- Location
- Nice try
Starting next turn, we'll have the option to store a biodata trait so he can acquire more.
Yeah but we can always give him a new copy slot.
Starting next turn, we'll have the option to store a biodata trait so he can acquire more.
A new copy slot will cost 2 upgrade points, a the next one 3, and 1 point more each new slot, but by leaving less impressive biodata in the
Yes, but that takes a Power action and will become increasingly expensive every time we take it. There is also the possibility of something coming up unexpectedly, which might be a good time to have extra empty slots. Like say we have one empty power slot, we do something that gets us into a situation that gives us one power, now we have none. Now let's say we encounter an enemy because of a lucky roll or an adventure who also has a really good power we'd like to try to collect. In this case, it might be useful to have an extra empty slot to take it.
*Whistles* Now that had to be a disturbing experience for the platypus. At least he didn't encounter fleetway Robotnik.
Fleetway is a complicated one as well. You've got as much chance of getting an unaltered Ovi Kintobor, who is possibly one of the sweetest guys you could meet. Whole this would mellow out Eggman a lot, Kintobors inventions tended to be more technomagical as opposed to Robotics tech.
Both Belle's Learn More About Eggman's Past and Sage's Study these Other Versions of Father seem like they could bring that up, more the latter than the former. Belle's action isn't explicitly about it, but I'm sure she would come across tales of Eggman's variants.
If you're concerned about getting the memories of the insane Eggmans, like pre-SGW Archie and Fleetway, there's actions we can take to lay the stage. The way I see it, it's inevitable that we regain their memories. There's going to be plenty of people every Eggman has met that can trigger his roll. Once we get the Council of Eggs achievement, we're supposed to get an upgrade to the Shattered Memories trait too, which will probably lower the DC to pass to gain the memories.
I'm curious if high results on the Draw Blueprints personal would trigger Shattered Memory rolls.
Maybe scratch and grounder?so, I'm just thinking. who could we even unlock Satam Robotnik from that wont be imediately hostile? we already figured out that Snively was the Archie version, and I can't think of anyone else that wasn't an enemy of that version of the doctor.
no they'd be Adventures Robotnik
hmm, well I guess it's lucky that the anti pollution king got cut.I don't think so if anything SaTam!Robotnik probably will unlock a mallus since that guy is big on pollution and look like he explicit going out of his way to pollute the planet so much that only robots will be able to prosper in it.
hmm, well I guess it's lucky that the anti pollution king got cut.
although it would be pretty funny if we killed off the Vortex by polluting the ocean so bad they all just die.
edit: actually now that I think about it, Eggman has always polluted the environment. in Sonic 1 after presumably being in control of Labyrinth Zone for at most an hour he'd managed to drain all the color out of the stone and turned the water into Mega Mack
this is something that i have to disagree with on your interpretation of Eggman, he doesn't dismiss these issues because he believes he can solve them later, he dismisses them because he doesn't care about them in the first place. he doesn't recognize pollution as a problem and has no plans to clean it up later.Any damage that he cause he believe he can cine up with a sollution for it later.
Can't wait to beat him and maybe reprogram him to work for us. He doesn't need that free will.