Oh boy, here I go making song parodies again XD

Open up the doors and let them in
Gotta mop up the Deadly Six and help the Darscen
Better check the mechanics and order in!
Don't you just adore this sort of thing?

Welcome to Eggman Empire Training, and your new career
Please just ignore the staining, the last guy disappeared
Being an Egg Boss may be frustrating, it's going to be weird
To host team meetings as the only real employee here
It's guaranteed that you'll probably succeed
Cutting corners is just how you achieve
Remember! Ruling custom is key!
So try to let at least a few of them leave

"Uncle Chuck's Diner! You'll have a chucking good time!"

Welcome to the Eggmanland Family!
Evil family fun! With some tragedy
You've sunk your savings, they'll sink their teeth
Into a juicy slice! Or getting all robot-y
Who's scared of a little liability?
Health and Safety? More of a Luxury!
You've got a lot to learn, so if it's unclear
Just know the old land isn't all that gets taken here!
"Congratulations on completing your first day."
"However, your job isn't over just yet."
Hear the creaking of gears creep in your ears
Deep secrets we have been keeping for years
Can you keep from their teeth and your sheets from arrears?
No funeral cover, so sort your affairs
Who'd think engineering could be such a lethal career?
That little robotic creatures could leave you in tears?
No mechanic teachers could leave you prepared
For guarding the base while screaming in fear
You gotta be kidding me, kiddies come in drovers?
For tyrannical, mechanical, awful game overs?
I was planning on a life as a engineer
So, a theme park was probably an awful idea!
Now I'm the boss of a cursed amusement of fear
No villain, just an innocent entrepreneur
I want to fill children with fun and with cheer!
Not scare them and fill them with pistons and gears!

"AiAi's Plunger Balls! Nothing goes down that can't come up!"

Welcome to the Eggmanland Family!
Evil family fun! With some tragedy
You've sunk your savings, they'll sink their teeth
Into a juicy slice! Or getting all robot-y
Who's scared of a little liability?
Health and Safety? More of a Luxury!
You've got a lot to learn, so if it's unclear
Just know the old land isn't all that gets taken here!

So play the music, light the lights
You're gonna get a private show tonight
Discount items might be nice
But save too much, you'll pay the price
There's a world of cheap parts to buy!
Or save the cash and find them outside!
A pestilent old Badnik is a hell of a find
But a malevolent element could develop inside
We're gonna get you to the end of the week
Now you can run a theme park effortlessly!
'Cause you can clean the toilets at the press of a key!
Just check the roller coasters for any fleshy debris!

"Mina Mongoose's Glossy Floss! The first step to true romance!"

Welcome to the Eggmanland Family!
Evil family fun! With some tragedy
You've sunk your savings, they'll sink their teeth
Into a juicy slice! Or getting all robot-y
Who's scared of a little liability?
Health and Safety? More of a Luxury!
You've got a lot to learn, so if it's unclear
Just know the old land isn't all that gets taken here!

Cubot: Hey, Orbot! It's the birthday boy!
Well, hello again! Here we go again! Start the show again!
I think we all know the direction this is going in!
You sit by the vents and prevent us getting in!
Then you get a hug from a cubey exoskeleton!

Metal Sonic: No use in fleeing, you're feeding the sequence, keeps repeating
No time for grieving, this scene is teeming with blue demonic playthings
Reeking and leaking unspeakable freaks who need spring cleaning
Just keep running like Sonic, or you'll end up screaming

Belle: It's safe to say you aren't what we all expected
But you're a gift and it'd be rude to just reject it
I was built to help and build, but we're all infected
So make us whole, feed us the souls that you've collected
I'm not a monster, I just want to be liked
Am I still what you designed, daddy? Do you feel pride?
I want to talk about these feelings inside
But every time I open up, some people tend to cry!

Congratulations! Your trial period was a triumph!
But we're afraid that your old ties to the Restoration doesn't meet our requirements
Unfortunately, we will have to keep you silent
You'll find our severance package gets a little violent!

Welcome to the Eggmanland Family!
Evil family fun! With some tragedy
You've sunk your savings, they'll sink their teeth
Into a juicy slice! Or getting all robot-y
Who's scared of a little liability?
Health and Safety? More of a Luxury!
You've got a lot to learn, so if it's unclear
Just know the old land isn't all that gets taken hereeeeeeee!
I just had an idea that can help us in future conflicts, we have the option to research Humanoid androids so the idea is to make Eggman's body double using the EggRobo AI if we need a distraction, we just grab an Eggman double and put him in Badnike horde just him off to battle while real Dr. Eggman does his thing in the background. we can also lure certain wolf sniper out in the open.
I just had an idea that can help us in future conflicts, we have the option to research Humanoid androids so the idea is to make Eggman's body double using the EggRobo AI if we need a distraction, we just grab an Eggman double and put him in Badnike horde just him off to battle while real Dr. Eggman does his thing in the background. we can also lure certain wolf sniper out in the open.

It'd take too long to be immiedately useful but the idea does have merit.

Honey the Cat stepped back and looked her newly put together workstation up and down before nodding, satisfied. It wasn't really up to her standards, but it was a start. Even if she was working for Eggman now, that was no reason not to practice and further her art. If nothing else, working with such a diverse group of models, or coworkers she supposed, should give her a good number of ideas. So many different body types and color palettes to work with!

Distracted, Honey gave a small start when she heard a knock at her door. She hurried over to open it. "Yes? Who is it?" she asked. "Something you need?"

Before her was another mobian woman dressed in stereotypical ninja attire, half-kneeling and looking down at the ground. 'Really? Could that be any more bland? Ugh, I could do so much better while staying on theme' she internally groaned.

"The matriarch, the Conquering Storm, demands your presence. I will escort you to her quarters," the Egg Clan member intoned.

"Sure," Honey replied, knowing that she probably had little choice in the matter. Immediately the ninja stood and began walking away.

"Hey! Wait up!" Honey had to jog to catch up, making sure to lock up. She didn't know if anyone would try to break into her room, but then she didn't really know what to expect working for an evil empire. Probably wouldn't stop any evil ninja cyborgs, but that was no reason not to take basic precautions.

"So, what does she want with me, anyways?" Honey asked, but her escort merely shook her head.

"It is not my place to question the matriarch," the ninja replied, but said nothing else. Honey internally pouted at her demeanor, she wasn't going to get anything out of the other woman.

After a couple minutes, the two came to another set of doors, guarded by another pair of Egg Clan. They opened the entry and Honey passed on through.

It was like she was somewhere else entirely. Eggman's base reflected its creator. Well-lit but almost entirely metal, cutting edge cold, clinical. Conquering Storm had clearly renovated her space. The lights were sparser, creating a dimmer atmosphere, while the floor was covered in wooden boards, giving the sense of a space untouched by time. Both oppressive, in opposite ways. Honey went in further, where the hallway opened up into what looked like a proper dojo.

There, Conquering Storm trained, performing handstand pushups with intense focus. "Good, you came," she said the moment the cat entered the room. The lynx in turn smoothly went from supporting her weight with her hands to standing upright.

"Yep!" Honey responded. "Your ninja didn't say what you wanted, how can I help you?"

Conquering Storm took a moment to answer, her arms crossed as she looked Honey up and down. "Lord Eggman has several skilled warriors serving him, but they are not as you and I. None of them possess even a trace of true physical mastery."

"So, you're looking for a spar?" Honey said, catching on.

The Egg Boss nodded. "None of them have proper martial technique. Even his Lordship's masterpiece, Metal Sonic, has merely copied a lesser version of my art. I will see your own."

Honey looked the other feline up and down herself, taking note of the tightly wound bandages underneath Conquering Storm's gi. "I'm not saying I'm not willing to throw down, but shouldn't this wait until you've healed up?"

The kunoichi's cybernetic eyes narrowed. "I am no invalid," she snapped. "The only reason that fool, Zazz, defeated me was because the sniper took me by surprise, a sign that my training has become too lax. I require new opponents."

"Well, alright," Honey started stretching in preparation. "If you really want. But I'm warning you now, I'm no pushover."

The cat bowed, only to immediately have her head snap back as Conquering Storm let loose an immediate jab. "Hey-!" Honey tried to protest, hands protecting her head, only for a foot to slip underneath her guard and slam into her gut, sending her sprawling.

"Are you truly so soft!?" Conquering Storm scoffed. "Never intentionally take your eyes off the enemy!"

"This is just a spar!" Honey wheezed. "I wouldn't do that in a real fight, but it's supposed to be a sign of respect!"

"What you do in practice, you recreate on the battlefield," the lynx dismissed.

"You don't go all out in training!" the cat protested. "That's just asking to get hurt!"

"Tch, severe injuries are counterproductive, the time spent recovering only holds training back" Conquering Storm half-agreed. "But pain is an excellent teacher. I have not crippled you, now get up."

Honey quickly took up a stance and Conquering Storm immediately descended upon her like her own namesake, raining down on her defenses with a flurry of blows. Very quickly, the superior martial artist was made clear, it was all Honey could do to parry and evade the assault. Despite her efforts, several strikes slipped past to batter the younger fighter.

Still, Conquering Storm was not at her best. There were times when she flinched involuntarily, her wounds clearly still causing her pain. And for all her skill, there were times when she moved like she was fighting someone else. Honey did what she could to take advantage of those moments, however brief.

The kunoichi used a kick to the thigh as a feint as the ninja transitioned into a roundhouse that slammed into her opponent's ribs, followed by a hook punch that Honey only just managed to block. Yet Conquering Storm took advantage to wrap her arm around the limb and thrust it out of the way, opening the fashionista up for a palm thrust to the cheek.

Honey dropped, turning it into a glancing blow, and tried to sweep the matriarch's legs. Conquering Storm merely glided backwards with smooth footwork, only to stumble as Honey transitioned into a chambered side-kick that the older warrior barely blocked with her arm. The follow-up punch was deflected with that same limb, before Honey was able to catch a chop aimed at her neck.

"Better," Conquering Storm grunted, taking advantage of her superior strength to press down on Honey. "You are stronger than most of the Egg Clan. Still, I expected more."

"I'll show you better!" Honey ground out. The lynx's eyes widened as she suddenly passed through Honey's form, only to grunt as a fist slammed into the less injured side of her back. She turned with the force of the blow, converting it into a hammerfist that passed through thin air. Conquering Storm's head rocked to the other side as another punch drove into it.

Conquering Storm grinned despite the pain and lunged forward, catching Honey's still outstretched limb before she could fully retract it. She used their combined momentum to shoot a knee into the cat's torso as the two fell to the ground. Honey immediately threw a punch that connected with Conquering Storm's shoulder and pushed off the ground, forcing the lynx to roll off before she could establish a proper pin.

"An impressive technique," the matriarch complimented, taking up her stance once more. "How did you learn such a thing?"

"Sorry! Not telling," Honey winked at her opponent as she tried to hide how winded she was. "Honey brand exclusive."

This time Honey initiated, her afterimage barely having the chance to fade as she swung out with a crescent kick from a diagonal to knock Conquering Storm's guard out of the way for a spinning back-kick. The Egg Boss sidestepped the blow and countered with a jab that Honey blocked, but the force of which still forced her to rock back on her heels. The two descended into a series of back and forth blows, more even with the addition of Shadow Sneak, but Conquering Storm gradually took the advantage yet again.

The exchange was interrupted as Honey vanished once more. Knowing where her opponent would reappear, Conquering Storm dove forward, landing on her hands, before springing backwards into a mule kick that sent Honey sprawling. When Conquering Storm swung down with an axe kick, she once again passed through another illusion. She turned just enough to turn the retaliatory punch into a glancing blow.

Conquering Storm chopped the offending arm, creating an opening for a jab of her own that took Honey right in the center of the chest and sent her stumbling backwards. "I thought you had a warrior's spirit. The foundations are there, but you clearly have not pursued mastery," she critiqued. "You have a potent technique, but you do not use it with creativity."

"Hey! I'm a fashionista first and a martial artist second!" Honey protested, wiping sweat from her forehead while she had distance.

"All things are secondary to strength!" the ninja matriarch responded sharply, stepping forward. "Once you embark on the path of conquest, such things are inconsequential." Having said her piece, Conquering Storm thrust a palm at Honey once more.

The fashionista was able to counter by grabbing her wrist. "I'm not a conqueror, I'm just here for Zavok!" Honey hissed as the lynx pulled out of the hold before she could take advantage. "I want to rebuild my store! I'm only here for that!"

"You lost your store because he was stronger than you," Conquering Storm countered as she threw more punches, steadily picking the cat's guard apart. "Will you remain weak!? Do you think you can get revenge as you are?" She punctuated the statement by slamming her shoulder into Honey, bowling the younger fighter over.

"When the time comes, do you think you are strong enough to be chosen for the battlefield, to stand victorious?" Conquering Storm stood over Honey, the shadows of the room obscuring her face. All the cat could see of her face was her cybernetic irises, glowing red.

"Not yet," she admitted. Honey looked down at the floor before looking back up at Conquering Storm challengingly. "But I will be."

"And when you stand with us against Zavok, there is no going back. You will be a known member of the Eggman Empire."

Honey flinched at that. "I-"

"You have a choice. Wallow in mediocrity and never achieve vengeance or remain with Lord Eggman. Stay on the ground or get up," Conquering Storm demanded as she took her stance once more.

Honey pushed herself to her feet once again, but did not take a stance, wincing in pain. "I can't fight anymore. I will get stronger, but I will stay true to myself."

Conquering Storm narrowed her eyes. "I did not dismiss you."

"Thank you for your lesson," Honey bowed. When Conquering Storm snarled and threw a vicious punch at the cat, the lynx stumbled as she passed through. She looked up to see Honey standing further back, rising from the show of respect.

"Hmph, fine. This spar is over," Conquering Storm dismissed. Honey let out a sigh of relief and began straightening her outfit up again, smoothing out any wrinkles from the fight. The kunoichi looked her opponent up and down. "Your clothing is surprisingly undamaged. Your own work?"

Honey grinned, "Of course! Everything I make is fashionable and functional! If you can't live in it, you shouldn't live with it, that's my motto!"

A thought struck Conquering Storm. She swallowed, suddenly nervous, something Honey noted. "Do you take commissions?"

Honey winked, "Of course~!"

"The Egg Clan may have need of your services. Disguises," the lynx coughed. "For infiltration."

"No problem! I'll just need your measurements."

Conquering Storm narrowed her eyes at the fashionista, who smiled back undaunted. Normally Honey would never tease a prospective customer like this. Normally a prospective customer wouldn't have given her a sucker punch to the jaw!

"I did not say this would be for me."

"Of course~! I'm sorry, I just assumed!" Honey said, trying not to smile like the cat that caught the canary. "Just let me know what the Egg Clan needs and when. I take half upfront and half when it's done."

Conquering Storm nodded, "Very well. You may leave. When I have finished my recovery, we will spar again. I shall give you leave to make use of the Egg Clan as training partners. I expect a better performance, both from them and from you."

Honey winced again, but then squared her shoulders and gave a nod of her own. Agreements made, the two felines parted ways. Conquering Storm retreated to her own inner chambers. Once there, sure that there were no prying eyes, she took out an ice pack and hissed as she placed it on her throbbing injuries. Honey the Cat wasn't as skilled as she, but she still packed a punch.

There we go. In my head, this takes place between Conquering Storm's defeat and Honey being sent out for Majima. This was originally on the backburner, but Soberon 123 mentioned being surprised that nobody had made an omake featuring the two of them, so that gave the muse a bit of a kick in the pants. And speaking of kicking, I hope I did the fight well. Went for a more technical fight than I did with Rusty and Clove vs. Omega, as a battle between martial artists. The dialogue was fun to write as well.

And we can probably all guess what Connie wants commissioned.

Hope you all enjoyed.
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take your time! God bless ya Kingster!

but yeah, the egg-dragoon is our ultimate mech weapon we can create, its meant to FINISH that hedgehog...and once we get our Eggman land back? we can power it up with the chaos emeralds, power rings, RAGNITE, and any other power source (back-ups included just in case meddling hero's or other villains try to mess with us!)
Did some looking around on that and aren't the Egg Wizard, Egg Salamander, and Sonic Forces's version of the Death Egg Robot all stronger? The last one took two Sonics and the Forces protagonist, while the former two required two Super Forms to beat. Granted, exotic power sources for each one in the Sol Emeralds, Jeweled Scepter and Phantom Ruby.

Actually, thinking of exotic power sources, in addition to the Chaos Emerald we already have, I wonder if there's any potential for a Warp Topaz fueled mech. Or if Metal could use it. Would probably require Starline actually succeeding on a roll first, so y'know, not happening. But worth thinking about.
Next time Piastol's put on an adventure, assuming we don't have a second Mystic Hero by that point and nothing's pressing, I'll probably want to do that actually.
Actually, thinking of exotic power sources
the only exotic power source that can be used for a super mech that I think we could reasonably get soon is the Dark Ring from Knuckles Chaotix, which was used to make Metal Sonic Kai. but while that's strong I think it would be better served getting put into a mech, I'd rather not turn Metal into a giant Kaiju unless we're sure he'll have the power to transform back to human size.
Did some looking around on that and aren't the Egg Wizard, Egg Salamander, and Sonic Forces's version of the Death Egg Robot all stronger? The last one took two Sonics and the Forces protagonist, while the former two required two Super Forms to beat. Granted, exotic power sources for each one in the Sol Emeralds, Jeweled Scepter and Phantom Ruby.

Actually, thinking of exotic power sources, in addition to the Chaos Emerald we already have, I wonder if there's any potential for a Warp Topaz fueled mech. Or if Metal could use it. Would probably require Starline actually succeeding on a roll first, so y'know, not happening. But worth thinking about.
Next time Piastol's put on an adventure, assuming we don't have a second Mystic Hero by that point and nothing's pressing, I'll probably want to do that actually.

...That sort of firepower sounds amazing.

We just have to-you know actually take the blueprints action.

Grant you I understand why we kept using re-rolls, and they did pay off, but still we need to do something else.

I mean just look at the personal gear we've made that stuff is absurd.

Belle's forcefield is as tough as the Darc Egg for crying out loud!
the only exotic power source that can be used for a super mech that I think we could reasonably get soon is the Dark Ring from Knuckles Chaotix, which was used to make Metal Sonic Kai. but while that's strong I think it would be better served getting put into a mech, I'd rather not turn Metal into a giant Kaiju unless we're sure he'll have the power to transform back to human size.

I know that exists, but nothing else about it. How do you think predict that'd be accessible? The Ring Research actions?

Also Metal came back from that after getting a beating, so I imagine reversion is as simple as letting him run out of energy or just taking it out.

Belle's forcefield is as tough as the Darc Egg for crying out loud!

Okay, so what you're saying is next time Zavok goes giant, we send in Belle. Got it.
If we throw her at him hard enough, she is the artillery. And reasonably sure that Zavok will hate her by association alone. So that's both points of concern covered them.
Don't worry Belle, we believe in you! You got this!
Build A Ring Reactor DC: 100
Metal Cost: 90
I need more power if I am to build any true weapons of war to retake the world and build it in my image, and these rings will provide that necessary power! Reward: Create The Ring Reactor which lowers the DC on many fabrication options and opens options for more energy intensive actions. (Lowers DCs by 10-15, unlocks creation of tier 3 badniks, and unlocks build super weapon action with HUGE DC)
Next turn we should get this one done already, we have been without a decent energy source for too long and it should reduce the DC of a lot of
our actions, and if we choose Isara both Mechanical Valkyrie and Darcsen Helpers adding 30 to the roll, increasing her bonus to 62.
Create Ring Retrieval Units DC:50
If I am going to be switching to Ring power over chaos drives or flicky engines, I will need a steady supply of them, which is difficult considering they appear hither and yon. A specialty badnik will need to be made to collect them.
Reward: Create the Ring Tosser badniks, small non-combatant badniks designed to retrieve rings from all over the Green Hill Zone providing you a steady supply of rings.
And if Sage does this we should get more than enough rings, the DC is so low that unless we roll a natural 1 it will crit. Eggman will 40 plus 20
from Eggtronics increasing his bonus to 60, and Sage will add 40 plus 8 from her loyalty, making our roll 108 plus the actual roll.