Fractured Empire 3: Night of the Black Sun
Fractured Empire 3: Night of the Black Sun

Thebirdgirl said:
Hopefully this turn goes better than the last ones did...

NahIwin said:
Come on guys you have to be more optimistic than that! Bouts of extreme bad luck aside we've been doing really well!

Eggman aside, and even then he isn't really a problem right now

Eitala said:
…He's right. We've rigged the field as much as we can. Everything has been set up to succeed, so we should be fine.

Though shouldn't we have done something about the Darcsens? I don't mind them leaving (they really deserve better than what they have) but to Eggman?

Thebirdgirl said:
It's Eggman, and the game version at that. He's more likely to use them as a cheer squad than anything actually dangerous.

As things stand let's focus on the D6. We've been doing pretty well against them, and bringing them down will hurt Eggman anyway.

Jester18 said:
About that...

Fend Off The Empire DC: Contested By Empire
100 + ??? = 207

Fuddqueen said:
Oh you have got to be-

Eitala said:
AGAIN?! What is going on in Green Hills?!

NahIwin said:
Eh…well it looks bad but it might not be?

Eitala said:
NahIwin said:
Eh…well it looks bad but it might not be?
Do explain Nah how this could possible not be terrible for us?

NahIwin said:
Hey the last one took down Neo Metal.

Fuddqueen said:
…He does have a point. We got bailed out by Shadow sure but the possibility is there.

Severan321 said:
I doubt we'll be that lucky. After Eggman kicked the Black Arms out (Sure it was after the Gun/Restoration force beat them into the ground but still…), he's the only person who could interfere with this since the other factions are on the wrong side of Green Hills.

Thebirdgirl said:
Yeah it'd probably be even worse for us if Eggman got involved, which I doubt since Zavoc is currently throwing an army at him.

Hah. Nothing for it we'll just have to bite the bullet and see what manner of horror we've gotten.

Fuddqueen said:
…Come to think of it who is leading the enemy this time? We can't reasonably prepare for a Crit but still I wonder who caused it.


Night of the Black Sun

Everything was going so well.

The resistance was expected but accounted for, they didn't have a way for the rank and file to deal with the machines yet, but their armored accompaniment was more than enough to hold the line.

Which is where Selvaria came in.

She announced herself to the battle field with a beam of light sweeping the enemy away. "SOLDIERS OF THE EMPIRE!" She cried raising her lance to the sky. "THE ENEMIES OF OUR MAJESTY AND OUR EMPIRE LIE IN FRONT OF YOU! BRING THEM DOWN!"

A great cry arose and the troops rallied. Armor piercing rounds craving apart the robots standing in there way.

Selvaria smiled in silent pride at her troops before beginning to move forward-

The Sun lost it's light and turned traitor.

A Black sun cast shadows over the land, as pools of darkness opened under the army. Whole platoons disappered into the void screaming as they were dragged in whatever hell lay beyond. Not even the tanks were safe from the horror as dark tendrils wrapped themselves around their fragile metal frames before being wrenched apart.

Selvaria did her best, blasting away at the void and trying to pull who she could away from the void. Unfortunately this left her vulnerable.

A blur of black, blue, and purple came from nowhere and drove it's hand into Selvaria's neck. The Valkur screamed as shadows erupted from her form both binding her and stabbing into her.

A malevolent yellow eye chuckled at her struggles, watching with glee as her bonds tightened and darkness tried to force it's way into her soul. "An imitator angel has no place here." The monster whispered into her ear as his unholy conjurations tried to pry her face open. "Though I suppose you haven't been one for a while have you, not under that little monster pretending to be a man." He laughed as Selvaria screamed, a sudden burst of power seeming more like he let her go than the general actually getting away. He crackled as she fled in a half-consious panic. "RUN LITTLE ANGEL! YOU'LL BE JOINING YOUR MEN SOON ENOUGH!"

It threw it's head back and laughed under the black sun as the Empire's loyal soldiers were drawn into the depths.

Complete loss of all Empire troops.
Selvaria is more than wounded, but less than dead.
Zor is… something more than he was.


Eitala said:
*Terrifyied laughter*

Right! That chaos emerald research is a priority now! All in favor?

Severan321 said:

Fuddqueen said:

Thebirdgirl said:
We need to burn those hills to the bedrock.

Eitala said:
M-Maybe not that much…but yeah Zor needs to go.

…I hope Selvaria's alright. I mean yes I know Max isn't a good boss but still…we can spare a personal to check on her right?

Fuddqueen said:
No arguments here, for both practical and moral reasons. We can't just…leave our most loyal hero like that.

Jester18 said:
Well you could but…the most sure way to wipe the Six off the map would be the final flame. So...

Thebirdgirl said:

Eitala said:

Severan321 said:
…I don't like it either but if it comes to that…

Fuddqueen said:
NOPE. Things aren't anywhere near that desperate and they won't ever be. We got Gregor back from that pirate so he can fill in for Selvaria while she recovers, and while we've underestimated this world before we still have cards to play.

Incidentally I'm becoming increasingly less opposed to using the Valkov on those monsters.

Jester18 said:
Maybe you shouldn't show one of your trump cards this early, but it isn't a bad idea. It would almost certainly be enough to cripple the Six by itself.

…Of course then everyone and their pets would be doing their best to bring it down.

Up to you though!

Eitala said:
Yeah let's shelve that idea for now. We can consider it again when things are more desperate or when we have an opportunity.

Seriously though, yeesh. Zavoc was able to muster that much firepower with everything focused on Eggman? What did Zor do?!

Fuddqueen said:
I don't think we want to know.

Thebirdgirl said:
Agreed. Though ultimately it doesn't matter. We'll get our revenge no horror he's bound himself too.

Eitala said:
...How is Selvaria Jester? How bad is it?

Jester18 said:
Well she's alive but...don't expect her to be up for awhile.

Also Zor might have...just maybe...managed to shake her loyalty. He did a number on her head, and not all of it was 'said' shall we say.

Eitala said:
...Damn him.

We really do need to talk with her.

...We'll avenge you girl don't worry.
AN: Still going to make a negaverse for the Zeti but this seemed an apporitate event as well.

@Kingster @Boohoo the 3rd


While Eggman struggles to recover what is rightfully his and fights for establishing his empire. We cant forget he is not the only player on the board. There are many, many kings around. Many with their own ambitions and problems to deal with. How are they faring?

Make a negaverse omake of another faction, can be a king or a minor one or a prince tier even

Rewards: Varies depending on the omake.

Edit: Claiming 'A mile in another's shoes.'
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Woe Plague Be Upon Ye

An image tagged woe plague be upon ye


Omega will roll every turn to attack some badniks or potentially interrupt a National Action a Metal hero is assigned to.

-[X] Upgrade Upgrade Metal Sonic DC: 40/60/80/100/120/140/160/180/200 (Thunderbolt)
Result: 1d100 (59) + 18(Eggman) + 20(Egg tronics) + 14(Thunderbolt) + 10(Electric love) + 2(Loyalty)
Total: 123

Despite her eccentricities, Eggman had to admit that Thunderbolt the Chinchilla was a benefit to his work towards world domination. Just getting rid of Zomon alone was beneficial, holding him for one week had nearly emptied the larder. Discounting how she was actually an effective assistant and an expert in her field.

While, of course, Eggman took the lead on upgrading Metal by designing hardware, updating software, and integrating modules, Thunderbolt's own contributions only let him push his genius further. The electrician made the energy allocation more efficient, which allowed Eggman to install and integrate more than he had hoped would be possible in the time that they had.

"Oh yes, with these upgrades, Metal will be unstoppable! Ohohohohoho!" Eggman laughed, before examining the various devices and tools he and Thunderbolt had laid on tables surrounding Metal Sonic in his lab. "Hmph, blast it, where is that damn welding torch?"

"Oh! Oh! I left it by the door, let me get it for you Doctor!" Thunderbolt raced over to where the tool laid and picked it up, before squealing in glee as Eggman rolled his eyes. He didn't need to be a 300 IQ genius to know what she would say next. If he hadn't picked up on the pattern by the second time, the eighth would have sufficed. "This is just the best! Working with Doctor Eggman, THE Doctor Egg-"

Against the established pattern, that's when the door exploded. It was reinforced, so the door itself was still intact. The wall around it was not.

The door was sent flying across Eggman's lab, taking the diminutive chinchilla with it. Miraculously, none of the work tables the two had established were disturbed by its passing as it slammed into the opposite wall. A large black and red frame loomed through the aperture, glowing eyes piercing through the dust and smoke.

"Wha- OMEGA!? What are you doing here!?" Eggman demanded, reaching behind him to reactivate Metal.


"Well, you're a little early," Eggman scoffed. "Metal's not done."


"Well, I'm afraid this is going to take a while, seeing as you just killed my last lab assistant, you moron. Wait, what are you doing?" Eggman asked as Omega stepped away from the door and began shuffling sideways into the lab with the scraping sound of metal on metal.


"... A welding torch," Eggman sighed.

Omega bent down and picked up the one the chinchilla had dropped. "WILL THIS SUFFICE?"

As he took the tool from his rogue creation, he looked over at where Thunderbolt's corpse undoubtedly laid crushed under the door, expecting to see a puddle of blood.

"I got hit by a rocket from one of Doctor Eggman's robots! Best day evaaaaaar!"

Eh, she'd be fine.

-[X] Reach Out to the Restoration: DC 120 (Belle)
Roll: 1d100 (79) + 7(Eggman) + 25(Belle) + 10(Power of Friendship) + 2(Loyalty)
Total: 123
Roll: 1d100 (100) + 7(Eggman) + 25(Belle) + 10(Power of Friendship) + 2(Loyalty)
Nat 100 reroll: 1d100(23)
Total: 167

Negotiations were not going well. She had been left to wait in a meeting room, after a thorough examination to make sure she had no weapons, listening devices or technology of any kind on her. It was a good thing she'd convinced Doctor Eggman to let her go without anything other than her S.T.E.E.P.L.E., which they had overlooked due to its design. And then she actually met the leader of the Restoration.

Jewel was… high strung. Which Belle could relate to! So she tried to commiserate. Jewel was receptive at first, reciprocating, but then she started talking about the stresses of being a part of the Restoration during the war. And from there, she moved onto the stresses from Eggman in general. And not just from during the war either, no, Jewel had a laundry list from years of Eggman's attempts at world domination.

As Jewel unloaded on her, getting more and more heated with every diatribe, Belle reflected that it was a bad time to be one of his creations. As she sunk into the seat, she desperately wished for something, anything, to interrupt the verbal assault detailing Doctor Eggman's past schemes and deceptions.

Then the door exploded.

Both Belle and Jewel shrieked and took cover, hiding behind the same table. Once she caught her breath, Jewel hissed at her, "I should have known this was just another trick, a way to get us to drop our guard. Any second now, one of Eggman's war machines is going to walk through there and tell us that resistance is fut-."

Omega walked through what used to hold a door, "EGGMAN ROBOT DETECTED. PREPARE FOR TERMINATION, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE." Jewel and Belle looked at one another, each with a nervous half-smile and they both gave a hysterical giggle.

After a rapid, silent conversation Jewel was the one to poke her head over the table, "Omega, part of the Restoration's purpose is to oppose Eggman and his empire, we don't need you to-" Jewel let loose another shriek before Belle tackled her out of the way of a missile, which exploded just overhead.

"Jewel? Jewel!? Can you move?" Belle hissed but the beetle just whimpered, part of her side burned and littered with shrapnel.

"THERE IS NO NEGOTIATION WITH EGGMAN. ANY ATTEMPT IS UNACCEPTABLE." Omega stomped forward, both his hands ready to unload a barrage of shells at the two.

Belle hopped over what was left of the table with her S.T.E.E.P.L.E. active, making sure to stay between him and Jewel so the injured insect would be less likely to take any more damage. "WAIT! I'll leave, I'll leave, you, uh, stopped Eggman's plan, curses foiled again, go Omega. Just please stop shooting at us!"

Another wave of bullets was her answer, but the S.T.E.E.P.L.E. did its work admirably. "I WILL PROVE MY SUPERIORITY OVER ALL EGGMAN MACHINES!"

"I'm not even an Eggman machine! He wasn't the one to build me technically, I'm not even made of metal!" Belle protested, trying to push forward to get more distance between her and Jewel.


"Well, I'm uh, supposed to be a negotiator. Maybewecantalkaboutthis!? Youcanbeatmethere!?" Belle squeaked out between volleys.

Omega actually paused for a moment and Belle took the opportunity to reposition away from the downed Restoration leader. The Tinker felt a moment of hope as he seemed to be considering her suggestion. Then Omega changed weapons to a flamethrower and the wooden puppet gulped. "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS."

"Oh sawdust," Belle managed to get out before Omega began chasing her around the room, setting it alight. Blinded by the streams of fire, the wailing girl tripped and was stomped on by the massive robot as he charged past, shattering the S.T.E.E.P.L.E.'s barrier.

As she pushed herself up to see Omega turning for a second pass, Belle's short life passed before her eyes, focusing on the last few months. Months of insanity! Losing her father, only to find an evil version of him in his place. Working with the platypus who kidnapped Mr. Tinker and turned him back into Doctor Eggman. Tracking down and negotiating with incredibly dangerous people. Watching the fight between Eggman's forces and the Deadly Six. All the EVERYTHING that happened in Tokyo-To. AND NOW THIS!?

Belle snapped. Screaming, she ran at Omega, dodging from side to side to evade his arsenal. Bullets, rockets, fire, whatever the projectile it didn't matter, none of them touched her. She leapt to the wall and pushed off to get enough height to reach his head in a flying kick, with form that even Conquering Storm would raise an eyebrow at. With full force, her foot slammed into Omega's head.

And bounced off. Omega spiked her into the floor and she lay there in a crumpled groaning heap.

When he approached to finish her off, another wooden projectile bounced off his head. Omega turned to look at the source of the interference, seeing Metal Sonic retrieving his thrown maraca.


One maraca rattled. *No.*


First one then both. *Maybe.*


Both maracas shook. *YES.*

Metal spun both instruments by his hips like a movie gunslinger before stowing them away. The two charged and began to brawl amidst the flames. Belle went ignored by the rogue Badnik as she and Jewel supported one another out of the building, or what remained of it, then collapsed side by side.

"Omega would never go along with one of Eggman's schemes," Jewel wheezed. "I still can't trust him, but… I think we can give a ceasefire a try."

"Yayyyyyyy," Belle slurred before she passed out as the mechanical mayhem ensued around them.

-[X] Create Experimental Black Arms Containment Chamber DC??? (Collab with GUN) - Sage
Result: 1d100 (6) + 40(Eggman) + 40(Sage) + 8(Loyalty) + 29(???)
Total: 123

While GUN's lead scientist continued to assist through the same secure connection, the team that they sent on-site was nothing if not highly efficient. Within the space of an hour, they had set up a full workstation in the room assigned to the project. There was a tube meant to contain a Black Arms and several scanners meant to analyze its connection with Black Doom. They would get far more information with a live specimen.

GUN's request for a room with access to a secondary location was odd. It was simple enough to acquiesce, however, so it was done without comment.

As they were installing the machines that would be used for the initial trials, the door exploded. "Oh, here we go," the on-site leader groaned. "Sage, could you keep him busy for a minute or two? We just need move everything to the next room."

Sage agreed, but was puzzled. Normally did not non-combatants panic in the face of a clear and present danger? Even trained responders would typically show apprehension or fear, even if they were able to control the reaction. Sage internally raised the threat rating for GUN's personnel. If even backline members were able to respond so calmly to such an event, it would be more difficult to break their wills when their alliance ended.

Sage floated forward and was met with the visage of E-123 Omega. He responded with the payload of the two gatling guns that replaced his hands. Naturally, the bullets passed through her form without incident. "E-Series, unit 123, designation Omega, I am not a robot for you to compete with and my consciousness is not stored in this location. You are unable to harm me."

It did not appear that Omega was able to hear her over the sound of gunfire. Unfortunate.

Sage left her projection to continue taking up Omega's attention and manifested another in the GUN scientists' new location. Sage noted that everyone present was wearing thick headsets, with a local wireless connection.

"THANKS FOR THAT," the lead scientist shouted over the noise as they directed the reconstruction of the laboratory. "HERE, IF YOU WANT TO PATCH INTO THE LOCAL NETWORK, WE CAN TALK. PASSWORD'S TEMPER TANTRUM, NO CAPS."

Sage took the invitation. "Were you expecting Omega's attack?"

They shrugged, "Not really, but we got used to it back in GUN. We brought these along out of habit, plus another pair in case Eggman showed up. They won't really do anything for you, unfortunately. … Hey, do you know how many bullets he's used so far?"

Sage checked on her initial projection, which had stayed in place, unbothered by Omega's assault. "By the time I finish this statement, he will have fired 81,674 projectiles."

They nodded, "Almost out then. He normally does missiles next and gives up after. Well, we should be good in here. Ready to get back to it?"


When the day's work concluded and they left, Sage found an abandoned tablet lying in a corner. When she examined it, there was a digital counter with the label 'Days since last Omega interruption.' She reset it to zero.

-[X] Rusty- Observe the Local Wildlife
Result: 1d100 (23)

Rusty Rose was not on active duty. She did not have any missions to complete, nor were there any tasks that would benefit from her assistance. So, for lack of anything better to do, instead she just… sat in one of the parks Isara had included when she had designed Egg City.

Rusty didn't know why, but she enjoyed being surrounded by greenery and it was nice when the birds approached her, seeing them fed, and hearing their song. They seemed attracted to her presence as she was surrounded by them when she heard a stomping noise. Rusty turned to see Omega approaching with signs of clear aggression.

Rusty ignored what he had to say in favor of a far more significant issue. "The birds flew away," Rusty murmured.

"OH? Y-" Two metal hands launched at Omega, one after the other. First a fist nailed him in the hip, knocking him off balance. Then an open palm slammed into his head and latched on, before retracting. Destabilized, Omega was unprepared and was helpless to resist as he was dragged across the ground. He came skidding to a halt by Rusty's feet and looked up to see that she had another punch chambered and ready.

"I LIKED the birds."

A/N: And that's a wrap. Hopefully didn't drive the joke into the ground. Might be my last omake for a while. Was working on it alongside the Pronghorn one. I have a couple other ideas, but haven't started on them. Hope y'all enjoy.
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The Rusty and Rosy Rustle
The Rusty and Rosy Rustle

-[X] Rusty Rose: Patrol The Perimeter
Result: 1d100 (78) [Rusty patrol]
Total: 78

??? Trickery Roll
Total: 22

Critical Success!

"Halt intruder. You are trespassing on territory belonging to Dr. Eggman. Surrender now or Suffer the consequences!" Rusty Rose demanded.

"Grah!" The figure shouted as they dragged themselves out of the foliage.

For a moment Rusty felt her head twitch as she processed the sight of a familiar face staring right back at her, except far more twisted and deranged.

"Where's Scourgey!" Yelled the crazed pink hedgehog as she rampaged her way to her, tearing through the once peaceful nature.

"I have no records of an individual known as 'Scourgey', now stand down." Rusty ordered as she readied her limbs.

"LIAR!" She howled, hefting a large hammer and leaping right at her.

Rusty reached out and grabbed the rod part of the hammer before it could slam into her.

With mild alarm, she immediately felt the servos in her arm groan under the impact as she tried to wrestle for control of the weapon.

"Let go." the intruder growled, leaning her head close to Rusty's and gnashing her teeth.

"I refuse." Rusty said flatly before spinning her entire upper torso, along with the hammer at increasingly higher and higher levels of speed.

The intruder stubbornly tried to hold onto the hammer but the speed reached a point where when she finally let go, the force was great enough to throw her hard through several trees before stopping at a massive one.

Tilting her head slightly at the look alike's unconscious form, she prepared her trip back to base with the new prisoner in tow.

(Later in the Base)​

"I heard you captured one of Sonic's friends." Said Eggman when he entered the room where the new prisoner was being held before catching sight of her.

Shattered Memories Triggers!
DC: 85
Roll: 10
He doesn't remember!

"This is certainly not Amy." He scowled at the sight, while she is certainly an Amy, the differences in clothing and injuries were enough to suggest something else was going on.

"And who had her treated?" He demanded as he pointed to her clearly being laid in bed with her injuries patched up, a clear difference compared to their other prisoner.

"I requested the medical treatment, she has shown a clear difference between that of Amy Rose and has also shown severe mental and physical deterioration upon closer examination once brought in." Rusty simply stated, staying close by the patient/prisoner.

"Father." One of the monitors lit up showing Sage. "You might also wish to take a look at this." A motobug soon emerges into the room holding a tablet.

"Yeesh, her mind is an utter mess. It's unbelievable she managed to fight Rusty at her current state." He muttered as he scrolled through the medical report before stopping. "Is that magical energy?" He said with confusion at a particular section.

"Can she be helped?" The words escaped Rusty's mouth before she could stop herself. She inwardly shrunk at Eggman's puzzled glare.

"Help?!" Eggman scoffed. "Why would I help her, what use would she serve me?"

He paused when he felt a motobug bumped into him, its blue and red eyes signifying its current owner.

"Please Father." Pleaded Sage. "This Amy could be our enemy but she doesn't deserve this fate."

Eggman twirled his mustache frowning, switching his gaze from the motobug to Sage present in the monitor before sighing.

"Fine, I suppose I can't get anything out of her in her current state." He said as held his chin.

"Hmm… fixing her will be tricky issue, maybe I can have that fool Starline give it a go, he does have experience with this sort of thing, there's also trying cybernetics, though I suppose I can also use this as an attempt at my own Rusty, ooh ho ho hoo!" He chuckled ominously at the last part.

"Father…" A slight tone of warning entered her voice.

"Oh relax dear daughter, I would have made sure her memory would have been perfectly preserved." He reassured her.

Meanwhile Rusty gravitated to the sleeping patient, her mechanical red eye briefly switching to pink as she watched over her.

Result: Rosy the Rascal Captured. New Options Unlocked.
Firing the Belle Cannon!
Firing the Belle Cannon!

"This is not what I expected." You scowled as you felt a headache forming at the unexpected revelation you had just found.

Once you had your Egg Fleet rebuilt, it was only natural to explore this new ocean and see what you find.

Still you never expected to find two islands full of badniks, one of which was composed of your own and they had not only obtained free will but refused to join you despite practically falling apart. Scrapniks, how fitting.

And this Isle of Misfits…

Shattered Memories Triggers!
DC: 65
Roll: 34
He doesn't remember!

Well at least they seem perfectly willing to join, a far cry from your own. Bah! Independence! Peace! If it weren't for Sage wishing to know more about her siblings, you would have preferred other means of handling this mess especially since they still have your Death Egg.

It could be worse, you do have someone well suited for this at least so you expect this problem to be handled quickly.

"Belle, you're up." You turned to your- the wooden badnik perched nervously on her chair and was currently peering out the window.

"Oh, well they seem nice." She said briefly, a small smile creeped up on her as one the figures started to enthusiastically wave at her, much to the frustration of the taller one.

"Indeed." You grumbled, not happy at the need for "diplomacy" especially with your own personal creations but it does let you test out your ship's unique loadout .

"Preparing the Belle Cannon!" You grinned as you slammed a button on your console.

"Belle-whaAA?!!!" She was cut off mid sentence with a shriek as the chair and floor suddenly dropped below her.

"Father! What was that?" Your daughter's worried voice reached your ears from a side monitor.

"No need to worry, I ran the tests myself." You reassured your daughter as you tracked Belle's position from your monitor. In another monitor, a small cannon with a wooden paint design slowly rose to the deck of the ship.

"She will be encased in a protective layer of shielding during the trip, similar to her S.T.E.E.P.L.E, and will make for a fast and a flashy entrance." You grinned as a woozy Belle suddenly appeared in the cannon's internal camera.

Cracking your knuckles you started to calculate the trajectory, the cannon slowly following your positioning. Once you have those desired coordinates firmly locked in the direction of the foolish Scrapniks delegation and had several badniks assigned to her as backup, you were ready to hit that final button.

"Firing the Belle Cannon!" You shouted before moving to push.

"Does she know that?" Questioned Sage and you paused but not before the button was pressed.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Cried a ball-like figure that passed overhead their window, wrapped in an orange glow.

"Phooey, I knew I forgot something." You groaned, running a hand over your face. "I don't suppose you know what gifts she likes?"

The monitor zoomed in to show a quivering figure tightly hugging the head of Mecha Sonic as he awkwardly tried to pry her off.

Results: Contact Made with Isle of Misfit Badniks and Scrapnik Island. Isle of Misfit Badniks have joined, Scrapnik Island improved to Neutral. Belle Loyalty Loss Offset with Apology Gifts.

Funny thing, I was looking through my notes when I found this idea I forgot to post when the Scrapnik Island Interlude came out. Since I felt a bit bad, I expanded it into a full omake.
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Fusion confusion
Fusion confusion

Shadic was having a very strange week so far. first the universe shattered and many worlds were smushed together. second nobody seemed to recognize who he was and he had to explain who he was to AMY of all people (which she should have known considering she's his WIFE ).
And now he was staring down part of himself that seems to have gone insane.

shadow glared up at shadic who was perched on the roof of some shopping mall that seems to have been squished together with about a dozen different versions of itself. shadic merely stared back with a look that switched between disappointed and angry every few seconds which seemed to piss off shadow even more.

who are you supposed to be another faker.
shadow yells up at him.
Damm we are disappointed in you shadow we should be better than this.
this seems to confuse and anger shadow.
we? also how do you know my name and you dont get to tell me what i should be.
shadic simply smirks.
oh but i do considering your me
shadow looks shocked WHAT?
shadic stands up and glares down at shadow.
my name is shadic and we are a fusion of sonic and shadow the hedgehog
and we are going to stop you.
shadow looks angry and is about to speak but shadic decides that enough talk has passed.

shadic disappears and reappears beside shadow and before he can react punches him in the chest and sends him flying clean through the walls of the shopping mall.
too slowww shadic taunts

shadow runs out of the shopping mall and attempts to spin dash shadic but he simply catches him using his strength to keep him in ball form he leaps up and throws shadow into the ground.

had enough yet?
shadow crawls out of the crater and glares up at shadic.
we'll take that as a no.

the spear slams into shadic and sends him back a few feet but he just shrugs it off
your going to have to do more than that if you want to beat me.

shadow growls and launches himself towards shadic and their battle truly begins.
blow after blow is exchanged but one party clearly has the advantage.
experience power and endurance put the fight solidly in shadics favor.

chaos control!
with those words shadic uses the time given to land blow after blow onto shadow and once the effect subsides shadow is sent flying backwards into a wall.
shadic isn't unscathed either he is covered in scuff marks and has a bloody nose and several bruises are forming.
shadow though clearly has some broken limbs

had enough yet or do we need to beat the evil out of you some more?

before shadow can respond he is teleported away by a black mist.
shadic frowns black doom we should have known he would be behind this.
well we better get back to HQ we are not going to save the world by standing here

with that shadic is off in a blur of speed he still has work to do.

woooh thats done
i feel like shadic would be another exception to the rules we see of what version of pwople appear and if there are multiple
hes technically a diffrent person than sonic or shadow
also this is a shadic who never unfused
also a little but of sonshadamy cause shadic married amy in that world
on the fight shadic is clearly superior to shadow especcially an emotional evil shadow like this one
he can still loose if hes not carefull its just that mechanically hes a combination of both sonic and shadows traits
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Starline Experiment file #&%: Another attempt to restore Doctor Eggman
Starline Experiment file #&%: Another attempt to restore Doctor Eggman

"This is Doctor Starline…" The platypus rubbed his eyes clearly exhausted. "This will be my…which attempt was it fifty-six? Seventy three? …Bah."

"It has been…some time since I started. A lot of things have changed on the outside but my work continues." Orbot and Cubot drag Metal Sonic's dismantled body in the background, it was rather noisy but the platapus doesn't seem to notice.

"I still haven't been able to find my Eggman, but I have managed to catalogue number of the other ones. The most…memorable of them is The Monster." Starline shuddered. "In case I or anyone else forgot he was the one broke lose and attacked me." He stared off into space for a second. "I have increased my security since then."

"Anyway I've decided to change tact for this experiment. If you compared my efforts to fishing in a pool for one specific fish, then this time I'm going to go deeper and find the core of Eggman and then work backward to my Eggman." He paused for a second. "That's a horrible analogy but so be it. Wish me luck."

Recording of the results of experiment #&%.

Starline sat in front of the temporarily restrained Doctor Eggman. He groaned, thinking he really needed some sleep, he wasn't even sure if the experiment-

"Starline." He froze as the Doctor(?) spoke.

"...How do you know my name?" Starline's hand edged toward the taser he brought after the last incident.

Eggman(?) gave him a flat look. "You work for us you fool." His voice was…odd. It was clearly the Doctor's but there was a slight…echo to it. Almost like many were speaking as one.

Starline swelled with pride that he worked for the Doctor (or at least a Doctor), and then sighed because the experiment was a failure. "You aren't Doctor Eggman."

"No." The Doctor(?) seemed far to relaxed for someone tied to a chair which only made Starline wary. "So we can skip the pleasantries. What's the state of the Empire?"

"Neo Metal Sonic took command in your absence-" Why was he speaking? There was no reason to tell a different Eggman anything. "Unfortunately he…lost recently, so your Empire doesn't have a leader at the moment." Come to think of it why is Eggman(?) talking in the plural?

"Tch." The Doctor(?) clicked his tongue. "Of course it couldn't be too easy. Who brought Metal down?"

This one…this one is dangerous, Starline can feel it…and yet- "While carrying out an invasion on…" He flipped through his notes. "East Europan Imperial Alliance, Neo was ambushed by Shadow…who seems to have joined the Black Arms."

…Why was it suddenly so quiet? The Doctor(?) wasn't saying anything just staring at him with an unnerving intensity. Wait no there was something, the Doctor was-Starline leaned in.

"What did Black Doom do?!"

"No matter I'm more interested in where Neo was invading-
"Curse you MAX!"
"Starline better not screw this up."

What in the world? The Doctor(?) was…talking to himself?

"All of you shut up! We're still talking with Starline!" The Doctor(?) coughed. "My apologies, a genius such as me sometimes let's his thoughts leak out of his mind."

…Did he actually succeed? This might not be his Eggman, but he was looking for the 'core' this time so…he seems to have found the Doctor's subconscious! He's making progress!

Starline clamped down on the euphoric feeling, he wasn't done yet and 'Eggman' was still in front of him…if this was the Doctor's subconscious then how did he know his name? He said that Starline worked for him but this was their first time meeting. Perhaps this was the shared subconscious? It's the Doctor's core but it shared bit and pieces of the others?

"No worries Doctor." Starline waved him off. "I should apolgize for your accommodations as well, I'd give you something more befitting of you but The Shattering did a number on…everything." Starline looked away but not enough that he couldn't see the Doctor out of the corner of his eye, he was going to have another 'Monster' situation if he could help it.

Eggman(?) huffed a bored glint in his glasses. "Just do your job Doctor. There's work to be done and I'd like to get started on it."

"Of course sir, just allow me to-"

"And Starline." Eggman(?) cut him off as he reset the experiment.

"Yes?" Starline turned to the Doctor(?) and flinched back.

"Don't betray us this time."
His face was shrouded in shadows and only the light glinting off his glasses and teeth could be seen.

"Y-Yesir." *Click click BEEP*

Starline sighed in relief as the Doctor(?) was pulled back into the depths of his mind. "...What was that? …Why would I ever betray the Doctor?" It might have been nonsense, but…out of all the questions and answers he had gotten from this, that question stuck with him.

…Tch. It didn't matter if some other version of himself did for some insane reason. He wouldn't do that. He would bring the Doctor back and stand by his side as Eggman took this world as his right.

Still he couldn't shake this unnerving feeling…

End Log.


AN: SV Eggman everyone! Hopefully I did it alright. Bit low-key but he can't exactly do much at this point in time.

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The One Who Chooses
Okay, I know I said I wouldn't make another omake because I didn't want to add too much to the QMs' plate, but that talk about SV Eggman made me want to make one and I already had some plans for that. Sorry. This will be the last one this turn from me though, I swear.

The One Who Chooses

Eggman, the greatest scientist known to man is… very confused. Where is he? He remembers standing before Chris and Chuck after rescuing them from… something. Right now though you are far from anything resembling your base, with nothing resembling your machines around. All there is, is a podium and some kind of thing standing behind it, shrouded in shadows.

Of course he has to investigate his surroundings. He needs to find out why he's here! So he approaches the only thing of interest, the strange podium. Upon looking closer, he notices something strange about the shadow. It looks like him? But a dark blob. That mustache is just too iconic for him to miss, it has to be him.

A part of him feels the need to communicate with it. "Hello? My name is doctor Eggman, and I seem to be lost. Would you know where this place is?"

Suddenly, its eyes open, and its teeth form into a blinding white grin that cuts through the dark.

"Erm, hello?" he asks, hesitation in his voice.

"(Kill Whisper!)(What should we do with Maria?)(We need to study Black Doom!)(Restoration will die!)(Kill them all!)(Kindness and control.)(We're evil!)(We can change)…"

Not once does it opens its mouth, but the shouts of clashing voices ring through his ears all at once! He has to take a step back so it's not so painfully loud.

"Can you hear me? I want to get out of here!"

"(Drop outside!)(Place the ship in, so we can get out sooner.)(It will be easier if we don't have to sneak in, ask.)(If we ask and fail it will be harder!)(But if we fail we can still try to sneak in.)(Our Heart here is best.)…"

Suddenly, it moves its hand, revealing a flag that wasn't there before. Written on it says "Drop inside the city". Then, it's quiet. As if waiting for something. A noise, like a pair of dice hitting wood echoes through the room. Then a voice in some strange unknown language echoes from above, the meaning behind its words unclear. Whatever it said, it has angered the figure

"(I knew there would be anti air!)(Our Trickery is our weak point here!)"It seems to double over, slamming its fist into the podium like a child. Then it gets up, as if it's much more confident. "(We got into the city though.)(The ship should be hidden now.)(Goji was always going to be angry with us.)(I can't see the picture of Maria!)"

While its voice are hard to understand, he hears some voices stand out. Something about anti air? Trickery? But before he can consider what it means, he hears the footsteps of someone behind him. Eggman turns around to see a man in a red jacket, goggles, and mustache similar to himself. This new person has an uncanny resemblance to himself, although this person is much more thin.

"Who are you? Are you some strange fan who decided to dress like me?"

"Oh, no sir," the other man smiles, a noticeable rhythm to his step. Is he dancing? "I am the great, amazing doctor Ivo Robotnik! Or, Eggman!" he says with a stylish flourish.

"What!? Ridiculous, I'm the only one here who deserves to go by that moniker! My genius cannot be paralleled!"

"Well, it has." A new voice! Eggman turns and is greeted by a smaller version of him with a simpler look. A round body in a red and yellow shirt.

"This is ridiculous! Where am I? Once I get my machines, you'll learn to regret trying to make light of me!"

"You're new here, so let me explain to you, my good sir. We are all Eggman!"

"Doctor Robotnik. You might accept such a ridiculous name, but I have some pride."

The titular man turns to his smaller counterpart. "Where I come from my name is feared! It is the man behind the title that makes it great!"

"Maybe for someone such as you, the Robotnik name is actually dignified!"

"Why you little!" Before Eggman can show just what he's capable of physically, he is stopped by the thinner version moving in-between.

"Wait!" He yells, holding them back with his hands before pushing them away from each other. "We're stuck here, so we're the only social contact we'll get! Well, besides Tinker, but he's kind of a mopey loser."

Eggman shoots one final glare to his simpler version before sighing in acceptance. "Fine. But where is this?"

"That, my large bodied friend, is a good question!" The thin man says, before typing some code into a computer on his arm. Suddenly, a screen that was once concealed by darkness behind the dark Eggman turns on. It reveals the hands of a man drawing blueprints for what resembles a city. "This is the vision of Eggman. Not an Eggman, but THE Eggman. We are a combination of Eggmen from various universes who have come together to form one glorious, ingenious man! Eggman Prime!"

Looking before the screen and the blueprints, he cannot refute this. The genius design is something only he could think of. Or, something only a version of him can think of. "But what's this one here? I don't understand much of what he's saying."

"Yes, a definite curious one he is. He was here before me so I cannot say for sure, but me and my fellow Robotnik here have found some… interesting things about it. For one, he doesn't talk directly to any of us. Very poor company."

The rounder Robotnik sighs and shakes his head. "His ability to be good company is unimportant. More importantly, this one seems to be in control of Prime."

"This one controls him, but we don't? Why not!?"

"We aren't sure. However, we hypothesize that this is some strange combination of fragmentations with the memories of many other Robotniks. We've found that before a significant action is taken by Prime, this one argues with itself. We have managed to separate the voices, and discovered these voices make plans and then they decide on one based on what the majority wants."

"You should hear them! I've heard some serious arguments in there, it's almost like a Christmas dinner with a family who can't shut up about politics."

"It also seems to have a strange sway over reality. It seems anyone allied with the Prime Robotnik can also undergo these votes, and their actions can be controlled even if the Prime is not there and would be unable to have any say over their decisions. Although, the strange being that it talks to might be the cause of that. We still aren't certain about what that thing is saying."

Hearing this, Eggman glares at his smaller counterpart. "This is getting a little ridiculous here. Weird shadowy me controlling the world? Where's my part in all of this?"

The thin doctor smiles. "We have found we're capable of transferring our talents and machines to the Prime Eggman. I was really surprised when I was summoned here to dance. My skills are quite impressive."

"And you screwed it up."

The doctor's smile quickly drops as he glares at the other. "I was a little unprepared, yes. it was all so sudden that I didn't do my best work with that blasted enemy robot. Erm, that's the first time it had spoken to me."

"It spoke to you? I thought you said it doesn't directly talk to any of us."

"Well… maybe it talked to me once. It was… really mad. Just don't mention the names…" he steps up and whispers in Eggman's ear. "Dural and Breezie."

"Who? Dural and Breezie? I've never heard of thes-"

"Don't say it you idiot!"

Suddenly, Eggman notices movement out of the corner of his eye. He looks, and there stands dark silhouette of himself, grinning that bright grin. "Woah!" he yells, backing away. "Don't surprise me like that!"

"Dural… Breezie…" the voices are combined, forming a disconcerting echo as they all utter those names at the same time.

Above his head, Eggman feels some kind of strange metal implement that was not there before. Coming from the dark Eggman he sees a mist around its body, with dark tendrils sprouting from it and leading up to his head. He reaches for the helmet, but it will not budge.

"Stop! Unhand me!"

Then, he feels something flow through him. Like electricity. It flows through his entire body, leaving his brilliant mind unable to think. To guess what's going on. Then, it ceases. He falls onto his knees gasping for air.

Then, he feels an all consuming rage. Breezie. Dural. "They have made a mockery of us!" he yells out. His fear is gone, all he wants to do is crush them with his bare hands! To destroy those fools who dared to mock the Eggman!

"Gran Gordo. Prepare… the tournament shall come. Win." Then Eggman blinks, and once more the figure stands back on the podium.

The other two surround him, both grinning down at him. "So, welcome to the club new guy."

"Welcome to our little counsel. Can you feel the hate?"

"Yes. I understand our goals now. Next time we face them, I'll do what you couldn't. They'll regret ever standing against us!"

"Then, we'll take over the world!"

"And we'll finally defeat that hedgehog!"

They all let out a laugh as they feel their new power. Meanwhile, the dark one just continues to grin. There are no words from it. Only that voice from up above and another clack of dice. The others, too busy laughing, take no notice.

Then, With a flourish, it pulls out a flag with the words "Open a way yourselves" written on it. Once more, it speaks.

"Destroy them Metal…"
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For Whom the Belle Tolls
For Whom the Belle Tolls

The Pale Rider stood in front of his opponent, the machine glared at him foolishly, for what does one who challenge Death could be?, brave?, no
the machine did not defie Death regardless of it's fear, it had non, like an ignorant child, unaware of it's own mortality.

The eyes of Death glanced over the battlefield, the machine and it's allies were strong, the Pale Rider could tell, his own retinue, Death glared at
Jack Frost dancing on Despair, was not.

The fight started when Jack Frost tried to prove Death right by attacking first, getting everybody attention. The feeble demon objetive was the
young woman Jack Frost had previously betrayed, why the woman had trusted someone as infamous as Jack Frost escaped Death, the attack
failed was stopped immediately, as expected, by the white haired woman shooting and knocking Jack Frost from Despair, Death would reap her
the last.

The noise of the gun send all combatants into motion, Oni choose to attack some green gazelle? that had taken to the air, Death too advanced
forward, directly after the machine. He could see that odd metalic monkey start talking to the crocodile, an odd decision in the middle of battle,
when Death reached the blue machine, it had prepared for the Pale Horse charge, unfortunately for it, it was a feint.

Despair, my loyal steed, veered to the side, towards the blonde woman. The robot could only stare uncomprehending as we rushed our true
objetive, meanwhile Fortuna was hit by some unknown light spell, aggravating some injuries the green gazelle had caused before while Oni
remember our true mission and went after the Rudies.

We reached our objetive, ready to reap her life, when the ignorant machine attempted its own charge, how foolish, Despair dodged to the side
with eas-, it was a feint. The chest of that damned machine explode with energy, changing its direction and throwing its course toward the Pale

The accursed machine, now covered in flames for some reason, wasted no time no time and took to the air. The Pale Rider tried to recover and
call upon the power of Death and get rid of this annoyance, only for that blasted machine to start start spinning like one of those children toys.

All the movement finally came to a sudden end above the battlefield, the Pale Rider barely had time to see how Jack Frost getting shot by some
unknown assailant, before the blasted machine threw Despair and the Pale Rider like a child would a ball, it would pay for its insolence.

Our bodies impacted against a roof, that immediately gave up, causing us to fall inside another warehouse. The eyes of the Death scanned the
area, but could only see dust, fire and... a gas pipe, that damned machine.

Finally, we walked out of the flames to meet our enemy, that abominable blue thing. It landed in front of us, mocking Death with his finger,
wagging it as if facing a misbehaving child. That was it, this blasted machine had lived for too long.

At my signal, Despair charged once more, the machine tried to avoid us of course, but you can't outrun Death. Despair crashed against the
our enemy, dragging it with us, it was time for revenge. Then the electricity surged, travelling in all direction, hitting both Despair and me.

The pain our whole bodies, we had committed a mistake, the machine had a safeguard, that is why it was so confident. Yes, that was it, today
it was the Pale Rider that had sinned of hubris and not his enemies, Death had assumed that the machine had challenged in ignorance, but the
truth was more obvious now.

All of my poison abilities rendered useless against its unbreathing body, forcing more direct attacks that would trigger the lighting safeguard,
while the machine kept attacking. This machine had been sent to deal with the Pale Rider, there was not other explanation. We must regroup.

A machine built just to defeat the Pale Ride, and we foolishly let it get the first blood. But it was not too late, if Despair got them back in time,
Fortuna and Archangel could heal the Pale Rider and Death could strike back. And so we rac-, our backs exploded.

The Pale Rider rolled across the ground, the pain on their bodies increasing, no, not bodies, Despair was not here anymore. The Pale Rider could
only look up to his enemy from the ground.

This machine, no, this monster chest hummed with Frei energy, a ranged weapon, of course. Once more Death underestimated this mechanic
monstrosity and exposing your back to an opponent had passed its toll.

"What is your name?" The Pale Rider asked, but not response came back, the lethal machine had no need for words. But there was no need for
them. The Pale Rider knew what the machine was, if only it had been more obvious before. In an instant Metal Death chest explode, reaping
the life of the Pale Rider.

Jack Frost Attack Roll:
Result: 1d100 (¿?) + ¿?(Jack Frost Power)+ ¿?(Ice Cold) + ¿?(Bufu)
Total: 90

Maria Roll
Result: 1d100 (50) + 10(Maria) + 5(Egg Gun) + 28(Canaan)
Total: 93

Metal Sonic Attack Roll:
Result: 1d100 (71) + 30(Metal Power) + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Incremus) +5(Metal Buster) +10(Piastol Incremus)
Total: 126

Pale Rider Roll
Result: 1d100 (1) + ¿?(Pale Rider Power) + ¿?(On a Pale Horse)
Total: 52

Metal Sonic Critical Success¡
Pale Rider Nat 1 Critical failure!
Pale Rider takes 3 Wounds
3 HP Left!

Pale Rider Attack Roll:
Result: 1d100 (¿?) + ¿?(Pale Rider Power) + ¿?(On a Pale Horse)
Total: 102

Metal Roll
Result: 1d100 (21) + 30(Metal Power) + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Incremus) +5(Metal Buster) +10(Piastol Incremus)
Total: 76

Metal Sonic takes 1 Wound
4 HP left!

RIng Spark Proc
DC 100
Result: 1d100 (¿?)+ ¿?(Pale Rider Power) + ¿?(On a Pale Horse) - ¿?(Lightning Weakness)
Total: 42

Critical Failure!
Pale Rider takes 2 Wound
1 HP Left!

Pale Rider Escape roll

Result: 1d100 (¿?) + ¿?(Pale Rider Power)+ ¿?(On a Pale Horse)
Total: 82

Metal Roll
Result: 1d100 (50) + 30(Metal Power) + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Incremus) +10(Metal Buster) +10(Piastol Incremus) +10(On the Back)
Total: 120

Pale Rider takes 1 Wound
0 HP Left!

Pale Rider dies.

Battle is over!


It's been a while since i wrote anything, but decided to try with a universe in wich the Pale Rider rolled poorly. I'll try to make a fake rolls section
for it later, but i'm tired now, bye.

Edit: Added the battle Rolls.
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Just Luck
Just Luck
Jewel the beetle for a long time has been a nervous wreck. I mean, hey when your world is being besieged by an egg shaped mad scientist, you tend to be a little nervous. But this is possibly the most nerve-racking situation you could ever be. The mad genius, Dr. Eggman is requesting an alliance with you. He is requesting in an alliance with the restoration the very group that used to resist him.

It took all your willpower not to yell for some guards when this wooden puppet mouse mobian came by and basically said she wanted you to talk to the doctor. So you're now in this situation sitting across to you is the world's evils, genius. The man who is threatening to conquer the world it actually did it successfully. (Albeit temporarily, not like you're ever going to admit that to his face.)

So here you are, looking at each other not saying anything. The silence is actually very worse you know. So you speak up, with a stutter, unfortunately and you say it to him. "Eggman,…. I'm actually surprised you came to talk to us." Which the egg shaped genius has a look of slight this pleased on this face.

"Well, unfortunately, as long as that red ignoramus Zavok has my empire I'm forced to…..ask for your assistance to retrieve my empire from him. And deal with the black arm threat… even though I could handle myself, I need… my empire" He says looking displeased as he was forced to ask for help. This could, very much benefit you could ask him to do some actions or turn this situation into the restoration favor, Eggman interrupts you. " if you think that you could twist my arm so to speak to help you even more, let me tell you something."

Eggman leans back in the chair. He's currently sitting in his glasses lining off the light. " do you believe you can really fight shadow?" What, is he talking about you beat him I mean temporarily but still you drove off the ultimate life form and so you pipe up saying. " I think we can because we have some strong people here and we did beat him twice. So I don't know what you're trying to even get at…" before you could even say anything the doctor places a small circular device

It lights up showing images of shadow and he's…. Destroying all those badniks like they're nothing. It's showcases other times him fighting the black arms along multiple other occasions of him fighting. The doctor then says " do you want to know why I'm showing this to you." You just caught your head cautiously trying to figure out what he's trying to get that.

"You got lucky." He say, his tone completely certain about the fact that it was mostly just luck you won against shadow. You open your mouth slightly frustrated about what he said. " it wasn't just look. It was a coordinated team effort, and…" before you can even finish, he interrupts you saying. " that's not my point. I'm saying, you're lucky that black doom doesn't fully utilize shadows capability." You stop your mouth feeling a little bit dry as he says that if he continues.

" I have fought against shadow along with that pesky menace sonic, and I will tell you one thing shadow is more dangerous than you can give him credit. Trust me, the results speak for him." He says before sighing and leaning back in this chair, him grinning.
" I will say it's quite impressive that you won against him both times but that in reality….was.just.luck." he says, emphasizing on the word luck. " But trust me black doom is smart enough to try to make shadow more powerful and they will only take them time to realize and fully use shadow to his maximum potential."

The doctor lean forward to you, his face somehow covered by shadows. The only thing you can somehow visibly see this is blue glasses, his menacing grin. His next words haunt you to the bone.

" how long do you think until your luck runs out?"
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Metal and Chaocofonix First (and hopefully last) Song
Metal and Chaocofonix First (and hopefully last) Song

"Hahaha, is that all?" The red demon voice exclaimed as he walked through the battlefield ignoring attack after attack. Bullets or blades, there
was no difference for the Oni skin. And yet in their supernatural anger everyone kept focusing in him while ignoring the other two demons.

"A crude method, but effective." The Pale Rider remarked, the whole battlefield focusing in Oni and leaving him and Archangel to do as they pleased. But there was something, some cold feeling of dread that the Rider could not ignore, wich kind of horror could affect a demon of his
caliber such as him.

Meanwhile, Archangel considered finally talking, but didn't.

"He is too tough" Clove exclaimed frustrated, her weapon failing to even scratch her enemy "Belle, what about Metal Sonic?", can he do something?" she asked the robot girl desesperate for some good news. "I don't know, i can't see him" Belle exclaimed worried "The lizard people are missing too"

"Just die already!" Piastol shouted, her magic being the only thing working against this demon. But by itself it was not enough, the monster was as resistant as he was durable "Canaan, any ideas?

"Just keep blasting" Canaan stated, she was doing her best holding back from attacking too, unnatural anger toward the red demon consuming her, but she needed to focus on Maria, keep her safe. "Where is Metal Sonic?"

"Enough, it's time to end this" The leader of the demons declared. "We have wasted enough time with this non sense, it is time for this mortals
to -" His voice stopped suddenly, some noise covering the whole area. "Is that... music?"

It looked that both the Chaotix and Metal Sonic had prepared an stage. Spotlights, smoke, speakers, and even more important, the instruments,
"Brother?" Belle declared confused, her anger replaced by pure perplexity. Finally everybody saw as Vector took the stage and approached the
microphone, a moment that would change everyones lives there, mostly for worse.

"In this world (his wooorld)" The horror started, some atrocious noise was coming out of the speakers, trying and failing to convince anyone that it was music.

"Where life is stroooong" The whole place was shaking, even the air, it was as if reality itself was trying and failing to defend itself.

"Is this some kind of attack" Oni could only ask as his body suffer, mostly his ears, under the screeching assault. Tears coming from his eyes as he
tried to avoid collapsing.

"Brother, why?" Belle desesperately asked while crying. Finally she choose too curl in a ball and wish, wish that she would soon wake up back
in the Avenger, and that this was nothing more than a particularly horrible nightmare.

"In this world (his wooorld)" Somehow, the nightmare continued, worse each second that passed. The streets ground melting down, the
lights going off unable to coexist with the noise and the water on the pipes exploding, trying to escape.

"Life's an open book" Some people, the lucky ones, started falling unconscious, Clove herself started smiling when the pain of her wounds helped her collapse into a coma. Others, where much more unlucky.

"The Abyss, it is staring back?" The Pale Rider was afraid, for the first time in long, but perhaps there was a escape. "MEGIDOLAON!" He screamed in
desesperation, the Allmighty attack surged forth, approached the "musicians", and turned back against the Pale Rider in revenge.

"Maria!, stay close!" Canaan hugged her girlfriend, worried, with good reason, that the noise would take her away from Canaan. Maria could only cry on her chest, hoping that this, whatever it was would end soon.

Words failed Archangel, as usual, in front of this... thing. Archangel considered praying, but what if the thing found its way to heaven?, no, the risk was too
great, there was only one solution. With a swift jump, the demon fall into the Megidolaon that Pale Rider had unleashed, releasing all the magic possible in fear of survival, hoping for the sweet freedom of death. His lips turned in a smile, as his body started falling apart.

"In this world (his wooorld)" Buildings collapsed while lightning roared in the sky in fear, darkness spreads as even the sun tries to escape. Communications started failing all around the city as all waves failed to survive contact with this strange existance.

"Where compromise does not exist" Color itself started falling from what little walls remained, rubble rolled away from the broken streets, perhaps pushed by the sound or perhaps to escape it.

"I... I can't take it" Oni cried, his body trembling as he raised his hands toward his head. "Freedom" Oni smiled as he snapped his own neck, successfully escaping this force beyond demonic comprehension.

"Don't worry, i have a plan" Piastol told her loyal pet while she casted a spell. Wind started surrounding them making a wall, not to block the sound, this
noise was beyond physics, but to make herself and her pet pass out from lack of air.

In his world of worlds, every step meets the rest" Mist formed as all water in the area evaporated in an instant, wood set itself ablaze and glass
exploded everywhere.

"I... I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE, JUST TAKE US ALREADY!" The Pale Rider screamed to this impossible existance. In an attempt to put an end to this, one way
or another, the Rider and his steed charged the stage. As their body fall apart, they could only think "Silence, at last"

After what felt like an eternity, silence came at last. The Chaotix stood still, posing, as Metal continued playing his maracas, rejoicing in his new found power.

"It's over?" What little people remained asked, afraid, as if any provocation could bring the thing back. "It's over" Comprehension in their voice, at last they understood that they had survived. "It's over!" And comprehension was followed by joy, the joy of overcoming impossible odds and living another day.

Cheers exploded across the ruined streets, tears of happiness covering everyone faces as all of them celebrated the end of the worst experience of their

"Look at that, i knew we sounded great, but not that great!" Vector said, completely misreading the situation. Seeing everyone happiness and their "love" for their music, he could only say " All right, we'll play another!"

"NOOO!" Canaan shouted as quick and loudly as she could, hoping to stop them in time "the ship is here, we have to leave, now!" the Avenger was indeed
here, landing easily in the destroyed streets. Somehow, the sound of the Chaotix had caused space to bend, allowing the ship to reach them faster.

"Maybe next time, then" Vector said as everyone helped carry the injured inside the ship, alive and more important in silence. Except Metal Sonic, who
was still playing his maracas, their unholy power gone without the support of a band of his own, for now.


I'm not sorry. :) And yes, the title is a reference to Cacofonix, from Asterix and Obelix.
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