He scans biodata
We didn't innately make him able to use magic
And his use is much more limited it seems
But we made him, and he can make magic regardless of how limited. We do not lack the ability to make machines that use magic, Eggman just
do not want too. We have several option to power our badniks and invention with magical rings. But that the most he is willing to go for.
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All three heroes are worth about the same, otherwise this wouldn't be a vote in the first place. For example, I could equally say that it would be short sighted to not recruit Julius because he could lead to us being able to use our Brains to boost our Mystic. But I'm not because each of the three are equally valuable.

Here where @Kingster mention Julius is behind her.

None of the hero units are fighters, Just for Magic/mystic research that you guys need hard.

Yahna is the full out witch with experience in magic. Julius is second behidn her, but he also has an interest for researching ancient civilizations and ruins.

You guys have all the info needed to make a decision, pikc the one you guys want/think works best.

We have quite a lot of Brains heroes so we don't even need another at the moment and the fact it mention he is constantly looking for new information and not be satisfied on his recruitment tab meaning that will be concerned for his Drive.

So we going have to search for new stuff for him to tackle.

Also does not help that he has a attitude that will probably get on Eggman's nerve real quick.
[X] "Good afternoon Miss. What is the purpose of your visit?" A young green haired man appeared in front of her, wearing a white cloak and green matching clothes. He had a snoobish look of his face, making Honey remember some of her clients that thought that she new best. Behind him, Honey could see that the room was filled with books and several charts of…something. In the corner, he could see some sort of robotic thing similar to a dog, that had seen better times, if it's broken and worn down appearance made any indication.

I'm voting by vibes, this one has the good vibes. At least 7 of them, to be exact.
That doesn't get us the achievement Technological Wizard.
We don't need new units for that, Eggman is willing to use magic as long as the origin is the Sonic franchise.
Nonbeliever:I have come across many mystical and occult peoples and powers through my life and have come to a firm conclusion as a man of science. Just because it's real doesn't mean I should believe in it. (Eggman will refuse to use occult as anything more than a power source or a reigns to contain a great power. Exceptions made for most sonic occult options)
What you are looking for is this.
Through The Ringer DC: 70
Power Rings are an abundant resource of naturally occurring chaos energy. For years, they've only been useful to you as a power supply, but others like that damn hedgehog could use them for so much more. What better place is there to have a look at your foundations than at rock bottom?
Reward: Discover uses for rings beyond power, new actions unlocked
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We have quite a lot of Brains heroes so we don't even need another at the moment and the fact it mention he is constantly looking for new information and not be satisfied on his recruitment tab meaning that will be concerned for his Drive.

So we going have to search for new stuff for him to tackle.

Also does not help that he has a attitude that will probably get on Eggman's nerve real quick.
I was not asking for that. I was asking where you said the ones we didn't chose would get immediately recruited by other people. I even said, "she probably has the best raw Mystic out of the three options, but each of the three are equally valuable. It just depends on what you value." Quoting this at me was pointless.

Julius is not going to be so hungry for new information that a milisecond not doing something new is going to tank his loyalty. It will be something we will have to manage if we choose him. And his interests overlap a lot with Eggman's. I'm pretty confident we can swing it.

Sure, he'll have an attitude problem, but he seems less welded to the cause of the good guys than Yahna is from what I see. Again, each hero has different things to balance and manage. None of them are impossible to recruit. The QMs would not have given us a hero choice vote where one was just clearly better than the others.

Julius looks like a lot more interesting of a character than Yahna, so I'm voting for him.
We don't need new units for that, Eggman is willing to use magic as long as the origin is the Sonic franchise.
We don't need Nai or Yhana either, but each of them give benefits which is why we're being given the chance to choose one. And the achievement says we need to use technology alone. Not the Chaos Emeralds, or the Warp Topaz, just our own tech.
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[X] "Hello, young one, who are you?" For Chaos sake! This green haired woman had one of the most revealing outfits you have ever seen! While you can admit that witch hat and cloak she had were really stylish…you couldn't help but look away from her appearance. Behind her, you could see a cauldron, steam coming out from it, and a table with several flask and glasses on top of it. Whoever she is, it seemed she was doing some sort of research.

A little biased cause Unicorn Overlord is the only game out of these that I actually played and know more than surface knowledge about, but Yahna also seems the most versatile to me.
We don't need Nai or Yhana either, but each of them give benefits. And the achievement says we need to use technology alone. Not the Chaos Emeralds, or the Warpstone, just our own tech.
Yes, but Eggman created his own version of rings before, and did it with just his technology after studying some ancient rings he found in some
island. If you want Eggman to create technology that use magic, Eggman need to study something magical first, be it rings, chaos emeralds or
any other of the many magical mcguffins of the Sonic franchise. We might even unlock an option to study the medallion we found this turn and
make our own versions. And then we can make our own band.
[X] "Good afternoon Miss. What is the purpose of your visit?" A young green haired man appeared in front of her, wearing a white cloak and green matching clothes. He had a snoobish look of his face, making Honey remember some of her clients that thought that she new best. Behind him, Honey could see that the room was filled with books and several charts of…something. In the corner, he could see some sort of robotic thing similar to a dog, that had seen better times, if it's broken and worn down appearance made any indication.
[X] "Yes…can I help you?" A young human(?) lady greeted you, she had a small smile on her face, though there was also a bit of wariness to her, if her posture was anything to go by. Honey found she had one of the weirdest styles she had meet so far, a purple leotard with matching gloves and shoes…For Chaos! How can she wear something like that?!
I was not asking for that. I was asking where you said the ones we didn't chose would get immediately recruited by other people. I even said, "she probably has the best raw Mystic out of the three options, but each of the three are equally valuable. It just depends on what you value." Quoting this at me was pointless.

Julius is not going to be so hungry for new information that a milisecond not doing something new is going to tank his loyalty. It will be something we will have to manage if we choose him. And his interests overlap a lot with Eggman's. I'm pretty confident we can swing it.

Sure, he'll have an attitude problem, but he seems less welded to the cause of the good guys than Yahna is from what I see. Again, each hero has different things to balance and manage. None of them are impossible to recruit. The QMs would not have given us a hero choice vote where one was just clearly better than the others.

Julius looks like a lot more interesting of a character than Yahna, so I'm voting for him.

I don't see the appeal on him to be fair.

Sure he has a focus on archeology but this is not something we will do with frequency and the QM said he is second best compared fo Yahna that is the witch.

I guess in a way is like Eggman and Snively.

Snively is behind Eggman but is a good mech pilot but Eggman has a specialization on eletronics and good Brain stats.

Remember that Yahan also has a interest in studying magical objects and magical anomalaies and that include Moonstone and Rings as a example so it seems to me she has a bonus in studying magical phenomenon.

She also seems way more versetile as well where Julius sounds like a bit focus on archeology.

Not only that but she also face a enemy similar to Doom whole gimmick of resurection and possession so she may have a idea how to fight him and Shadow.
[X] "Good afternoon Miss. What is the purpose of your visit?" A young green haired man appeared in front of her, wearing a white cloak and green matching clothes. He had a snoobish look of his face, making Honey remember some of her clients that thought that she new best. Behind him, Honey could see that the room was filled with books and several charts of…something. In the corner, he could see some sort of robotic thing similar to a dog, that had seen better times, if it's broken and worn down appearance made any indication
[X] "Hello, young one, who are you?" For Chaos sake! This green haired woman had one of the most revealing outfits you have ever seen! While you can admit that witch hat and cloak she had were really stylish…you couldn't help but look away from her appearance. Behind her, you could see a cauldron, steam coming out from it, and a table with several flask and glasses on top of it. Whoever she is, it seemed she was doing some sort of research.

We're here for a Mystic unit, so let's go with the best one.
[X] "Good afternoon Miss. What is the purpose of your visit?" A young green haired man appeared in front of her, wearing a white cloak and green matching clothes. He had a snoobish look of his face, making Honey remember some of her clients that thought that she new best. Behind him, Honey could see that the room was filled with books and several charts of…something. In the corner, he could see some sort of robotic thing similar to a dog, that had seen better times, if it's broken and worn down appearance made any indication
Building a home
Building a home

The old man leaned against a stack of grinders with a sigh and a smile. Eggman had so far lived up to his word. Even if it was out of selfish and pragmatic reasons he had still welcomed them all into his land, and shown he had the strength to defend it.

…An entire army of metal and monsters and the Doctor barely suffered any damage at all. Those robots…no badniks of his really were something.

If it wasn't for that sniper…another man joined him and offered him a cigarette which he accepted. "Report." He said not looking away from the ongoing construction.

"No sign of anything old man. We've cleaned up a good bit of the area so far and haven't seen anything."
Hmm…he could see Ms. Gunther in the distance commanding everyone with sharp eye and good orders. "Keep an eye out, we can't risk anything going wrong."

"Aye sir." The man stood up getting back to work as the old man mused.

He wasn't blind to what the world thought of him. Eggman might as well have been the devil as far as they were concerned. So having someone take a shot at him wasn't all that unexpected…though distressing.

But they worked for him, in the Darcsen's long persecuted history he was one of the best things to happen to them, but for the rest of the world that would just make them demons of a different sort.

Which made them fair targets. It wasn't anything new for them though so it wouldn't be all that problematic…for most of them.

Ms. Gunther…hadn't reacted well when the Doctor was shot. None of them did, but the girl seemed like she was on the edge of a panic attack. Now he's no Doctor but that smells of Trama.

He isn't going to poke it, but if that Sniper thinks they can target the girl they're going to regret it. Though he supposed it was irrelevant for now. If the enemy was here they were here, if they weren't they weren't and they could do their jobs in peace.

And what a job it was. The old man looked up at the buildings they had already built. Towering masses of glass and steel and rated to survive an artillery attack. Underground tunnels weaving their way through the entire area, each little thing they made was something that belong in a palace or noble's mansion…and the Doctor considered it basic infrastructure.

One of the giant buildings was just for all of them to live in, it had water, electricity, and a armory of tools and weapons for whatever they needed. It was even connected to the underground network so they could easily get around.

The old man grinned, if this was how the Doctor treated his workers, then that gamble of theirs has paid off. He can't wait to see what else he does.


AN: Another Darcsen omake, to show how their doing.

They're keeping an eye on Isara. Just in case.


Your New Home:

Write an Omake about the Darscen staying with Robotnik and how they are adjusting to life in The Eggman Empire.

Reward: +5 to a Darcsen's related Action or Increased Opinion of the Darcsen about eggman

Edit: Claiming 'Your new Home.'
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Live Ham Reaction to losing the dance competition:

We should've sent Starline, he would have rolled so badly that Majima would've felt bad and joined Eggman anyways. Oh well, at least we still get something out of this and I vote for the hot bikini witch.

[X] "Hello, young one, who are you?" For Chaos sake! This green haired woman had one of the most revealing outfits you have ever seen! While you can admit that witch hat and cloak she had were really stylish…you couldn't help but look away from her appearance. Behind her, you could see a cauldron, steam coming out from it, and a table with several flask and glasses on top of it. Whoever she is, it seemed she was doing some sort of research.
[x] "Hello, young one, who are you?" For Chaos sake! This green haired woman had one of the most revealing outfits you have ever seen! While you can admit that witch hat and cloak she had were really stylish…you couldn't help but look away from her appearance. Behind her, you could see a cauldron, steam coming out from it, and a table with several flask and glasses on top of it. Whoever she is, it seemed she was doing some sort of research.