Yeah but we can always give him a new copy slot.
A new copy slot will cost 2 upgrade points, a the next one 3, and 1 point more each new slot, but by leaving less impressive biodata in the
computer we can get an empty slot for free. And worst case scenario if the new trait is not as good, we can also leave that one in the computer
and recover the old one.
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Yeah but we can always give him a new copy slot.
Yes, but that takes a Power action and will become increasingly expensive every time we take it. There is also the possibility of something coming up unexpectedly, which might be a good time to have extra empty slots. Like say we have one empty power slot, we do something that gets us into a situation that gives us one power, now we have none. Now let's say we encounter an enemy because of a lucky roll or an adventure who also has a really good power we'd like to try to collect. In this case, it might be useful to have an extra empty slot to take it.

With this traits we could also possibly build Metal for quite a few situations. Sneaking in? Give Trickery traits. Attacking an area? Give fighting traits. Swapping stuff in and out of him based on our next plan might be a useful strategy.
I'm imagining an omake
Where it's a bunch of kids
And they are meeting with us about the "goods"
And we Crack open a box and a whole bunch of extreme gear is inside
Belle Making the Rounds: Chatting With A Rose
Belle Making the Rounds: Chatting With A Rose

(Not Long After Arriving)​

Belle walked around the base, trying to keep her mind off things. It hasn't been long since she found herself here surrounded with new faces and a ne- Shaking her head, she tried not to think about it and simply focused on exploring her new…..home?

Frowning slightly, she didn't really think this place could ever be called a home. It all felt too cold and harsh, just endless halls of steel and machinery. Nowhere as friendly as her village, not as warm and inviting as her home, and no Papa.

Blinking back tears, she just found a wall and sat down. She didn't know how long she was sitting when she felt a shadow cover over her.

"Greetings." The cyborg hedgehog said, looking down on her.

"Oh h-hello" She answered weakly, a bit intimidated. Was she one of the Doctor's assistants?

"You are the newcomer, correct?" She stated before extending a hand toward her. "I am Rusty Rose."

"I'm Belle, Belle the Tinkerer." She replied slowly, reaching out and grabbing hold.

"Are you lost?" Rusty asked once Belle was on her feet.

She was about to say no but stopped to glance around the unfamiliar hall.

"Uh maybe a bit." She confessed.

"Follow, I'll show you to your room." Rusty said before marching off without another word. Belle numbly followed along.

Several times as they walked, she wanted to ask something of her but could never quite get it out. Before long, she found herself at the entrance to her room and with Rusty already moving to leave.

Before Rusty could disappear out of sight, Belle tried to muster the courage to ask her one question.

"Is it okay If I come talk to you sometime?" Rusty stopped moving but didn't answer. When Belle still didn't hear back, she was beginning to think she overstepped.

"I do not mind." Was all Rusty said before she left.

(During Turn 2)​

Humming happily, she moved through the halls. After the move and her chat with the Doctor, things seem to be looking up. She made new friends (even if Canaan was kind of scary at first) and even managed to talk to Metal Sonic.

"Hey Rusty." She said with some cheer as she entered the room where she had been told she was in. She found her standing at a computer, with several reports and tablets sitting on a table next to her.

"Hello Belle." Rusty answered back, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Are you busy?" Belle asked curiously, glancing around.

"I was collecting information on the individual known as Amy Rose." She replied, scrolling through data.

"Amy….Rose?" Belle said, confused.

"Yes…..records show her possessing a similar likeness to me." She said before pulling up a video on the computer, showing a pink hedgehog wielding a hammer against several badniks.

"Oh!" Belle stared eyes wide as she glanced between the face shown on the screen and Rusty. "Is she family? A sister?" She said with some degree of excitement.

"Negative. She is an enemy of the Eggman Empire." Rusty stated flatly though Belle didn't miss the slight pause or the way she glanced at the screen.

"Is that something you truly want?" Belle asked sincerely.

Rusty didn't answer and just stayed silent for a long time. Belle didn't press further and just accompanied her in the silence.

(During Turn 3)​

Sighing a bit, Belle rested at a table by her workshop. After her stressful mission to get Piastol, she spent the rest of her time just tinkering. She didn't make anything useful but it was relaxing, well unless you count that one th-

"Are you alright Belle?" A voice suddenly emerged from behind.

"Ah!" Belle shrieked in surprise "Oh Gears, Rusty it was just you." She wheezed, holding her chest. "Sorry, the Doctor had me recruiting again."

"Did the mission go well?" Rusty asked, sitting beside her and scanning for any injuries.

"Well I did think I would get eaten at first." She said ruefully. "But it works itself out in the end. What about you?" Asked Belle in return.

"The Doctor had assigned me as his research assistant, it too has been eventful." Rusty simply stated.

When Rusty didn't continue, Belle was content to let it go and enjoy the atmosphere. After some time, she remembered something.

"Oh by the way here." She rummaged around her pocket before hesitating. "Um, on second thought maybe I'll give it to you later."

"What is it Belle?" Asked Rusty.

"It's just, I'm not sure if you would want it." She said downcast. "I got really distracted after coming back with Piastol and it didn't come out right no matt-."

"Can I see?" Rusty cut her off.

Belle nodded meekly before slowly pulling it out and presenting it to her. It was a silver bracelet, almost identical to the one Rusty wears if not for the color.

"I noticed your other arm was missing one." She gestures toward her bare wrist. "So I tried to work on making you a matching one but I couldn't focus and made a lot of mistakes. The best I could do was only make it as durable as your other one."

Barely hearing her, Rusty was almost focused solely on the bracelet. Zooming in, she could see many imperfections and deformities, but nothing that would compromise or significantly affect its structural integrity. She could also make out faint engravings of animals and nature on the surface albeit poorly done.

"Why?" Was all Rusty could ask, feeling an odd sensation in her system.

"Back…when I first got here, you were the only person I ever talked to." Belle answered, closing her eyes briefly as she remembered those times before opening them again. "It really helped those talks and I wanted to do something for you even if it's a small gift like this."

"I never had a gift before…" Rusty whispered, gently taking the bracelet and holding it in her hands. She then put in on her wrist, admiring it alongside her other one.

"Thank you Belle." She said, a small smile broke out on her face.

"Oh it's no problem, that is what friends are for." Belle beamed, happy at Rusty's joy. "I just wished I could make it better or at least have it match."

"A friend?" Rusty froze and repeated those words.

"Isn't that what we are?" Belle said hesitantly, her smile dimming.

"No, it's fine!" Rusty suddenly shouted, taking Belle by surprise."I would like to be friends." Taking another glance at her new bracelet. "We are indeed friends." She said with a larger smile that was only matched by Belle's own.

Timewise it would make sense if Rusty was Belle's first friend since in Sonic Prime, Rusty was kind of longing for companionship and bonds. Even without her memories I doubt those feelings will go away.
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Actual Rusty Rose content, nice! If Starline is our most meme'd on hero, Rusty's arguably the most forgotten. It's sweet, without disregarding how robotic her personality is right now. But not without a sense of yearning.
Starline Experiment file #&%: Another attempt to restore Doctor Eggman
Starline Experiment file #&%: Another attempt to restore Doctor Eggman

"This is Doctor Starline…" The platypus rubbed his eyes clearly exhausted. "This will be my…which attempt was it fifty-six? Seventy three? …Bah."

"It has been…some time since I started. A lot of things have changed on the outside but my work continues." Orbot and Cubot drag Metal Sonic's dismantled body in the background, it was rather noisy but the platapus doesn't seem to notice.

"I still haven't been able to find my Eggman, but I have managed to catalogue number of the other ones. The most…memorable of them is The Monster." Starline shuddered. "In case I or anyone else forgot he was the one broke lose and attacked me." He stared off into space for a second. "I have increased my security since then."

"Anyway I've decided to change tact for this experiment. If you compared my efforts to fishing in a pool for one specific fish, then this time I'm going to go deeper and find the core of Eggman and then work backward to my Eggman." He paused for a second. "That's a horrible analogy but so be it. Wish me luck."

Recording of the results of experiment #&%.

Starline sat in front of the temporarily restrained Doctor Eggman. He groaned, thinking he really needed some sleep, he wasn't even sure if the experiment-

"Starline." He froze as the Doctor(?) spoke.

"...How do you know my name?" Starline's hand edged toward the taser he brought after the last incident.

Eggman(?) gave him a flat look. "You work for us you fool." His voice was…odd. It was clearly the Doctor's but there was a slight…echo to it. Almost like many were speaking as one.

Starline swelled with pride that he worked for the Doctor (or at least a Doctor), and then sighed because the experiment was a failure. "You aren't Doctor Eggman."

"No." The Doctor(?) seemed far to relaxed for someone tied to a chair which only made Starline wary. "So we can skip the pleasantries. What's the state of the Empire?"

"Neo Metal Sonic took command in your absence-" Why was he speaking? There was no reason to tell a different Eggman anything. "Unfortunately he…lost recently, so your Empire doesn't have a leader at the moment." Come to think of it why is Eggman(?) talking in the plural?

"Tch." The Doctor(?) clicked his tongue. "Of course it couldn't be too easy. Who brought Metal down?"

This one…this one is dangerous, Starline can feel it…and yet- "While carrying out an invasion on…" He flipped through his notes. "East Europan Imperial Alliance, Neo was ambushed by Shadow…who seems to have joined the Black Arms."

…Why was it suddenly so quiet? The Doctor(?) wasn't saying anything just staring at him with an unnerving intensity. Wait no there was something, the Doctor was-Starline leaned in.

"What did Black Doom do?!"

"No matter I'm more interested in where Neo was invading-
"Curse you MAX!"
"Starline better not screw this up."

What in the world? The Doctor(?) was…talking to himself?

"All of you shut up! We're still talking with Starline!" The Doctor(?) coughed. "My apologies, a genius such as me sometimes let's his thoughts leak out of his mind."

…Did he actually succeed? This might not be his Eggman, but he was looking for the 'core' this time so…he seems to have found the Doctor's subconscious! He's making progress!

Starline clamped down on the euphoric feeling, he wasn't done yet and 'Eggman' was still in front of him…if this was the Doctor's subconscious then how did he know his name? He said that Starline worked for him but this was their first time meeting. Perhaps this was the shared subconscious? It's the Doctor's core but it shared bit and pieces of the others?

"No worries Doctor." Starline waved him off. "I should apolgize for your accommodations as well, I'd give you something more befitting of you but The Shattering did a number on…everything." Starline looked away but not enough that he couldn't see the Doctor out of the corner of his eye, he was going to have another 'Monster' situation if he could help it.

Eggman(?) huffed a bored glint in his glasses. "Just do your job Doctor. There's work to be done and I'd like to get started on it."

"Of course sir, just allow me to-"

"And Starline." Eggman(?) cut him off as he reset the experiment.

"Yes?" Starline turned to the Doctor(?) and flinched back.

"Don't betray us this time."
His face was shrouded in shadows and only the light glinting off his glasses and teeth could be seen.

"Y-Yesir." *Click click BEEP*

Starline sighed in relief as the Doctor(?) was pulled back into the depths of his mind. "...What was that? …Why would I ever betray the Doctor?" It might have been nonsense, but…out of all the questions and answers he had gotten from this, that question stuck with him.

…Tch. It didn't matter if some other version of himself did for some insane reason. He wouldn't do that. He would bring the Doctor back and stand by his side as Eggman took this world as his right.

Still he couldn't shake this unnerving feeling…

End Log.


AN: SV Eggman everyone! Hopefully I did it alright. Bit low-key but he can't exactly do much at this point in time.

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Fleetway is a complicated one as well. You've got as much chance of getting an unaltered Ovi Kintobor, who is possibly one of the sweetest guys you could meet. While this would mellow out Eggman a lot, Kintobors inventions tended to be more technomagical as opposed to Robotics tech.

Edit: An example of a Kintobor invention were the star posts, which in Fleetway comics were dimensional teleporters. He made these to ease transport across Mobius. FOR ANYONE.
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Fleetway is a complicated one as well. You've got as much chance of getting an unaltered Ovi Kintobor, who is possibly one of the sweetest guys you could meet. Whole this would mellow out Eggman a lot, Kintobors inventions tended to be more technomagical as opposed to Robotics tech.

On the other hand you can get Fleetway!Robotnik a guy that was literally born from all the evil's of a planet.
If you're concerned about getting the memories of the insane Eggmans, like pre-SGW Archie and Fleetway, there's actions we can take to lay the stage. The way I see it, it's inevitable that we regain their memories. There's going to be plenty of people every Eggman has met that can trigger his roll. Once we get the Council of Eggs achievement, we're supposed to get an upgrade to the Shattered Memories trait too, which will probably lower the DC to pass to gain the memories.

If you want to control how Eggman reacts when receiving their memories, he needs to know before having their memories (and all the self-justification) downloaded into his head. Both Belle's Learn More About Eggman's Past and Sage's Study these Other Versions of Father seem like they could bring that up, more the latter than the former. Belle's action isn't explicitly about it, but I'm sure she would come across tales of Eggman's variants. Sage's action is explicitly about his variants. Low rolls could bring up those variants. Eggman trusts Sage more than he does anyone else.

I'm curious if high results on the Draw Blueprints personal would trigger Shattered Memory rolls.
QM's have said that even if we get the memories of the eviler Eggmans we can work to lessen how much influence they have on Eggman himself through taking actions and what not.

Plus talking to Belle and Sage could help.
Both Belle's Learn More About Eggman's Past and Sage's Study these Other Versions of Father seem like they could bring that up, more the latter than the former. Belle's action isn't explicitly about it, but I'm sure she would come across tales of Eggman's variants.

Adding on to that, Belle's Talk to a... Co-worker? explicitly has her talk with the given Hero about Eggman from their perspective. So, Pronghorns and Stone, to a lesser degree Honey, should have her learning specifically about their versions.

Similarly, Pronghorn's Catch Cassia Up is more about the multiverse in general, but still may touch on the various Eggmen. Talk to the Egg Bosses with Thunderbolt is similarly indirect, but should still bring up Archie Eggman.

Those are all the personals that could relate to it.
so, I'm just thinking. who could we even unlock Satam Robotnik from that wont be imediately hostile? we already figured out that Snively was the Archie version, and I can't think of anyone else that wasn't an enemy of that version of the doctor.
If you're concerned about getting the memories of the insane Eggmans, like pre-SGW Archie and Fleetway, there's actions we can take to lay the stage. The way I see it, it's inevitable that we regain their memories. There's going to be plenty of people every Eggman has met that can trigger his roll. Once we get the Council of Eggs achievement, we're supposed to get an upgrade to the Shattered Memories trait too, which will probably lower the DC to pass to gain the memories.

I getting more concerned that when Eggman trigger X!Eggman memories there were no blackout this time, rather it seems that Eggman seemeling merge with Games/IDW!Eggman personality and even get most of his memories if I understand it right.

That is fine since both are more or less the same personality so no much chnage there.

I'm curious if high results on the Draw Blueprints personal would trigger Shattered Memory rolls.

Given how is describe I don't think so, since a high roll is much more laser focus and is Eggman remebering a specific invention of a alternate self but without the memories that come with Shattering Memories trait.
I don't think so if anything SaTam!Robotnik probably will unlock a mallus since that guy is big on pollution and look like he explicit going out of his way to pollute the planet so much that only robots will be able to prosper in it.
hmm, well I guess it's lucky that the anti pollution king got cut.

although it would be pretty funny if we killed off the Vortex by polluting the ocean so bad they all just die.

edit: actually now that I think about it, Eggman has always polluted the environment. in Sonic 1 after presumably being in control of Labyrinth Zone for at most an hour he'd managed to drain all the color out of the stone and turned the water into Mega Mack
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hmm, well I guess it's lucky that the anti pollution king got cut.

although it would be pretty funny if we killed off the Vortex by polluting the ocean so bad they all just die.

Well one can day the Vortex are doing their own version of pollution, after all sooner or latet the fish will run out and there whole continents full of life.

edit: actually now that I think about it, Eggman has always polluted the environment. in Sonic 1 after presumably being in control of Labyrinth Zone for at most an hour he'd managed to drain all the color out of the stone and turned the water into Mega Mack

Yeah but Games/IDW!Eggman don't actually go out of his way to pollute the enviroment for the kicks he simple don't care about the pollution his factorirs cause.

For him the enviroment is not a concern but only a resource to be exploited or is on his way. Any damage that he cause he believe he can cine up with a sollution for it later.

Fleetway!Robotnik, Pre-SGW!Eggman and SatAm!Robotnik intetionally go out of their way to cause much pollution as possible, Flletway and Pre-SGW for the kicks and SaTam for implied to crrate a world only for robots.
Any damage that he cause he believe he can cine up with a sollution for it later.
this is something that i have to disagree with on your interpretation of Eggman, he doesn't dismiss these issues because he believes he can solve them later, he dismisses them because he doesn't care about them in the first place. he doesn't recognize pollution as a problem and has no plans to clean it up later.
In any case, Eggman will actually have to deal with pollution now. Mainly because he has actual citizens to manage and also because Isara's brother loves nature and wouldn't be happy at his actions if we recruit him.

That and it will also infuriate Warhead which is a bonus.