the gunfire with ya, but also pull your ass out when you need it. Someone who looks at the trajectory of your desires, goes 'aight' and leads you down that path, not someone who forces you onto a different one. Someone who knows that you kids are the future of Tokyoto!"
You hear the sounds of something hitting the door come from the radio, and DJ Professor K turns to it in surprise. Frantic, he turns back to his sound board.
"Okay, I ain't got much time! To the remnants of the Sound Tanks, keep on with your badass tech, keep fixing up those beauties from the junkyard, and most of all… take a break on that sugar! I love you guys, and that ain't good for ya, it will rot your teeth! Trust me, healthy body, healthy brain. Can't beat Gouji with a sugar high. To Beat and Gu-"
Suddenly, the door is broken down, and that monster you had seen before walks in atop his horse. "Your time is up K. Gouji has requested that I bring you to your end."
"Shit man, you can't just dead air me like this! Couldn't ya read the sign outside?"
"A fitting term, dead air. Your transmissions have always been dead air, and from now on they will always be dead air."
"Don't you know what the hell dead air even means!?"
The skeleton gives a swing with his scythe, which the DJ is able to dodge. With him out of the way though, it sinks into the console behind him, sending out a huge amount of sparks. All the radios are forced off.
"Come on, that shit was expensive, yo!" they hear him complain through the camera.
"I care not for the cost of materials. Your soul is worth more to me than copper and steal," Rider says, removing his scythe from the machine.
Then, K grabs a small microphone out of his pocket. "Well, luckily I still have my mobile unit! Sounds gonna be like it comes out of a toilet though." He hits a button, and suddenly the radios are back on. "Did ya miss me? Well, I ain't got less than a minute, so hear my out!"
"Gouji ain't a leader, he's a loser! You will always be a loser, Gouji! Stupid clothes, stupid music, and you have a shiny ass head! Everyone knows it!" He says, now backing towards what looks like a large speaker.
"Oh… oh, shit," Hotwire whispers.
Kilobyte turns to his friend. "What? What is it?"
"I remember making that. That ain't a speaker. That's a Boom Box!"
"What? What do you mean?"
"Come on and swing, you emaciated fucker! I'd say give that cloak back to the guy you dug up, but that guy is obviously you!"
"Enough with this! I tire of your useless prattle!" The Rider brings his scythe up and once more swings it down. It hit its mark. It sinks deep into the DJ, and the sight makes Kilo wantr to scream. However, K just keeps on smiling.
"Ha, for being older than me, you're dumb as hell!"
Then, the sound of an explosion can be heard. Not from the radios which have all gone off, not from the TV which has gone to static. No. Kilobyte can feel the earth shake. Terror, sadness, and anger all flow through him as the transmission cuts off.
Kilobyte opens his eyes. That dream again. Even in his new home, far away from the worries of Tokyoto, he can still remember everything so clearly. Part of him wonders if he'll ever stop having these nightmares.
Getting up he grabs an apple from a nearby fruit bowl. He tried to enjoy his gang's usual sugary treats after the incident, but these days he has lost his taste for the stuff. He couldn't even differentiate the fruits anymore. They just have the aftertaste of iron.
Walking to his sound table made from scraps taken by Hotwire, he puts on his hand made earphones and turns the dials until he's satisfied with the sound. Then, it's show time.
"Yoyoyo! We're on air! Whether you're an ex-slave or a Rudie, I think we all can appreciate the freedom of music. It's DJ KB here, and I want to ask you a question. Do you understand the concept of love? Because me and my boys sure did when the awesome Eggman took us under his wing! Sapient robots, big ass flying machines, and cars that can stick to walls, if that stuff doesn't make you wanna pick up a wrench and build I just don't get ya. Here's a song in honor of the big man himself!"
The world is a bleaker place without DJ Professor K. But you'll do what you can, take what you know, and show the world that so long as you, no, the Rudies survive, his soul will live on.