Building a home
The old man leaned against a stack of grinders with a sigh and a smile. Eggman had so far lived up to his word. Even if it was out of selfish and pragmatic reasons he had still welcomed them all into his land, and shown he had the strength to defend it.
…An entire army of metal and monsters and the Doctor barely suffered any damage at all. Those robots…no badniks of his really were something.
If it wasn't for that sniper…another man joined him and offered him a cigarette which he accepted. "Report." He said not looking away from the ongoing construction.
"No sign of anything old man. We've cleaned up a good bit of the area so far and haven't seen anything."
Hmm…he could see Ms. Gunther in the distance commanding everyone with sharp eye and good orders. "Keep an eye out, we can't risk anything going wrong."
"Aye sir." The man stood up getting back to work as the old man mused.
He wasn't blind to what the world thought of him. Eggman might as well have been the devil as far as they were concerned. So having someone take a shot at him wasn't all that unexpected…though distressing.
But they worked for him, in the Darcsen's long persecuted history he was one of the best things to happen to them, but for the rest of the world that would just make them demons of a different sort.
Which made them fair targets. It wasn't anything new for them though so it wouldn't be all that problematic…for most of them.
Ms. Gunther…hadn't reacted well when the Doctor was shot. None of them did, but the girl seemed like she was on the edge of a panic attack. Now he's no Doctor but that smells of Trama.
He isn't going to poke it, but if that Sniper thinks they can target the girl they're going to regret it. Though he supposed it was irrelevant for now. If the enemy was here they were here, if they weren't they weren't and they could do their jobs in peace.
And what a job it was. The old man looked up at the buildings they had already built. Towering masses of glass and steel and rated to survive an artillery attack. Underground tunnels weaving their way through the entire area, each little thing they made was something that belong in a palace or noble's mansion…and the Doctor considered it basic infrastructure.
One of the giant buildings was just for all of them to live in, it had water, electricity, and a armory of tools and weapons for whatever they needed. It was even connected to the underground network so they could easily get around.
The old man grinned, if this was how the Doctor treated his workers, then that gamble of theirs has paid off. He can't wait to see what else he does.
AN: Another Darcsen omake, to show how their doing.
They're keeping an eye on Isara. Just in case.
Your New Home:
Write an Omake about the Darscen staying with Robotnik and how they are adjusting to life in The Eggman Empire.
Reward: +5 to a Darcsen's related Action or Increased Opinion of the Darcsen about eggman
Edit: Claiming 'Your new Home.'