Fractured Empire 3: Night of the Black Sun
Fractured Empire 3: Night of the Black Sun
Thebirdgirl said:
NahIwin said:Come on guys you have to be more optimistic than that! Bouts of extreme bad luck aside we've been doing really well!
Eggman aside, and even then he isn't really a problem right now
Eitala said:…He's right. We've rigged the field as much as we can. Everything has been set up to succeed, so we should be fine.
Though shouldn't we have done something about the Darcsens? I don't mind them leaving (they really deserve better than what they have) but to Eggman?
Thebirdgirl said:It's Eggman, and the game version at that. He's more likely to use them as a cheer squad than anything actually dangerous.
As things stand let's focus on the D6. We've been doing pretty well against them, and bringing them down will hurt Eggman anyway.
Jester18 said:About that...
Fend Off The Empire DC: Contested By Empire
100 + ??? = 207
Fuddqueen said:
Eitala said:
NahIwin said:
Eitala said:Do explain Nah how this could possible not be terrible for us?NahIwin said:
NahIwin said:
Fuddqueen said:…He does have a point. We got bailed out by Shadow sure but the possibility is there.
Severan321 said:I doubt we'll be that lucky. After Eggman kicked the Black Arms out (Sure it was after the Gun/Restoration force beat them into the ground but still…), he's the only person who could interfere with this since the other factions are on the wrong side of Green Hills.
Thebirdgirl said:Yeah it'd probably be even worse for us if Eggman got involved, which I doubt since Zavoc is currently throwing an army at him.
Hah. Nothing for it we'll just have to bite the bullet and see what manner of horror we've gotten.
Fuddqueen said:…Come to think of it who is leading the enemy this time? We can't reasonably prepare for a Crit but still I wonder who caused it.
Night of the Black Sun
Everything was going so well.
The resistance was expected but accounted for, they didn't have a way for the rank and file to deal with the machines yet, but their armored accompaniment was more than enough to hold the line.
Which is where Selvaria came in.
She announced herself to the battle field with a beam of light sweeping the enemy away. "SOLDIERS OF THE EMPIRE!" She cried raising her lance to the sky. "THE ENEMIES OF OUR MAJESTY AND OUR EMPIRE LIE IN FRONT OF YOU! BRING THEM DOWN!"
A great cry arose and the troops rallied. Armor piercing rounds craving apart the robots standing in there way.
Selvaria smiled in silent pride at her troops before beginning to move forward-
The Sun lost it's light and turned traitor.
A Black sun cast shadows over the land, as pools of darkness opened under the army. Whole platoons disappered into the void screaming as they were dragged in whatever hell lay beyond. Not even the tanks were safe from the horror as dark tendrils wrapped themselves around their fragile metal frames before being wrenched apart.
Selvaria did her best, blasting away at the void and trying to pull who she could away from the void. Unfortunately this left her vulnerable.
A blur of black, blue, and purple came from nowhere and drove it's hand into Selvaria's neck. The Valkur screamed as shadows erupted from her form both binding her and stabbing into her.
A malevolent yellow eye chuckled at her struggles, watching with glee as her bonds tightened and darkness tried to force it's way into her soul. "An imitator angel has no place here." The monster whispered into her ear as his unholy conjurations tried to pry her face open. "Though I suppose you haven't been one for a while have you, not under that little monster pretending to be a man." He laughed as Selvaria screamed, a sudden burst of power seeming more like he let her go than the general actually getting away. He crackled as she fled in a half-consious panic. "RUN LITTLE ANGEL! YOU'LL BE JOINING YOUR MEN SOON ENOUGH!"
It threw it's head back and laughed under the black sun as the Empire's loyal soldiers were drawn into the depths.
Complete loss of all Empire troops.
Selvaria is more than wounded, but less than dead.
Zor is… something more than he was.
Eitala said:*Terrifyied laughter*
Right! That chaos emerald research is a priority now! All in favor?
Severan321 said:
Fuddqueen said:
Thebirdgirl said:
Eitala said:M-Maybe not that much…but yeah Zor needs to go.
…I hope Selvaria's alright. I mean yes I know Max isn't a good boss but still…we can spare a personal to check on her right?
Fuddqueen said:No arguments here, for both practical and moral reasons. We can't just…leave our most loyal hero like that.
Jester18 said:Well you could but…the most sure way to wipe the Six off the map would be the final flame. So...
Thebirdgirl said:
Eitala said:
Severan321 said:
Fuddqueen said:NOPE. Things aren't anywhere near that desperate and they won't ever be. We got Gregor back from that pirate so he can fill in for Selvaria while she recovers, and while we've underestimated this world before we still have cards to play.
Incidentally I'm becoming increasingly less opposed to using the Valkov on those monsters.
Jester18 said:Maybe you shouldn't show one of your trump cards this early, but it isn't a bad idea. It would almost certainly be enough to cripple the Six by itself.
…Of course then everyone and their pets would be doing their best to bring it down.
Up to you though!
Eitala said:Yeah let's shelve that idea for now. We can consider it again when things are more desperate or when we have an opportunity.
Seriously though, yeesh. Zavoc was able to muster that much firepower with everything focused on Eggman? What did Zor do?!
Fuddqueen said:
Thebirdgirl said:Agreed. Though ultimately it doesn't matter. We'll get our revenge no horror he's bound himself too.
Eitala said:
Jester18 said:Well she's alive but...don't expect her to be up for awhile.
Also Zor might have...just maybe...managed to shake her loyalty. He did a number on her head, and not all of it was 'said' shall we say.
----Eitala said:...Damn him.
We really do need to talk with her.
...We'll avenge you girl don't worry.
AN: Still going to make a negaverse for the Zeti but this seemed an apporitate event as well.
@Kingster @Boohoo the 3rd
While Eggman struggles to recover what is rightfully his and fights for establishing his empire. We cant forget he is not the only player on the board. There are many, many kings around. Many with their own ambitions and problems to deal with. How are they faring?
Make a negaverse omake of another faction, can be a king or a minor one or a prince tier even
Rewards: Varies depending on the omake.
Edit: Claiming 'A mile in another's shoes.'
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