[x] [X] Plan: Protect and Destroy!
-[x] Canaan - Hide away with Maria (2 AP)
-[x] Clove - Help Belle check the Warehouse (2 AP)
-[x] Belle -Help Belle check the Warehouse (2 AP)
-[x] Metal:
--[x] Directive: Protect Belle (1AP)
--[x] Blast that Red Fool!! (1 AP)
--[x] Death Hog - Sacrem (Clove) (0 AP)
-[x] Piastol:
--[x] Cast Eterni on Oni (1 AP)
--[x] Send out a serrated cyclone (1 AP) (Oni)
--[x] Death Hound - Sacremus (Clove) (0 AP)
-[x] Vector:
--[x] Time for some Noise! (1 AP)
--[x] Release some burns on that fool! (1 AP) (Oni)
-[x] Espio:
--[x] Ninja Art: Throwing Lots of Kunai! (1AP)
--[x] Tongue Impact (1AP) (Oni)
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Great start to a fight, both in writing and in rolls. Though Clove did take some licks in return, that's to be expected so we just ought to have Clove stay in the back till she's healed up.

People! I implore you to pick a plan with the team attack! We still have three hostile demons left, we should hit them all with a big attack while we can! Plus, This experience may help Metal devise more team attacks in the future!

Here let me do you a solid.

[X] Metal & Chaotix First Song
My heart wants me to go for the music, my mind says protect and destroy makes more sense...

Edit: If the team attack hits for 2 damage then it would definitely be worth it; brb checking stats

Edit 2: 25, 35, and 40 Vs the combined+60, critting odds aren't high but if it did then ...

Edit 3 playing safe

[X] Plan: Protect and Destroy!
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I wonder if pale Rider don't actually have 40 in both power and Mystic but has a trait that let him apply his Mystic instead of his power like metal Heart and Fist of Steel Trait

if he Don't and he actually has a 40 in power and Mystic it would be safe to assume his Heart, Logistics, Brain and Trickery Stats are suffering heavily
I wonder if pale Rider don't actually have 40 in both power and Mystic but has a trait that let him apply his Mystic instead of his power like metal Heart and Fist of Steel Trait

if he Don't and he actually has a 40 in power and Mystic it would be safe to assume his Heart, Logistics, Brain and Trickery Stats are suffering heavily

To be fair, a pale rider is probably someone you want to send when you want to make damn sure someone dies.
Metal and Chaocofonix First (and hopefully last) Song New
Metal and Chaocofonix First (and hopefully last) Song

"Hahaha, is that all?" The red demon voice exclaimed as he walked through the battlefield ignoring attack after attack. Bullets or blades, there
was no difference for the Oni skin. And yet in their supernatural anger everyone kept focusing in him while ignoring the other two demons.

"A crude method, but effective." The Pale Rider remarked, the whole battlefield focusing in Oni and leaving him and Archangel to do as they pleased. But there was something, some cold feeling of dread that the Rider could not ignore, wich kind of horror could affect a demon of his
caliber such as him.

Meanwhile, Archangel considered finally talking, but didn't.

"He is too tough" Clove exclaimed frustrated, her weapon failing to even scratch her enemy "Belle, what about Metal Sonic?", can he do something?" she asked the robot girl desesperate for some good news. "I don't know, i can't see him" Belle exclaimed worried "The lizard people are missing too"

"Just die already!" Piastol shouted, her magic being the only thing working against this demon. But by itself it was not enough, the monster was as resistant as he was durable "Canaan, any ideas?

"Just keep blasting" Canaan stated, she was doing her best holding back from attacking too, unnatural anger toward the red demon consuming her, but she needed to focus on Maria, keep her safe. "Where is Metal Sonic?"

"Enough, it's time to end this" The leader of the demons declared. "We have wasted enough time with this non sense, it is time for this mortals
to -" His voice stopped suddenly, some noise covering the whole area. "Is that... music?"

It looked that both the Chaotix and Metal Sonic had prepared an stage. Spotlights, smoke, speakers, and even more important, the instruments,
"Brother?" Belle declared confused, her anger replaced by pure perplexity. Finally everybody saw as Vector took the stage and approached the
microphone, a moment that would change everyones lives there, mostly for worse.

"In this world (his wooorld)" The horror started, some atrocious noise was coming out of the speakers, trying and failing to convince anyone that it was music.

"Where life is stroooong" The whole place was shaking, even the air, it was as if reality itself was trying and failing to defend itself.

"Is this some kind of attack" Oni could only ask as his body suffer, mostly his ears, under the screeching assault. Tears coming from his eyes as he
tried to avoid collapsing.

"Brother, why?" Belle desesperately asked while crying. Finally she choose too curl in a ball and wish, wish that she would soon wake up back
in the Avenger, and that this was nothing more than a particularly horrible nightmare.

"In this world (his wooorld)" Somehow, the nightmare continued, worse each second that passed. The streets ground melting down, the
lights going off unable to coexist with the noise and the water on the pipes exploding, trying to escape.

"Life's an open book" Some people, the lucky ones, started falling unconscious, Clove herself started smiling when the pain of her wounds helped her collapse into a coma. Others, where much more unlucky.

"The Abyss, it is staring back?" The Pale Rider was afraid, for the first time in long, but perhaps there was a escape. "MEGIDOLAON!" He screamed in
desesperation, the Allmighty attack surged forth, approached the "musicians", and turned back against the Pale Rider in revenge.

"Maria!, stay close!" Canaan hugged her girlfriend, worried, with good reason, that the noise would take her away from Canaan. Maria could only cry on her chest, hoping that this, whatever it was would end soon.

Words failed Archangel, as usual, in front of this... thing. Archangel considered praying, but what if the thing found its way to heaven?, no, the risk was too
great, there was only one solution. With a swift jump, the demon fall into the Megidolaon that Pale Rider had unleashed, releasing all the magic possible in fear of survival, hoping for the sweet freedom of death. His lips turned in a smile, as his body started falling apart.

"In this world (his wooorld)" Buildings collapsed while lightning roared in the sky in fear, darkness spreads as even the sun tries to escape. Communications started failing all around the city as all waves failed to survive contact with this strange existance.

"Where compromise does not exist" Color itself started falling from what little walls remained, rubble rolled away from the broken streets, perhaps pushed by the sound or perhaps to escape it.

"I... I can't take it" Oni cried, his body trembling as he raised his hands toward his head. "Freedom" Oni smiled as he snapped his own neck, successfully escaping this force beyond demonic comprehension.

"Don't worry, i have a plan" Piastol told her loyal pet while she casted a spell. Wind started surrounding them making a wall, not to block the sound, this
noise was beyond physics, but to make herself and her pet pass out from lack of air.

In his world of worlds, every step meets the rest" Mist formed as all water in the area evaporated in an instant, wood set itself ablaze and glass
exploded everywhere.

"I... I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE, JUST TAKE US ALREADY!" The Pale Rider screamed to this impossible existance. In an attempt to put an end to this, one way
or another, the Rider and his steed charged the stage. As their body fall apart, they could only think "Silence, at last"

After what felt like an eternity, silence came at last. The Chaotix stood still, posing, as Metal continued playing his maracas, rejoicing in his new found power.

"It's over?" What little people remained asked, afraid, as if any provocation could bring the thing back. "It's over" Comprehension in their voice, at last they understood that they had survived. "It's over!" And comprehension was followed by joy, the joy of overcoming impossible odds and living another day.

Cheers exploded across the ruined streets, tears of happiness covering everyone faces as all of them celebrated the end of the worst experience of their

"Look at that, i knew we sounded great, but not that great!" Vector said, completely misreading the situation. Seeing everyone happiness and their "love" for their music, he could only say " All right, we'll play another!"

"NOOO!" Canaan shouted as quick and loudly as she could, hoping to stop them in time "the ship is here, we have to leave, now!" the Avenger was indeed
here, landing easily in the destroyed streets. Somehow, the sound of the Chaotix had caused space to bend, allowing the ship to reach them faster.

"Maybe next time, then" Vector said as everyone helped carry the injured inside the ship, alive and more important in silence. Except Metal Sonic, who
was still playing his maracas, their unholy power gone without the support of a band of his own, for now.


I'm not sorry. :) And yes, the title is a reference to Cacofonix, from Asterix and Obelix.
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...Er guys? Why is everyone so intent on the team attack?

It's powerful yeah, but even if it goes perfectly the results won't be nearly as great as if we do literally anything else with six actions.

We need Oni down now after all, so we can get back to fighting the others. The team attack...won't do that. At best every enemy will take two damage if we somehow crit against all of them.

...Which won't be enough to put anyone don't so they'll still be able to act.

As opposed to hopefully taking Oni down outright and refocusing on Pale. Sides Vector singing by himself will provide the same effect even if it isn't as strong.
Also, we're not adding each character stats to the team roll it's just a raw roll with a +60

We're not adding metal stats, or vectors or espio

Agreed. We won't be able to potenially debuff Oni either.

Metal by himself has what...+40-45 on his own? Vector and Espio might not be as strong but they should still punch up there.

I'd rather have six-seven attacks on the guys interefereing with our battle priorityies compared to a single roll that won't do nearly as much even if it succeeds.

Not saying we shouldn't do it but not now. Maybe next turn if we can get Oni low enough to K.O. him with it.

And why are we doing this we can take offensive actions that target Oni!

Clove can only do phyisical damage which Oni is resistant too, and injured on top of that. Taking Belle's collab into account, looking for loot is simply our best option, since actually attacking would be risking a decent bit for not much.
Clove can only do phyisical damage which Oni is resistant too, and injured on top of that. Taking Belle's collab into account, looking for loot is simply our best option, since actually attacking would be risking a decent bit for not much.

Plus you never know what Belle and Clove can find in the warehouse.

The fact is a dice check means there is something that could be useful in the fight.
The team attack is likely to do damage, since it has a +60 modifier, but it doesn't say it'll do multiple points of damage. I think it's best saved for finishing off someone when they're weak so we can split up our remaining attacks or when there are more enemies since we know the Golden Rhinos are coming.

Or, failing all else, when we get to turn 5 and are getting noncombatants on the boat or just to finish off the last enemy if we're winning too hard. A nice little farewell concert.